Shinobi Shift

Shinobi Shift

A good project, there is room for development. Good luck to the developers!)


Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Time Manipulation Games.

Shinobi Shift is a first-person game with cyberpunk-style graphics and interesting levels, well done here

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Shinobi Shift on Steam

GunFu Fighter

GunFu Fighter

GunFu is a lost ancient skill.The master of GunFu can control the surrounding time and let it flow slowly.Using the bullet time effect, the geometric distribution position of the enemy is analyzed and prejudged, and the order of planned attacks gives the opponent a fatal blow.

The bullets are limited. You must use the interactive environment to kill the most threatening enemy, and this is the key to victory.

Additional challenge tasks:

1. Use only bullets to kill all enemies.

2. Kill all enemies by any means other than bullets.

3. Don’t kill any enemy.

I hope to be able to reproduce the movie-like fight scene under the minimalist style of painting, thank you for playing my game.

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Dystopian Games.

GunFu Fighter on Steam

Eves Drop

Eves Drop


_New Year’s Eve, 1999.

You are the head of an elite underground hacking ring, Project EVE.

Your goal: Stopping the world’s largest surveillance corporation, Big Brother, from turning into a deep-state puppet master.

You’ve spent months setting up this operation.

Tonight, at midnight, you’ll have your chance._

Physics based destruction - Launch data nodes and cybersecurity to crash them in a blaze of cyber explosions.

Upgrade your system on the fly - Crash special nodes to unlock unique powerups, anything from giant drills to bullet time.

Breach their protocols and corrupt their mainframe - Break through a series of gates to gain access to their mainframe, then find a way to destroy it.

Short and sweet runs - Random generation ensures no two runs are the same, and each one takes no more than 5 minutes to complete.

Old school techno soundtrack

Playable with 1 hand

This game is inspired by the over the top hacking sequences in movies like Hackers and Johnny Mnemonic.

You will NOT be solving puzzles

You WILL be using physics to destroy data nodes and cybersecurity, and flying around cyberspace at rapid speeds.

Made by Drew Dunaj & Jacob Mercer-Pontier

Art by Kyle Templeton

Music by Rupert Cole

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Hacking Games.

Eves Drop on Steam



Reasonably good game; developers are sanctimonious virtue signallers. Future games are likely to degrade in quality as they prioritise “inclusiveness” and be-kind molly coddling over story or artistic vision and integrity.

Game should be a yes, but steam won’t let you review developer teams.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

It seems the devs think broadcasting their virtuousness is more important than artistic integrity. “You deserve better.” Ugh, I think I’m going to be sick. I’ll decide for myself what I deserve, thanks. Dribble your soy on your own time.

Screw SUPERCUCKED Team. Don’t support them, don’t buy their products. I mean you can if you want to, but why would you? They’ll throw you under the bus at the first sign of trouble. Wish I could refund but I can’t so removing the product from my account will have to do. Principles and integrity are important, even in small things like this.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game




Absolutely love the balance of tension. It’s definitely exploring things left untouched in other re-interpretations of this classic, feels like the ultimate version of the brickbreaker genre.

omg, the hexagonal enemies are amazing for all the rebounding goodness, but the little orange rounds are complete nonsense.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Drawkanoid: Satisfyingly Chaotic

The premise of “Breakout but you draw your paddle” sounds interesting in theory and is actually really interesting in practice. The visuals do the game a huge service, especially when you manage to get an insane combo. It’s a nice game to come back to every so often and (unlike say “Super Hexagon") becomes more a game of endurance and in the moment decision making rather than one of reflex.

I’d recommend it! it’s like… the price of a lunch… and you get to keep it too. Definitely gonna play some more of it!

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Drawkanoid on Steam

Project Downfall

Project Downfall

Game is good in general, has correctly designed world that creates quite dense atmosphere, but still when it comes to fighting it gets veeery frustrating. Enemies are truly overpowered, the stamina level is annoying, pick-ups dont always work and you cant immediately crouch after performing a slide thus you cant take cover at the right time. Won battle is satisfying, but you can achieve satisfaction in different ways, than having many powerfull enemies (that can ignore wall collision and go through the wall LOL) just left for the player to be dealt with, i.e. with better balanced and well designed combat which for now is extremly annoying. Sad since it is the main part of the game. And there are goddamn holes in maps. Thus you can fall down just like that and die in the middle of for exmaple: COMBAT. Well, maybe that is why its called Project Downfall…

Real player with 37.7 hrs in game

Edit 2: I’m gonna be updating this soon, so take this with a grain of salt.

