Hell Invades Heaven

Hell Invades Heaven

Read carefully, as this story is too boring to read it again.

You, an absolutely newbie hellish commander, gain the possibility* to prove that all rumors about your person are at least 28% wrong, and you are in fact capable of commanding small forces in the greatest Hell vs Heaven war that ever happened**.

Put on your Unterleutnant uniform and do your job.

What you probably want to know:

  • 15*** almost beautiful, challenging levels on Hell, Earth and Heaven scenery.

  • 10 different minions, so you don’t need to do everything yourself.

  • A lot of challenging puzzles that may be impossible to solve for people under 5 y.o.

  • Interesting dialogues for full silent cinema experience.

  • You can decorate Devil with tattoos****.

  • Beware of holy water!


_* of course if you buy or torrent game, otherwise you will be seen as uncappable of this tasks for the rest of your life

** at least in this dimension; C137 and D2R2 are much more interesting in this case

*** circa about, I run out of fingers counting

**** butterfly on back is strictly forbidden!_

Read More: Best Dark Humor Demons Games.

Hell Invades Heaven on Steam



Nice ambience with bugs and horrible controls

What this game is: This is a timed puzzle game with a cartoonish side. You litterally are a worm that has to eat his way through a setup in order to solve it by eating every available object (be it a brain, a skull, etc.) in a certain amount of time. You can make your way through one space only once, so you have to make sure not to put yourself in position of crossing your path.

How does it work? It presents 120 setups, on three pages, that you have to solve. Depending on the time you took in solving the puzzle (by eating everything there is to eat), you get from one to three skulls. From there, you are allowed to continue solving other puzzles, unless you want to get a better score (and thus more skulls).

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Puzzle Games.

I came into Omnom Necropolis expecting a classic snake game, but found that this is more of a hybrid of the old snake game and a puzzler. Basically the goal of each level is to each each of the yucky dead things as quickly as possible without boxing yourself in. As you move you grow with every step (slither?) so you cannot enter the same space twice making it a bit of a challenge. I found that it’s easier if I don’t think too much about it and kind of get a broad idea of how to clear the board then tweak it out from there. This works pretty well except on some of the harder levels where things get a bit insane. There is a hint feature that shows you a completion path, but use it sparingly as it only gives you a quick flash and they are limited. Graphics and sound suit the mood and it looks nice enough: I tested it on my low-end machine and it ran smoothly so that’s nice. I’m slightly bummed that it does not support gamepads – because of this I cannot stream it to my shield or play it on the GPD Win easily. All in all if you like puzzly type games you will likely enjoy Omnom’s different approach to the genre. Plus it’s only 3 bucks. Good game to add to the Halloween playlist.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

NecroWorm on Steam

Felix The Reaper

Felix The Reaper

♫ Off, off with your head ♫

♫ Dance, dance till you’re they’re dead ♫

Finally fully completed the game, here are some of my thoughts

The puzzles:

1.The mechanic is pretty simple,you move stuff around,avoid sunlight,there will be more stuff in the later levels,like flag and cart,but won’t be too complicated.

2. In order to collect the skulls in the standard levels,you need to complete the level in limited time,actions and sunlight turns,I think this makes the game more interesting and harder, since you need to find out the most effective ways to complete a level

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Puzzle Games.

Felix the Reaper is a top-down grid-based puzzle game about being a trainee reaper, setting up cruel and unusual deaths for people.

The core gameplay is pretty simple. As a reaper, you can only move in the shadows. There are four primary ways to manipulate shadows:

  1. You can shift the direction of the shadows by 90 degrees.

  2. You can pick up and move boxes, barrels, and similar items to cast shadows.

  3. You can throw levers to move objects around in the environment.

  4. You can stand on buttons (or place objects on buttons) to move objects around in the environment.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Felix The Reaper on Steam

A Game of Changes

A Game of Changes


  • Dev is very responsive and incredibly nice and helpful

  • Game has a nice relaxing pace

  • Core concept is interesting, creative, and fun


  • Fairly regular freezing and crashing

  • If you’re unfamiliar with the source material, the gameplay is confusing, and there’s no tutorial


Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

As a fan of the Tao Te Ching, I picked this game up on a whim shortly after release.

It appears simple but has challenged my patience as a Zen koan does to the student.

Choices appear to be mapped as the player walks on the trapezoid block, which denotes a forked path, with what looks like two Asian characters on it. Each character is a set of three horizontal lines be they solid or halved – called “trigrams.” Walking over the forked block, a trigram appears onscreen at right.*

*A web search of ‘trigrams i ching’ yields info on decoding the eight trigrams of the Taoist I Ching and the 64 hexagrams, corresponding to 64 levels in the game. Each hexagram presents a philosophy, to start the level. www -dot- taoistiching -dot- org

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

A Game of Changes on Steam

! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold !

! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold !

Well, we can throw dynamite in this game. Usually throwing dynamite under your feet would be a stupid idea but hey, this is a video game. And yes, it gets boring after 5 minutes.

