Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest

Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest

This game had been on my radar for a long time but bad reviews always put me off. I finally saw it on sale for just over €2 and bought it.

The dialogues are a bit simplistic but there are a couple of funny moments. The game flows well, the in-game help is good (no need to look for walkthroughs) and, thanks to the nice voice acting, the two and a half hours or so are worth the full price of the game.

Although the game is short, there is never the impression of seeing something cut or rushed. Everything is very clean, without bugs. Most of the game follows a sharable logic, except for a couple of points where you have to read the mind of the developers. Points that we can solve thanks to the (aforementioned) in-game help.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Point & Click Games.

Very nice, but somewhat flawed game.


  • Artwork. It’s top-notch. Splendid characters on splendid backgrounds. Animation is somewhat simplistic, but nice nonetheless.

  • Voice acting. Very good for an indie game. Even the Ben’s voice matches the original perfectly.

  • Puzzles. Very good. Challenging enough to please a seasoned adventure gamer. Rare find nowadays.

  • Plot. It’s OK. Good pace, nice ideas.


  • Writing. Some characters and their stories aren’t consistent enough. Some are plain silly.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest on Steam

Infinitrap : Rehamstered

Infinitrap : Rehamstered

Infinitrap: Rehamstered:

Ladies and Gents, I would like to present to you one of the most daring and underrated adventurers of modern time. His name is Ohio Jack . . . Who!? Jack; Ohio Jack. For most of his life, he has been searching for the elusive “Cup of Eternity”; whoever drinks from this cup will live forevermore. Unfortunately for Ohio, he never seemed to pinpoint exactly where the cup was being kept . . . until today. The cup is in a dungeon somewhere under the city, but how far down? Based on his previous adventures, the further down one goes, the more danger will arise. So, let’s help this little fellow reach the Cup of Eternity in Infinitrap: Rehamstered.

*– [Real player with 4.4 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Dark Humor Difficult Games.

--- Very fun yet hard game!!! *– [Real player with 3.1 hrs in game](* --- ![Pull Stay]( "") ## Pull Stay ![]( * Old-school **Beat 'em up** brawler as the core mechanic. You can **learn a new move** by smacking each enemy type accordingly. * Silly and funny **Traps**: Baked fish missile, Toothpaste turret, Watermelon bazooka… and much more! Over 15 types of gadgets are ready to be unlocked by you! ![]( * Break neighbors' houses to **collect resources**. Use them to set traps or build a new room. * You can have Susumu make power-up **items** for you. But be careful! When he's goofing off, give him some **loving punishment**. ![]( ![]( * Young jobless guy who is avoiding social interactions and shutting himself inside his room all day. * In Japan, people like him are called **Hikikomori**(shut-in), which has become a big social problem. * Enemies are trying to reach out to Susumu because they are worried about him, or want to mock him, or just to see him in the wild... * When enemies reach Susumu, the game is over. I cannot explain what exactly will happen there, but I can relate to Susumu so badly because I'm also a Hikikomori. I'm making this game solo just trying to reflect my own situation with this game... ![]( [![](]( ---

Read More: Best Dark Humor Tower Defense Games.

