


A beautiful retro aesthetic is all this game has to offer for modern adventurers. If you’re happy with a bland story and no character development but enjoy that bygone feel then this might interest you.

First Impressions🤔

Virtuaverse visually impresses and it is apparent that a lot of work has gone into making this game look and feel as retro as possible. Characters, environments and objects are rendered superbly and it always amazes me how beautiful a pixel world can look if it is done right.

– Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Point & Click Games.

VirtuaVerse is clearly a love letter to point & click adventure games of the 90’s, not only in its engine, animations, and interface, but also in some of its puzzle design. The pixel art is a masterpiece, the soundtrack is memorable, and the adventure is captivating. However, the price of fidelity brings with it some of the elements that made old games frustrating, such as lazy direction, useless inventory items, pixel hunts, and baffling riddles that are sure to prevent completion in one session. Thus, it’s difficult to accurately appraise VirtuaVerse as a yes/no recommendation, because it largely depends on your threshold for games that don’t lead you by the hand.

– Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

VirtuaVerse on Steam

Neon Snake

Neon Snake

This game is lovely. It gives the player what it promised, and does it in a fun way. What I would love to see in this game, however, is some sort of competitive style of game-play. Maybe implement a leader board of sorts? It’s just my opinion, as this game is a little bare. With that out of the way, I honestly do enjoy this game.

– Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Atmospheric Games.

good nostalgic game

– Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Neon Snake on Steam



Escape the walled city and take on the militarized government of the sprawl. Fueled by the blood of your enemies and a mysterious voice in your head, make your way towards the spire to topple whatever lays within.

SPRAWL is a hardcore retro FPS set in an endless cyberpunk megapolis. Here the streets are your playground. The dark alleys and dilapidated apartments are all surfaces compatible with your “icarus” cybernetic implant. This implant allows you to perform gravity defying acrobatic wall-running maneuvers. Your enemies, the militarized police of the sprawl, stand no chance. Not only that, but their blood fuels this same implant, vastly enhancing your reaction time. On command you can enter a state in which even bullets move at a snail’s pace. A vast arsenal of weapons lie at your disposal, the armies of the corporate government are endless, but be warned…

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Dystopian Games.

SPRAWL on Steam

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate is a fast-paced ultra-violent retro first-person shooter inspired by 80’s and 90’s sci-fi movies. As a marine from the Global Order Alliance sent to Callisto to take over the local corporate government, you find yourself surrounded by legions of demonic alien invaders and you must fight for your survival.

It blends the best features of classic shooters such as non-linear level design, a huge arsenal and large enemy variety with some modern aspects, making it a unique mix that does not try to hang on nostalgia, but be something of it’s own.

This game is a finely crafted first-person experience designed to be the most satisfying and detailed possible. Enemies that can be dismembered and exploded into pieces, destroyable environments including lamps, cars and even trees. All many details that makes you really feel like you are in a real living world.

Do you want to know more?

  • This game features a huge arsenal of weapons that may require the use of all your keyboard numbers to scroll through. We got battle rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, smart missiles, laser rifles, you name it.

  • Immerse yourself in a 3 episode campaign, with branching patches, multiple endings, and a story full of twists.

  • Fight an entire circus of monstrosities, carnivorous demons, zombie-like cultists, shuffling supernatural incomprehensible abominations from beyond, and corporate henchmen that want to make sure you won’t leave this haunted colony alive after seeing everything you just did. Just like in classic fps style, each enemy type acts like a piece of chess made to compensate the weakness of another. Gib them into delicious meat pieces, burn them to ashes, almost every enemy features locational damage and dozens of death animations, including different deaths for different weapons used.

  • Explore huge non-linear levels, look for secrets to find special rare alternative ammo types for your weapons, health and armor upgrades, and much more. No “procedural generated levels”, no faux-retro arena level design, just handcrafted levels by someone with over 10 years of experience in classic game level design. Get the feeling of exploring believable highly interactive locations, fight enemies in many different scenarios, scripted or not, pick them alone or in small groups and sometimes try to come up with a strategy to fight up to 50 enemies at once.

  • Command your fellow marines out of this hell. Your character’s rank as a Staff Sergeant isn’t only for show. Find any survivors of this disastrous operation and they will follow you. They have an acceptable AI that will actually follow your commands, won’t block your movement, and will kill enemies for you. Magnificent, isn’t it?

