InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror

InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror

I’ll admit; I like the simplicity of the game and while I do want to continue it, it stops reacting to inputs (glitching, enemies not dying, a bossfight that never ends because there is no way to actually END the fight). The DLC is also glitched out, meaning it won’t run at all. If there was more work pumped into the game, I’m sure it would be lots of fun. Imaging co-op, that would be interesting and could save this game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Sci-fi Games.

As the game stands now, it still needs quite a bit of work. It looks really dodgy and it is on many occasions. If you can make your way past the first 20 minutes, it really picks up with a menagerie of bizarrely textured guns and a colourful cast of monsters. Monsters such as Imps, Ogres, Midget Lizard Men, charred gas mask clad soldiers that dance when you kill them, and even skeletons that throw….“rocks”.

FINAL OPINION: Not quite worth $9.99, but it’s fun to play overall.

EDIT: The latest patch has broken the game. I can no longer recommend it until the problem is solved.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror on Steam



Who am I?

Is here anyone talking?

I know. I know. But……

What a stupid experiment

Alright. Anyway, all I need to do is put the box on the machine, right?

Why I have to put on the helmet?

『Cyborg_Lab, Syncing… Sync-Rate, 5%』

A little hurt…and dark.Something is leaking…..


『Cyborg_Lab』is a first person 3D puzzle game.Players must solve more than 30 physics puzzle, and find the hidden truth in a peace space station.

Game features:

-About 30 puzzles with clear catch. A fair duel between puzzle designers and players.

-Core mechanism combine with various other mechanism, making puzzle more complex and interesting.

-Time is also a part of puzzle.

-Puzzle is also a part of narrative, solve different puzzle to get different ending.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Futuristic Games.

Cyborg_Lab on Steam

NEON STRUCT: Carrion Carrier

NEON STRUCT: Carrion Carrier

As the only active speedrunner of the original Neon Struct this was right up my alley. It’s a very different game to Neon Struct and a much smaller game in comparison, but a great effort for a free game jam game and it’s heaps of fun once you get enough upgrades.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Singleplayer Games.

Run, jump, deliver! The game is fun and it’s great to see another Minor Key Games Game. He could easily have charged money for it.

The only thing that is a bit of a problem is the performance. I have an RX 570 and am running this game in 1440p. Sometimes it drops in the high twenties - most of the time it runs smooth - but I get regular in 40 fps territory. But honestly it’s just a nitpick in the end.

tl;dr: The game is good, the game is free, performance could be a bit better.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

NEON STRUCT: Carrion Carrier on Steam



I really loved this game.

some of the encounters were a bit annoying and poorly designed but figuring out the best way to win makes it all worth it

Its definitely good for those who enjoy the new DOOM games or really any advanced mobility game like titanfall, overkill, etc.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

The devs owe me a new pair of hands after this..

Ghostrunner is all about reflexes, patterns, and timing, it’s a very complex game but sure it’s rewarding going through it.

Personally, i sucked a lot at it, because of some health issues my response time and anything that uses my brain has a snail effect on.

The game does have some assisting options (I really appreciate the devs for this), however, i didn’t use any of them because i was afraid it might affect the achievements.

This game was suggested to me by a friend on the basis of me being a die-hard Hotline Miami fan (and also Shadow Warrior), although, with Shadow Warrior it doesn’t have that much in common, the recommendation was spot on.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Ghostrunner on Steam

Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death

Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death

If I went by the reviews I’d not have gotten this game nor wasted any time playing it. I got it on a Steam sale and it is worth full price.

Sure there are flaws, acknowledged. One of the levels stopped giving me hints and I got stuck. Exiting the game and reloading (not reinstalling) it brought back that levels hints so I could proceed. BTW that particular map was a little different that it required some thought to figure out how to defeat the judge.

But the game is FUN, not frustrating and I kept going even after sometimes dying a lot.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

“Attention, patrons. There is a Dark Judge loose within the Smokatorium. Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em.”

I don’t know how to go about calling this a “good game”. Which implies I’m under some sort of obligation to do so when I’m really not. And yet, with thirteen hours on Steam and umpteen more on console way back, I feel like I ought to. The truth is that Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death is a sloppy, mediocre mess – the very definition of a sub-par game – which by all conventional standards belongs in the bargain bin.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death on Steam



For anyone who’s a huge admirer of Thief like I am, this is a definite recommend! While it is a rather low-budget, small scale game, it has enough of its own vibe and does not outstay its welcome to become boring. I will attempt to sum up my feelings on it in more detail. (Possible spoilers ahead?)

Mechanically , it directly borrows light gem and surface materials elements from Thief. I love that! The experience of “reading a room” for isles and pathways that are safe to run on or stay in (and having to dynamically think through affordances of illumination and sound) never gets old and is unfortunately missing from most modern stealth games.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

NEON STRUCT is a game for those who like first-person stealth, and don’t care about graphics or story. It’s not exactly that it’s a bad game; I did play it to completion. But thinking back, there’s little that stands out positively, and the experience never really gripped me.

