

Dynopunk is an ironic visual novel that combines a unique repairing simulator with the ability to directly influence your clients' attitudes.

Imagine there was no asteroid hitting the Earth and millions of years later dinosaurs created their own society. Chris is the last surviving T Rex and all he wants is to open the repair shop of his dreams. It also wouldn’t hurt to build a time machine and travel to the past to find himself a girlfriend. Isn’t it a bit much, Chris? Just don’t throw your paws up!


Your friend came to you worried? Talk about his problems and give him some advice. But beware, he will listen to you. Or maybe a moody but rich client came to you? Just give him a drink he likes and be nice, it will pay off. On the other hand, you can badger him to see how mad he can get!


For a successful gadget repair, you need to find out the breakdown causes by talking with the client, choose a suitable chip with an effect, and make it as high quality as possible. Your profit depends on your skills.


A 3D printer that can print chips which give an object any effect. How will you utilize this? A client brings you a broken robotic vacuum: do you install a chip with internet connection to fix the navigation system, or install an intellect chip so the vacuum takes over the owner’s house?


Sip a cup of your favourite tea, listen to a lo-fi soundtrack, dive into characters' stories, and make your choices. Play your own jokes on customers as well.


World filled with history, subtext, dinosaurs, and futuristic gadgets. What more could you ask for?

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Story Rich Games.

Dynopunk on Steam



Welcome to Nivalis! Making it in this cyberpunk city isn’t easy. The gangs want to harvest your organs, the Corps will fine you for breathing, and the whole time, the ground under your feet is crumbling. This city could fall into the ocean tomorrow, so you better make your fortune today.

You’ve got to start small: a food stall, a noodle stand, a stim store. Build your way up to a bar, a restaurant, or even a nightclub. Eventually, you’ll own all the nightlife in Nivalis. You’ll own the night!

In Nivalis, you choose how to spend your time in the city. In this unique slice-of-life sim with realistic weather simulation and night and day cycles, you can grow your business, meet strange and diverse characters, form friendships and experience the danger and wonder of this cyberpunk voxel city.

#### Features:

  • Experience your simulated life in Nivalis, and choose how you spend your time each day.

  • Manage businesses like restaurants, ramen stands or night clubs.

  • Buy or grow your own ingredients.

  • Cook unique dishes and mix cocktails to attract the right customers.

  • Quit work for the day and go fishing instead!

  • Decorate your home or buy and customise a new one.

  • Travel on foot or in your flying HOVA through realistically simulated traffic.

  • Discover the stories of the people you meet in the city, your friends, your customers, and maybe even find love.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Immersive Sim Games.

Nivalis on Steam

Lamplight Station

Lamplight Station

Buggy/illogical abandonware. Interesting concept.

Real player with 78.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Survival Games.

In A Nutshell

🔵 Pros

  • Good sci-fi setting with believable atmosphere and feeling to it.

  • Realistic environment and temperature simulation.

  • Some innovative twists to the sandbox crafting system contribute in keeping it fresh.

  • Promising crafting / base building system with potential to become extensively complex and deep.

🔴 Cons

  • Problems with object placement / usage of several items, just not working at times.

  • Crafting balance is quite off, with materials being too abundant most of the time, making the experience easy.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Lamplight Station on Steam

Prometheus Wept

Prometheus Wept

Please note, the videos and screenshots are early representations of Prometheus Wept and not all features have been announced. Regular development logs/videos will commence in the near future. If you would like to be notified of these updates and support Prometheus Wept, please consider signing up to the community hub and adding the game to your wishlist.

Looking for Something to Play in the Meantime?

Developing a game is a slow and meticulous process and it’s going to take time to make Prometheus Wept the best game it can be. If you are looking for something to play in the mean-time, feel free to check out Vigilanteshttps://store.steampowered.com/app/545600/Vigilantes/


Prometheus Wept is a party and action point turn based RPG set in a near-future, post technology Earth. The game offers hardcore squad-level combat, meaningful choices, deep character progression and an advanced crafting system.

Imagine a near-future earth in which technology has become more integrated and essential to daily life. Imagine the sudden corruption of all this technology, in less than a day, by an incredibly potent virus, which affects everything from the smart kettle in your home to automated agriculture and transport systems. Imagine generations of chaos, widespread loss of life, technical understanding, and the fragmenting of nations into insular city states.

