System Shock: Enhanced Edition

System Shock: Enhanced Edition

System Shock: Enhanced Edition is a first-person science-fiction exploration-based action-adventure game developed by Looking Glass Studios for the unnamed System Shock engine, and re-released by Night Dive Studios via the KEX Engine. Set in the year 2072, the player takes control of an unnamed hacker who awakes from a six-month long medical coma on board a desolate space-station overrun by the biomechanical creations of the AI SHODAN.

Few games in 1994 were as forward-looking as Looking Glass Studios' System Shock, with regards to both its cyberpunk narrative and its game design sensibilities. Playing through the 10-14 hour long campaign, now easier than ever, unleashes an unprecedented presentation of considered design, creative scenarios and thoughtful storytelling. The techniques and technical details almost feel anachronistic with their modern standards for guiding and challenging the player. The moody worldbuilding of Citadel (System Shock’s space station) is still captivating, still authentically lived-in and narratively grounded as the end result of the engagingly told backstory. Amidst vocal email messages and scattered audiologs, the title features genuinely compelling vocal performances, with a pace of storytelling and presentation which gradually reveals an engaging, complex and startlingly fluid and confident story which sticks the landing by the end. The level design, while dense and mazelike, is kept navigable through aesthetic variety and recognizable landmarks. Meanwhile, the gradual escalation of stakes in both the gameplay and plot is masterful; SHODAN, who’s menacing personality and imposing power wouldn’t be replicated again, presents a dungeon-master-like sadism, and the cat-and-mouse progression of the player’s rivalry with her is a real delight.

Real player with 52.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Classic Games.

I am a huge fan of System Shock 2 and consider it to be one of my personal favourite games ever. So you can imagine my delight when I was finally able to get my hands on and play the original System Shock here on steam. And whilst I still think SS2 is a much better game, I sincerely enjoyed playing this.

System Shock is an oldschool FPS in which you play as a hacker who must stop a rogue AI who has taken over the Citadel space station from taking over/destroying the Earth. Seems straightforward enough, but what I really like about the story is how it always feels like it’s moving forward. You wake up and find everything’s gone to hell. You desperately try and figure out what’s going on and how to stop it. And every time it seems like you’ve foiled SHODAN’s plans, she’s still one step ahead of you, so it’s up to you to keep up and try and save the Earth. I really like this as it seriously draws you in. You want to keep playing to find out what happens next and to get the last laugh in. Even though the graphics and controls haven’t aged well, I find System Shock to be a deeply immersive game.

Real player with 47.9 hrs in game

System Shock: Enhanced Edition on Steam

Safe Not Safe

Safe Not Safe

Ever wondered how stealth games of the future will look like?

This is how. Safe Not Safe reinvigorates the genre in several fundamental ways.

Meaningful exploration

Every mission is a completely new procedurally generated level. Explore freely and find your own way to the goal without a pre-designed solution.

Worthy Opponent

Powerful AI controls the whole base and commands robotic security. The AI is adapting to your actions and builds smarter and stronger defences on the fly.

Real Challenge

Rogue-lite elements are challenging but fair. No saves during the missions – success depends only on your plan and the way you combine your skills and gear.

Sign up to our newsletter for exclusive access to early alpha builds.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Hacking Games.

Safe Not Safe on Steam



Peripeteia is an upcoming first-and-third-person game, mixing shooter, stealth and RPG mechanics. Heavily inspired by immersive sims made by Ion Storm and Looking Glass Studios; Peripeteia expands upon the formula with original ideas and an unexplored setting.

In an alternate history cyberpunk Poland, a young cybernetic supersoldier named Marie must make her way as a Mercenary in a post-Soviet city full of corruption and opportunity; where nations, powerful factions and ideologies clash.

You will be forced to use your wits, tact, and raw violent nature to complete tasks shrouded in conspiracy and mystery. Logic, skill and ruthless cunning will win you the day in an interactive and highly adaptive world. When that fails, a loaded gun and the ability to create your own climbing routes virtually anywhere, will suffice.

