Игра крутая, атмосфера и диалоги на том же уровне, что и в мультиках Миши, геймплей может и не супер-интересный, но мне понравилось. Да, после смерти надо перепроходить уровень заново, но разве так не во всех шутерах? На некоторых уровнях иногда нужно подумать, чтоб понять, как попасть на следующий - это плюс. По поводу багов - в некоторых кат-сценах у меня был очень сильный шум в правом наушнике, и один раз провалился в текстуры зайдя в угол. Но попрыгав там несколько минут даже смог вылезти. Кроме этих двух моментов проблем с игрой не заметил, и в целом мои ожидания оправданы, Миша выпустил что обещал - “по сути полноценный мульт с возможностью собственноручно размызжевать ёбла в кровавый понос”. Так вот мульт есть, ёбла можно сотнями крушить кучей разных способов, локации проработаны и атмосферны, саундтрек отличный, поэтому не совсем понимаю, что ожидали те, кто недоволен игрой. Разве что хотелось бы побольше уровней и кат-сцен, ибо я прошёл игру за 10 часов даже со всеми рестартами. Тем не менее, игру рекомендую и жду продолжения(и полнометражку конечно).

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Gore Games.

Забагована в гавно… Ее хоть кто-то тестировал вообще? Во первых нет элементарной функции перезапустить уровень или чекпоинт, так что если ты застрял в текстурах то нужно выходить в главное меню и начинать заново. Во вторых боевка в ближнем бою на уровне старых флэш игр, но это как наркоманы в подъезде: хочешь попасть в хату, прийдется пройти мимо, а там как повезет. Враги на первом уровне постоянно застревают в коробках. В третих на первом же уровне баг,после первого боя, после заставки, ломающий игру. Если тебя убивают, (а это как тусоваться в компьютерном клубе с кучей гопарей, это только вопрос времени, когда ты услышишь “Эй слышь дисюда бля”) то ты перезапускаешься всегда на одном и том же месте под надписью “Миша, где мульт” (иронично), полностью невидимый без возможности двигаться куда либо, кроме как вверх, вниз. После чего собственно единственное, что ты можешь делать это пойти вниз, пропрыгать в пол и умереть от чего-то (возможно от стыда). Но на этом не заканчивается. После нажатия кнопки продолжить, ты появляешься во втором уровне без особого понимания где ты и сколько заставок и прочего добра ты пропустил в первом уровне.. Плюс в момент когда ты, невидимый после очередной смерти, проклацаешь выбор оружия до 3, то у тебя магическим образом появиться калаш и игра зависнет окончательно. После многих попыток я пришел к выводу что эти баги, как правительство РФ. Всегда есть и всегда одни и те же..

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

BOMJMAN on Steam



Akira had a long call with Hotline Miami about that baby they made together.

Akira In The Shell

The game takes place in Neo Tokyo with Akira… sorry, I mean in Mega Tokyo with Akane, but the inspiration is clearly obvious. There is some Ghost In The Shell and Blade Runner thrown into the mix as well. The pixel art of this city is gorgeous, full of life and little details, enhanced by great lighting and shadows. The story is only hinted at, Akane is in conflict with the Yakuza, her motorbike crashes on a plaza, she knows she is going to die but she wants to take as many of them out as she can.

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Gore Games.

This game is freaking stylish as heck.

Basically a highscore focused arena game, you kill enemies until you die. Repeat. That’s it. You can try to keep your combo going, which quickly becomes incredibly addicting and one heck of an adrenaline rush. You can focus on playing as stylishly as possibly, stringing together your different options into choreographed dances of beautiful violence.

For what is essentially a quick rush of adrenaline, and probably not meant to be played for hours and hours on end, the game displays some beautiful elegance in its mechanics:

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Akane on Steam

Memory Lost

Memory Lost

  • The current demo build is the alpha version 0.6.1

  • Memory Lost - is an action shooter, the battles in which are built around the mechanics of mind capturing and moving into the enemy’s body. First-aid kits were not delivered, there is only one clip in the weapon - change the bodies to survive!

  • New body - new gameplay. There are dozens of archetypes of opponents in the game, each with its own unique characteristics and skills that affect the outcome of the battle.

  • Relocation is the basis of survival. If you don’t want to run around in a half - dead state, look for a healthy body! Are the weapons out of ammo? Move into the enemy with full ammunition!

  • Copy enemies' memories! Capturing consciousness is impossible without capturing memories. With each new migration, the Neural Network, the main character of Memory Lost, will collect more and more material to form himself into an independent personality, after which he will process the knowledge gained and reap the fruits of his actions at the Mind-Map hub location.

  • Karma in a top-down shooter? The neural network is also formed due to interaction with the surrounding world. Kill for the common good or for mercy, regardless of the consequences - and get one of three possible endings.

    Warning: A very small percentage of people may experience seizures while viewing certain images, such as flashing lights or patterns that may be present in video games.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Soundtrack Games.

Memory Lost on Steam



Please make me stop playing the speedrun mode.


Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

amazing game with one of the most unique and bad-ass main character designs I’ve ever seen. soundtrack slaps and if you like Hotline Miami style of game play this game is for you.

Highly recommend.

Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

RUINER on Steam

Vindictive Drive

Vindictive Drive

This game started out very nicely , very nice story, that keeps you here, trying to find out more, the controls isnt the bet, its very uncomfortable on the keyboard.

