

Oh man, I really like the concept of the game. Because of that, I also really want to recommend it. Unfortunately I can’t; the average player would rip their own arm off and beat their monitor to pieces.

First off, the good:

-Cool gameplay idea

-Cool setting

-GTA 1/2 style overhead view

-Lots of variety in contracts

The bad:

-Terrible, terrible AI

-The controls kind of suck

-Starting weapon is extremely shitty

-Lots of bugs

-Lots of crashes

-The AI’s so bad it deserves another spot

-The last zone the player unlocks isn’t very fun

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Stealth Games.

Metrocide is an interesting, yet simple to learn game set in a dystopian world with plenty of flavour to it. The player takes on the role of a contract killer who needs to earn money to skip town. To do so, as his or her job title implies, they take contracts to end the lives of their targets without being shot by cops, vigilantes, gang members, paranoid targets or their bodygaurds. While at this, they will need to hide the bodies to prevent the police from increasing the priority coverage of the zone they are in and they will need to kill without leaving witnesses - Or risk being hunted by police drones which eliminate criminals without any remorse or trial. This leaves oppertunities, however. Should you pull out your gun and show it to a paranoid target, the target may open fire at you first. Vigilantes will do the dirty work for you, and citizens will give your target’s description to the police instead of yours. Then when they all ran, nobody will be around to identify you as the killer when you shoot back.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Metrocide on Steam



Fight back against the Nanocorp corporation in this cyberpunk RTS. As you discover their evil machinations, you decide to take a stand for humanity. Forget about saving the world, can you even save yourself?

A new megacorp in town

Eden City, 2X63. Nanocorp has enjoyed a meteoric rise. Their latest product: Bliss, a liquid vial that allows the user to experience pure euphoria without addiction. Contrary to similar products, it doesn’t even require a neurolink, making it popular to both people on the street and the high society.

A botched mission

Nanocorp has hired your security team to take out an illegal street lab attempting to produce Bliss counterfeits. You can shoot on sight. Copyright infringement is punishable by death anyway. The operation went south, and you saw things that you shouldn’t have seen.

Betrayed by your employer

Nanocorp determined that you know too much, you’ve become a liability. They order your immediate extermination at any cost. Fight for your survival against waves of robots and guns for hire looking to make a quick buck by erasing any trace of your existence.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Singleplayer Games.

Nanocorp on Steam

Cyberforge: First Light

Cyberforge: First Light

EDIT 3 DEC 2020:

There was a game update yesterday and it seems like the developer is listening to input from his audience, which is awesome because this game does not need much in the way of mechanics and balance. The enemies are harder, the variety of enemies is greater, you can tell your characters to hold still, and here is a video of gameplay!


In my book, Cyberforge: First Light is a top notch example of what early access should look like. It’s very well polished and, depending on what other levels are added, very close to being 100% complete. The mechanics are smooth, although there needs to be some balancing, and gameplay is fluid with just a couple of bugs (that I found).

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Adventure Games.

TLDR: Very good game for early access.

My only real critique is a bug report. At first I thought that more rooms haven’t been designed yet, but I’m on my third run so far and the same room keeps repeating, even though I know different ones exist that I’ve been in before, so there may be a small bug with rooms repeating.

In terms of what the game has to offer its a very good rogue like with good strategy and fun puzzles, and It’s very fun to get good at.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Cyberforge: First Light on Steam

Armed to the Gears

Armed to the Gears

Armed to the Gears:

It all started with the discovery of the Neutronium base element from a deep excavation in 2029, somewhere near a place named Main City. Neutrium turns out to be a powerful new energy that can be used to power batteries and equipment for hundreds of years. This type of energy is always useful for military purposes, and the countries that have access to the Neutrium start a race to develop the ultimate automated warfare unit. The citizens of the world take to the streets to raise their concerns, but the world turns to chaos, leading to the rise of three terrible factions. The worst of the three, the Ministry, wins the race and now controls the world with these ultimate machines of war. That is, until a rebellion of hackers plans to use the machines against the Ministry. It’s going to be Armed to the Gears!

