

I really loved this game.

some of the encounters were a bit annoying and poorly designed but figuring out the best way to win makes it all worth it

Its definitely good for those who enjoy the new DOOM games or really any advanced mobility game like titanfall, overkill, etc.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk First-Person Games.

The devs owe me a new pair of hands after this..

Ghostrunner is all about reflexes, patterns, and timing, it’s a very complex game but sure it’s rewarding going through it.

Personally, i sucked a lot at it, because of some health issues my response time and anything that uses my brain has a snail effect on.

The game does have some assisting options (I really appreciate the devs for this), however, i didn’t use any of them because i was afraid it might affect the achievements.

This game was suggested to me by a friend on the basis of me being a die-hard Hotline Miami fan (and also Shadow Warrior), although, with Shadow Warrior it doesn’t have that much in common, the recommendation was spot on.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Ghostrunner on Steam

Lithium City

Lithium City

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Lithium City is a wonderfully atmospheric isometric twin stick action game. You play as a female warrior working her way higher and higher up in the city towards a final battle.

The game utilises guns, melee and thrown weapons and at times you will need all three. All will need to be used and due to the scarcity of ammunition you will frequently have to change weapons on the fly. Shooting is tight and easy and the various guns have the weight you’d expect. Even when everything feels far too hectic you can usually get back on top with judicious weapon use and occasionally running away! The controls are simple shoot/stab/punch with one button and dash with another, that’s it. Though the dash can be a little imprecise at times.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Beat 'em up Games.

A lot of people are comparing this game to Hotline Miami, which is true in a way. You enter a room with a pre-set enemy placement, and try to kill everyone in there, learning and adapting to where they are and what weapons they drop and the best way to plan your assault through it.

That being said, there’s a few stark differences between the two. Hotline Miami is focused more on larger levels, entire floor plans and buildings you have to clear out, whereas Lithium City has smaller rooms. Lithium City is a bit shorter, and each level has more of a specific concept it goes with, whether it’s utilizing moving floors or defending a single room with waves of enemies running in. The biggest complaint I have in regards to gameplay would be that Lithium City is short, with only six chapters it shouldn’t take you more than five hours to beat. Which is fine, for the price, but I found myself wanting more stages that were fully open, which don’t really come in until near the end of the game. It’s also isometric, which works really well with this kind of gameplay.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Lithium City on Steam

Whisper Trip

Whisper Trip

I really love this game I can’t wait for the next chapters.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Online Co-Op Games.

Whisper Trip is a fast-paced, strategic hack and slash, side scrolling, platformer game with a difficulty spike that comes on too strong in the beginning levels of the game. One thing that should be noted, this game is rough to play on mouse and keyboard. I enjoy the general concept and where the difficulty is trending but combined with wonky controls and physics it makes it a very frustrating experience.

It’s difficult for me to give this a thumbs down, I genuinely enjoyed it and found moments of fun and engaging gameplay and because for some people this may be their cup of tea or might be much more adept out of the gate. I found myself getting stuck on walls or spinning endlessly on top of enemies on a corner and other buggy elements that added to the already frustrating element of gameplay where you can expect to die a lot. Sometimes enemies will randomly fire very fast or not when they have other times. There is also no save menu, so if you start a new game accidentally you will lose all your progress, not ideal if multiple people are playing on the same machine.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Whisper Trip on Steam

The Singularity Trials

The Singularity Trials

The Year is 2345.. The Solar Council is in Session. Tasked with creating a lasting tribute to honour all who had perished during The Singularity War.

The Singularity Trials was Born

  • Choose from 3 Unique factions from the Solar System

  • Pure Earth Initiative (Earth) / New Eden Alliance (Mars) / Theta Corporation (Titan)

  • Battle your way through the Solar System.

  • Unique landscapes and faction strongholds.

  • Purchase armour and weapon upgrades in the Solar Exchange Network – In Game Shop

  • Purchase faction swords, axes and poles, upgrade them for Insane Score & Kill Streak Multipliers.

  • Change your monitor display camera view to record Game play footage in 3rd Person Perspective! without the need for expensive Mixed Reality Set Ups.

  • Unlock additional weapons such as Grenades, Killing Discs and Defensive Shields.

  • Take on Faction Bosses located on each Faction Home world, with unique and intuitive Boss Mechanics.

  • Delve in to the Data Archives to discover a deep interconnect history between the Factions.

Story Prologue

The atrocities committed in Turing City, Titan, created shock waves across the Nexus.

Theta Corporations home system had been infiltrated by Earth Purists, determined to purge the solar system from the ‘abomination’ of the Nexus Mind, The single most Intelligent Sentient AI mind born of the Singularity.

This event became a catalyst for the 1st Interplanetary war that ravaged through the Solar System.

For 30 years. Millions of souls perished into the cold vacuum of space.

It was to become forever known as ‘The Singularity War’

The Nexus Mind offered a gift in exchange for peace. Space time distortion technology for ALL humankind..

It allowed each faction to look beyond the confines of the Solar System for the first time.

Stability returned to Sol but inter faction differences remained and the scars of war cut deep..

The Singularity Trials was born from this pain.

