Untitled Goose Game

Untitled Goose Game

This game is, in all honesty, really enjoyable and I have played it many times. As a goose, I could do a lot more than just the storyline. I’ve finished the game twice now, and I always keep working towards getting those extra goals done. Some parts, such as delivering the golden bell home, were a bit difficult, but never too bad. Overall, this is a great game and I recommend it!

Real player with 1335.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Funny Games.

A fun game to play with your small children, mine’s 4. it’s a bit mischievious but that’s the worst of it. I’d say it’s fun for all ages. I wish I could find more games that were actually fun for my son’s age that we could play co-op together on pc.

Real player with 46.9 hrs in game

Untitled Goose Game on Steam

Pig Skater Simulator

Pig Skater Simulator


I don’t even know where to start this description. So, this pig just managed to escape from the lab. It seems that something activated in its brain in the face of danger and it became supe intelligent and it learnt to… skate? Yeah, it just grabbed a skateboard and started riding around like it’s this porky porks second nature. And, you know what? This pig got some sick moves, bruh. It can do flips, spins, ollies and all the wicked stuff! Some people say it was even seen in the skateshop buying new boards and stuff.

How does it pay for it’s stylish looks? I heard this pig just loves pearls. That’s why it destroys everything on it’s way! Of course it’s a common knowledge that when you smash stuff around, pearls start to fall out. You really didn’t know that? Oh, and when you observe the pig it feels like it’s doing all this stuff on a purpose and with some kind of a plan. Like it’s doing some kind of missions I’d say, you feel me? Maybe that’s why it trashed all of the tables in the restaurants around for example…

Besides the pearls it also gathers up points by doing those quote on quote “missions” and collecting pearls and crashing stuff. Yeah, I know the pigs don’t know how to count… usually. But it’s got a specialized app for that on it’s mobile phone. How does it even use mobile phone is beyond me, but believe me – it does.

Oh, no… oh no, it found a jetpack! This certainly won’t end well. Oh the mayhem, the destruction!

Game features:

  • You’re a pig

  • Pig on a skateboard

  • There’s a jetpack too

  • Make ruckus and be happy as a pig in a clover!

Read More: Best Cute Indie Games.

Pig Skater Simulator on Steam

The Death Into Trouble

The Death Into Trouble

Very cute and funny game!

I think hell is the hardest, I couldn’t get to level 3,

The soundtrack is really good too, recommended.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Stealth Games.

Once again you can expect what Hanoi Studios does the best with this game: An amazing work with the audio, soundtrack and sound design.

Besides this, The Death Into Trouble (TDIT) has an unique appeal to what an indie game can offer in terms of original voice acting as well, great job done by “Vozindie” with the voice director Caroli.

TDIT is a game to enjoy the journey in three different envrionments: Purgatory, Heaven and Hell. Each one of them having a great variety of monsters and enemies, and I’d love to have a “collector’s book” inside of the game containing information about each enemy, its name and maybe a short description of it.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

The Death Into Trouble on Steam

Cooking Witch

Cooking Witch

If you’ve ever wanted the witch from Hansel and Gretel to get revenge, now’s your chance!

It’s not very often that I achieve every achievement that a game has in the first sitting. As much as I would like to its almost impossible. However, when I sat down to play VaragtP’s new release, Cooking Witch, I soon found myself hooked on its simplistic yet addictive gameplay.

The premise of the game is simple. You play the role of a witch. There’s a party going down in the woods. Your objective is to abduct children from said party and to drop them into your nearby cauldron. When you do so you get their meat to eat as well as hearts (health) and stars. It’s as straightforward as it sounds.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Thank you for granting me a key for this game devs 3

❤ Audience ❤

☑ Beginner

☑ Casual Gamer

☑ Normal Gamer

☐ Expert

Concept of the game is simple and easy to grasp.

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☑ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

Graphics are ok for a game of this price.

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad

☑ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

Music isn’t bad, but can get a bit repetitive after a while.

