Taphouse VR
Taphouse VR is rough around the edges and simplistic by design, but it offers an endearing and amusing experience which is difficult to refuse considering its free nature and how different it manages to be in this simplicity, amidst an onslaught of desperately similar wave shooters.
As far as “learning curve” games for VR go, titles which are just about perfect to introduce people to the basics of VR without risking motion sickness or property damage, Taphouse is excellent. It’s not particularly beautiful and certainly a janky experience, but it also has a nice atmosphere which can actually get quite comfy in the right mindset.
– Real player with 5.7 hrs in game
Read More: Best Dark Humor Physics Games.
To be honest, this game is one of the most impressive games that you get for free. It is challenging, has good control, has a good replayability and you still can goof around a bit.
It’s a bar Simulator where people order drinks, either very simple ones or mixtures, and while making mixtures isn’t too hard (the game is very forgiving with the percentages), you can still mess up drinks easily by not looking correctly. You can also use the money you earn for a slot machine conviently placed behind your counter to either gamble it all away or win huge jackpots. Currently is has 2 modes: “normal”, which is basically a time trial where you get rated in the end on how well you have done, and “sandbox”, which never stops unless you want to. The “normal” mode is very fun, but also become very challenging to get the best rating at the harder stages, as you have to serve more people at once and thus cash in more money as well.
– Real player with 4.5 hrs in game
Family Man: Prologue
I’ve played through the Family Man Prologue three times
and I’m so impressed with it!
I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it because I’m not usually drawn to
games with this style of graphics but I have to say that I was pulled into
the world immediately.
In fact, the menu music was very evocative and set the right tone from the first second that I booted it up.
The soundtrack is one of the best features in the game. I really liked the guitar rock at the beginning! Then, what I found really effective, was the way that the musical changes enhanced the alternating settings and scenes.
– Real player with 2.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Dark Humor RPG Games.
I really don’t understand some of the negative reviews. I have an older computer with a processor from like 2012 and my budget graphics card. The game ran pretty smoothly in fullscreen and on the highest resolution. The graphics may be a turn off for some people, but not me personally. I’m not gonna lie, I’m very intrigued by this game. I immediately got sucked into the story and was genuinely sad when I had to stop playing. I went out with a punch to the guys face though. Wish-listing the full game and hope to support the devs with a purchase when I can afford it.
– Real player with 1.1 hrs in game
Nice ambience with bugs and horrible controls
What this game is: This is a timed puzzle game with a cartoonish side. You litterally are a worm that has to eat his way through a setup in order to solve it by eating every available object (be it a brain, a skull, etc.) in a certain amount of time. You can make your way through one space only once, so you have to make sure not to put yourself in position of crossing your path.
How does it work? It presents 120 setups, on three pages, that you have to solve. Depending on the time you took in solving the puzzle (by eating everything there is to eat), you get from one to three skulls. From there, you are allowed to continue solving other puzzles, unless you want to get a better score (and thus more skulls).
– Real player with 14.3 hrs in game
Read More: Best Dark Humor Logic Games.
I came into Omnom Necropolis expecting a classic snake game, but found that this is more of a hybrid of the old snake game and a puzzler. Basically the goal of each level is to each each of the yucky dead things as quickly as possible without boxing yourself in. As you move you grow with every step (slither?) so you cannot enter the same space twice making it a bit of a challenge. I found that it’s easier if I don’t think too much about it and kind of get a broad idea of how to clear the board then tweak it out from there. This works pretty well except on some of the harder levels where things get a bit insane. There is a hint feature that shows you a completion path, but use it sparingly as it only gives you a quick flash and they are limited. Graphics and sound suit the mood and it looks nice enough: I tested it on my low-end machine and it ran smoothly so that’s nice. I’m slightly bummed that it does not support gamepads – because of this I cannot stream it to my shield or play it on the GPD Win easily. All in all if you like puzzly type games you will likely enjoy Omnom’s different approach to the genre. Plus it’s only 3 bucks. Good game to add to the Halloween playlist.
– Real player with 6.0 hrs in game
Family Man
Finished my fourth (and final) playthrough in record time. It becomes incredibly easy to do once you know all the ins-and-outs of every mission and the best practices for home management. This Angelic run felt the most muddied as the game often demands some negative actions (offset by donating foods) before you can do the ultimate good, so it didn’t feel truly pure. There’s also a lack of punch in the actual conclusion. I very badly wanted to
! confront Mr. Delroy directly, but what I got was a little more hollow.
– Real player with 13.1 hrs in game
Played through this game and got one of the four endings. While the game can be entertaining at first, I really cannot recommend that you buy this game. There are multiple reasons for this. The first being the overall quality feeling of the game… The game feels like a half-assed itch.io game. I don’t know if the developers knew what they had in mind when they made the game, but the end product turned out to be a mess. The currency system feels unbalanced, the needs of your family are not difficult enough to make the game challenging, they only require you to do some really basic minigames over and over again to grind the stats, really distracting from the actual game, and very annoying. When I wasn’t trying to keep up with the family needs I just found myself running around the town looking for jobs to do. The jobs were always the same, “talk to this person, then talk to me” “Pick up thing from here and deliver it there”. No variety whatsoever. It just got really really boring.
– Real player with 12.3 hrs in game