**Pre-purchase to get an additional free Race Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER III.

More details coming soon.**

Far beyond the world and its petty wars there exists a dimension of pure, malevolent magic: The Realm of Chaos. It is a terrible place, incomprehensible to the mortal mind. It whispers promises of power, but to behold it is to be seduced by it. To relinquish your soul to it. To become it.

The four Ruinous Powers rule over this place, ever seeking to slip their bonds and engulf the world in a tide of daemonic corruption. Nurgle, the plague god; Slaanesh, the lord of excess; Tzeentch, the changer of ways; and Khorne, the god of blood and slaughter.

On the border between the worlds, two mighty kingdoms stand sentinel: the stern warriors of Kislev and the vast empire of Grand Cathay. But each is beset by its own trials, and now both have cause to cross the threshold and send their armies into the Realm of Chaos.

The world stands on a precipice. A single push will plunge it into cataclysm.

And there is one who schemes to achieve just that, an ancient figure who desires nothing less than to wield supreme power. But to succeed, he will need a champion…

The coming conflict will engulf all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or command them?

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Co-op Games.

Total War: WARHAMMER III on Steam

Olden: Card Game

Olden: Card Game

Olden: Card Game is designed in such a way that every battle will give a different and unique experience. A mix of overpowered and weak cards in your hand and deck will constantly test you and your opponent ability to adapt and make the best out of the current situation. In order to give players a form of individuality and theory crafting outside the match, the game offers unique talent systems per every avatar that will help the player with various perks.

In this battle of entities there is no deck building and no card collecting, so all you need to do in order to enter the match is to choose your avatar and hit the play button.

For now, there is: Entity of Light, Death, Chaos and Life.

Your entity will give your troops a unique bonus during the whole length of the game.

Basic rules

To win the game, the player needs to harvest 300 value points. Your entity receives value points whenever you sacrifice your own cards.

Once your turn begins, you receive 2 tokens: an action token and a draw token. Your options are to:

  • Play a card and build your board presence


  • Engage in combat by attacking one of your opponents’ cards


  • sacrifice your own card, so you can harvest its current value.

Doing any one of these three things will consume your action token.

To consume your draw token, simply click on the main deck to draw a card, and that’s it.

For now, there are 3 card abilities, effect, passive and combat.

Effect is something that will happen only once, at the moment a card is played by the player. A card’s effect does not trigger in cases where you summon or resurrect it with other cards. Effects take place only if they are played directly from your hand.

A card’s passive ability will be present so long as the chosen card is on the board. Once the card with the passive ability is removed from the board, its passive ability will go away along with it.

Combat ability is something that will only trigger once that card engages in combat with an enemy card.

As mentioned, you can use your turn to perform an attack action and engage in combat. To perform an attack, simply place your card on the top of the opponent card. After one turn, your card value number will sink its value into the opposing card. If your card has enough value to destroy your opponent’s card, it will do so, and then it will return to your side of the board.

If your card does not have enough value to destroy an opponent’s card, it will do its damage after one turn, and then be destroyed.

You can engage in combat with cards that are already on the board, or with the cards from your hand.

One card can be attacked by multiple cards at the same time.

To win the game, a player needs to harvest 300 value points. Players can harvest value points by sacrificing their own cards that are not currently in combat. To perform a card sacrifice, select your card, and then click on its respective altar. Performing a card sacrifice will consume your action token.

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We thank you for having the time to check out our first game.

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Card Game Games.

Olden: Card Game on Steam



As you can see I have a TON of hours in this game. Absolutely fantastic, best 4X game I’ve ever played with unparalleled battles in a setting that can’t be beat. Simply the best strategy game out there bar none.

Real player with 2201.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Fantasy Turn-Based Games.

Graphics/animations: 9/10 (zoom in for awesome animations)

Fidelity to the franchise: 9/10

Replayability: 8/10

AI: 3/10

Depth: 10/10

There are only four negatives. One you feel nickel and dimed for all the expansions, but it’s worth it. Two the AI and seige battles are very problematic. The AI…is…well…stupid…compare the AI to games like Starcraft 2 and you’ll quickly find yourself wanting human opponents. Online ladder needs a rework and the loading time for the campaign map is long. But other than that it’s a fantastic game. 7.6/10 Over 1300 hours played.

Real player with 1414.4 hrs in game

Total War: WARHAMMER II on Steam



I’ve played total war games since Rome and I have to say that yes, it’s BS that you have to pay another 60 bucks (easy) to get the “full experience” and even MORE SO to pay 4 flippin dollars for BLOOD EFFECTS in a TOTAL WAR game; yet with that being said, this is probably the most epic, amazing, awesome game that I have in my library thus far- can’t tell you how many times I banged my head against inanimate objects before taking a step back and appreciating the algorithmic-type cunning that the AI uses against you; as well as the deep and engaging gameplay aspects- morale has always been a thing but steamrolling an entire Orc Waaaaagh by concentrating fire and having nearby units re-charge the lines, close to routing, themselves- is fantastic.

Real player with 408.1 hrs in game

It’s worth the money and a little more

Real player with 289.8 hrs in game

Total War: WARHAMMER on Steam

The Great Fantasy Struggle

The Great Fantasy Struggle

I wouldn’t neither recommend or not recommend this game. The game is very specific. You can see game trailer and everything is in the trailer. You need to add your missioners or warriors to take over other provinces. They fight by them selves. All you need is just to add them in the right time. Sometimes you can build structures in your home city. It provides you with global bonus. Statistic window helps you to see global data but it takes time to understand how to use it.

