Object Ward.

Object Ward.

Meet Manson Moss, a schizophrenic man who sees everyone with an inanimate object for a head. Due to a certain ‘incident’, he is sentenced to mandatory rehabilitation in one of New York’s most ill-managed psych wards in the year of 1986. He plots his escape, but the eccentric occupants of the Ward can’t let him leave—so they get a little friendly with him instead. Help Manson navigate love, psychosis, and countless misadventures in this dark comedy visual novel, Object Ward.


  • 4 male and 2 female love interests

  • 21 endings with choices that matter

  • Horrible puns

  • Partial voice acting

  • 1800x1200 resolution

  • Over 30 CGs and a fully original soundtrack!


Read More: Best Dark Comedy Casual Games.

Object Ward. on Steam

How to Win: Season One

How to Win: Season One

Incredibly funny, and then actually really emotional in places.

I absolutely loved this game. The characters are great, it’s really funny and interesting seeing what suggestions people have given, and while the game uses more player suggestions that I was expecting, it still managed to keep some order in the chaos to deliver great characters and a really satisfying narrative.

I finished the main story in around 3 hours, but then kept replaying to see different pathways and unlock achievements/bonus scenes.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Comedy Visual Novel Games.

There is so much I could say about this game. It’s beautifully done for starters. It touches on a lot of extremely serious issues, some subtly, some much less so. All of them done with wit and charm one has come to expect from the genius of Cael, Elliot and the Hidden Track team. This game will put you through every emotion imaginable. I laughed, I cried, I felt afraid and everything in between. The art style was simplistic, yet unique and beautiful. Once again, to be expected as a Hidden Track project. The sounds were spot on. And DO NOT get me started on the plot twists. I genuinely did not see them coming. It was so easy to lose myself in the worlds they created. And the characters… There were a couple I will love forever, and a couple I will loathe forever, yet another feeling not oft invoked in me. Honestly, I could go on and on, but you’re probably tired of my rambling praise at this point. Needless to say, though I was cautiously optimistic when they gave it to me to try, I fell hard and fast and will be purchasing copies for friends as soon as I’m able. 10 of 10 a must play.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

How to Win: Season One on Steam

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

Purrfect Apawcalypse Love at Furst Bite (palfb) is a short visual novel which focuses mostly on the interactions between the characters.

The game isn’t very long but worth the five bucks or the equivalent amount of other currency.

While the writing isn’t the strongest its fairly decent and kept me entertained during my playthrough.

The interactions between the characters are both cute and sometimes horrifying and at times made me cringe because of what was happening on the screen.

The cute artstyle is one of the games strongest points and while it may not be to everyones tastes it fits the game well, making the games deathscenes (and there’s a lot of them) more shocking.

Real player with 1361.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Comedy Visual Novel Games.

Going to go right out of the gate and say that this is definitely not your standard kind of game, and if you can’t handle gore - even if it’s cartoonish - then you shouldn’t play the game out of respect for your eyes. However, if you can handle that…

Welcome to Purrfect Apawcalypse! We have:

  • clifford the nonbinary dog

  • suicidal maniac who’s also funny as shit


  • bitch who died on a fucking toilet seat (very important, not ironic)

  • witch who will probably step on you (and not apologize (trust me it’s cool ok))

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite on Steam

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

This game is amazing. I dont know if this is a step up from Love at First Bite but it is extremely good. figuring out the solution while getting brutally murdered by best boy is fun. You really get a feel for characters and there personality. If your on the fence for this game. PLEASE DO, its cheap and amazing. ALSO BUY THE FIRST GAME

patches best boy 3

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Hello I’m still stuck in this basement the dev has trapped under. I haven’t seen the light of day since the year 2008. This is a cry for help. Will anybody see this ? Time is a lost concept to me and the only drive that keeps me alive here is the possible hope I have for a chance at freedom

The basement door is heavy but someone please come help me

(P.S Sparky still p cool)

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever on Steam



you just wanted to hang with your crush!

so how’d you end up stuck between them and your friends in your tiny dorm room watching a campy horror film?

And what happens when the movie comes to life?

