Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

There’s a reason I’ve logged 200+ hours in this game in under 2 months. It’s fun as hell and offers incredible amounts of replay value and gameplay depth. There is an absolutely enormous amount of content, and everything is packed with detail.

The basic idea of the game is to pick a vehicle, a primary and secondary weapon, and then a special defensive weapon/feature, and go to town. You’re getting paid based on how much destruction you dish out by a cold, calculating megacorp, the SNC, that has only one goal: conquest of Solo Nobre, a massive walled city where the game takes place. You must secure the city district-by-district via whatever means necessary, even if that means completely leveling the entire map (which is totally doable, and even encouraged!).

Real player with 754.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Soundtrack Games.

Brigador is, on the surface, an isometric twin stick shooter where you choose a difficulty, vehicle, two weapons, a special ability, and a pack of levels to fight through. But what makes it so much more than just that is the flavortext. No, that’s not a joke. Every single map, Pilot, weapon, lore concept, and vehicle, including the non playable ones have a full paragraph or more written about its special quirks, how it came into service, crew oppinion, and other such things.

The setting is a genuinely interesting one. Yes the 80s synthwave meme is a bit overplayed these days, but it works out in a way that doesn’t feel forced in brigador. Cassette tapes and CRT moniters work along side crainial jacks in this dystopian North Korea meets Rio Brazil in an An-Cap universe and it just kinda works.

Real player with 138.3 hrs in game

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition on Steam

Baldr Sky

Baldr Sky

I’m not really sure what to say about the experience that is Baldr Sky. There is so very much I could get into, but saying anything too specific feels like reviewing Muv-Luv Alternative as if it was a stand alone work.

While being nothing alike in ways, Baldr Sky does check a lot of the same boxes and as it is much lesser known, I’ll just mention those similarities first.

-It is very creative, well thought out and complex.

-It is very sci-fi centric and technical without being dry.

-It is an incredibly engaging, edge-of-your-seat read.

Real player with 275.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Visual Novel Games.

Baldr Sky is one of the best recent VNs and JRPGs to have been localised to the West, delivering an entertaining story, memorable characters, and robust action RPG combat.

It’s set in a cyberpunk vision of urban Japan in the aftermath of a tragedy called Gray Christmas, which left an entire city in ruins. Local and federal governments, a private corporation, a research team and a religious cult are implicated in the event, with each party blaming the others. The survivors who comprise the bulk of the main cast include alumni of an esteemed school, who believe they had been witness to suspicious events prior to the disaster during their school days.

Real player with 196.1 hrs in game

Baldr Sky on Steam

Slave Zero

Slave Zero

Slave Zero is a Underrated Third-Person Shooter.

I’ve decided to rewrite this review because my old one was kind of crap but also it’s this game’s 20th Anniversary which is actually “October 31st, 1999”, and also I love this game.

Slave Zero is Fu*king Awesome, an example of an Underrated Classic that needs to be Revived or Remastered. In this game you play as a giant robot called Slave Zero, smashing up cars, buildings, and destroying other robots. This is one of the first games that has came up with this concept and it still works great today.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Third-Person Shooter Games.

It is hard for me to write about this game since I undoubtedly view it through nostalgia goggles, but I believe it still holds up quite well today. The game is very fun to play with great controls, a great variety of enemies, and beautifully designed futuristic areas.

