In [ECHOSTASIS], you take control of the lead engineer at ENIGMA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. While testing a new device that can generate personalized realities known as [ECHOES], a cyber-attack is launched on [ENIGMA] HQ.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Psychedelic Games.


Cyber Ops

Cyber Ops

This game is great and I’m kinda sad it got so many bad reviews. It’s challenging but honestly it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. Once you figure out the mechanics it’s challenging but perfectly feasible after a couple of tries. It had some bugs at launch but they have all been fixed already.

Great atmosphere, good voice acting, nice looking interface and very singular gameplay. Being the guardian angel hacker behind a screen while the operators actually do the work might not be for everyone but I personally love it.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Atmospheric Games.

Every negative review is sadly 100 % correct. Only 25 % ever made 1st mission. Only 0,3 % players ever finished the game and 1 % just hacked the “game finished " achievement, because more players finished game than finished last mission. You will be fighting the logic breaking UI problems more than “triangle” enemies. All moving enemies are called “turrets” when killed. You don’t know at this moment if cyborg or human enemy type died.

You will NOT be able to win after level 5 without good oldschool health cheats. The game is so buggy that some mechanics needed for victory don’t works sometimes. I won spider-tank level 6 fight legit first, but squad just glitched at the door when leving the cathedral. QTE skillchecks are also broken or start at unwinnable state.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Cyber Ops on Steam

Project Martians

Project Martians

can’t re-read (tutorial) objectives, save game ended up broken mid tutorial but at the start?

it seems more of an early access proof of concept than anything.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Mars Games.

Clumsy controls, a broken tutorial, and not much to recommend it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Project Martians on Steam

Extreme Soccer

Extreme Soccer

I used to play FreeStyleFootball and this game has a lot of similarities with FSF. I would love to see more people playing this game. It has 1m+ downloads on mobile but it is free there. With a little bit advertising, it would be so much fun.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

It has a lot of potential.

Visually it is great.

Movement and animations feel a bit weird/slow at times, it can surely be improved on that part.

So far they’ve put 5 characters (there are much more on the mobile game).

There are very few players for now but you can also play with bots.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Extreme Soccer on Steam