Pro Cycling Manager 2021

Pro Cycling Manager 2021

The first version I’ve bought since 2016. It is a great game, career mode very addictive if you’re into that sort of thing. I like the new interface (although I don’t know how new it is!), the way the races run is different but just as enjoyable and I think more realistic, and if there were no bugs then I’d be over the moon with the game in general. However…

I always play career mode and start with a custom team, and there are always bugs that come in after a few seasons that make the game incredibly frustrating (riders you’ve signed get double-signed by another team so you end up a few riders short in your squad, team sponsorship just stops working after a few seasons, change in nationality of team sponsors not accounted for in objectives, training schedules of lesser riders no longer editable etc etc). I am interested to see whether any of these have been fixed for this new edition, as they don’t become apparent straight away and I’m only 2 seasons into my game.

Real player with 1230.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cycling Management Games.

I buy and play this game year by year, with positive or less positive changes from an edition to another. But PCM21 mess up things in ITT and TTT, making time trials competitions PCM’s “cinderella”.

First, the producers introduce the red bar, I guess for sprinting in TT competitions, which is crazy. I don’t know when to use this energy from red bar. In TTT with 99 speed all riders of my team look like a bunch of amators (they accelerate and stop all the time).

Second thing is that in prologues and short ITT’s (until 15-20 km, depending on type of profile) with 85 speed the rider will finish the stage with energy left. If you go with speed over 85 you lose red bar. Crazy changes!

Real player with 354.3 hrs in game

Pro Cycling Manager 2021 on Steam

Tennis Manager 2021

Tennis Manager 2021

To begin with, i was actually quite happy with my purchase as i got to grips with the mechanics of the game. rode the highs and lows of a season and achieved the required objectives to go into season 2.

First minor gripe is that you are not aware of what attributes would be beneficial in your new role as coach on your first play through, so i hedged my bets and unfortunately didnt get my attributes right. now i’m stuck as a 3.5 star coach with no way of improving. not ideal. basic highlighting would have done the job.

Real player with 171.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cycling Management Games.

Alright, let’s write this feedback in English (and not in Russian or French) in order to be visible to a higher number of people who consider to buy Tennis Manager 2021.

I have bought this game “thanks to” an important ankle injury, which threw me out of tennis for at least 9 months. I am a tennishead. I play it myself, I watch it and now I also play it on virtual courts. Before, i was more a football fan. I mean THE football which is played with… feet, not this American Rugby thing which i quite like by the way. 10 years ago I used to play Football Manager a lot and i must say that Tennis Manager is quite similar to it, although there is a lot of things to improve.

Real player with 84.0 hrs in game

Tennis Manager 2021 on Steam