I’ve noticed a lot of people comment on the story. The story is there purely for story’s sake — it is the glue that ties all the missions together. Don’t expect any intricate character development, or any sort of interaction among the characters whatsoever. Most of the exposition is presented at the very start of the game in the opening sequence and that’s that. The hero of the game, Ch’an, doesn’t communicate much with the rest of the cast - he merely executes Guardians' (the rebels) orders. This can be either good or bad depending on your preferences. If you’re the kind of player that likes to assume the role of the protagonist - then this is the game for you - but on the other hand, it is hard to have some clear idea in terms of what Ch’an is like. The intro states that “Ch’an must permanently merge with the Slave,” meaning he’s doomed to stay inside the robot for all eternity Neon Genesis Evangelion style. It would be interesting to read about his backstory, but the game is so fast paced and focused on bringing down Sovkhan that there’s never really any time to address that. It is only near the end of the game, during the final mission, when Sovkhan reveals (spoiler alert!) that he murdered Ch’an’s father which possibly explains Ch’an’s decision to permanently merge with the robot. Unfortunately, since the plot never really makes you feel invested in the characters, this grand revelation felt very underwhelming and anticlimatic. But you don’t play Slave Zero for the story! It is the fast-paced action packed gameplay, one of a kind atmosphere, amazingly intricate boss fights, and great atmospheric music that makes the game what it is. All in all, It is a great cyberpunk adventure that is still very fun to play now.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Slave Zero on Steam



  • The gameplay is fun and somewhat deep. Each enemy is unique and requires specific tactics to beat. You also need to keep in mind your surroundings, enemy status, and choose your equipment and consumables for each mission.

  • The graphics look decent during battles. It reminds me of Into The Breach units-as-icons visual style. Characters during dialogues require some polish, though the story here is non-important; the game fills more like chess - it doesn’t really need a deep and meaningful story arc, to begin with, if the gameplay is fun. Maybe something more will come up later (storywise), but I haven’t seen a lot of meaningful dialogues or character development during my first several hours of the game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

A fun little game. A bit clunky UI, so you need to spend some time to learn it.

Sometimes game give you hard challenges and you will not be able to finish some missions from a first try.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Thermonuclear on Steam

Wormhole City

Wormhole City

For an early access game it does have its share of bugs and such but the atmosphere is just great. I love the setting and the feel of the game. Combat needs work and it definitely needs polishing but it is ea and in time im sure it will be a big seller.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

nice game.

first minuses:

1. camera. awfull awfull awfull camera. and as camera changes, control buttons changes directions, so its kinda hard to play.

2. sometime you have no idea what a hell is going on, untill you found trigger. i spent tens of minutes in last space battle, untill found out that you dont supposed to win…

3. short. slightly less then 3 hours and its over.

4. infinite 1 weapon in mecha…


1. interesting story. story from 2 different sides. Acero Astra - mecha pilot from Space Force. and Marko - just a soldier in rebelling army from this particular planet. sad story. and it look so earth-grounded, its just fascinating.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Wormhole City on Steam

Armed to the Gears

Armed to the Gears

Armed to the Gears:

It all started with the discovery of the Neutronium base element from a deep excavation in 2029, somewhere near a place named Main City. Neutrium turns out to be a powerful new energy that can be used to power batteries and equipment for hundreds of years. This type of energy is always useful for military purposes, and the countries that have access to the Neutrium start a race to develop the ultimate automated warfare unit. The citizens of the world take to the streets to raise their concerns, but the world turns to chaos, leading to the rise of three terrible factions. The worst of the three, the Ministry, wins the race and now controls the world with these ultimate machines of war. That is, until a rebellion of hackers plans to use the machines against the Ministry. It’s going to be Armed to the Gears!

*– [Real player with 8.9 hrs in game](*

Don't get me wrong with this review, I DID have fun… but there are several things wrong with this game. That being said... i only had like 5.5 hrs ACTUAL time played on campaign..... watched a movie with the wife and went to get more beer while the game was still running. (New Predator movie rocks btw). This game does not suck. I know it is in alpha. I want to like this game more, byt they have a lot of work to do

_Upgrading is confusing at first.. I feel it should be seperated from the turret menu_

*– [Real player with 8.0 hrs in game](*




Armored Core Lite.

This is the closest thing to Armored Core on PC, honestly. It feels and plays like watered and dumbed down Armored Core 4\. It lacks customization from AC, but gameplay loop as well as presentation (aka being hired by various Corporations that fighting each other) is very close. Story is absolute cringe and not worth discussing nor following. I can point out some pros and cons to break down the game


-Closest thing to Armored Core on PC

-Plays and feels almost as AC4

-Had people who developed AC in dev team

*– [Real player with 43.8 hrs in game](*

I can highly recommend this game, it's no armor core that's for sure however the game does provided a lot of customization however most of it would be "locked" until you encounter that part for the mech or weapon type but overall the game is fun, story is excellent and characters are splendid I actually like about 3 or 4 that are my favorite that doesn't the rest are bad it's just my personal tastes really.