Beside that this a logical game with a bit of platforming where you need to gather all of the pot items (whatever that is) and get back to the entrance after that. You have a limited amount of dynamite that you need to use to detonate dark blue blocks in order to gather items or find a way back.

Not much more to write about this one, really.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

This is a fairly austere looking indie puzzle platformer that requires you to collect bags of gold in a two-dimensional upright grid based playfield by jumping around and blasting obstacles with a finite amount of dynamite. This limited resource adds a strategy layer to an otherwise unexciting game.

The visuals are not what I would expect in this kind of game. I think the designer was trying for a puzzle game “feel” in a 2.5D action game aesthetic. The underground cavern background is nice, but the rectangular playfield is suspended in the air like a bunch of stacked blocks in an ant farm. It would look better If it was attached to the ground and background as if it was hewn out of the earth. It would look equally better if it was surrounded by a border like a browser-based puzzle game. Trying to do both (or neither - I honestly can’t tell) fails on many levels. The graphics are downright jarring.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold ! on Steam

Nemezis: Mysterious Journey III

Nemezis: Mysterious Journey III

More interesting reviews on Fenol Baron Approves Curator Page

A very difficult game to evaluate, especially considering the peculiarities of the whole puzzle genre, once exalted by the legendary game Myst. It should be said right away that the game was beaten on hardcore difficulty mode (without prompts and with complicated puzzles), so it is quite possible that some things that I strongly disliked on normal difficulty are perceived quite adequately. As the successor to the popular Schizm series, the game quite rightly knows what it will be played for. Puzzles. A large number of puzzles. And this is in abundance here, we will return to their detailed analysis a little later, for now, let’s just say that almost everyone will have to make a huge amount of effort to solve, sometimes justified, but sometimes not so much.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game


While I didn’t recommend it at first I now completed a playthrough on “hard” difficulty. There were a few puzzles actually made me think for more than an hour. Pressing buttons at random isn’t my playstyle so I think first and bring my thoughts to paper. Once written down I try to translate my notes into actions.

Succeeding that way is the best achievement for me and is what I want when i play. I really like the design choice as it reminds me of some puzzle games I’ve already played.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Nemezis: Mysterious Journey III on Steam



In Catsperience you play as a hungry cat that needs to solve several puzzles in order to unlock rooms and move around the house so he can look for his food providing owner.

Finally, a game where I can be the naughty little kitty that I always wanted to be.

Run around, jump on top of the shelves and destroy the owners belongings by throwing it on the ground. Oops!

The puzzles are challenging, one of them took me at least an hour to finish and I must admit that I had some help from a Youtube video with another…

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

It is fairly fun.

Breaking jars and things is actually pretty great.

The POV is super weird, like riding on a cat’s head weird.

First person parkour is difficult to get right and this game doesn’t really get it right.

The puzzles are not terrible.

Overall, there are worse ways to spend your $10 USD. :D


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Catsperience on Steam

Kyklos Code

Kyklos Code

This game is actually pretty cool. Definitley a Portal-esque kind of game. Definitley worth the money. The timer is actually a really interesting and challenging aspect to this game. Very well done.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Reminds me on Portal but with a different game design. The puzzels are thoughtful and tricky so that it is a nice game for logic-lovers! I also love the music.

Nice Indiegame :)

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Kyklos Code on Steam

Crime Reaper

Crime Reaper

It’s a neat game, but 2 things it could really use are a harder difficulty than the current expert and a way to note which locations you have eliminated for a particular symbol. The current expert difficulty is still only 2 minute puzzle once you get a bit of practice and the greatest challenge is honestly when you need to keep more than 2 clues in your head in order to figure out where to put the next symbol.

Real player with 106.5 hrs in game

It’s murder sudoku! The difficulty is fun (although I’d like there to be a harder difficulty setting, but I’m also a sudoku veteran, so there’s that), the rules are clever, the writing is… I’m sure I’ll get to it, once I stop clicking fast through it to get to more puzzles :D Very addictive, very nice UI, all in all, I highly recommend this for logic game aficionados.

Real player with 43.8 hrs in game

Crime Reaper on Steam

Mentai Uncensored

Mentai Uncensored

god a fucking damn great game guys, i’ve been playing it nonstop, and these c0ck teases are just something else.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Mentai Uncensored is a joke game, that the developers hope you pay for and I highly urge you not to do that. Since there’s no story we are jumping straight to graphics:


Well the graphics are just a bunch of stock photos of fat dudes. Literally that’s all it is, it’s repulsive photos of fat people you have to put back together. So yeah that’s about all I can say here.


The audio is awful, it’s nothing more than a stock song playing on a loop and dudes moaning constantly. It’s not funny at all and it gets annoying after the first minute and if you do end up buying this game then well you will mute the game and play in either complete silence or just listen to your own music while playing.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Mentai Uncensored on Steam