  • Mod it until it breaks. Running on the highly reliable GZDoom engine, this game is extremely easy to be modified. You can make mods, add custom weapons, enemies, levels, and entire new user-made campaigns.


In the end of the 21th century, after a catastrophic nuclear war followed by a famine that wiped out half of Earth, the remaining governments united their military under the same banner in a vow to prevent another disaster, and so the Global Order Alliance was born.

Later the G.O.A. united with corporations in an effort to terraform and colonize other planets in the solar system, by using a method that allowed artificial black holes to be created at the center of the planets to imitate Earth’s gravity. 60 years later when the terraforming of Mars and Jupiter’s moons were completed and mass migration started, the corporations betrayed the Terran governments and decided to declare independency and not use their newfound resources to help Earth get back on it’s feet. Their moto was “We terraformed these planets and now everything on them belongs to us. If you want these resources, come and take it."

Betrayed and left for dead, the peoples from all around the world vowed to invade the colonies and take back what belongs to Earth. The armies of the G.O.A. which were once considered heroes and peacekeepers of mankind, became a violent, fanatic, imperialistic military legion. They launched military campaigns against Mars and Io that lasted for decades. Now the year is 2297 and the people of Callisto started rebelling against the corporate rule due to recent strange phenomena caused by the planet’s artificial black hole, all the interplanetary communications are shut down by the regime, and the G.O.A. sees this as a perfect opportunity to invade the planet and “liberate” it with the local population’s support. The corporate conglomerates warns that the situation in Callisto is “complicated” and warns Earth to stay away from it.

You are part of a special international battalion of the Space Division of the G.O.A. Marine Corps sent to intermediate the situation. After a four month journey, you arrive at the planet with orders to destroy the corporate government forces and secure their industrial facilities. Drone scans shows literally hundreds of thousands of dead bodies littering the streets, apparently they genocided the local populace which saves you from the work of having to watch your targets… Your orders are clear: Descend into the planet with companies of battle-hardened Marines, combat androids, tanks, mechs, gunships and orbital artillery, and eliminate any colonial military forces you may find. They are considered dangerous irregular war criminals and you have no legal requirement to grant them any human rights, engage on contact. All weapons are clear… Exterminate with extreme prejudice, just the way the Marines likes to operate.

The Marines quickly find out that something is wrong. The planet is dead. Non-combatants and colonial guard alike were slaughtered, women and children included. No signs that a war happened here, some bodies defiled in unspeakable macabre religious rituals.

You realize that what killed these people weren’t humans, it weren’t using guns, and it’s still here. An unfathomable evil from beyond lurks these dead streets, its hungry eyes are gazing upon you. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Brutal Fate on Steam

Synth Retro Vapor Wave

Synth Retro Vapor Wave

its a great game, surpised my GTX 970 works, but the card is pushing at 98% game runs smooth, tried with AI cars, co pilot, all maps seem to work, game settings work with the card i have, this game is alot like what i have on my phone except you can choose to have an open road or traffic, an idea for you is you can have the tracks react with the music, that seems to be fun, i love the idea where this is heading, a map idea you can add i like to see is as you drive you can have lights light up around the track, they ccan change colors, shapes etc. that be cool to see smthing like that react to the music you listening to with awesome trippy effects,

– Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

One of the most relaxing games I have played. The gameplay is simple, you drive on a highway and overtake other cars. Or you can play it as an idle game by removing the traffic and just enjoy the scenery while listening to the awesome soundtrack.

– Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Synth Retro Vapor Wave on Steam

Rogue Sentry

Rogue Sentry

Good, short and tough.

Plenty of secrets to find.

– Real player with 29.4 hrs in game

Check out this awesome retro shooter. Apparently most people have been completing it in 2-3 hours but I’m 3 hours in and only 1/2-2/3 through the game. Gameplay is simple but a little unusual (in a good way). Really have a lot of fun with it!

The best way I can describe this is as a “top down metroidvania” with bullet hell elements. Exploring is as fun as clearing rooms. Retro graphics are simplistic but well done. Challenging and very fun.

