The Holy Silence

The Holy Silence

You wake up from a deep sleep with a terrible headache, and you see the dark, empty subterranean base.

You are saved by a traveler, from whom you learn that the world has experienced a disaster later called ‘The Holy Silence’. The sun suddenly disappeared, the world became dark, and the creatures and environment have changed beyond understanding.

Five races were born in the world, and humans became the common target of the new races. The combined strangling of ‘The Holy Silence’ and the five races made mankind retreat successively, and finally retreated to the underground base in order to survive.

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Combat Games.

The Holy Silence on Steam



AMID EVIL at its core is a wonderfully rendered retro throwback FPS that beckons the nostalgic memories of games such as Heretic and Hexen and Quake with gorgeous environments, beautiful weapon feel and a majestic combat encounters.

However, I come to you today not focused on the weapons, the enemies or the aesthetics, but rather something truly gorgeous: the Difficulty Selection level.

Most games dare not be so bold with something so seemingly obtuse as a Difficulty Selection level where it is not as simple as clicking a rather comedic naming on a menu. AMID EVIL, in this regard, dares to be different. There have been other reviews left for this game with scathing remarks as to the “poor design” of the Difficulty Selection. I disagree wholeheartedly. For you see, the Difficulty Selection tutorializes the player of the movement mechanics and the weight of the Champion in such an elegant and silent way that most take for granted. To go for the Easy difficulty, it is straightforward and one could get by the challenge by only holding the “W” key on the Keyboard. This is Leon Zawada and Simon Rance’s brilliance coming into full display here. By having the Easy difficulty being so easy to access, it makes clear of the very nature of the room so as to not to cause further confusion with regards to the other options.

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Retro Games.

Amid Evil is strange, half of the game is some of the best level design, music, atmosphere, and art direction Ive seen in a game. The other half is a boring bland repetitive slog. Its a coin flip for which episode is which, but imo the best Amid Evil gets is worth the worst it can be.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

AMID EVIL on Steam

Ravensword: Undaunted

Ravensword: Undaunted

Ravensword Undaunted has great potential, for the price I say pick this one up, they are really good about updates and feedback, with the coming months I am sure they will have even more added. At the time of this review there are only 3 levels with their own feel and new monsters, right now the only things I would love to see added down the road are

1-brightness slider, 3rd level can be too dark

2- Increase movement speed a bit

3- I would love to see armor added

4- Maybe when not in combat your heath regenerates at a slow rate or have it as a unlock at level 10 or 15

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Hack and Slash Games.

Tried the first area, all my weapons corrupted so I just let them kill me.

This game has lots of potential and hope to see more things added like armor or trinkets, as of now the inventory system is bland and as far as leveling goes it seems most people just pour into strength or magic, so don’t go in expecting to theory craft builds in this. Back to gear, even if the devs decide to forgo armor, I think something simple like two rings and an amulet would be fine and something that can make your character more than just bland guy with a sword.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Ravensword: Undaunted on Steam



There are dreams and there are nightmares. There is death and there are swords and spells to stove it off. What will you do when dark specters come for you tonight? Players find themselves in the role of a young woman who is being trapped in her own nightmares. Can you find your way through the labyrinths of darkness, or will you be trapped forever?

Inspired by 90’s hits like Hexen and Quake, Lichenvale is a first person hack and slash offering: fast-paced melee action mixed with the tactical use of spells and dashing around your enemies. This singleplayer title will feature a story mod with up to 10 maps full of various progressively difficult mobs, regional and main bosses, as well as some light puzzling. Those seeking an adventure are awaited in the New Game+ mode.

Lichenvale on Steam

Dragon Blaze

Dragon Blaze

This is my favorite games from PSIKYO! Great port even there’re something missing like restart button for stage.

What is stand out for me for this port and I really have to praise CC are the quality of sprite and sound just amazing!

this port even came with a manual no more wondering how game mechanic work for now fork who want to try the game!

