Shadowplay: Metropolis Foe

Shadowplay: Metropolis Foe

Shadow play: Metropolis Foe is Turn based Cyberpunk rouge like deck builder game set in virtual metropolis with a band of virtual rebels at a time with alternating play styles to learn and master. Character specified card development are veiled as reflected in the games numerous unlisted None Achievements with quite a deep learning curve.

Level are choice based as your progress depends on the chances you take with random encounters and numerous ways to progress and build your deck and optimise your items and support skills for the end game boss.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Story Rich Games.

Cost the price of a movie ticket and lasted 10 times as long. If you enjoyed Slay the Spire, you will enjoy this game, two arcs completed, rewards give replay value, but unfortunately it has been abandoned. So it is incomplete. Still I enjoyed it enjoyable and a game experience worth having/ recommending. Hope the devs will complete it one day or make a similar game again.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Shadowplay: Metropolis Foe on Steam



Who am I?

Is here anyone talking?

I know. I know. But……

What a stupid experiment

Alright. Anyway, all I need to do is put the box on the machine, right?

Why I have to put on the helmet?

『Cyborg_Lab, Syncing… Sync-Rate, 5%』

A little hurt…and dark.Something is leaking…..


『Cyborg_Lab』is a first person 3D puzzle game.Players must solve more than 30 physics puzzle, and find the hidden truth in a peace space station.

Game features:

-About 30 puzzles with clear catch. A fair duel between puzzle designers and players.

-Core mechanism combine with various other mechanism, making puzzle more complex and interesting.

-Time is also a part of puzzle.

-Puzzle is also a part of narrative, solve different puzzle to get different ending.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Futuristic Games.

Cyborg_Lab on Steam

Kiss Upload

Kiss Upload

Kiss Upload is a futuristic-themed romance visual novel. It features four involved story paths with even more outcomes.

You play as Tobias, who begins the story in present time, living a below-average life on his own. After receiving a flyer from the owner of an innovative company, Tobias decides to participate in a life-changing science experiment which would land him 500 years in the future. That is, if all goes according to plan.

In Kiss Upload, you can choose between three female and one male love interest. Each are connected to various sides of a conflict. Will you take the side of the FBI? Or will you side with a robotics engineer who calls herself a mad scientist? Maybe you’ll fall for a cute robot. The choice is yours.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Multiple Endings Games.

Kiss Upload on Steam



Fight back against the Nanocorp corporation in this cyberpunk RTS. As you discover their evil machinations, you decide to take a stand for humanity. Forget about saving the world, can you even save yourself?

A new megacorp in town

Eden City, 2X63. Nanocorp has enjoyed a meteoric rise. Their latest product: Bliss, a liquid vial that allows the user to experience pure euphoria without addiction. Contrary to similar products, it doesn’t even require a neurolink, making it popular to both people on the street and the high society.

A botched mission

Nanocorp has hired your security team to take out an illegal street lab attempting to produce Bliss counterfeits. You can shoot on sight. Copyright infringement is punishable by death anyway. The operation went south, and you saw things that you shouldn’t have seen.

Betrayed by your employer

Nanocorp determined that you know too much, you’ve become a liability. They order your immediate extermination at any cost. Fight for your survival against waves of robots and guns for hire looking to make a quick buck by erasing any trace of your existence.

Nanocorp on Steam

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

There’s a reason I’ve logged 200+ hours in this game in under 2 months. It’s fun as hell and offers incredible amounts of replay value and gameplay depth. There is an absolutely enormous amount of content, and everything is packed with detail.

The basic idea of the game is to pick a vehicle, a primary and secondary weapon, and then a special defensive weapon/feature, and go to town. You’re getting paid based on how much destruction you dish out by a cold, calculating megacorp, the SNC, that has only one goal: conquest of Solo Nobre, a massive walled city where the game takes place. You must secure the city district-by-district via whatever means necessary, even if that means completely leveling the entire map (which is totally doable, and even encouraged!).

Real player with 754.5 hrs in game

Brigador is, on the surface, an isometric twin stick shooter where you choose a difficulty, vehicle, two weapons, a special ability, and a pack of levels to fight through. But what makes it so much more than just that is the flavortext. No, that’s not a joke. Every single map, Pilot, weapon, lore concept, and vehicle, including the non playable ones have a full paragraph or more written about its special quirks, how it came into service, crew oppinion, and other such things.

The setting is a genuinely interesting one. Yes the 80s synthwave meme is a bit overplayed these days, but it works out in a way that doesn’t feel forced in brigador. Cassette tapes and CRT moniters work along side crainial jacks in this dystopian North Korea meets Rio Brazil in an An-Cap universe and it just kinda works.