The gameplay isnt bad and can be enjoyed , i never finished the game as i got bored with it, but below i quoted a reviewer because a few owners of this title reported the below mentioned issue and i feel potential buyers should be aware.

This reviewer said it best.

“I WAS really enjoying this game and was going to leave it a rather sparkling review. This game’s story is incredibly enticing even with the tanky keyboard controls I was enjoying it.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Diamond in the rough could not be a fitter term for this game. Unfortunately, it’s so rough that I almost dropped it before I even started it. This game is not for everyone.

The tiny screen size can’t be adjusted but can be forced into fullscreen mode by alt + enter. Alt tabbing after this seems to bug out the game though.

You will die.

A lot.

I save a lot anyway.


Exploring is almost never rewarded.

Despite all it’s problems, I thoroughly enjoyed the game. The edgy plot got better as you got deeper into the rabbit hole. The gameplay felt unique and interesting to learn how to abuse it even if it was rage inducing at times.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Vindictive Drive on Steam

Vulkan: Lost Planet

Vulkan: Lost Planet

That’s a lot of action for that price tag! Recommended for the fans of a good top-down shooter game to pass time with it!

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Great arena game, very challenging. I really liked it.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Vulkan: Lost Planet on Steam



2084 is a 2018 game which borrows heavily story and graphic wise from the ‘Observer’ franchise. In some aspects it could be considered an official sequel though developers have hinted that they plan to take the franchise in a completely different direction with an upcoming PVP ‘The Raid’ due to be released in 2022.

The game was created within 72 hrs by Feardemic a subsidiary company of Bloober placing themselves under a challenging time restraint to simply see if it was possible to achieve. This is why the game is short (30 Minutes), not much on offer (3 Levels and an Endless wave mode) and very little to zero follow up correspondence from developers as to what appears to be 2 broken/bugged achievements, ‘Speed Presser’ and ‘Die Like the Rest’.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Flashforward 66 years in the future. Are you asking yourself what the world will be like? What technological advances society has made? Where you will be? Well, Feardemic has answered all these questions and more by creating 2084, a first-person shooter that throws players into the middle of an apocalyptic zombie world. This violent, action-packed game is perfect for adrenaline seekers because there is never a dull moment. Whether you’re hacking electronics or fighting off hordes of zombies, the player’s life is always on the line. It’s a terrifying world in 2084 so choose your moves carefully or it will be game over.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

2084 on Steam

G String

G String

This game is not about underwear!

Maybe a little bit actually. I was gifted this game for free and I’ve quite honestly never heard of it until that point. I did a little bit of research and it turns out that this was originally an overhaul mod for Half-Life 2 — which is blatantly apparent once you start the game up. However, this is a standalone version of that mod. I’ve not played the original mod so I cannot say what is explicitly different. Aside from not needing to own Half-Life 2. It seems to be a much more unique version as far as its landscape and scope. It’s got cut scenes that are fully animated and voice acted. But to reiterate, I don’t know what is explicitly different.

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Highly immersive, atmospheric, and oppressive in a beautiful desolate way.

Originally the intro cinematic kind of turned me off, easy fix might even have been a different piece of music. But the rest of the game, you kind of are completely pulled in by the claustrophobic and decrepit setting, rich in environmental storytelling, excellently crafted scripted sequences, creepy ambient noises coming from every nook and cranny, and just the classic Half-Life 2 style combat-puzzling formula that still works in my opinion very well.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

G String on Steam

Rain of Reflections: Set Free

Rain of Reflections: Set Free

It’s the twenty-second century. Humankind has become infertile. Surrounded by hostile wastelands we struggle on the verge of extinction. But there is still hope. The last child from a natural pregnancy.

Rain of Reflections does not tell you too much at the start of the game. Leaving it to the player to discover this beautiful world was a clever move from the developers. The more you find out, the deeper the game pulls you into its story.

I remember enjoying point an click adventures very much as a teenager and young adult. Since then point an click adventures have changed and often don’t seem as enjoyable to me as in the past. Rain of Reflections revived this long lost feeling of a through and through exciting and intriguing adventure.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

The review is based on 8 hrs of the gameplay.

The Good:


  • The game blends adventure, RPG, turn-based, and puzzle genres really well.

    • There are mainly two modes: The point and click adventure exploring mode (where you gather background information or objective items when not in combat) and turn-based strategy mode (loud or stealth to reach specific locations). I enjoyed the turn-based system, focusing on the cover and motivation. The player should always stay in cover and keep the enemy in the open.

      ! The player can destroy all the covers in the game! There is also no health bar. The game uses “motivation” instead. When a character is in the open, being shot, staying in the same place for too long, having debuffs, or out of ammo, the motivation drops. When the character’s motivation reaches 0, they will flee and can be easily killed. The player can regain motivation by completing objectives, having buffs, or going into cover.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Rain of Reflections: Set Free on Steam

Total Madness

Total Madness

Nothing interesting

Total Madness is a typical vertical shooter, where our main goal is to kill enemies.

There are two modes in the game. In the first one our goal is to get the key to get to the next level. Of course, apart from getting the key we have to kill all enemies on the map. There are 10 short levels with different types of enemies and with the boss on the last level.

The second mode is survival mode, in which we have to defend ourselves against waves of enemies until death.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

PLEASE GIVE ME Voice of Kasumi !!!!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Total Madness on Steam