*– [Real player with 30.1 hrs in game](*


![Mech Mechanic Simulator]( "")

## Mech Mechanic Simulator

I wish I could recommend this game but I just can't in good conscience. It's a fun and novel idea that I jumped into after discovering that my owning Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 (CMS from here on) gave me a small PlayWay loyalty discount, but it's very much held back by some questionable design decisions and somewhat limited amount of content.

### First, the Good

*   All of the mechs look decent (albeit small) and unique and have a surprising amount of detail in the components that can be detached. repaired, and reattached.

*– [Real player with 25.2 hrs in game](*

I could not start a new game at first. An integrity check on the files showed that half of the download was not good. Re Downloaded those files and now I am running all Ultra settings.

Short Version: This game could become an awesome Mech Mechanic Sim. Right now it is lacking. I will support the game and not return it because I can see that it may advance over time.


1) It does not make me feel like a mechanic. It feels more like a search and find game or a memory game. When I have taken apart or assembled items I always lay the parts out so that I am sure on assembly that I have not missed anything. Part of feeling like I am progressing is that eventually I can dump the parts out and do a full assembly in 30 minutes without looking at a diagram. In Mech mechanic there is no way to get that feeling. When you disassemble you can see the part you need to get to thanks to the scan. To get there though you move your mouse around waiting on a part to turn green. Then you select that part and see if you can wiggle it off - no? well now you look for the screws or retaining part and remove that. now you wiggle the part off - rinse repeat. Seek and Find. After doing that to the same arm on the same mech you might could get that "muscle memory" built up over time but wait - Sometimes when you take it a part you unscrew the part but when you assemble it you have to select the part and it attaches itself automatically. That lack of consistency actually breaks the muscle memory and makes you feel like you are doing it wrong. All parts you unscrew on disassemble should have you screw it back on in assembly.

*– [Real player with 24.7 hrs in game](*




This is the game I have been waiting for!

Since Mech Warrior and Mech Commander, I have wanted to VR pilot a mech. I want all the story boards and team overviews with in-mech VR and commander of a squad in Real time scenarios with VR command decs or carriers communicating with real time live players to enact sieges etc.

While this game is not all that, they clearly define a road map to what is much of the VR piloting of various mech classes. Currently it seems they are working cockpit operations and player interaction (but I am sure they state exactly what somewhere in their roadmap).

*– [Real player with 6.8 hrs in game](*

If you were disappointed when Hawken shut down before the Rift CV1 released and never got to play that sweet, sweet Mech combat in VR, never fear, Iron Rebellion is here!

This is truly going to be a trend-setter game. The virtualized joystick controls and easy to learn, tough to master gameplay leaves you coming back again and again for those spicy mech shootouts!

It hasn't been released for long, so many updates are on the roadmap, cannot wait til I can make a Reaper loadout like from Hawken and dart around as a tiny speedster mech with a sniper rifle, weeeeee!

*– [Real player with 3.5 hrs in game](*


![War Robots VR: The Skirmish]( "")

## War Robots VR: The Skirmish

Short but great : Don't be fooled by the short play time of the reviewers, because this demo is only ~0.1h long.

Truth is I don't even game on mobile phone/tablets, but I will be showing this "VR ad" to my friends, who don't own a VR headset but do game on their phone/tablets.

Update : Turns out they DID launch a Kickstarter to release a full VR version, but unfortunately that Kickstarter wasn't tied to an update of this (very short) demo or anything, so I barely managed to notice the Kickstarter in time (it's almost over), and I'm guessing most other Steam users totally missed it. I hope they Kickstart it again but tie it to a noticeable update of their Steam VR demo this time.

*– [Real player with 1.3 hrs in game](*
















*– [Real player with 1.0 hrs in game](*