Each Faction offered up their most competent warriors and commanders to compete in an annual tournament designed to honour their fallen and test their readiness for battle.

For even though the Singularity War was over, the Universe is Infinite… And completely Unknown…

The Singularity Trials on Steam



One of my favourite games of all time because:

  • Played the game on 360 years ago and recently managed to get 100% on PC

  • Guaranteed to make you feel like a badass

  • Offers easy to learn and hard to master gameplay

  • Amazing OST that I listen to mostly daily

  • Fun dialogue, bonuses and secrets

  • Memes, memes and yes more memes

  • Small and amazing community

  • Somewhat short but sweet story

  • 2 neat DLC side stories

  • Jetstream Sam is sexy

Yeah that about summarises it, oh and PLEASE use a controller. :)

Real player with 84.5 hrs in game

Ну что можно сказать. Твёрдый слешер, который ещё доступен на ПК.

Игра, в которую я влюбился. После стольких лет, всегда.

Слешер в сеттинге киберпанка (а они обычно в фэнтези). Технически, игра не требовательна к системе, можно запускать на старом ПК. Порт получился отличный, включает все дополнения, а также бонусы после прохождения. Обычно, это доступ отдельно к катсценам, диалоги по кодекам, а также отдельные битвы с глав боссами. Последнее, ну прям топовая вещь.

Правда есть одна странная особенность этой игры. Она весит 24,6 гигов, 21,3 из которых - ролики в FullHD 0_0

Real player with 63.8 hrs in game


Night Blade

Night Blade

The game is great for a start but needs a lot of upgrades. Especially ‘‘Character Health’’. In my opinion if these improvements happen, it will make great progress.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

The Batpack played this today and have to say we had a ball! The game is top notch fun with friends with many modes to play. Can play CTF, CTP, TDM, DM and also play with bots if you can’t find a match. The gameplay flows really nicely and the controls are very intuitive. The soundtrack is also fantastic which ties the game together beautifully!

At any price, grab a copy of this game! You won’t regret it!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Night Blade on Steam



The Corporation swallows everything. It crawls into every household. It clouds the mind and sucks the life out of us. It steals our dreams, replacing them with consumerism. It’s time to put an end to this!

To fight evil, good guys must have fists. Better yet - a katana. But you gotta have one more important thing to defeat the bad.

Piroku is the adrenaline driven dance of death. Every moment can be your last. Hordes of enemies are only hurdles on the way.

Defeat the army of the possessed and stop the Corporation.


  • dynamic fights and liters of blood,

  • atmospheric soundtrack,

  • an immersive story about a girl trying to defy a powerful corporation,

  • minimalistic comic book style graphics, easter eggs and an advanced neural network, calling itself the Elder.

Release date: Q1 2021

Piroku on Steam




+It is fun and looks very cool slashing stuff with your blade.

+There are a lot of skills to try and certain combinations give you a unique looking blade.

-There is only one stage and 3 difficulty settings. The first 2 are not really worth playing more than once, since your slashes have auto-aim and you have limited skill selection.


-The slashing feels odd. You slice with your sword and when you stop the energy slash comes out. So to be accurate you swing your sword and then point at the enemy you want to hit. This is not very intuitive. If you were to properly do a swing from top down your slash would fire into the ground.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here:

Very close call for me on whether to at least give this a neutral recommendation, but honestly, it just isn’t good enough especially at the listed price of $10 USD. I think this game wants to be a Space Pirate Trainer 2.0, except it’s more like version -2.0. This is a stripped down, bare-bone version with some cool ideas.

The first problem is that there is only one map as far as I can tell. Admittedly, I did not play this game for very long (less than 30 minutes). However, I did complete the game on normal and got to #5 on the leaderboard. I also unlocked the Pro level, but for whatever reason, it didn’t work. I was stuck in the menu area of this game and I had to force quit.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game


Slimey Champions

Slimey Champions

It’s terrible

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Slimey Champions on Steam

Synth Riders

Synth Riders

This is the rhythm game you want if you want to dance!

Line your hands up with the incoming target balls - as opposed to my other favorite VR rhythm game, there’s no need to strike them, it’s all about just being there at that time. There an option to enable the strike mechanic instead, but it really doesn’t work that well here, especially above the first difficulty setting or 2. Also on difficulty: there are 5 difficulties to choose from. From super-easy-going Beginner to flail-like-you’re-convulsing-from-a-seizure Master, there is room for everyone here. There is even the Spin-360 Degree mode available for every song for when you don’t want to just face forwards. If you’re looking to get down with friends or strangers online, there is multiplayer waiting for you.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

coming from expert mode on beatsaber, i actually found this game a challenge at first.. despite people claiming it was easier!

imo it wasnt (but synthriders is more fun imo)

i was soon playing expert after hard (with a little encouragement from friends)

and now around 20 hrs in have even managed to complete a few songs on “master” difficulty!

its got similar practice tools to beat saber, (speed up, slow down, section practice etc)

i personally think this game is better than beatsaber, despite me playing both frequently! sometimes in the same session.

Real player with 52.8 hrs in game

Synth Riders on Steam