The gameplay is probably the strongest part of NEON STRUCT. The game is divided into self-contained missions, each with a couple of goals such as stealing an item or deleting data from a computer. The levels are moderately sized with a progressively increasing number and variety of guards, security cameras and similar obstacles to overcome. There’s some freedom in approach; for example, you can steal keycards from patrolling guards, knock the guards out first, or hack the door with a Breakout mini-game; and all levels feature multiple routes to explore.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game




Split is a first-person puzzle game with unique mechanics of creating copies of yourself and manipulating time. The gameplay combines many different types of puzzles from more and less famous puzzle games and takes them to a whole new perspective.

After the recent war, engineers from Epsilon Energy created the Split indestructible shield system. It was to protect individual giant cities covering almost the entire planet from armed conflicts. Different cities have different policies towards their citizens. In West Ulrage, every citizen gets a guardian robot at birth. In Hal’Tor, pairs of robots raise several children each. Whereas in Dievez, people are raised in large centers. Most jobs have been taken over by machines. People work mainly as mechanics, programmers or operators.

The Split control panel is riddled with numerous traps that will require both good reflexes and composure. You can try to destroy enemies or escape from them by using time manipulation and your own clones to distract them.

The game’s design refers to Brutalism, an architectural style popular around the 1970s. It was promoted, among others, by the game “Control”. We mixed this style with the digital environment from “Tron: Legacy”. The levels are full of nooks and crannies, which may seem empty at first glance, but lead to interesting places.

We were inspired by games such as:

Q.U.B.E.2”, “The Talos Principle”, “The Turing Test”, “Portal”, “The Witness” and “Antichamber”

Split on Steam



Escape the walled city and take on the militarized government of the sprawl. Fueled by the blood of your enemies and a mysterious voice in your head, make your way towards the spire to topple whatever lays within.

SPRAWL is a hardcore retro FPS set in an endless cyberpunk megapolis. Here the streets are your playground. The dark alleys and dilapidated apartments are all surfaces compatible with your “icarus” cybernetic implant. This implant allows you to perform gravity defying acrobatic wall-running maneuvers. Your enemies, the militarized police of the sprawl, stand no chance. Not only that, but their blood fuels this same implant, vastly enhancing your reaction time. On command you can enter a state in which even bullets move at a snail’s pace. A vast arsenal of weapons lie at your disposal, the armies of the corporate government are endless, but be warned…

SPRAWL on Steam



Observer_ is the latest game from the developers behind Layers of Fear. Set in a dystopian cyberpunk world, you play as Dan Lazarski, a neural detective known as an Observer. With your augmentations, you can hack into peoples minds to solve crimes all while reliving some of their biggest fears and nightmares. One rainy night you get a call from your estranged son, seemingly in danger and asking for help. Once you trace that call to a decrepit apartment complex in the slums of Krakow, your investigation begins.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

There is something unsettling about plugging in your computer, loading up Rutger Hauer’s character and playing a game where he plugs into dead people’s brains to get a look at their memories. It makes noir cyberpunk feel a little too close to home in 2020. RIP Rutger, gone but not forgotten. Off-genre stealth scenes mar this otherwise great experience, worth picking up if you are into cyberpunk, detective mysteries and/or horror games. (Please note that you can no longer buy the original game and must purchase the Redux version)

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

>observer_ on Steam

AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome

AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome

This game is actually V E R Y fun! Well, for me. I originally played AaAAaA!!! 3D on A10 so i decided to ask my dad to buy the game and we did and i fricken love it! So it has good graphics (If your PC/Mac/Linux can handle it, or you put it on low graphics) and also fun level design, good DLC, not alot of difficulty spikes, less sensitive to whack into a building, good controlls, and use of the wind and checkpoints UNLIKE reckless disregard for gravirty (Excluding Brutal Concussion) and its just a good game! I 100% Recommend it!!! Also the best part! The name! AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome!?! That name is easy to remember and awesome! (No pun intended) But some downsides are it removing some sounds and polishing things that Reckless has like the Kisses where it would fade not just blink. Also the sound for Spray Painting was just the Flip off sound and the spray paint sound but no sound that i remember from 1… 2… 3… Kick it (Drop That Beat Like An Ugly Baby) Also the texture quality is a little dated. And the glitch where the camera wont move. Also it should of been DLC because the Awesome Levels and the original campaign. However i still recommend it over Reckless Disregard for Gravity.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! ….For the Awesome, the Anti-Platformer!! In this game you will do all in your power to AVOID landing on them, as you leave every platform far behind!

I nearly made a mistake with this game (beyond thinking the dreadful title actually said something about the game, that is): I read the reviews. Then I read the awards it’s won. Then I considered the type of games I enjoy most: pinball, Puddle, FOTONICA. Flowing, limited control type games. Actually, the decision was easier with more information. And I made the correct one.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome on Steam