--- --- ![Horatio Goes Snowboarding]( "") ## Horatio Goes Snowboarding A lovely homage to classic skiing games, full of charm and character. Horatio is a brilliant chap and I hope we see more of him. Classic mode sees you running across a road to get a copter to the slopes, then snowboard down the mountain, avoiding trees and other obstacles (the Yeti is marvellous and will have you swearing at the screen) Whatever you do, make sure you unlock the Endless mode (you just need a lifetime total of a million points, doesn't take too long) as this concentrates on the boarding and features an absolute corker of a tune that really kicks in around the 50 gate mark. It's worth playing for that alone. *– [Real player with 15.2 hrs in game](* Great snowboarding game , it has two modes and leadearboards. It has perfect run/chain and many ways to get bonus points similar to another great game: Xotic . The developer added discomode: night and day cycle in the endless mode with crazy nights lights and music tempo accelerator when you get to the checkpoints and it slows down when you miss the flags. They added some extra stuff to make the game more fun and added more options for bonus points like the bot skiers. As a suggestion : add an endless mode clasic with no discomode for players who don't want the bling , i find the effects a little distracting when going for the highscores. A dude in the forums was asking for an endless zen mode with lower difficulty maybe add the same levels but with lower speed , it's a great mode for players who say the game is to hard and for hardcore players to learn the levels :) *– [Real player with 8.2 hrs in game](* --- ![Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition]( "") ## Manual Samuel - Anniversary Edition I would like to recommend this game, really, but the final act totally ruins the experience, bringing everything to a grinding halt for what is otherwise a humor and story driven game. It's got fair-to-ok humor, lots of jokes that reminded me of the old Diskworld games, especially with the narrator interactions. However the humor is clearly targeting men, as the jokes are mostly physical humor, denigration and toilet laughs. Samuel literally pisses all over himself, and repeatedly vomits as a function of the game, which often comes across as lazy humor. *– [Real player with 11.9 hrs in game](* What is Manual Samuel ? For a game that started pretty well with a funny sense of humor and a nice personality, its a huge shame it felt so hard on its face, Manual Samuel presents itself as a overconfident indie game but everything is just so pretentious and kinda mediocre towards the end, in fact after the initial moments the game started losing momentum, for a game that presented itself as something refreshing and well-done early to become something so boring and uninsteresting so fast was a huge shame, lets talk about why below. *– [Real player with 10.0 hrs in game](* --- ![Suits: Absolute Power]( "") ## Suits: Absolute Power Coming from someone who has also played the first game, the level of improvement in this sequel is absolutely incredible. -Unique dialogue for quite literally every interactable object in the game -Amazing and unique battle themes for every enemy -PHENOMENAL art style that you'll see with all the different enemy designs (and their corrupted versions) -And a much more engaging story that further develops the characters as well as expanding on the setting from the first Suits game in such a great way *– [Real player with 24.0 hrs in game](* This is coming from someone that hasn't beaten the game yet, but really have been enjoying the game and definitely recommend, but just to give my opinion right now… (although not the best reviewer but want to give a good rating for the game too!) Comparing between Suits: A Business RPG and this game... I can tell the devs really put a lot of work into this game as well as continuing to do so as, if there is a bug spotted in the game they will fix that ASAP when they see the message for it (and if you report it on their Discord, they've fixed bugs in literally less than 5 minutes after reporting it!) *– [Real player with 21.2 hrs in game](* --- ![YOLKED - The Egg Game]( "") ## YOLKED - The Egg Game The moment I saw the concept of the game, I knew this was going to be very fun. Having a "casual" kinetic platformer/climber game with egg theme totally works, not just on screenshots and videos. The game is somewhat comparable to stuff like Getting Over It, Jump King or even classic QWOP except here you have checkpoints and your egg character can easily crack/die(get yolked) instead of just falling all the way down to the level and losing all progress. Visuals of the levels are well made and there are a lot of details/humour from devs, you might even call there is a "story" in each background. And artistically, it reminds me of Bit Trip Runner 2 and 3 art style, with how everything is wacky, chaotic, and related to you, everything is big obviously. *– [Real player with 3.3 hrs in game](* Had an egg-credibly fun time exploring this with my community! Eye-pleasing graphics, great music & very satisfying egg violence. The checkpoints are placed well to reward overcoming the challenges in each level. Fellow grown-ups might enjoy it even more with their favourite adult beverage! Not super long, but for an early access game what you get is well polished and there's bits and pieces to explore off the main path. Looking forward to seeing what gets added! *– [Real player with 3.0 hrs in game](* --- ![Strangers of the Power 3]( "") ## Strangers of the Power 3 So, i started with Strangers of the Power 2, went to the first one and than found the 3rd. It is amazing how the art has changed so much, for the better in my opinion from the very beginning til now. I was able to make it through the entire game and defeat the final boss in 4 hours. But I am following the creator in case he creates more works of art. Well done! *– [Real player with 6.6 hrs in game](* If you find this review helpful be sure to thumbs up and follow my [Curator Page]( . If I missed something leave a comment and I will try to update the review asap ### Strangers of the Power 3: A very vanilla RPG with little to no character development/plot Strangers of the Power 3 is a RPG with turn based combat that lacks the depth to make you care for the characters in its world with what feels like a very rushed story. *– [Real player with 4.8 hrs in game](* --- ![Basta Ya]( "") ## Basta Ya Basta Ya is a short and saucy spectacle fightin' visual novel- an AVN, if you will- that sees our heroine hacking and slashing her way through America's brutal and corrupt immigration apparatus. --- ![Seeking Evil: The Wendigo]( "") ## Seeking Evil: The Wendigo **Персональный рейтинг - 4 из 10** _Желтоглазый демон, или Жги, молись, беги_ Леса Северной Америки хранят в себе множество тайн. Одна из таких - таинственное создание вендиго, питающееся живой плотью и, согласно поверьям, вечно ощущающее неутолимый голод. Как героя игры Seeking Evil: The Wendigo вообще занесло в североамериканскую глухомань, история, однако, умалчивает. Четко ясна лишь задача - сжечь 9 тотемов, чтобы снять проклятие вендиго и как бы между делом положить конец тирании монстра. В непростом деле борьбы с лесным чудищем нам поможет зажигалка с бесконечным запасом бензина, факелы и еще фонарик впридачу. На кой в игре столько источников света, учитывая, что свет привлекает монстра - вопрос, конечно, хороший. Помимо вышеперечисленной дребедени, у игрока в распоряжении есть по-настоящему толковый предмет - древняя реликвия анк, которая способна сканировать окрестности и подобно компасу указывать нам на ближайшие тотемы. Архиполезная вещь, которая заметно облегчает поиск тотемов. *– [Real player with 24.2 hrs in game](* Reviwed in Virtual Reality, link to review at bottom. I'm into horror games, and there is something legitimately unique here. I've played a lot that involve a chase, Amnesia, Outlast, Alien Isolation. There's something extra in Seeking Evil: The Wendigo. Despite being Early Access I think it's pretty much done. There's just a few things that might not have the required level of polish. The Good: VR is implemented with no grief. Looks great in VR. Seriously the visuals are amazing, it's appropriately very dark, but the way things sillouette is bordering on genius at times. *– [Real player with 2.9 hrs in game](* ---