☠ Difficulty ☠

☐ Easy

☑ Average

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Hard

☐ Unfair

The game isn’t too difficult.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Cooking Witch on Steam

I, Zombie

I, Zombie

Follow our Curator Group for more reviews

I, Zombie is a puzzle game with some occasional stealth elements. It plays a lot like a web game, with clear inspiration drawn from games like Infectonator.

The basic mechanics of each puzzle require you to either turn everyone into a zombie, or turn a specific character into a zombie. You accomplish these tasks in two different ways. For the levels where you have to infect everyone, you will generally try to sneak up on easy targets to help build up your zombie army, before taking on the more difficult targets. There are a variety of tactics you can use, although you will quickly figure out the best strategies. You have loose control over your zombie army, but nothing like an RTS game would have. The second type of level, where you need to infect one specific person, has much harder enemies so you can’t just build up an army to win. These are essentially stealth levels, where getting shot once usually means death. They aren’t terrible, but the are definitely less fun than the normal levels. Some of them are frustratingly designed, requiring you to have almost perfect timing, but in general they are okay.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

This is pretty decent little action puzzle game, albeit with not much in the way of replayability beyond redoing the levels until you find the way to keep all your zombie minions alive on each level.

The gameplay is pretty simple - you start off a lone zombie who has to infect everyone in the level (with a couple of exceptions where you have to dodge the patrolling guards and just munch on the scientist at the end, and one case where you start off with a single turned zombie on the opposite side of the map with yourself trapped and unable to move), and each level basically you have to work out which groups of civilians or soldiers you should attack in what order, and with what timing on their patrol route in order to avoid getting your brains blasted out before you get to them. Early levels are pretty straightforward, the later levels tend to require a bit more planning of where to go and when, plus along the way there are a few tips and tricks you can pick up of how to manage your fellow zombies.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

I, Zombie on Steam

My Lovely Daughter

My Lovely Daughter

Fathers were always so Underrated

My review after a long while tbh, I will dedicate this one to my loving father. Whom I believe just as the father in this game, would probably do anything for me to be alive (ok maybe not so twisted as these things haha)

This is roughly a point and click adventure which includes a dark story, symbolism, time management all in one for a plot where a single father is trying to revive his only hope in the world: his daughter. The story follows a man named Faust who lost everything important to him which was his family. He is an alchemist and he was banished to the forgotten parts of the city where the people who did not belong lived. There many many things happened and he lost his daughter and he uses the forbidden arts to revive her.

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

Graphics: 5/10

Music: 3/10

Story: 3/10

Overall: 4/10

I wanted to like this game. I really did. Not only because management games are right up my alley, or because I just love Princess Maker style games, or because a dear friend gifted it to me. But because I DO love dark and twisted takes to those sim raising games.

A raising sim where you aren’t raising a daughter but homunculi that are mere tools for a bigger end? It can’t get much darker than that. You are basically playing as the very-very-very bad dad from Full Metal Alchemist that used his daughter in an experiment to keep his goverment money. But as much as I love those dark takes, I don’t take well when people assume that my inteligence and capacity to differenciate reality vs fiction and good vs bad is null. Right as you start the game you will be greeted by a long text basically explaining why what you’re about to play is so horrible and terrible and I’m not sure if it’s just that the developers really think that the people who will buy this game are idiots, psychos or if they just want you to feel bad and guilty for playing it but it’s certainly one of the two.

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

My Lovely Daughter on Steam

Rain on Your Parade

Rain on Your Parade

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are well worth your time[/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 10h

Estimated achievement difficulty: 6/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1,5

Has it been in a bundle: No

Is there a good guide available: Yes, you can find a nice written guide here and a video guide here . Some tips might not be working anymore since the developer fixed the bugs with achievements.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

11/10 Ruined kid’s birthday party WITH FIRE, marched zombies across a city, and pet a dog

If that’s not enough to make you buy it, then FINE, let me give “rEaL” reasons.

This is a really unique and cute game unlike any other that I’ve really played. Each level, you play as a cloud with a variety of cloud powers to solve puzzles, do weird tasks, or cause mayhem. Some levels are super intricate, following a “story” (Like the definitely “not” Legend of Zelda level), and can take quite a bit. Others are much quicker, or just for fun, like painting or raining down hands to pet a dog. (No seriously, there is a point where you rain hands to pet a dog. It’s amazing.)

