No Sushi, No Life

No Sushi, No Life

It crashed my computer and crushed my dreams.

If you wanna check out some honest game play check out the video below and decide yourself

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Casual Games.

Object detection is poor. I kept not picking up the plates and failing (even though I should have picked up the plates perfectly).

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

No Sushi, No Life on Steam

The Patcher: The 1st Open Beta

The Patcher: The 1st Open Beta

“The Patcher” is a full-scale tactical multi-player action VR game.

Be strong! Be ambitious!

You must choose a faction – either ‘Junkmol’ or ‘Skymagg’ – as a Patcher of the Neo JS City. By fighting numerous battles, you will obtain weapons, revamp them, and gain experience. Every weapon and skill have degree of proficiency as you play, so you’ll get stronger as you level up.

Hybrid Multi-play

Don’t forget that you’re one of the factions, even if you fight against monsters on the battlefield. Cooperate with your fellow Patchers! If you succeed in defeating a mighty monster with others, you might get a chance to obtain a rare item. However, when you come across an opponent of the other faction, it’s best to attack right away or retreat and bring in your allies. Your instant decision is critical in each battle.

Various Game Modes

The war between two factions ends only when one side ultimately falls. Get ready for the best result!

  • ‘Deathmatch’: Create a party to fight the other faction.

  • ‘Conquest War’: Occupy the enemy’s territories for as long as possible, by any means.

  • ‘Boss Raid’: Defeat the giant boss with your party members. However, you’re not the only hunters there. Compete with the other faction for the throat of the boss.

Strategic Action Combat

Since the past, the Patchers have fought strategically with three weapons: a sword, gun, and bow. Of course, each weapon has its own characteristics, but you must find which one works best for you and become skillful at using it. The weight, reach, accuracy, and control of each weapon is vastly different and is key to your tactics.

The Storyline of “the Patcher”

_‘Neo JS City’ was once the most beautiful city, and there was a reason for it. The upper classes wanted to get rid of anything they saw as dirty and trivial. That’s why they decided to move all the unpleasant facilities – like the sewage treatment plant and the prison – underground.

Meanwhile, some people illegally and secretly settled in these underground facilities. Their habitation was called the ‘Patch Build’, and they called themselves the ‘Patchers’.

But the environment around the Patch Build was more severe than they expected. Survival got harder and harder. This caused a rupture in the community. Some said pioneering a new land for a better future was be the way to go. Others wanted to stick to the existing land and refine what they already had.

Now, you must follow one of them – and choose your fate!_

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Sci-fi Games.

The Patcher: The 1st Open Beta on Steam

AquaNox 2: Revelation

AquaNox 2: Revelation

I really want to like this game but I just can’t. It’s the kind of game you’d like to replay more often than you do, but then you remember all the bad parts you have to sit through on the way. The gameplay is fun if you’re doing what you would expect to be doing in this kind of game, namely fighting bad guys. Sadly, that happens maybe 25% of the time at best. Many missions in this game have you sloooowly make your way towards your destination or wait for enemies/alles to appear, followed by either a minor skirmish which is over before you know it, or an extremely difficult battle which you are likely to lose even after trying numerous times. Other missions make you navigate a maze of instant-kill lasers or attack fortified bases guarded by dozens of turrets that annihilate you if you’re not as careful as can be. Almost every mission works the same way: you wait a couple minutes for something to happen; when something does happen, it’s either not fun and takes up to half an hour, or it actually is fun and it’s over within a minute. I’m sad to say that only a few missions make for an exception to this rule.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cyberpunk Singleplayer Games.

Shear off all the fat, and this game is really just a second helping of the first game with a little more garnish. This is a perfectly acceptable thing. Of course, the fat is what we really need to discuss.

First, the good - the game plays well, looks… fine. It sounds slightly less fine, given some wonky voice acting and forgettable music. This is really simple, actually; if you’ve played a space - sorry, underwater - shooter before, particularly from the roughly 2000 era, you know what you’re getting into. It’s a solid entry in that vein, neat atmosphere. Overall fine missions, some particularly fun, a few absolute clunkers. It’s a 200_ action shooting thing. You know if this is your bag already, but hold your seahorses, because we still need to address all that needless fat.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

AquaNox 2: Revelation on Steam



TL:DR Aquanox is the kind of game you call a solid 6. Its not great and has lots of flaws, but it’s decent for a romp.(also see my final verdinct, pros and cons at the end)

To start off with the visuals. They were ok then, and they are passable for their age, but I think they could do better even back in the day when the game came out.

Soundwise the game is average with ok-ish sounds for weapons, good sounds for torpedoes and a repetitious soundtrack.

Voiceacting is wierd. It’s exaggerated in a cartoonish way in some instances, while its good in some others.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

This has been a game I’ve wanted to play for a very long time, but just couldn’t seem to find the time. There always seemed something better. I eventually decided that today was the day, and have now finished it in around 20ish hours.

