Man of Honor

Man of Honor

A cross between Hotline Miami and Mafia. A very quirky game that I had a great time playing. The story and gameplay are both top notch and it’s well worth your time.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Comedy Atmospheric Games.

The game makes a very good impression. “Man of honor” is highly recommendable for those who have spent many hours playing gta1,2 and “mafia”. The plot is simple enough - it’s a classic gangster thriller where the main character takes revenge on the one who betrayed him. It genuinely has good gameplay. This game is really hard compared to other games in such style of top-down shooters. It’s kind of game made purely for fun. Love the style. Totally loving this game, and find it hard to stop playing. “Man of honor” is made wisely, with humor and love.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Man of Honor on Steam



If you like to blast enemy ships with a giant laser in a small casual game with pixel graphics and dark humor, then you will spend several hours in this game.

For fans of the genre.



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Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Comedy Puzzle Games.

Very casual arcade-style action game with a light puzzle element. Each level is a sky full of enemies, take as many down as possible with one shot from your laser under time pressure.

Graphics - pixel style, simple but cool. Well-detailed ships. Smooth special effects. Good use of color and design overall.

Sound - amazing. music changes depending on how good your shot is. Memorable sound design overall, will stick with me.

Controls - too simple to critique. Some controller support which works well enough but it probably functions best overall with a mouse. FWIW i cranked my DPI way up because the laser aims very slowly. Not sure if it made a difference. The controls are simple but the overall experience of doing the thing you do (being the death star, basically) is exciting and has good feedback.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

wonShot on Steam

Welcome to the Polyverse

Welcome to the Polyverse

Great game, enjoying it thoroughly (still getting used to some of the mechanics). I can see the dev is really trying something different here. The low-poly aesthetic that is increasing in popularity actually makes sense if the player is in a simulation as this game suggests. Well done and I hope to see much more as I explore.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Comedy Action Games.

Nice game and great concept, i played this game with my friends, all of us loved this game and we can’t looking for the end of story, please finish it. PLEASE I NEED IT

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Welcome to the Polyverse on Steam