

First of all, this game is absolutely worth playing if you are into oldschool PvP MMOs. No other game allows such in-depth character customization. Sandbox elements are present but are not annoying to the end of being “chop trees to gather lumber”. “Sandbox” here is actually building cities and demolishing your enemies' cities in sieges, hiring AI mercenaries to craft items which is another good part of this game, crafting isn’t about gathering 10 dragon scales and 1 mummy dust by repetitively killing monsters, it’s more about having mercenaries of right races placed in your forges and having resources from right zones in general, even city building (if you happen to own / manage one) is as simple as placing the building on the city grid and waiting several hours for it to go up in one click.

Real player with 1573.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy MMORPG Games.

Overall an exceptionally poor experience.

So why do I have so many hours you ask? 1) nostalgia and 2) I played with friends, but neither of those points are positives to the game in particular. And also do not be mistaken, for an RPG 80% of this playtime was sitting afk while leeching experience from macro-bots which is what everyone uses.

So this game is mislabeled as a PVP title. It isn’t. It’s actually a zerg v zerg title and those battles are decided by sheer numbers. If it was a pvp game, you’d have skills which synergize with each other to allow for good and creative builds. Builds which later you can learn to play and get better as you get more accustomed to playing your toon. Not the case here. At first glance you have SO many races, professions and disciplines to combine that the options eem endless…until you realize that every profession has no more than 2 ways to build it if you want to be in any way viable. Yes, you CAN be a minotaur that uses unarmed fighting, except due to weapon skill restrictions (built into the races) and stat caps you’ll never be more than 20% of the strength of a proper polearm minotaur.

Real player with 1121.8 hrs in game

Shadowbane on Steam

Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue

Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue

When I read some of the negative reviews about Vagrus on the store page for the full game, I was hesitant about buying it and so I decided to try out this demo. One thing I’ve gotta say is that you HAVE to be in the mood for reading if you want to fully experience and enjoy this game. The first time I launched, I was not in that mood, and boy, I was really having my doubts. After getting bored during the first few dialogues, I decided to put it down and try again another day. Second time launching, I got ready to embrace the adventure ahead of me, no distractions, and it was FANTASTIC!

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Turn-Based Combat Games.

KENSHI in heavy text mode and turn by turn battles?

A book where you are the hero/leader as a video-game?

Conclusion in comments!

Demo offers 2 game modes:

-A tutorial campaign titled “Pilgrims of the Wasteland” which is in fact the first part of a story-driven campaign.

I completed it in 3 hours or so, taking my time to read tutorial hints and lore texts.

-5 turns in a free campaign, open-world setting.

I didn’t try it, 5 turns (days) seems too low for me to enjoy, also the tutorial has been enough of a test for me, i’m hooked.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue on Steam

Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions

Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions


KoA CotC short for “Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions” is a PVE/PVP Fantasy Survival Game with many “RPG” aspects.

In the “KoA CotC” world you start your journey as a Champion; a divine mortal, sculpted by the great Elder, to quell the corruption that has enveloped the land and its inhabitants. Different champions, also sculpted by the elder, have the same goal. Be aware, some might be friendly, some might be foes, you all have the same goal but even the strongest Champions can succumb to the darkness. An array of combat options will be available to your champion from melee, ranged and magic. Choose your “Faction” with care! Factions reside in specific villages around the CotC world and belong to different “realms”. Be warned champion! Your actions in these realms will follow you and might effect your destiny.

Your aspiration, since arriving in this world, was to cleanse the darkness and vanquish those responsible for it….the Fallen. These divine guardians, once beloved and cherished by all of Atham, unearthed the Crown of the Champion; an ancient divine artifact that balances the light and the darkness in all living things.

The conflict between the guardians originated over control of the crown and lead to a split in their ranks. One that wanted to preserve Atham as is; the other that wanted to dominate it. As the battle between the adversaries raged it enveloped the known world. Giant shadows were observed on the horizon, the echoed sounds of shattered mountains reverberated through the realms and violent tremors reduced civilizations to rubble. The final engagement between the two factions lead to the shattering of the crown and the apocalyptic release of energy that reforged the Guardians into calous power mongers. Blinded to their original belief of maintaining balance amongst all things they transformed into tyrannical desbots. Their malice, brutality, and oppression altered the very nature of Atham.

The moment the Crown shattered every creature experienced and was changed by it. This was followed by 5 mysterious objects that fell from the heavens and impacted the world with such force that it created fissures across the realms. Following the “Sundering” despair invaded the hearts and minds of the people as an unnatural propagation of twisted creatures ravaged the lands searching for those remnants of the Crown. Inevitably this lead to a new conflict, the Divine War, and it has raged on for almost 400 years.