Have you found yourself hungering for a sense of survival, accomplishment, and player choice long absent from this dark and belied industry? Then consider joining us in the lights of the Eastern Night with Peripeteia.


- Dave Oshry

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Atmospheric Games.

Peripeteia on Steam



Welcome to Nivalis! Making it in this cyberpunk city isn’t easy. The gangs want to harvest your organs, the Corps will fine you for breathing, and the whole time, the ground under your feet is crumbling. This city could fall into the ocean tomorrow, so you better make your fortune today.

You’ve got to start small: a food stall, a noodle stand, a stim store. Build your way up to a bar, a restaurant, or even a nightclub. Eventually, you’ll own all the nightlife in Nivalis. You’ll own the night!

In Nivalis, you choose how to spend your time in the city. In this unique slice-of-life sim with realistic weather simulation and night and day cycles, you can grow your business, meet strange and diverse characters, form friendships and experience the danger and wonder of this cyberpunk voxel city.

#### Features:

  • Experience your simulated life in Nivalis, and choose how you spend your time each day.

  • Manage businesses like restaurants, ramen stands or night clubs.

  • Buy or grow your own ingredients.

  • Cook unique dishes and mix cocktails to attract the right customers.

  • Quit work for the day and go fishing instead!

  • Decorate your home or buy and customise a new one.

  • Travel on foot or in your flying HOVA through realistically simulated traffic.

  • Discover the stories of the people you meet in the city, your friends, your customers, and maybe even find love.

Nivalis on Steam

Dark Running

Dark Running

Dark Running is a recreational and Parkour game.With leisurely music, keep running forward.Faced with all kinds of problems, we need to find ways to skillfully or flexibly pass the checkpoint.Of course, smooth passing is the fun of this game.

Dark Running on Steam

System Shock

System Shock

Customers who pre-order this version of System Shock will receive System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition for free when SS2:EE is released.

“Look at you, Hacker. A pth-pth… pathetic creature of meat and bone.”

You awaken from a six month healing coma aboard Citadel Station, TriOptimum’s premier research facility. Mutants feast on their former crew mates, nightmares of flesh bound to metal roam the dark hallways, and the station’s A.I., SHODAN, is aiming Citadel’s mining laser… at Earth!

Your military grade neural interface is all that stands between humanity and the silicon god coming to remake Earth in their vision.

System Shock is a remake of the beloved PC classic. Updating mechanics, graphics, and enemy A.I. - System Shock is here to offer a new generation of players a chance to go toe-to-toe with one of gaming’s iconic enemies: SHODAN. Fight, hack, and save humanity from a fate worse than death itself.

Weapons & Tools at Your Disposal

“How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?”

Weapons have been completely overhauled to form a new deadly arsenal featuring the MK 2100 Magnum, SK-27 Shotgun, LG-XX Plasma Rifle, ND-12 Rail Gun, the Laser Rapier, and many more.

Plug-in the Mapping Unit implant to chart your way through all 9 levels of Citadel Station, hook-up the Biological Systems Monitor to monitor your health and energy consumption, and install the Multimedia Data Reader to experience the last horrifying moments of Citadel’s crew.

New Threats and Horrors

“My children, a human infection continues to thrive inside of me…”

SHODAN’s twisted mind has remade the crew into her image of perfection. Poisoning their DNA, she mutated their flesh. Clouding their minds, she grafted together steel and bone to make them cyborgs. Around every corner lurks a new and horrible way to die.

Explore Citadel Station for the 1st Time

“You are an interloper, a blight on my domain.”

Citadel Station has been renovated to include new areas to explore, traps to evade, puzzles to solve and secrets to discover.

Hack your way through Cyberspace, a 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) hacking simulator rebuilt to be more dangerous with new enemies and challenges.