Use space bar for pause. Actually don’t even think to play it before you read manual. Read it first, play the game and read manual again. The game is not intuitive. You need to struggle to understand how to play the game but once you get it you are good ( as you learn how to play the classic chess ).

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

The description of this game is misguiding, but this does not necessarily mean that the game is bad. It is not a deep or complex strategy, it requires only high attention to thoroughly and constantly check the state of provinces. The main problem is time restriction. I think, it requires a little bit of thought how to distribute the funds to achieve goal of the campaign. It may be interesting to people who like to find approaches to achieve a certain goal, but if you look for a turn-based game, operations on strategic level or micromanagement, this may not be the right choice.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

The Great Fantasy Struggle on Steam

We Are The Caretakers

We Are The Caretakers

This game is a great concept, and the Afro-futurist aesthetic adds a layer of depth I did not expect. Yes, it is early access/beta, so there’s bugs, but the dev team is available nearly 24/7 to discuss problems and hear feedback. This is indie game development done right, and what is already a good game will be an outstanding final product as a result. Think of the early access purchase as a long term investment that is going to pay off soon!

tldr: buy this. support indie games, and immerse yourself in Afro-futurist sci-fi!

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

One of my friends said this game is sci-fi super soldier park rangers and that is spot-on. 

The combat is a blast. The game is still buggy in early access but that doesn’t block it from being a beautiful and fun experience. Also - that music, man. So. Good. 

Check it out if you like: Final Fantasy-esque combat and graphics and music, Divinity Original Sim’s combat, rhinos, park rangers

Main word that comes to mind when I play this game: protector

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

We Are The Caretakers on Steam

Cthulhu’s Catharsis

Cthulhu’s Catharsis

This is a lite turn-based strategy game for world domination in a Lovecraftian setting. It is like starting with Risk, adding some depth and dark humor, and subtracting the random element.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

The friendly Mi-Go enjoyed this game a lot.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Cthulhu's Catharsis on Steam

Reign of Darkness

Reign of Darkness

Disclaimer: I have over 255+ hours into this game and truly enjoyed this passion project. I have been power leveled, done countless dungeon grinds, tanked, dps, healed in groups. This is a critical review from an experienced player who has taken a 5+ month break and come back with a fresh character. I have also supported the developer by purchasing in game items.

As of 10/16/2020 I could not recommend this game to any new player. Between the not so friendly leveling experience to low player base. This group centric game just misses out on the party experience. There are not many active players to support leveling from 1 to 100,to even consider leveling with others, via a dungeon. Plus there is not even enough quests/mobs in the world (Outside dungeons) to get you to 100, if you went solo.

Real player with 346.3 hrs in game

AS OF 12/14/2020

As Ive played this over the year I had grown blind to what this game offers and ignored red flags with the games developments over the span of my playtime. Currently the devs are working hard on the game to push out lots of content rather than balancing and bug fixing. As more Content is released the less polished the game looks from when I first started playing with fresh Awe-struck eyes.

The quests are dull, unoriginal, and lazy, with the dialogue for them being the most bland and uninteresting I’ve ever come across in an mmo. The newest quest additions become a game of “Where’s Waldo”, looking for a hidden object in the open world. These quests tell no story and seem to be there just to be there so they can advertise “Many quests” When in reality there are no more than 35ish lackluster/ boring quests in general. Lore and story are no where in sight and tells no actual story as of right now.

Real player with 256.0 hrs in game

Reign of Darkness on Steam

Shadows of Forbidden Gods

Shadows of Forbidden Gods

TLDR - Great, unique Lovecraftian turn-based grand strategy game.

The player takes on the mantle of one of multiple eldritch gods with different play styles, bent on bringing their particular brand of apocalypse. The first unlocked god is the most simple - She Who Will Feast, a giant snake that focuses on corrupting heroes and rulers through “enshadowing” them. She starts weak, without a real worldly presence, before awakening, destroying civilised lands and ultimately eating the world. Other gods include Iastur, the Laughing King who focuses on spreading madness to all, Vinerva a god representing nature’s bounties but with a serious catch, Mammon (unreleased at time of writing) who offers great material wealth for the small price of eating people and Ophanim (unreleased at the time of writing) who offers mankind salvation from the aforementioned enshadowment but at the cost of their autonomy.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

My plan to destroy the world was foiled but its okay because I can change the chosen one’s name to Ligma Balls as a final act of primordial malice

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Shadows of Forbidden Gods on Steam

Waiting For The Raven

Waiting For The Raven

Well, it’s still an early-access game, so don’t expect it to work all the way through -

but I thought it was an interesting approach, and it was nice to try something different.

Douglas Adams, alas, predicted this sorry state of affairs:

“In other words - and this is the rock-solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation’s Galaxywide success is founded - their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws.”

And if they were actually from another planet, you could overlook the developers poor grasp of human languages, as well.

Real player with 59.9 hrs in game

The game still needs more polishing. The first spymater session is enough satisfying and the storytelling is quite reliable. There are a bunch of spark ideas during the first session gameplay including some right in time visual effect, some good cypher solving games and some well hidden bonus. The problems of first session could only be some buggy UI display and the strategy management part. I spent like 5 to 6 hours to totally break through the first session and to find out how naive the management part actually is. Beside the 10000 gold bonus and some other hidden bonus, I can just use some wine barrels, a 10 stealthy big boy and a 10 charming miss to burn all the houses to the ground without any real punishment. And the game is just like lying down there suffering from my giant gold dick-play. I mean, you guys did a lot of great work in designing the dialogues and storytelling and visual effects and different strategy dealing with different situations. But why the actual management part is so disappointing. The balance of some punishment events and the credit bonuses is totally a mess. That’s not cool at all.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Waiting For The Raven on Steam