Your goal, Champion is to find the remnants of the Crown and restore balance to Atham. Build your fortress, find allies and save the realms. Crafting and fighting your way to honor and glory. The Darkness is your worst enemy; the Light … a lost friend.

We plan to add these features in the full release many are already existing in game.

-Building (make a small house, village or town).

-Complex Crafting (farming and fishing included).

-Towns with merchants and guards (Faction based).

-Party & Guild system.

-Impressive enemies of all kinds.

-Special companion to follow you around the world.

-Combat: melee, ranged, magical and underwater combat scenarios.

-Reputation aspect where your choice will impact your game play.

-Dedicated servers for rent to make your own rules and world.

-Three different races with bonuses to specific classes.

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Combat Games.

Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions on Steam

Reign of Darkness

Reign of Darkness

Disclaimer: I have over 255+ hours into this game and truly enjoyed this passion project. I have been power leveled, done countless dungeon grinds, tanked, dps, healed in groups. This is a critical review from an experienced player who has taken a 5+ month break and come back with a fresh character. I have also supported the developer by purchasing in game items.

As of 10/16/2020 I could not recommend this game to any new player. Between the not so friendly leveling experience to low player base. This group centric game just misses out on the party experience. There are not many active players to support leveling from 1 to 100,to even consider leveling with others, via a dungeon. Plus there is not even enough quests/mobs in the world (Outside dungeons) to get you to 100, if you went solo.

Real player with 346.3 hrs in game

AS OF 12/14/2020

As Ive played this over the year I had grown blind to what this game offers and ignored red flags with the games developments over the span of my playtime. Currently the devs are working hard on the game to push out lots of content rather than balancing and bug fixing. As more Content is released the less polished the game looks from when I first started playing with fresh Awe-struck eyes.

The quests are dull, unoriginal, and lazy, with the dialogue for them being the most bland and uninteresting I’ve ever come across in an mmo. The newest quest additions become a game of “Where’s Waldo”, looking for a hidden object in the open world. These quests tell no story and seem to be there just to be there so they can advertise “Many quests” When in reality there are no more than 35ish lackluster/ boring quests in general. Lore and story are no where in sight and tells no actual story as of right now.

Real player with 256.0 hrs in game

Reign of Darkness on Steam

Dread Delusion

Dread Delusion

The world is broken. Its surface seethes with an undead curse, while humanity clings to flying continents in the sky. From mushroom forests to undead mausoleums, strange places and people await you. But will you find a way to heal this world - or seek power and profit for yourself?

With a beautiful retro 3D aesthetic, Dread Delusion is an open world RPG focused on player choice. Uncover a rich, interactive narrative through the game’s quests, or pick a direction and explore by yourself.

Carve your own path. A keen mind or charming wit can prove just as useful as a sword; and your decisions will shape how the story unfolds.

Towns offer a needed respite for the weary traveller. Sleep through the night, trade goods, accept quests and speak with the locals.

Key Features:

  • Embark on a central quest-line that will decide the fate of the land, or discover optional stories and challenges.

  • With a varied skill system, there’s always an alternative to combat. Charm people, pick locks or use secret knowledge.

  • Upgrade weapons - turn a rusty blade into a mastercrafted clockwork contraption.

  • Amass a variety of powerful spells and potions to bend reality to your will.

Made by:

Dread Delusion on Steam



Story line

Fifteen years ago, your Father conquered Elion province and saved it from the orcs. But he wanted more, pushed into orc territory and went missing. After all that time without a ruler, the empire is on the brink of civil war and the most trusted imperial advisor and your mentor decides it is time to crown you to save the empire from falling apart. He summons you to the capital city of Elion.

Few people know about your travel and the route you will take. Mainly your family, your mentor and the Sartorian captain that has to escort you, your dear friend Elrys.

You did not reach Elion, ambushed by orcs, that never before occurred so deep into Elion province. During the ambush, you were “lucky” enough to fall of a bridge into a river. You crashed your head on a rock, but an old fisherman managed to save you. You are weak,do not remember how to fight and no one belives you are Eristan - the rest of the story is yours to tell.

Farathan Indie Rpg

Indie means with an extrymly low budget. We want you to know - what you buy, so we have enabled a demo (from 20 november). So you know which level of quality we were able to achieve and if it is fun for you. The demo reflects the quality of the whole game, it is about 3% of the game.