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Rain on Your Parade on Steam

Necronator: Dead Wrong

Necronator: Dead Wrong

With almost 15 hours under my belt, here’s my thoughts.

The game is setup in an RTS meets deck-builder. This gives the game a different feel than your straight up deck builders (like Slay the Spire or Banners of Ruin). Since the battle is semi-automated, you just have to manage your resources. But don’t call it easy, because there is a great challenge sometimes in keeping up with the various levels; especially with the “survive for xxx seconds” maps.

You get commanders with different playstyles. One is a straight-up combat deck and the other is a toy-box style deck with few normal units. You can also unlock alternate decks for the commanders for even more variation at the start. The upgrade paths for the cards can be a bit random, so the rogue-like element is there and can either flummox you or really help you.

Real player with 88.6 hrs in game

Mostly fun game, has some fairly obnoxious/punishing game mechanics.

For starters, there are a decent number of relics (items that effect everything, usually based on some criteria) that give you some strong boosts if you have fielded less than 6 units. Then half the game is spent playing against enemies who get to make a card in your hand useless every few seconds if you have less than 10 (will be lowing to 6 according to the roadmap) units on the field. Do you want to try and field a small but strong elite army if the relics line up right? Good luck when you have to wait for mana to regen and by that point there is a solid chance that your card gets ‘silenced’. Silenced isnt just some minor condition that can be fixed, its a card in your hand that now CANT DO ANYTHING. The only way to get rid of it is to redraw your hand, which can cost from free (if you wait long enough and are playing the toy maker) to 40 mana (of which you only get 100 from the base hero).

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

Necronator: Dead Wrong on Steam

World’s Worst Handyman

World’s Worst Handyman


You’ve been hired! Take control of the World’s Worst Handyman in a 3rd-person slapstick-stealth-action game. Sneak around homes, search for hidden objects, and raise chaos. Complete your havoc-wreaking repairs before the furious homeowner catches you!

The local animal shelter is on the brink of bankruptcy, and the only person that can raise the money to save it is the worst handyman to walk the planet. Everything you attempt to fix only seems to cause more damage! Complete your repairs at all costs, dodge unhappy homeowners, get your paycheck, and save the shelter!

A mysterious couple has hired you to repair homes in the local community. Even though you have never done a single repair in your entire life and are prone to bad luck, you accept the job! Unknowingly to you, the shady couple has hired you in hopes that you will damage homes in the community for their secret purposes.


  • ACCIDENTALLY DAMAGE homes by completing “repairs” on your to-do list

  • EXPLORE unique homes in the community

  • FIND HIDDEN OBJECTS to complete your to-do list

  • GET CHASED by angry homeowners

  • UNCOVER the secret plot to your shady employer’s true motivations



World's Worst Handyman on Steam

Skeletal Dance Party

Skeletal Dance Party

This masterpiece has the single-most terrifying spell in any game I have ever played.

You and your friends take up arms against the sudden, new menace that has already exterminated half of your village. A necromancer - a single necromancer - has seized the ample supply of your ancestors in the catacombs and raised an army of abominations. Your squad takes patrol in the hall of chieftans, where your chief, and his chief before him, and his chief before him, they all rest, having lived valiant lives. The rhythmic rattling of the wretched rawboned ruffians relates your irresistable restless repose. The undead army clatters around the corner and without hesitation or coordination, impales your only companion upon dozens of spears and swords, each stolen from what were once your countrymen.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 6,5h

Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1

Has it been in a bundle: Yes

Is there a good guide available: No, but you don’t need any

How many people have complete this game at the time I’m writing this review: 1 on Astats

Multiplayer achievements: No

Missable achievements: Maybe one

Grinding Achievements: No

DLC-Only achievements: No

Time-gated achievements: No

RNG-achievements: No

Does difficulty affect achievements: No

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Skeletal Dance Party on Steam