You will assume the role of a wandering Classical Technologist surviving among the splintered remnants of humanity, searching for and attempting to restore the technological relics of humanity’s golden age.

Key Features

  • System infiltration: Transfer your character’s consciousness into the treacherous environment of a corrupted computer system, while allies protect you from physical world threats. Employ a range of scripts (abilities) to overcome corrupted system security, and commandeer physical world systems like defenses and doors from within the machine.

  • Turn (AP) and Party Based Tactical Combat: battle it out with a variety of melee, ranged and explosive weapons, with aimed and special attacks, powerful perk-based abilities, attacks of opportunity and more.

  • Use The Environment To Your Advantage: Destroy cover to leave enemies exposed, use a variety of environmental objects against your foes, and exploit interactions between the primal forces of fire, water and electricity to your advantage.

  • Deep Character Progression: Build your team using the ADAPTED character system, which comprises 7 stats, 17 skills and a huge variety of perks. Throughout the game, you will meet and ally with exceptional individuals, each with their own unique set of perks.

  • Meaningful Choices, Little and Large: Will you pay an odd, roadside priest for a blessing or ignore him? Will you help overthrow a questionable oligarchy, or cement their position against growing unrest? After all, in the post virus world, civilized is a relative term.

  • Deep Crafting System: Create a large variety of weapons, armour, explosives, gadgets, combat stims and medical supplies. The quality of the crafted item is determined by the quality of the blueprints you possess, your crafting skill and the quality of the components used.

Prometheus Wept on Steam

Space Merchant

Space Merchant

nice little chilled game, easily played ( and minimised when the boss walks in ) between working on spreadsheets etc. Nice simple and relaxed.

Real player with 124.2 hrs in game

It’s a mobile game, fun but you’d need to spend some time to get to other galaxies (it’ll unlock more ships and crafts). Great if you like slow paced games.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Space Merchant on Steam

Mech Mechanic Simulator

Mech Mechanic Simulator

I wish I could recommend this game but I just can’t in good conscience. It’s a fun and novel idea that I jumped into after discovering that my owning Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 (CMS from here on) gave me a small PlayWay loyalty discount, but it’s very much held back by some questionable design decisions and somewhat limited amount of content.

First, the Good

  • All of the mechs look decent (albeit small) and unique and have a surprising amount of detail in the components that can be detached. repaired, and reattached.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

I could not start a new game at first. An integrity check on the files showed that half of the download was not good. Re Downloaded those files and now I am running all Ultra settings.

Short Version: This game could become an awesome Mech Mechanic Sim. Right now it is lacking. I will support the game and not return it because I can see that it may advance over time.


  1. It does not make me feel like a mechanic. It feels more like a search and find game or a memory game. When I have taken apart or assembled items I always lay the parts out so that I am sure on assembly that I have not missed anything. Part of feeling like I am progressing is that eventually I can dump the parts out and do a full assembly in 30 minutes without looking at a diagram. In Mech mechanic there is no way to get that feeling. When you disassemble you can see the part you need to get to thanks to the scan. To get there though you move your mouse around waiting on a part to turn green. Then you select that part and see if you can wiggle it off - no? well now you look for the screws or retaining part and remove that. now you wiggle the part off - rinse repeat. Seek and Find. After doing that to the same arm on the same mech you might could get that “muscle memory” built up over time but wait - Sometimes when you take it a part you unscrew the part but when you assemble it you have to select the part and it attaches itself automatically. That lack of consistency actually breaks the muscle memory and makes you feel like you are doing it wrong. All parts you unscrew on disassemble should have you screw it back on in assembly.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Mech Mechanic Simulator on Steam

Black Lotus Motel

Black Lotus Motel

WELCOME TO THE BLACK LOTUS MOTEL. An escape experience that puts you and a friend to a bonding test where you need to stay strongly cooperative until the end. LIVE or DIE… TOGETHER.

Are you wishing to truly connect with a beloved friend on a fast-paced puzzle-solving experience? THIS MIGHT BE AN EXPERIENCE FOR YOU. An unbreakable bond is created when you survive the Motel together.


- The Demo is now available! Grab a friend, download the game and enter the Motel. Just to give you a taste of some of the challenges you’ll need to face within.

  • If you or your friend can’t connect to the game, it might be related to server capacity. Make sure to try again with your friend later :) This will expand when the game is released.