If you want

  • A game that lets you explore

  • That does not hold your hand and tell you where to go

  • That has many monsters and locations (from the beautiful meadows of Velden, across the forests of Calden to the Iceland’s and Sulfur fields in barons Verdons realm) 

  • That you have to listen to the dialogues and beware of the environment to figure out a quest

Then. Welcome adventurer on the journey you will go with Eristan the presumed that heir to the throne. That has lost everything probably betrayed by his own family. 

Main heroes - no spoilers

Eristan - Main character, the oldest son of the emperor. Prepared by teachers and war masters to take over the throne from the day he was born. Everyone considers him the only hope of the empire to endure. But after his presumed death he is weak, and the world has fast forgotten about him. You have to guide him through this dark times.

Elurfion - Eristans brother. After Eristans death, he fast took over the northern part of the empire. After all he was next in line. But he is the opposite of Eristan. He always spent time on games and loving woman. He fast became a puppet ruler.

Ewain - Eristans cousin - He took over the southern part of the empire, which can show some Ill will on his side. A great Sartorian general, the army listens to him. Some say he just wanted to save the empire from a ruler like Elurfion - did not plan on taking over the throne.

Elrys - An orphan, brought up by the imperial army. Your dear friend. He is something between an uncle and a brother for you. Very experienced fighter, but he did not manage to save you.

Nistreth - The most trusted advisor of the emperor, your mentor and in fact the man who raised you as your father never came back from the war he rode out on when you were a little boy. He is behind the plan of your coronation and summoning you to Elion.

Grand Master Amon - the leader of the Velden Monastery, the only baron that held his ground against the imperial army (now paying tribute to the empire for peace), one of the 12 heroes that saved the world from the old gods many years back.

Wengo - the leader of the Drangheir hunters. An army of mercenaries created from the survivors of Barons Stalgard army and bounty hunters from Hejstos a province overrun by orcs. He dreams of announcing his independents from the empire, but for now he has to serve.

Elerin - A great battle mage that serves the empire. One of the 12 heroes that saved the world from the old gods many years back. It is said he has ambitions to become a god himself.

Elrim - The emperor himself. Not seen for 15 years.

Ergon - Your uncle. A peacemaker. Dedicated his live to help the common folk. Living in the woods, far from the noise of the court.


The action is taking place in Elion province. But it has few parts.

Elion - Around the capital city that is also called Elion

Velden - Terrains around the monastery.

Fronta - Forests and a village far to the southeast

Stalgardia - former realm of baron Stalgard. Beautiful place.

Calden - The place of fierce battles with the orcs that are trying to conquer Elion as they did with the rest of the north.

IceLands - A very cold uninhabited land with lots of secret to discover.

Dead Forest - Former realm of Baron Verdon. A dark lord, he gave a lot of trouble to the empire, and he was the spark that made the empire conquer the whole province.


  • 151 NPC’s you can talk to. 300 NPCs total.

  • 44 monsters + many bosses

  • 143 quests.

  • 7 hours of recorded by actors dialogues.

  • Open world(11km2) with 1 loading screen. And 7 dungeon levels.

Farathan on Steam

Only Hope - Episode 1

Only Hope - Episode 1

Odcień Krwi (Blood Shade) is the latest narrative adventure game from The Prodigal Developers. In this interactive narrative game, you play as one of the seven blood wolves. Each episode is dedicated to each wolf’s story. Moral dilemmas and difficult decisions occur often to shape your own story. Unravel the mysteries of the world that the humans left. Shadow Creatures lurk among the corrupted world.

Adventure, Discover, and Shape your future

• Explore – Crusade throughout the world and learn about the lore through the environment, items and see the effects of your choice made throughout the world.

• Uncover the truth – Unfold the stories that the humans left by collecting runes.

• Shape your Story – Influence the relationship the Blood Wolves with choices that will determine their future.

Experience a Narrative filled with Amazing Characters and Environment

• Unique characters – Build relationships and solve mysteries to encounter each outstanding character development.

• Nordic/Slavic Setting – Explore locations set in beautiful, stylized isle of mystery in stunning high quality graphics.

Storytelling with purposeThe Prodigal Developers thoroughly researched and partnered with Nordic/Slavic Cultures to give you a superb story and lore.

Only Hope - Episode 1 on Steam

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon

Avalon is dying. King Arthur is long gone, and Knights of the Round Table are in disarray. Guardian Menhirs, the only thing that makes it possible for humans to survive in this remote land, are going dark. Your village chose its best and brightest and sent them on an epic quest to reach Kamelot, find the Grail, and save the land.

You were not among them.