Real player with 138.3 hrs in game

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition on Steam

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

I waited almost a full year before attempting to play this game. I am aware that the launch was sketchy and the game was packed full of bugs / glitches. As of patch 1.31 CyberPunk was a worth while game purchase for me. I did enjoy the almost 180 hours of playtime I put in. However driving in this game stinks bad, car handling physics felt very arcade like and also felt like I was always driving on wet slick surfaces. I can’t remember how many times I’ve lost control of my vehicles flying off the side of a bridge or overpass and take my car swimming with me - Laughable… Racing missions, ugh… what a disgrace to racing games. One other thing, the faster you drive, the most deserted and desolate the city becomes. Driving fast turns the city of Night City into a ghost town. The game engine can’t keep up with the asset loading buffer, so in an attempt to keep the bare bones city going, all npc cars and people disappear. I recommend not driving at all in CyberPunk, walk, run, hop skip run walk… whatever… or ride shotgun as a passenger in a vehicle! If you have no choice but to drive, do it slowly… feather the throttle and keep it in the granny lane at all times. Far better immersive gaming experience in what was supposed to be Witcher 4 in a modern city. At this point, I’d be a happy CyberPunk gamer if CD Project Red gave me Roach to ride in Night City. Slow and steady wins the race here,

Real player with 204.5 hrs in game

It took me a year to finish this game because I kept getting pissed off while playing it (finished it a couple of days ago from writing this review). So you have over 180h in it, why do you still not recommend it? Because this game is the dictionary definition of edging and then leaving you with blue balls. I really, really wanted to like it but I was hit with disappointment after disappointment.

The good:

  • it’s a beautiful game design wise

  • it has some memorable side-quests that I really liked

Real player with 183.5 hrs in game

Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam

Deus Ex: The Fall

Deus Ex: The Fall

Deus Ex: The Fall should be taken for what it is. A mobile entry into the Deus Ex Universe. Admittedly, I’m a fan of the universe and getting another chance to play in this world, is something I am always looking forward to. So there may be some bias.

One thing that must first be noted, is that this game is a direct port from Mobile. If you look at what the game offers from a mobile perspective, it’s pretty amazing. I wouldn’t actually want to play it on mobile, as I can’t imagine pulling off some of the stuff I do with just gestures, but hey, more power to those who want to.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

After completing a masterpiece Human Revolution and writing review on it, it seemed that there was only Mankind Divided left on the horizon and that’s all, the series is complete! But no! There was one more game that is rarely talked about (like with Invisible War) – Deus Ex: The Fall. Many told me that this is crap, but it is the direct sequel to the Deus Ex: Icarus Effect book, which I liked. So, like with Invisible War, I decided to check myself, what this game is, and… things turned to be no so simple…

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Deus Ex: The Fall on Steam



I really loved this game.

some of the encounters were a bit annoying and poorly designed but figuring out the best way to win makes it all worth it

Its definitely good for those who enjoy the new DOOM games or really any advanced mobility game like titanfall, overkill, etc.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

The devs owe me a new pair of hands after this..

Ghostrunner is all about reflexes, patterns, and timing, it’s a very complex game but sure it’s rewarding going through it.

Personally, i sucked a lot at it, because of some health issues my response time and anything that uses my brain has a snail effect on.

The game does have some assisting options (I really appreciate the devs for this), however, i didn’t use any of them because i was afraid it might affect the achievements.

This game was suggested to me by a friend on the basis of me being a die-hard Hotline Miami fan (and also Shadow Warrior), although, with Shadow Warrior it doesn’t have that much in common, the recommendation was spot on.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Ghostrunner on Steam

AquaNox 2: Revelation

AquaNox 2: Revelation

I really want to like this game but I just can’t. It’s the kind of game you’d like to replay more often than you do, but then you remember all the bad parts you have to sit through on the way. The gameplay is fun if you’re doing what you would expect to be doing in this kind of game, namely fighting bad guys. Sadly, that happens maybe 25% of the time at best. Many missions in this game have you sloooowly make your way towards your destination or wait for enemies/alles to appear, followed by either a minor skirmish which is over before you know it, or an extremely difficult battle which you are likely to lose even after trying numerous times. Other missions make you navigate a maze of instant-kill lasers or attack fortified bases guarded by dozens of turrets that annihilate you if you’re not as careful as can be. Almost every mission works the same way: you wait a couple minutes for something to happen; when something does happen, it’s either not fun and takes up to half an hour, or it actually is fun and it’s over within a minute. I’m sad to say that only a few missions make for an exception to this rule.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Shear off all the fat, and this game is really just a second helping of the first game with a little more garnish. This is a perfectly acceptable thing. Of course, the fat is what we really need to discuss.

First, the good - the game plays well, looks… fine. It sounds slightly less fine, given some wonky voice acting and forgettable music. This is really simple, actually; if you’ve played a space - sorry, underwater - shooter before, particularly from the roughly 2000 era, you know what you’re getting into. It’s a solid entry in that vein, neat atmosphere. Overall fine missions, some particularly fun, a few absolute clunkers. It’s a 200_ action shooting thing. You know if this is your bag already, but hold your seahorses, because we still need to address all that needless fat.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

AquaNox 2: Revelation on Steam



TL:DR Aquanox is the kind of game you call a solid 6. Its not great and has lots of flaws, but it’s decent for a romp.(also see my final verdinct, pros and cons at the end)

To start off with the visuals. They were ok then, and they are passable for their age, but I think they could do better even back in the day when the game came out.

Soundwise the game is average with ok-ish sounds for weapons, good sounds for torpedoes and a repetitious soundtrack.

Voiceacting is wierd. It’s exaggerated in a cartoonish way in some instances, while its good in some others.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

This has been a game I’ve wanted to play for a very long time, but just couldn’t seem to find the time. There always seemed something better. I eventually decided that today was the day, and have now finished it in around 20ish hours.

The game is all set underwater in the watery realm of the Earth’s oceans. Being set 3 to 5 km under the water, there is still light, somehow, which is where the game derives much of its aesthetic charm, the rippling patterns of light on everything. If it wasn’t for that, the low-poly models and simplistic textures would look quite bland.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

AquaNox on Steam