  • If either of you gets stuck at any stage of the game PLEASE report it here - BLACK LOTUS MOTEL’s DISCORD!

  • If you mention me in the Lobby (@A3) I’ll spawn so we can meet and hang around. Streamed playthroughs are highly appreciated.

The full game release is Coming Soon! Don’t forget to hit Wishlist button to get notified :)

See you at the Motel! I’ll be hiding behind a bush next to one of the containers _ Thanks for playing!

Black Lotus Motel on Steam

Mars: War Logs

Mars: War Logs


Mars: War Logs is one of those gems that lurks behind “A” titles, just waiting to shine. Very much like Mad Max or WoW in playability, tactics, NPC aggro proc, and utility of various game strategies, the GUI will be familiar to anyone who has played a 3rd person and the particulars are not complicated; you can also change keybinds for fine-tuning. The detailed plot can go in at least three different major directions near the end, and choices determine results on several questlines, but the first two chapters will be very similar/same for any given playthrough. First playthrough on"normal" difficulty was challenging to learn but not difficult, and my second on “difficult” wasn’t too bad

! (except for the Moles in 2 particular encounters)… but “Extreme” has me stumped. There must be a build order that I haven’t identified correctly… yet.

Real player with 92.8 hrs in game

Single-player action RPG with 3rd person view, in the sci-fi setting. Very story-driven, which means NO for the open-world experience. But there is none good tale as well. Just a decent action part in a narrow tunnel of somewhat “noir” agenda. In truth, the game isn’t all bad, it’s just plain and mediocre. But I’m freaked out by how it is presenting itself there on Steam: “An Intense Cyberpunk Rpg On the Red Planet!” While it is really telling about humans on the fourth planet, it is as far from cyberpunk, like me from being a wealthy man. And “Intense” means it is very short and linear. Not a good point to present for decent “story-rich” RPG, you agree?

Real player with 33.7 hrs in game

Mars: War Logs on Steam

Titanium Hound

Titanium Hound

Dark and not so distant future. Scientific breakthrough led to usage of microbe colonies as power sources in all aspects of life. Corporations that control these living batteries development and production became very weightful political powers in the world. Crime, inequality and corruption under their influence reached levels unimaginable before. In attempt to take this chaos under control governments reorganized their police forces and boosted them with top notch military gear.

Teleportation technology was the key to creating the power generating bacteria. Only non-organic objects remain the same during teleportation, but organic materials are completely different story regardless of how large they are. Through the teleportation process the first living batteries came to life, but in fear of unpredictable mutations any further teleportation of organic materials were declared illegal. Unfortunately, law wasn’t enough to stop the obuse of this technology completely.

There is only one way to survive in this merciless world – join a group that possess enough power on at least local level. This can be a corporation, a government, or a gang. But either way, you and the ones you side with won’t be able to rely just on guns and physical capabilities. All organized groups use various gadgets and global network to defend themselves and attack their rivals. Drones of different sizes and outfits often come to play when it’s too risky to handle business in person.

You are Titanium Hound pilot and a kind of cop who wants to protect and serve, helping commoners who were unlucky to get in the middle of gang wars. Abominations, hacked drones and crazed gangsters are just the tip of the iceberg you are trying to break down without full understanding the scope of the problem. You are prepared much better than any regular police unit, but even so your hands are often tied, especially when it comes to questioning corporate regulations.

Titanium Hound is 2D retro-looking action platformer puzzle video game in cyberpunk genre, where you are going to pilot huge and agile exoskeleton to crush hordes of crazed security drones and abominations to uncover conspiracy carefully crafted by one of global corporations. The full list of game’s key features includes:

  • Retro-looking pixel art visual style

  • Fast paced combat

  • Epic boss-fights

  • Platforming elements

  • Environmental puzzles

  • Mission secrets

  • Crafting system

  • Equipment customization

  • Storytelling through dialogues and briefings

Titanium Hound on Steam



The goal of Cyber War Apocalypse is to Survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst & exhaustion. Craft items to help you on your journey. Build shelter. Hunt animals for food and crafting materials. Scavenge the world for crafting items. In multiplayer mode, you’ll need to Protect yourself from other players and Create alliances or become their enemy. It presents combat, crafting, looting, scavenging, resource mining, and exploration.

Campaign Mode

Cyber War APOCALYPSE on Steam