They’ve never returned, and now it’s your turn to lead a band of unlikely heroes, the only ones this land can still provide. These ordinary people set off far too late, under-equipped for the task ahead, and with little hope of success.

Tainted Grail is a dark fantasy open-world RPG with fresh turn-based exploration and combat. It is based around deep, immersive story from one of the best and most innovative board games (biggest Kickstarter project of 2018!), but introduces a whole new experience crafted directly for PC.


Tainted Grail is a deeply immersive experience that takes the best elements of RPG adventures and brings them to the next level through intricately branching storylines. Written by Krzysztof Piskorski, one of the best Polish fantasy writers, it will draw you right in and keep you engaged, surprised, and invested in many secrets of Avalon.

In this dying world, no decision is easy or morally obvious, and you will often face impossible choices. Other times, the consequences of seemingly minor actions will haunt you in the least expected moments. In the end, your impact on Avalon is going reverberate through deep, meaningful changes to the game world - entire towns will raise or fall, land will shatter, ancient powers will be restored, or broken forever.


A major part of the game involves expeditions into the land covered by the Wyrdness, an ancient force twisting people, creatures, and even space itself in all manner of ways .There will be plenty of enemies and weird, unexpected events waiting for you. While dangerous, exploration will be the only way to gather precious resources and, ultimately, to figure out what is happening to Avalon and if it can be stopped.


During combat, you will decide between using skills specific for your hero and figuring out the best possible combinations to do it. Every hero will bring a different playstyle, defined by unique skills, that you will continue to further develop based on your favorite tactic. You will supplement this rich toolset with various items and special moves. All of that makes every encounter a different and exciting tactical challenge!

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon on Steam

Risen 3 - Titan Lords

Risen 3 - Titan Lords

Risen 3 is a third person open world action roleplaying game made by Piranha Bytes, the team that gave us the Gothic games and of course the first two Risen games. It’s hard to talk about Risen 3 without referring to the previous games, which I’ll call ‘PB games’ for short.

To summarize: Risen 3 is definitely a step up from Risen 2 but all in all, it is probably still a game that only fans of PB games will love and a game that only fans of the genre may learn to like.

To talk about this game more in-depth, I’ll take the list I used for my reviews of ‘Risen’ and ‘Risen 2’.

Real player with 94.2 hrs in game

This is a long review, so just read the bottom paragraph for a simple summary of my thoughts.

It surprises me that the general consensus for this game is worse than Risen 2: Dark Waters. To be fair, if you hated Risen 2, there likely are not enough redeeming factors about the end of the trilogy to be worth your while. But nevertheless, some substantial improvements to the overall experience have made this a promising step in the right direction for Piranha Bytes as a developer.

Risen 2: Dark Waters was ultimately a failure as an open world, engrossing RPG. It was extremely shallow, overall having one of their smallest and most lackluster world designs to date, with most of the islands consisting of winding pathways with few interesting landmarks leading between major locations. These locations were greatly devoid of life, as the characters were as dull and two-dimensional as wooden boards. The combat wasn’t the worst I’ve ever seen in a game, but it took forever to get the necessary skills to stay on top of combat, and by then you just got used to button mashing between prayers. Beyond combat, half the skills in the game were worthless or used in only scripted situations that were easy enough to do without.

Real player with 84.7 hrs in game

Risen 3 - Titan Lords on Steam

Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Genuinely good. Multiple ways to play through, interesting conceits and brutal treatment of mistakes. A player really gets the feeling that their choices matter to their future and no decision is taken lightly, whether in the scripted events or even in just where to go. Great game to replay using different builds and goals, which adds longevity. A really good strong start form the devs, they should be proud of their product. I hope they continue to build and improve.

Real player with 496.7 hrs in game

Vagrus is for particular tastes. Do you want an open world trade-simulation oriented RPG with a lot of content, almost all of which is delivered through text? Are you ok with playing a character that never appears in the game except through choices and effects you make on your trade caravan, your companions, and the factions you fight or ally with? Are you ok with these choices changing the course of the overall story only in a limited way, so the bulk of your player effect is in how you choose to advance your caravan and companions and not how you destroy an enemy or change the world? Most of the big moments in the game are finding out about something that is going on, but being unable to completely stop it. Sometimes you can’t effect it at all. But, you learn, and in almost every way in Vagrus, knowledge is power. The user interface is wonky, the gameplay is deep but takes a long time to get your head around, and currently the Internet will not answer all of your many questions about how the world works. You’ll need to figure quite a bit out for yourself. Does that sound fun? give Vagrus a try.

Real player with 286.4 hrs in game

Vagrus - The Riven Realms on Steam