Heidelberg 1693

Heidelberg 1693

I’m going to preface this with a disclaimer: while I am giving the game a negative review, I do not DISLIKE the game. In fact I like it quite a bit, and think it has a lot of good things going for it. However, at the end of the day, I feel the flaws significantly interfere with my making an honest recommendation for the game to others. With that said, to go into detail:

This game styles itself off the old-school, pre-Symphony of the Night Castlevanias, specifically Super Castlevania 4. The creators have said so as much. Both in terms of gameplay and aesthetic, this is a game about tight platforming, difficult enemy encounters and a gothic horror locale. Or at least, it tries to be. Aesthetics wise I’ll voice no complaint, save perhaps for the fact the music is pretty forgettable droning synth stuff, but visually the game is a gorgeous pixel art display of grotesque horrors set in the European Enlightenment.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Horror Games.

I’m only a few minutes in, but I’m pretty in love with this game already. Works pretty well with Microsoft Surface Go 2. Plays well with 3rd party keyboard and mouse. Using graphics settings to “simple.” I’ve seen a couple reviews here that says the controls feel a little slightly off, mainly referring to using the double jump. At times it does feel a bit of a gamble on how exactly a double jump will be performed, It’s really kind of about finding the rhythm, i’ll use a technical term here; Janky. If you can forgive the jankiness of the double jump and not being able to aim the gun higher than a 45 degree angle…It works. Seriously though, if you like old school, Castlevania, Ghosts’n’Goblins, (I’d even say) Contra NES, goth/horror theme, side scroll, GET THIS GAME NOW. It’s on sale. If i’m comparing apples to oranges, I’m having more fun playing this than I did playing Little Nightmares.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Heidelberg 1693 on Steam



NOTE Sometimes depending on the amount of players you’ll be put into a game with wrong teams(everyone is blue for example). In this case PRESS THE SEMICOLON (;) key to change teams. Everything works normally after that.

This is an amazing game!! It’s a fantasy hack and slash pvp. It really is reminiscent of Tolkien. You can choose from three avatars, a huntress, a swordsman, or a smith, and all three have different capabilities. It’s first team to seven points, or the game ends after 15 minutes. Check it out, for 10 dollars it’s worth well above it’s price. For anyone who likes fantasy or knows someone who likes fantasy, buy this game!!!

Real player with 81.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Hack and Slash Games.

This game is amazing! It’s really fun, with only a few changes I would like to see. First of all, the matchmaking is a little bit inconsistent. Sometimes when I loaded in it was only me in on open world, while other times I was with players. Also, when you load in all players will be on the blue team (this is a bug and will be fixed). So, a temporary fix is to press the “;” key, which changes the team. Other than those few issues, the game look beautiful and is extremely engrossing!

Real player with 75.4 hrs in game

Midjungard on Steam

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

I am genuinely afraid to reinstall this game again… I keep playing it and beating it again and again and again. It is just THAT good. The storyline and the gameplay are both amazing.

You play as a young apprentice to a mysterious wizard, who sends you to retreive a magical crystal, during which you get a basic tutorial in the basics of gameplay, including the combat, spellcasting, and stealth, and receive the first skill points used to specialize in different abilities (unlocking combat moves, spells, stealth ability… increasing health or mana levels…). Then your mentor binds you to a demoness to be your sultry companion and guide and sends you to deliver the crystal… at which point things immediately get INTENSE. There’s an immediate and somewhat excessive increase in difficulty right off the bat, which can be a little offputting. But if you stick through it you get to enjoy more and more of the gameplay elements.

Real player with 174.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy First-Person Games.

I first played Dark Messiah way back when it first came out and it’s a game I have constantly revisited over the years.

While I’ve sunk more hours total into any given Elder Scrolls game I’ve played, Dark Messiah by far holds my personal record of total completed playthroughs at too many to count but at least several dozen.

I keep coming back to it to try out new skill/weapon combos and novelty character builds and keep finding new little hidden stuff even after years of replaying and knowing the game essentially by heart at this point.

Real player with 104.1 hrs in game

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic on Steam

Guild of Darksteel

Guild of Darksteel

Guild of Darksteel is a super dark tale of power & corruption with cool, unique combat mechanics that make for an overall fantastic experience. The one major downside is how short the story is, but still an overall great experience.

Check out my full review right here!


Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Really interesting game. The graphics are superb and very stylish, the story is simple but engaging, and it weaves a pretty neat world in the short time you’re in it. The battle system is the highlight for me, as it’s really engaging despite it’s simplicity. Once you learn how to manage combos and enemy patterns, you genuinely feel like a badass swordsman and all mistakes are literally your fault.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Guild of Darksteel on Steam



all I need to say really is you can play as a monster.

it is in ea so yes it need work but they have good Foundation down .I talk with some of the developers and they are putting there heart and soul in to make this game work .what I got and read from them is they like use to help build the game with them

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

No updates since November 2018, don’t buy until you see more activity

Old review:

Monstrously good promise

Let’s hope it delivers.

Game has beautiful models, tight controls and great aesthetics. It really brings the dark fantasy Victorian setting to life.

Controls (the most important part of a brawler imo) are good and tight, I got into them in no time. Sadly enemy AI still need to get better.