The game is all set underwater in the watery realm of the Earth’s oceans. Being set 3 to 5 km under the water, there is still light, somehow, which is where the game derives much of its aesthetic charm, the rippling patterns of light on everything. If it wasn’t for that, the low-poly models and simplistic textures would look quite bland.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

AquaNox on Steam



It’s not descent, so get that out of your head. It’s way faster pace, and includes millions of upgrade combinations with hundreds of different play styles based on what loot you get and how you combine it together and upgrade. This is a very unique game in that the upgrades are so varied for both the player, the friendlies, and the hostiles, but they are mostly all the same sets! If you can do it, an enemy might do it too.

There are many lovingly made details, good progression that keeps the pace up to whatever speed you choose, and some pretty tough puzzles.

Real player with 179.5 hrs in game

I’ve been playing and testing this game for over a year, since April 2013. I was the first pre-alpha tester and I’ve submitted the most bug reports. I know the game. When I started it was great, and it has just been improved a lot in every area since then. I have played for hundreds of hours if you qount all the non-steam dev builds and while I have tried a lot of different ship loadouts there are still many ships and loadouts that I want to try but haven’t because new things to try is added all the time :) And this is true even after I’ve played past the levels where new qontent is unlocked for every progression!

Real player with 109.7 hrs in game

NeonXSZ on Steam

The Singularity Trials

The Singularity Trials

The Year is 2345.. The Solar Council is in Session. Tasked with creating a lasting tribute to honour all who had perished during The Singularity War.

The Singularity Trials was Born

  • Choose from 3 Unique factions from the Solar System

  • Pure Earth Initiative (Earth) / New Eden Alliance (Mars) / Theta Corporation (Titan)

  • Battle your way through the Solar System.

  • Unique landscapes and faction strongholds.

  • Purchase armour and weapon upgrades in the Solar Exchange Network – In Game Shop

  • Purchase faction swords, axes and poles, upgrade them for Insane Score & Kill Streak Multipliers.

  • Change your monitor display camera view to record Game play footage in 3rd Person Perspective! without the need for expensive Mixed Reality Set Ups.

  • Unlock additional weapons such as Grenades, Killing Discs and Defensive Shields.

  • Take on Faction Bosses located on each Faction Home world, with unique and intuitive Boss Mechanics.

  • Delve in to the Data Archives to discover a deep interconnect history between the Factions.

Story Prologue

The atrocities committed in Turing City, Titan, created shock waves across the Nexus.

Theta Corporations home system had been infiltrated by Earth Purists, determined to purge the solar system from the ‘abomination’ of the Nexus Mind, The single most Intelligent Sentient AI mind born of the Singularity.

This event became a catalyst for the 1st Interplanetary war that ravaged through the Solar System.

For 30 years. Millions of souls perished into the cold vacuum of space.

It was to become forever known as ‘The Singularity War’

The Nexus Mind offered a gift in exchange for peace. Space time distortion technology for ALL humankind..

It allowed each faction to look beyond the confines of the Solar System for the first time.

Stability returned to Sol but inter faction differences remained and the scars of war cut deep..

The Singularity Trials was born from this pain.

Each Faction offered up their most competent warriors and commanders to compete in an annual tournament designed to honour their fallen and test their readiness for battle.

For even though the Singularity War was over, the Universe is Infinite… And completely Unknown…

The Singularity Trials on Steam

Move It Up

Move It Up

Seems fine to me I guess. Probably better than most of the other countless Beat Saber clones that exist. This is a million times better than Beat Saber. Hell, now that I come to think of it, this game granted to be by the curator connect program (iirc) is the best rhythm game ever made since PaRappa The Rapper on the Sony Gamecast.

! It’s even better than Guitar Hero.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Move It Up on Steam



It needs some polish, but I will be hoping for updates to make the posing more flexible.

The forearm sorely needs a way to be rotated on more than one axis so you can turn the wrist and minor things like that.

But besides minor bugs and that this is the best Rock’Em’Sock’Em Robots type thing I have ever played lol.


Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

you can kick robots and more 😂

create your techniques and your own fighting style 👍

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Robot88 on Steam



Punkgrad is a fast-paced and bloody 3D platformer. You will become a crazy guy, with an important mission on his shoulders to save the world that was hung by a strange homeless man. It is not clear where this man came from and who he is at all, but apparently, now you will have to do what he says, but exactly to chop and to shoot creatures from different dimensions and listen to his meaningless chatter on the interlink, because there is no another way out of the situation.

You will have to go through all this experience till the end and maybe there you will find answers to your numerous questions or not, who knows…

Punkgrad on Steam



The next generation game for fans of Eufloria. While more abstract, gameplay consists of missions resembling Homeworld’s tactical map. A true, addictive crack gem. 4X whittled to the bone. A virtuoso use of VR.

Real player with 408.1 hrs in game

Pretty fun game concept, not too hard, not too easy. The campaign is really just a tutorial and ends after about 2 hours which you can keep going if you want. All in all it’s an interesting concept

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Astraeus on Steam