I’ve played this game a lot, and it has a lot of good things in it. It is also full of some of the worst game design choices I have ever seen. For example: after the level “Brain Freeze” the player is dropped into a shipping yard full of enemies. The problem is that this level takes place at night meaning that it is absurdly dark so the player can’t see enemy sprites. To make matters worse a third of the enemies have shotguns that can kill the player in one hit and have a reaction time of less than half of second (which is fine in the short indoor levels where trial and error is viable, but we’ll get to why that doesn’t work here) The level takes place outside in a massive shipping dock with multiple alleyways and probably about 15-25 enemies, which the player is forced to kill all of to proceed. This means that you’ll constantly slowly inching around trying to find the enemies your looking for on this bloated map, constantly getting one shot by an enemy in the dark that you literally could not see (at least in the millisecond you have before they shoot you) I would say that this level takes about 1-2 minutes to complete, which might not sound bad until you realize just what kind of game this is: this would be like a 2 minute long super meat boy course or a hotline Miami level where the enemies are all hidden where you somehow can’t see them. What makes this level completely unacceptable in my book is that once you finally, and I mean FINALLY manage to take out all the enemies on the dock (took me about 18 tries and 35 minutes) the level. is repopulated. with boss enemies. that take half a dozen sniper rounds. to down. and one shot the player. And if you die to this, (which you will) you are then forced to start the level ALL OVER AGAIN. this effectively makes the level infinitely longer and frustrating enough to burst a blood vessel, as you have to somehow take out all the enemies on the dock AGAIN only to get another shot at taking out multiple boss enemies at once without dying. I have yet to complete this level or the game because I can honestly only put up with so much. This is only one example, there are many more levels just like this one in the game (“Providence” comes to mind) which means that you’ll be frustrated and miserable throughout.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Project Downfall on Steam

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum

D E A D E Y E (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Indulge in visceral, deadly gunplay where every mistake could be your last. Hack cameras, turrets, people, even individual bullets!!!ヽ(°〇°)ノ Slow time to a crawl. Fade from view. Rip your mind asunder. Project your ego and “befriend” every intelligent thing that surrounds you. Your abilities include, but are not limited to: everything.

D E E P F A K E (˵◡_◡˵)

Deep gameplay, deep writing, ALL style, NO substance. High concept, low fidelity. Relish in an original soundtrack of sumptuous lo-fi hip hop beats as you subvert and dominate your enemies. Build relationships with with a cast of colorful characters. Make game changing decisions as you piece together the mystery of your shadowy corporate benefactors.

S I M U L A C R U M (✿◕‿◕)

Customize the ultimate agent with more than 2^64 pieces of lovingly, caringly, procedurally generated equipment. Refine your agent’s specialties and weaknesses through activatable abilities and passive but impactful perks. Conquer dozens of hand-crafted artisanal missions (and endless generated side content) designed to produce emergent gameplay and accommodate any playstyle.

Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum on Steam

Grapple Hoops

Grapple Hoops

This game is pretty cool.

Grappling Hoops plays like a Spider-Man NBA Jam, where you swing around with a grappling hook and use a basketball to score hoops / dunks and take out enemies.

This gameplay feels very fun and energetic and really emphasizes speed and precision.

Unfortunately a good number of levels are rather boxed-in to really grapple around quickly, that’s doesn’t make them bad levels, but they don’t play to the main mechanic of the game making them a bit out of place.

That said, I believe there will be enough levels with variety to satisfy all the game-play styles that the game offers.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

I love this game. There are a few bugs and problems, which is to be expected with a game that has released today. Andrew nailed the combat and mechanics down, all though some of the story mode levels don’t fit the game(Their very small and cluttered, allows them to be prettier but you get stuck on small little props) I think with levels more like the floor is lava, and the original demo ones the game will be perfect. Bosses are really cool, all though I expected that I would have to perfectly dodge the hammer, and then dunk on it, instead of throwing a basket ball at it which can hit it anywhere. The mech enemy I was able to cheese by constantly grapple kicking, and tossing the basket ball. The droid boss however was really fun. It allowed me to pick up great speeds, and it was super fun dodging the bullets. Going to graphics this game is beautiful. I love the cartoon/toon shader. It looks great. I will end my review here, and my rating is 8/10.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Grapple Hoops on Steam

Lithium City

Lithium City

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Lithium City is a wonderfully atmospheric isometric twin stick action game. You play as a female warrior working her way higher and higher up in the city towards a final battle.

The game utilises guns, melee and thrown weapons and at times you will need all three. All will need to be used and due to the scarcity of ammunition you will frequently have to change weapons on the fly. Shooting is tight and easy and the various guns have the weight you’d expect. Even when everything feels far too hectic you can usually get back on top with judicious weapon use and occasionally running away! The controls are simple shoot/stab/punch with one button and dash with another, that’s it. Though the dash can be a little imprecise at times.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

A lot of people are comparing this game to Hotline Miami, which is true in a way. You enter a room with a pre-set enemy placement, and try to kill everyone in there, learning and adapting to where they are and what weapons they drop and the best way to plan your assault through it.

That being said, there’s a few stark differences between the two. Hotline Miami is focused more on larger levels, entire floor plans and buildings you have to clear out, whereas Lithium City has smaller rooms. Lithium City is a bit shorter, and each level has more of a specific concept it goes with, whether it’s utilizing moving floors or defending a single room with waves of enemies running in. The biggest complaint I have in regards to gameplay would be that Lithium City is short, with only six chapters it shouldn’t take you more than five hours to beat. Which is fine, for the price, but I found myself wanting more stages that were fully open, which don’t really come in until near the end of the game. It’s also isometric, which works really well with this kind of gameplay.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Lithium City on Steam

Cyber Gun

Cyber Gun

For only few bucks, this game is really exceptional. Its a good game for when you’re bored and need to relax. Nice motivational theme and messages throughout and at the end of the game. You feel really great when beating it. Give it a try, the mental reward of beating the game is so pleasing and you can just feel good about yourself. At least try it.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

it was pretty fun at the start, running around and just shooting turrets. however, some of the turrets hitboxes were off, so you could bounce bullets off of them. Some of the puzzles were fun, but most of them we boring. if you buy this game on sell, you might get your moneys worth. i do not recommend.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Cyber Gun on Steam