Online ranking working fine! (Like now there’re like 70 people on ranking)

What I really want is a leaderboard for CO-OP and make steam remote play work with this game would be nice.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Dragon Blaze is a pretty good shooter, but it is one of the more difficult ones. I can withstand a lot of bullets, but Dragon Blaze is over the top. The game plays smoothly and is responsive at 60fps. Once again, the developer has created options for us to make it through an old school shooter such as unlimited continues, extra lives, etc. without throwing our hands up in despair. Allowing the Dragon to be released provides additional strategy for providing more offense. You’ll need the extra help.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Dragon Blaze on Steam

Hedon Bloodrite

Hedon Bloodrite

Hedon is a fantastically fun game that really seems to understand the things that made its inspirations great. The combat, map design, and general mechanics are excellent and come together in a way that’s rare even in some of the classics, and it avoids nearly all of the pitfalls that often plague FPS games.

In general, I’d say it reminded me most of Hexen or Hexen 2, but with better weapon variety and without having to travel through hub maps back and forth to shuffle items around or find out what a switch did. All the maps in Hedon are self-contained and there are enough signs, notes, and other environmental cues to help you navigate without needing any overt direction from the UI. The automap automatically marks locked doors with the symbol for the key you need to open them, and you can even place your own marks manually for other important locations you want to remember. There were a few points where the game’s pace slowed down a little too much or I was at a loss for where to go next, but never long enough to really bother me or spoil the fun. There’s a decent amount of platforming but it is mostly generous enough that I never felt like it was asking too much of me, and the game refrains from putting nasty ambushes in conjunction with limited mobility.

Real player with 54.8 hrs in game

Hedon is an old school FPS game that tries to emulate the good ol' days of shooters, way before regenerating health and multiplayer only games, with 2D sprites mixed with 3D objects. This game tries to go for a balance between combat, exploration (Sometimes it gets a bit linear), and narrative, and I find that it works out pretty well. There’s a lot of fast paced combat and a variety of weapons to keep the slaughtering fresh.


The gameplay is what you’d expect from a game like this. Lots of action, a wide array of weapons that all feel satisfying to use and some have different fire modes, and on the higher difficulties, waves and waves of enemies eager to tear you a new one. I admit I started playing this game expecting something way more linear and combat focused, like Painkiller or maybe Doom 2016, but I was surprised when I found out that there’s a lot of exploration and reading in this game. Some parts were a bit frustrating since some key items are quite easy to miss, sometimes I would miss an absolutely vital item because I’m blind, and sometimes I would pick it up without realizing, and I would spend a while running around in circles trying to find out what I missed. Some areas are particularily frustrating because of this, like that one point where you are stuck in a pitch black cave and you gotta move around trying to find your way out. The level that made me feel like this the most was the second one, I felt like it was way too big and open, and I still can’t remember the exact way after a few playthroughs, so I often end up skipping it. The later levels in the game start to pick up the pace in my opinion, and they start to get more into linear combat. The weapons all feel amazing to use, and there’s a second game mode called Bearzerk, where all of your guns are gone, but you get a few new melee weapons to make up for this. The game will also spawn dozens and dozens of enemies, and you are stuck trying to run at mach speed dodging projectiles and closing the gap so you can destroy them. It’s pretty fun. The game can be finished in about 4 hours, but I spent way more because I kept getting lost, at least the game gives you a map.

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Hedon Bloodrite on Steam

HeXen: Beyond Heretic

HeXen: Beyond Heretic

IMPORTANT: This version of the game is in its native DOS state, and frankly that hasn’t aged well thanks to low resolutions and clunky controls. I recommend getting GZDoom to run this, put its compatibility mode on Doom (not the strict version, just the regular). For gameplay options, make sure jumping is enabled and crouching disabled, as levels were designed with that in mind. You can tighten up the shooting by turning autoaim off. To keep the art style of the game as it was intended, turn all texture filtering off, and use square pixel particles.

Real player with 100.0 hrs in game

After far too long, I have finally completed HeXen. It’s the sequel to Heretic, but while Heretic was a fun DOOM reskin, HeXen gets away from DOOM’s influence and becomes more of its own thing, with multiple player characters, hub-based level structure, more puzzles, and a far darker tone. These changes bring plenty of pros and cons, and certainly create a unique experience.