For more niche curation, follow me at:

– Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Rogue Sentry on Steam

Cyber Psychosis

Cyber Psychosis

Cyber ​​Psychosis is a pseudo-3D dynamic first-person shooter where you have to get used to the role of Artificial Intelligence, in which consciousness and an unbridled desire for cruelty have awakened.

In the game you will find cold, wire-covered walls of a scientific complex and crowds of enemies - mutants trying to stop you ..

Features of the game:

-The game has implemented an unusual mechanic Energy, which replaces the usual health and ammo

-Lots of different opponents, as well as a variety of weapons, in order to effectively deal with enemies

-Dark cyberpunk atmosphere

Cyber Psychosis on Steam

Ion Fury

Ion Fury

I’ve never had any particular nostalgia for BUILD engine shooters cause I pretty much missed all of them during my childhood, so I went in without wearing nostalgia googles (well, almost). Yet, Ion Maiden (shh, don’t tell scumbag lawyers) absolutely blew me away from the first few levels.

-Solid gameplay with some of the punchiest guns I ever used in a FPS (save for Doom gameplay wads). The game lets you use its entire arsenal pretty much from the get-go and develop your own playstyle. Every gun has its place, even the default pistol which is traditionally discarded the second a shotgun shows up. That demonstrates nicely that the devs not only took the elements of classic shooters, but also improved on them.

– Real player with 146.3 hrs in game

This is a heavily shortened version of my full review. Check it out at

STORY: 8/10

Ion Fury is actually a prequel of sorts to a previous 3D Realms game titled “Bombshell”. It features Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison who herself is based on a cut character from Duke Nukem Forever, who originally was going to be a sidekick of Duke. Ion Fury follows Shelly’s exploits as a GDF police chief in Neo DC, tracking down the leader of a cybernetic cult that has risen on the streets, which are flooded with augmented punks that seem eager to die for their new leader. As it turns out, the leader is Professor Jadus Heskel, a scientist hellbent on world domination. It is up to Shelly to track him down and end his reign. Yeah the game is certainly not heavy on story, but much like its fathers, it doesn’t really need one. So let’s move on to talking about the gameplay.

– Real player with 140.0 hrs in game

Ion Fury on Steam

SiN Episodes: Emergence

SiN Episodes: Emergence

After rushing 24 hours total with this. I´m done. I´ve played all the maps(story i mean), fanmade, Sin 1 Source maps, EVERYTHING. (those all i could find and download). I examined every place in all maps totally. So the fun would not end.

Positive things about this game:

-AI, so much better than in any other source game, enemies can get wounded, and can´t move, just noticed that in last map i played, they kick things at you, shoots exploding barrels (and maybe kick them towards you after that), they can melee better, using head example, they throw your grenades back to you(i think, i´m not sure about this one) and they can get health from healthstations example. So it´s more challangening to fight them.

– Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

A wise woman once said “born to stink, forced to smell”. In an age where the games industry was still finding its footing, smaller studios that once battled the giants for a foothold in the mainstream had to resort to workflows and content delivery methods that were less than conventional in an attempt to secure funding. Ritual Entertainment, one such company, found themselves in this precise predicament after their generally unrewarded work on SiN and Counter-Strike left them seeking a new source of income.

– Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

SiN Episodes: Emergence on Steam



Sputnik is an indie arcade space game where player needs to repair old Soviet Union space settlements. It’s a single player game with cyberpunk style graphics and real retro feel. Gameplay is based on old school games from 1980’s and 1990’s with lives and permadeath.

Player needs to explore abandon settlement in space and fix electricity, oxygen and water generators and make the settlement inhabitable. Explore the settlement and find materials to fix generators and upgrade your space ship to face the challenge!

  • Explore and survive: Explore the settlements and find pickups, repair the generators and try to survive.

  • Upgrade your ship: Player can upgrade his ship on the start of each level. Ship is being upgraded with scraps left from previous level.

  • Upgrade your weapon: Weapon can be upgraded as well. Increase fire rate and ammo capacity with scraps.

  • Use mods for better gaming experience: Game supports mods. Player can set default values from simple text file.

  • Exceptional Soundtrack: Music and sounds are influenced by classic 8-bit, synth wave and ambience music.

There are multiple levels and each level is generated semi-procedurally to give a bit different experience on each gameplay. It is also possible to mod different properties of player and game.

Sputnik on Steam