Beyond a Steel Sky

Beyond a Steel Sky


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? Well, the original Beneath A Steel Sky from 1994 is considered to be one of the best classic point and click adventures ever made by many of its fans. A dystopian story of an outsider abducted into a city state who in the end overthrows the evil mastermind running the city. I loved the beginning of the game, but was a bit disappointed by the ridicoulously incompetent security forces of the city, who were unable to stop me from moving around the city and finally destrying the ruling AI, although the ending somehow hinted at why they may have been so misguided in a city ruled by technology. Anyway, this is the sequel to that game, made 25 years later. The technology used by the game has changed completely, from the classic 2D view to a (third person) 3D game. Well, most adventures that switched from 2D to 3D were (more or less) failures, like Simon 3D, Gabriel Knight 3, King’s Quest 8, Broken Sword 4, or Syberia 3… will this game be a worthy sequel?

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Adventure Games.

Beyond a Steel Sky is the sequel to the 26 year old point ‘n click adventure, Beneath a Steel Sky. I play through the original about once every year or two, it’s one of my favorite point and click adventures, going back to when it was originally released in the mid 90s. If you haven’t played the original you will certainly miss quite a bit of what makes the sequel enjoyable, so do yourself a favor and play the first one. It’s free and its a blast.

Alright, enough about the original. First, I’ll go over the stuff I don’t like about Beyond a Steel Sky.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Beyond a Steel Sky on Steam

Cyborg Arena 2

Cyborg Arena 2

FPS with a 2000’s era vibe

Quite funny to play with hard rock ambient music and big guns!

  • Large desert map

  • Big minigun

  • Cyborgs

  • Camps to destroy

  • Turrets

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Casual Games.

Simple shooter to pass the time

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Cyborg Arena 2 on Steam

Cyberia 2: Resurrection

Cyberia 2: Resurrection

Cyberia 2: Resurrection was released in 1995, continuing the plot of its predecessor. Xatrix Entertainment tried to polish the flaws of the original game, but as I see it, it just made it all worse.

Graphics became slightly better, and an attempt was made to fuel the story with more characters, broader dialogues, and more frequent and longer cut-scenes. Unfortunately, it made a great disservice to the game, because the quality of cinematics here is abhorrent. The cheesy voice acting combined with poor writing riddled with clichés give Cyberia 2 extremely cheap feel. Poorly directed cut-scenes are too frequent and often unnecessary: it’s infuriating when the flow of the game cuts off for the sake of some random fart joke.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Adventure Games.

A true masterpiece of that time, they did a great job: throwing out unfun parts of Cyberia and improving what was really fun: FMV-shooting. I think FMV-graphics got much better.

There’s now no separate difficulties for action and puzzle parts and we can’t use scanners manually.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Cyberia 2: Resurrection on Steam

Click Space Miner 2

Click Space Miner 2

This game has absolutely nothing to offer in terms of gameplay, entertainment, satisfaction, rewards or achievements.

13 hours of my time wasted.

Game has no instructions and nothing to indicate what any of the icons on the screen are for. There are no bonuses for reaching any levels. I got everything to level 200 and there was nothing at all to show i had achieved anything at all. Ok so i unlocked a bunch of achievements but there was no rewards for anything. Upgrading the “buildings” seems to do nothing. I would have expected that having everything at level 200 would be some kind of awesome feat… but in this game obviously it’s not. I could see NO indication that upgrading anything actually contributed to increasing the “money” earned in game.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

I couldn’t put my review on deluxe DLC so I do it here:

The main is a generic clicker with some annoying ads, but it is f2p with achievements. So I gave it a go. Even the lack of stability, the no explanation, no story I still bought the Deluxe Edition DLC for the promised no-ads (yet they are still present) and for the more achievements. Maybe they are unlockable, but I wouldn’t know. Everytime I want to buy an upgrade a script error appears. Despite the saved files, I lost my progress..

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Click Space Miner 2 on Steam