This is not what you signed up for.

COME ALIVE! is a first person 2.5d mystery visual novel about a group of friends, where you play from several of their perspectives. Can you get to the bottom of why this movie has come alive? Or should you just roll with it and have fun?

  • A regular cast of normal characters

  • Definitely nobody dies ahaha

  • ~1 hour playtime

  • Original, dream-like art and music

  • Gamepad + keyboard/mouse support

  • For MacOS / Windows / Linux

COME ALIVE! on Steam

Case 00: The Cannibal Boy

Case 00: The Cannibal Boy

ok for starters I love love LOVE the characters designs plot and graphics, I think that everything ties together really well I also really like how they added the theme of murder and urban legends and an queer relationship I think it gives it a little more individuality all in all I really love this game and would recommend this to others people but I’m also really sad that there isn’t another game out and there probably wont be but its amazing non the less :)

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Just watch a let’s play it’s a better use of your time and free! The game is bad the storytelling is atrocious. However, the sound design, and art are good. Don’t waste your few dollars on this unless you’re really into startlingly sweet main menu jump scares because that’s the only thing here that will thrill you.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Case 00: The Cannibal Boy on Steam




Play as Girl (a 17 year old with dark feelings and major troubles) in CURSES, a hand drawn point-and-click game about navigating the rocky road of self definition. With the help of her cynical cat familiar and a sprinkle of magic, you’ll decide Girl’s path - curse everyone else or care for herself.

CURSES is a game of five acts and five feelings. You can explore world through different, dark emotions that change the tone and trajectory of the story. By interacting with objects in her room you’ll learn more about her past and present to help you decide her future.

Magical Features Include:

 ★ Tarot

★ Anthropomancy

★ Terrible Poetry

★ Conjuration

★ Seances

★ Mirror Magic

★ Astral Projection

★ Possession

★ Potion Making

CURSES on Steam

Chibi Wars Kinetic Novel

Chibi Wars Kinetic Novel

Another set of graphic novels. Not sure where they would be in the “timeline”, but still in Edo, this time with… elements of horror films. Zombies, vampires, and a demoness. Decent enough.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Chibi Wars Kinetic Novel on Steam

Foul Play - Yuri Visual Novel

Foul Play - Yuri Visual Novel

Great characterisation, good art, and very fitting music. It’s easily as well written as (if quite different from) others I enjoyed like RazzArt’s Starlight Vega, Studio Elan’s Highway Blossoms, and Hanako Game’s Black Closet. This is on top of its reasonable replayability (ignoring bad endings and minor variations, there’s at least two completely distinct endings following each romance). Just overall a very well put together story.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

I have laughed plenty, I have sobbed myself to sleep, and perhaps a couple of other unspeakable activities. Good, relatable, real wlw content. Plenty of moments where I saw myself in my own experiences, especially when navigating the community and the coming-out process. Makes me feel better about who I am and what I’ve gone through. ggwp, thank you for your work 3

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Foul Play - Yuri Visual Novel on Steam

Personality Dating Sim

Personality Dating Sim

There’s something magical about only knowing someone by their words on a screen. This aspect of Personality Dating Sim delivers, but the second half of the game falls short.


If you want to be spoiled, go ahead and watch my video. The first half of Personality Dating Sim is about getting to know the five colors, and this part of the game shines, especially with the banter between the five personalities. It’s like being on one of the old dating TV shows with Bachelor #1, Bachelor #2, etc, except with the contestants smacktalking each other. I wish the game had expanded on this and included multiple sections, perhaps in a style similar to TV’s The Bachelor, where you come back to the group after going on a date.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Very cool concept for a game that sometimes delivers.

What I didn’t like:

1. The Story (if you count dating each color a story). It can get repetitive very quickly. At first it’s cool to see all the different options but it just boils down to picking a few options to get the ending that you want. I wish that there was a bit more mechanics to it and dialogue options. It would’ve been cool to see more branches to each storyline.

2. The Speed of the Dialogue. It’s especially slow when you get to the life story. I really think the game could benefit from adding a button to speed up the dialogue.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Personality Dating Sim on Steam