System Shock on Steam

Cruelty Squad

Cruelty Squad

Cruelty Squad is a game that assaults all of your senses until you gain the skill and knowledge needed to assault the game back. Once you have ground the game into the dirt for what it did to you and there is nothing left to accomplish, it asks you if you are proud of yourself. The words make you feel like you winced, but outwardly you have shown no reaction. You continue to punish the game. You just keep playing. You have enough money but you keep harvesting organs. You have beaten every level over and over again but you keep replaying them. You’ve gotten S ranks in each level but you just keep going for shorter times.

Real player with 114.3 hrs in game

The art style is like being born again. Merely the appearance of everything is so unfamiliar, yet the form has a purpose. What is at first is an assault on the senses becomes this journey to have a precision beyond that of machine, to retire at 30, to be a home owner. But now that you’ve reached your destination, there’s a distinct emptiness. What more is there left to do? You’re a high net worth individual now, and you can’t truly take that journey for the first time again. If you throw away everything, you’ll just navigate effortlessly back to where you were. Simply put, there’s no more destination to venture to, there’s no journey to be had, you’re at the end of what this planet has to offer and what a society of miserable chunks of meat has to offer. What do you do at the end? Desperately try to relive any past experiences, no matter how boring they’ve become? Or maybe keep doing the same routine every day in hopes that something new will cross your path? What purpose does man serve when they’ve done everything?

Real player with 41.1 hrs in game

Cruelty Squad on Steam

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

D E A D E Y E (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Indulge in visceral, deadly gunplay where every mistake could be your last. Hack cameras, turrets, people, even individual bullets!!!ヽ(°〇°)ノ Slow time to a crawl. Fade from view. Rip your mind asunder. Project your ego and “befriend” every intelligent thing that surrounds you. Your abilities include, but are not limited to: everything.

D E E P F A K E (˵◡_◡˵)

Deep gameplay, deep writing, ALL style, NO substance. High concept, low fidelity. Relish in an original soundtrack of sumptuous lo-fi hip hop beats as you subvert and dominate your enemies. Build relationships with with a cast of colorful characters. Make game changing decisions as you piece together the mystery of your shadowy corporate benefactors.

S I M U L A C R U M (✿◕‿◕)

Customize the ultimate agent with more than 2^64 pieces of lovingly, caringly, procedurally generated equipment. Refine your agent’s specialties and weaknesses through activatable abilities and passive but impactful perks. Conquer dozens of hand-crafted artisanal missions (and endless generated side content) designed to produce emergent gameplay and accommodate any playstyle.

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum on Steam

Deus Ex: Invisible War

Deus Ex: Invisible War

Consolized Deus Ex in virtually every aspect

Back when Deus Ex came out, PC games had a reputation for being more complex than their Console bretheren. PC titles tended to be more complex, have a ton of hotkeys that just couldn’t be fit onto a controller, and were larger in just about every way owing to the same factors that make PC’s technologically superior to consoles to this day. More RAM, more HD space, better graphical capabilities, etc etc etc.

Well into the 2000’s this reality was still prevalent, and no game better encapsulates this contrast and mentality turned reality than Deus Ex: Invisible War-a title made with consoles in mind first and foremost.

Real player with 48.3 hrs in game

Deus Ex Invisible War is the Sequel to the extremely good Deus Ex which was released in the year 2000, Invisible War was released in 2003 for the Xbox Original and PC, just like Deus Ex it is a Cyber Punk RPG, set 20 years after the Original Deus Ex the world is still recovering from “The Collapse” basically a 2nd great depression when JC Denton destroyed Area 51, apparently he also Merged with Helios and the Illuminati took over? its a bit confusing, you play as Alex D, a Male or Female student enrolled in the Tarsus Academy who escapes an attack on the School done by The Order, after escaping Tarsus you decide who to trust, who to side with and generally what to do, you only know that Tarsus was secretly watching you and The Order were actually “Trying” to save you and the other Students.

Real player with 32.6 hrs in game

Deus Ex: Invisible War on Steam

Human Cube

Human Cube


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Human Cube on Steam