There are three characters to choose from at the start of the game: the Fighter, the Mage, and the Cleric. (They have actual names, but they’re not worth remembering.) The Fighter is a melee character, the Mage is ranged, and the Cleric is a mix between the two. I played as the Fighter because I’d heard that he was the best, and it’s fun to just run around punching hundreds and hundreds of monsters with wonderfully cathartic gore and sound effects. The punch is the starting weapon (there are four total per class), and it’s strangely effective; I got by using it almost exclusively for about 60% of the game before the challenge ramped up enough to necesitate use of the other weapons. I may go back and play as the other characters at some point, though, because the game makes it clear that the playstyles differ enough to make repeats worthwhile.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

HeXen: Beyond Heretic on Steam

Johnny Graves—The Unchosen One

Johnny Graves—The Unchosen One

The graphics quality were good style which i liked! spiders with fire spit? venom maybe?

Overall good challenging game because you can´t move if you shoot at the same time. Few minor “ooops im stuck” bugs didn´t bother me or why i can´t move over this small step (had to jump over).

But promising looking game afterall. I will definently come back after updates!

-First major update patch- 18.8.2016

  • Nice new monsters. “I like the hounds. They had hilarious dying sound and the puppet master is reeeeally annoying :)”

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

After playing through the first level of gunning down zombies and demonic spiders I can see this game has a lot of potential. Johnny Graves is a likeable protagonist; he’s witty, funny, arrogant, and just an overall bad ass. You have your basic range attack and special ability chain shot which I came in handy with clusters of zombies. I appreciated a lot of the little things in this game such as when the demonic spiders shot their fire attack and zombies ran into it they would catch fire as well! Overall this game has a great story, superb artwork, and fun game mechanics similar to diablo. There’s a lot more to come for this game and I can’t wait for the next patch.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Johnny Graves—The Unchosen One on Steam




Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

MISKATONIC is a Free VR game. It worked on my HTC Vive system, played ?, sounded ok, looked ok. It needs more room in your playspace than it requires, button required to start playing is a reach too far. Has a tutorial room, with instructions but I don’t know how to pronounce the words used for the 3 spells. Reads like the 3 spells are audio activated. Supposed to be a wave defense game where you can blast flying demons, use a shield to protect yourself and make stuff levitate. You are rooted standing to a point on floor, and yeah it is for midgets, so you are looking at inside your body if you are tall.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game


The Deepening: Eco-Offensive

The Deepening: Eco-Offensive

The Deepening: Eco-Offensive is a spin-off video-game series set in the “The Deepening” book universe and features the protagonist of the story, Kyle, in his adventures prior to the events in the Book.

With merely a few years left before The Deepening Campaign (a massive solar system taming event) kicks off, Kyle has taken up the mantel to help protect those leading the charge from ferocious beasts that threaten daily working life.

The Deepening is coming, do you have what it takes to ensure its survivability?

Presented in a casually-challenging, neo-minimalistic 8bit package, and strapped with a classic platformer control set – think Mario – you will surely experience some nostalgia-with-a-twist while running around this modernly-polished space adventure.

Travel between the worlds aboard Kyle’s ship by making use of “Rails,” enormous rings orbiting around various planets in our system used for immediate and direct work on and off planet.

Prep various planets in our very own Solar-System by defeating an array of alien beasties with an arsenal of Eco-offensive weapons, and convert them into useful Bio-Essence to help the Research and Development of sustainable atmospheres on the respective planets.

  • Admire a minimally retro inspired, but modernly polished art-style set in an 8-bit Space Opera Universe.

  • Hop between worlds, each with their own unique gravities withing classical platforming action.

  • Take on bounties against large, ferocious beasts, and collect Bio-essence from the lesser for a bonus.

  • Explore increasingly dark caves with beautiful 2D lighting to guide the way.

  • Upgrade a series of tools to help explore every inch of the worlds.

  • Discover secret collectables and upgrades on each of the levels.

  • Unleash Kyle’s true potential with his ultimate Hydro2 Armor.

The Deepening: Eco-Offensive on Steam