Game is far from finished, and I’ve found a bunch of glitches. Let’s hope this game keeps up in the direction it’s going, and doesn’t fall short of the big promise the devs are making. If you want a finished game, I’d recommend you to wait and see how the game develops.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Monstrous on Steam

Hellsplit: Arena

Hellsplit: Arena


Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

I played this while listening to thunderstruck AC/DC and i gotta say, i felt like the biggest medieval badass in the world for a while

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Hellsplit: Arena on Steam



SUMMARY: Although ELDERBORN bills itself as a “Souls-like FPS”, a lot of the videos show the player frantically slashing and smashing; this might give the impression of a more straightforward heavy metal “Doom with Swords” experience (with all of the high-ledge kicking action of a Dark Messiah of Might and Magic). In reality, what I got was a fairly thoughtful and measured experience consisting of dodging, parrying, blocking, and outmaneuvering dangerous enemies; survival, particularly at higher difficulties, was about fighting intelligently and limiting the number of opponents who could bash your head in at any given time. And to be honest, I think I like it more than the game I imagined I was getting in the trailers. An easy recommendation for anybody who has a craving for some FPS-melee action.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Elderborn is a great murder simulator. The combat is challenging and satisfying, but usually not so hard that it made me frustrated (Except on the hardest difficulty that can be pretty frustrating.). The visuals are kind of whatever, nothing particularly great, but nothing that bothered me either, and the variety of enemies, environments and murdertools is more than passable.

The combat is incredibly fun and satisfying, and you have lots of tools and abilities to work with. You have 10 (I think, I feel like I may be forgetting one

! , and no the power mace doesn’t count) weapons that you collect throughout the short ~5 hour campaign and a couple of other special abilities that you can unlock through a skill tree, the most notable ones being deflect, where you reflect a projectile back at an enemy, and a charge move, which sends you flying in one direction and knocks down whatever you hit. You are often fighting several enemies at once, making you dodge all around the nice environments and your reflexes will be pushed quite hard.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game


Azuran Tales: Trials

Azuran Tales: Trials

Nice sidescrolllng dungeon crawler!

I have got thru about 5 or 6 levels so far, and I may come to regret saying this, but I don’t find it as hard as some of the other reviewers, and I am no Platforming Master. Many platformers, like Cuphead, Hallow Knight or SuperMeatboy are too hard for me. I would call Azuran Tales a Platformer-Lite, but the combat is challenging enough.

Some of the bosses are very tough; one in particular is a Mage who kept throwing ranged spells. I tried to dodge them and then get in my whacks when I could, but the spells just kept stacking up. After probably 15 failures, I tried a new tactic and that was go toe to toe with him. He could still throw spells but not as many and after another 10 tries I beat him. That may sound like a lot of deaths but not that crazy for a Souls-like game. In this game there is a save point right before the bosses, who may wipe me out in less than a minute, but I can go right back at em in a few seconds.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

This game was alot of small twist in platforming games and a good amount of challenges. I wasn’t some god or op character which made me focus on the game alot more. loot was distrubited fairly and it made explore the area finding new things which was cool. The level up system was okay and I’m not sure if it had any effect on my character. It got buggy when i wasn’t able to damage to goblins that applied the slowing condition on me out of nowhere and the my attack animation wasn’t as fast as i though it would be. Most of the monsters could tank damage which I thought i could stagger them, and basic monster can one or two shot you. Monster placement was not to my liking as well as i could not get to a portal without a mob ganging up on me or two golems camping by a gate i needed to open to progress. how ever This is fun and i can’t for the imporvements to be made

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Azuran Tales: Trials on Steam

Legendary Tales

Legendary Tales

A+ Game!!! Legendary tales, as it stands right now 11/28/21, is a fantastic game that is among the best VR games ive played so far, and I consider myself a veteran. It is essentially Diablo, which seems intentional down to the music in the town. Devs nailed it. The combat is tight, and fair, where if you pay attention you can parry attacks consistently, but if you get sloppy you quickly get punished. The magic, which is apparently being radically improved in the near future, is already SUPER fun. My wife and I play this game together endlessly, where she if often damaging/stunning/freezing hordes of enemies as I plunge in to fight dual wielding swords. I am absolutely STOKED for the future of this game, as they have cleartly laid out a massive plan for additional monsters, magic spells, levels, bosses, synergy magic system, items, skill and stat systems, and so much more.

Real player with 59.2 hrs in game

Too expensive for it’s current state. Essentially 20 levels of the same 3 enemies and on the exact same style of dungeon map that take too long to kill and cannot be engaged in an enjoyable manner. The physics and mechanics of combat are just bad for now, with developers dedicated to asian style MMORPG elements (The bad ones) - involving relentless grind-based progression, in VR where you physically will struggle to sustain the requirements.

The best point in the games history was at release when there were abilities and weapons that could be abused to shift the balance in the players favor - making progression enjoyable. Since then the devs have relentlessly worked towards making the game more difficult and removing any exploits while ignoring the community’s actual requests. They have only focused on redundant balance fixes and the broken magic system since release - barely managing to address some serious bugs.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Legendary Tales on Steam

ReCurse: Eternal

ReCurse: Eternal

ReCurse: Eternal is a virtual reality sword-fighting single-player game that is combat-focused featuring only boss-level characters which will be fought one at a time as the player progresses from one stage to another. IT IS NOT AN OPEN WORLD RPG. The game’s progression will work like traditional fighting games such as tower mode or arcade modes where you fight each enemy in a ladder-style progression. The actual combat is inspired by souls-like games that encourage strategic gameplay by punishing rushed and spammy movement and rewarding rhythmic dodging, blocking, parrying, attack patterns.

ReCurse: Eternal on Steam