*– [Real player with 8.9 hrs in game](*

Don't get me wrong with this review, I DID have fun… but there are several things wrong with this game. That being said... i only had like 5.5 hrs ACTUAL time played on campaign..... watched a movie with the wife and went to get more beer while the game was still running. (New Predator movie rocks btw). This game does not suck. I know it is in alpha. I want to like this game more, byt they have a lot of work to do

_Upgrading is confusing at first.. I feel it should be seperated from the turret menu_

*– [Real player with 8.0 hrs in game](*


![Beat The Machine]( "")

## Beat The Machine

the game has its flaws don't get me wrong. but this game honestly can be super fun once its rounded around the edges of bugs and dialogue. I've recommended this game to some of friends and overall the response i feel and others tell is its frustratingly fun. which at the end of the day for what this game is, is something I couldn't agree more about.

*– [Real player with 71.3 hrs in game](*

Love the arcade style feel to it. Controls took a second to get used to on mouse and keyboard but it was cool to play a game with movement controls that I've never used before. Definitely recommend if you're into arcade style game. Levels are way more challenging than they seem. Dev team did a great job so far!

*– [Real player with 4.8 hrs in game](*


![Cybernetica: fallen city]( "")

## Cybernetica: fallen city

lowering the annoying music doesn't work…

No sound effects what so ever...

no other way to quit game but alt-F4

Uninstall works fine though...

*– [Real player with 0.4 hrs in game](*

Can't believe the normal price for this game, I got it on sale for under two bucks, and it was still over priced.

One pretty small map, for eighty five levels, seven towers that seem to only upgrade twice to level three, with no options or variety. Graphics are decent, though the units movement doesn't match the distance traveled for the ones with feet. All in all, a piece of jump. Getting my money back.

*– [Real player with 0.2 hrs in game](*


![Legion of Scorn]( "")

## Legion of Scorn

First, and quite possibly last, the game is pretty okay for one dollar, it doesn't support HD resolution and the it only has the most basic of top down shooter game-play and a story that might as well not exist, but hey it's only a buck and it works i guess, oh and the music is pretty alright too.

*– [Real player with 0.1 hrs in game](*


![Synth War Tactics]( "")

## Synth War Tactics

very fun game, reminds me of Fallout: Tactics. The different build combinations are insane, really lets you build your team and play how you want.

*– [Real player with 13.9 hrs in game](*

If you like turn-based tactic games you should check this out! The melee is really fun and I really like the music.

*– [Real player with 2.2 hrs in game](*


![Ultra Bushwick]( "")

## Ultra Bushwick

This game is awesome! No boring moments; to pay the rent you need to keep it moving! & The art style is really cool!

*– [Real player with 16.9 hrs in game](*

Wow. Really fun and visually stunning for a 5 dollar game. Killer pixel art, but with so much on screen its a little tough to find the enemy's in the chaos. A simple outline of the enemy's would help. Otherwise this game rocks, and is well worth the asking price. This was made by one guy? Hell I have played TS games that were made by a huge team of programmers and were not nearly as fun, one guy made this? Good job man.

*– [Real player with 0.8 hrs in game](*


![CyberCorp]( "")

## CyberCorp

OmniCity is an overpopulated Eastern European megalopolis where many social classes try to live—or at least survive. The poor districts are controlled by gangs that terrorize citizens and even corporations. Unable to put an end to the crime, the government contracts CyberCorp to eliminate its source—the gang leaders.

You’re an agent of CyberCorp, a megacorporation that owns a revolutionary system: the Synths, or bodies storing personalities of its employees. It’s the Synths that are deployed to the city’s hot spots to carry out missions.

Yours is to take care of the gangs and restore order on the streets of the city of tomorrow!

#### Level Variety

Complete missions in various locations and explore the futuristic city.

#### Level Difficulty

Pick your own difficulty level and controls.

#### Unique Progression System

Enhance your loot and improve your Synth through a card-based system of weapon and armor upgrades.

#### Deep Mechanics

Capture control points, defend important objects, hack into security systems, and more.

#### The game also features multiplayer.

Complete the game with your friends or random players.
