Enherjar Synergy

Enherjar Synergy

Well, I saw this game and I thought the neons looked cool, so I decided to give it a download. I really like shooters, even though I can’t say that I usually have high rankings in other multiplayer games, it’s always still alot of fun to hop into matchmaking with my friends when they want to play and this one caught my attention. What I like about Enherjar Synergy is that it seemed really easy to get started playing. They have bots that are pretty fun to train with and get to know the maps, and they also have a Student Aim Assist which really helped me get the hang of shooting with all the different guns in my first few matches. I never played other fps games that were so beginner friendly, like, I’ve played Apex and Overwatch and got slaughtered my first few matches, so I just stopped playing them right away. This one I feel like I can actually play with others at my skill level, which is awesome because I really love multiplayer shooters and it’s nice to be able to play one where I feel like I can do alot of damage to nubs hahaha

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark PvP Games.

This game is INCREDIBLY hard to look at. It is by far the ugliest game I have ever played. The environments are built with just WAY over the top Neon and Boom. Your enemies are just beams of light by the looks of it and to top it off, there’s an UGLY as hell dirty visor screen filter thing going on and it’s horrendous. I streamed my first-time experience with this and I couldn’t finish a game because it’s just so difficult to just look at despite several attempts. I have no idea whether the map designs are good, or if anything else is good because the visual aesthetic is not it chief.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Enherjar Synergy on Steam

Tower Tag

Tower Tag

Where do I begin?

I have tried this game first time in an arcade. It was fun! But that’s pretty much it. When it came out on steam I thought why not? Price was half of what I paid for 90 minutes in the arcade and expected pretty much of the same chill shooter with random people. After 50 hours into this game, and 1 Official Tournament I cannot believe how wrong I was.

First let me tell you that this game is not just about jumping between towers and shooting other players. NO! This is one of the most intense and exciting e-sports game I have ever played! And definitely #1 for VR. This game requires tactic and teamwork that can put games like Onward to shame, combined with a faced paced game style that won’t let you take a breath till the end of the round.

Real player with 163.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark PvP Games.

I played Tower Tag for the first time years ago in a VR Arcade in my town and I was totally hooked from the first 10 seconds. This made me think about VR in a different way.

Every played Paintball? This will teleport you back into every habit you automated on the real field in seconds.

Never played Paintball? Doesnt matter, shoot em up - but be quick.

All you need is 1 controller, 2 buttons (shooting and teleport/heal) and 3 things on your mind: you can only win as a team, you need to communicate and you better bring water coz this thing will get you sweating in no time.

Real player with 109.5 hrs in game

Tower Tag on Steam

Until the last

Until the last

Not a good game. The RNG sucks, items are often hidden far away from the path and you just won’t find them. Also the monster walks and kills you to fast and he seems to teleport himself. So you will die a lot of cheap deaths.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark 3D Games.

I bought this game after watching the intro video. After winning Until the Last, here are my thoughts.

This is a very, very short game. I died twice and won it the third time. Those 3 attempts took me 24 minutes. If you read the help before playing the game you could easily win it the first try. That means the game could take a tiny 7 minutes to win.

Yes there is the replayability factor. The items appear randomly and you could go through the motions of doing everything again and again.

So the time it took to win the game was obviously a big negative. It felt like one level of a much bigger game. I was actually dissapointed when after winning the first level there was nothing more.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Until the last on Steam

Soulfire : Weapon Master

Soulfire : Weapon Master

Öğretici modunda iksir kısmında takılma oluştu böyle olunca öğretici modu direkt geçip oyuna başladım. Zaten bir iki oyun sonra oyunu kavrıyorsunuz. Çok oyunculu olarak herkese karşı teke tek mücadele ettiğiniz bir arena oyunu diyebiliriz. Geliştirildikçe ve farklı modlar geldikçe tadından yenmez.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Soulfire : Weapon Master on Steam