Juro Janosik

Juro Janosik

몹시 귀엽지만, 매운맛 퍼즐 게임.

문 열기 퍼즐은 근처 오두막 힌트를 참고하면 되고,

징검다리는 열 수 있는 돌 몇 개만 누르면 된다. 찾을 때까지만 인내하라.

생각보다 난이도가 있어서, 게임이 너무 짧다고 울 일은 없음.

배경음악도 너무 좋아서,

힐링한다고 넋 놓다가 대포 처맞고 눕기도 함 :)

하여튼 추천!

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Action-Adventure Games.

I like the game very much. It’s fun to play, it has interesting puzzles and sometimes challenging enemies. I also like low poly graphics and Slovak legendary hero theme. Also music fits perfectly and it has great game sounds. It’s great indie game to play.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Juro Janosik on Steam



See the full review here: https://saveorquit.com/2021/01/14/preview-landtraveller/

The simplest explanation is “It’s Minecraft in Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past’s perspective.” Also, there’s a story mode with a linear plot in the procedural sandbox world, and you play as catgirls. You’ll probably enjoy it around as much as that elevator pitch appeals to you.

It’s SNES-inspired sound and graphics aside, LandTraveller is an “and the kitchen sink” dabbler in many different genres, including some born after the 16-bit era, and not all of these ideas play well together. LandTraveller wants to have the base-building of Minecraft or Terraria, however, it doesn’t want to let you actually use those for fighting bosses like in Terraria, and in Story Mode in particular, bases are almost entirely just a storage bin and crafting bench. Why bother customizing something you only see for 5% of the game? LandTraveller wants to have difficult twitch combat focus like a roguelite such as Binding of Isaac, but it has old SNES controls instead of twin-stick shooting, making the game character too difficult to control for some of the high-precision combat it demands. RPG mechanics mean that level and gear can render enemies that were one-hit-killers toothless, further undermining twitch-based action focus. In fact, since movement speed is also based on RPG-style stats, and there is no “run” or inversely, “slow down” button, a slow character (bears) might find it impossible to evade attacks, while fast characters might find platforming or just plain fitting through the one-tile-wide doorways nearly impossible, as it’s extremely difficult to line up on a single block when your character is only a couple pixels narrower than a block.

Real player with 219.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Crafting Games.

This review is for Story mode using the beta version with the latest updates. You can opt into this version from game settings in Steam.

Seems like a great game so far. I’ve run into a few bugs but overall it’s been pretty enjoyable - moreso than I expected.

There are plenty of open world crafting sandbox games but this is one of the few that is also a complete RPG and didn’t just contain a few RPG elements. There’s an Explore mode that leaves the story out. It also has multiplayer, which I haven’t tried yet.

Real player with 159.0 hrs in game

LandTraveller on Steam

I, Zombie

I, Zombie

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I, Zombie is a puzzle game with some occasional stealth elements. It plays a lot like a web game, with clear inspiration drawn from games like Infectonator.

The basic mechanics of each puzzle require you to either turn everyone into a zombie, or turn a specific character into a zombie. You accomplish these tasks in two different ways. For the levels where you have to infect everyone, you will generally try to sneak up on easy targets to help build up your zombie army, before taking on the more difficult targets. There are a variety of tactics you can use, although you will quickly figure out the best strategies. You have loose control over your zombie army, but nothing like an RTS game would have. The second type of level, where you need to infect one specific person, has much harder enemies so you can’t just build up an army to win. These are essentially stealth levels, where getting shot once usually means death. They aren’t terrible, but the are definitely less fun than the normal levels. Some of them are frustratingly designed, requiring you to have almost perfect timing, but in general they are okay.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Stealth Games.

This is pretty decent little action puzzle game, albeit with not much in the way of replayability beyond redoing the levels until you find the way to keep all your zombie minions alive on each level.

The gameplay is pretty simple - you start off a lone zombie who has to infect everyone in the level (with a couple of exceptions where you have to dodge the patrolling guards and just munch on the scientist at the end, and one case where you start off with a single turned zombie on the opposite side of the map with yourself trapped and unable to move), and each level basically you have to work out which groups of civilians or soldiers you should attack in what order, and with what timing on their patrol route in order to avoid getting your brains blasted out before you get to them. Early levels are pretty straightforward, the later levels tend to require a bit more planning of where to go and when, plus along the way there are a few tips and tricks you can pick up of how to manage your fellow zombies.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

I, Zombie on Steam

Robin Hood: Hail to the King

Robin Hood: Hail to the King

Graphics excellent. A cute medieval setting with Robin Hood and his merry men, you choose who helps you. Many levels to solve. Each level gives opportunities to find special items for additional reward. Enjoying the challenges so far. A great game for adults and kids. Many hours of fun ahead.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

I really enjoy these games where I get to build and gather items and try and get three stars

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Robin Hood: Hail to the King on Steam



snaliens is a sokoban/snake/circuits hybrid with no timer and unlimited undo, just the way I like it, and yet another game that’s as cute as it is hard (very), so family-friendly in the sense that you’ll need all the family to crack the levels, but don’t think kids would get very far on their own.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Pretty good puzzle game of the sokoban type. It explores a variety of solid mechanics over about a hundred unique levels. Nice difficulty curve. It never gets crazy hard, but some levels can offer compelling challenges

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Snaliens on Steam

Spinny’s Journey

Spinny’s Journey

Not sure how to explain but you are a stick that spins. You have to try not to touch the edges of the maze as quick as possible. Seems kind of unique to me, enjoyable in a frustrating kind of way.


Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Overall, I quite enjoyed this game as one of the first true homages to Kururin around. The music and visuals are quite good on the whole, and I found the level design to be nice as well.

However, I think the game is held back by some really odd gameplay issues that might not even matter to most players. For example, as I got into the later levels I noticed how hard it became to precisely move the ship since there’s this odd deadzone on the analog stick (I was playing with a DS4) that doesn’t read your inputs until the stick is moved about halfway from neutral.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Spinny's Journey on Steam

Ultra Hat Dimension

Ultra Hat Dimension

Extremely charming overall, and an unusual rock-scissors-paper/element-based puzzle mechanic. The game eases you in well, and ramps up to fairly difficult in the last couple worlds, but overall is satisfying and doesn’t overstay its welcome. (My play time is a bit longer than the game actually is; I accidentally left it on for a few hours while out running errands.)

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Charming puzzle game! The game involves using different hats to move around blue ‘Sploofs’ which interact with nearby sploofs in different ways. The objective is usually to make moves to gain access to the different hats, keys, and doors. It starts off fairly easy, but the puzzles become more complex in the later levels.

Definitely worth a shot if you’re looking for a short and cute puzzle game, especially for the price.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Ultra Hat Dimension on Steam



Lingua is a fun little game! The puzzles are challenging and the dialog is pretty funny. I also really like the heartwarming story.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

A lovely, cute and well made game. The characters are charming and the soundtrack is wonderful! If you love puzzles, folklore and pixel art, this game is for you (and for your whole family)!

Um jogo fofo, amável e muito bem feito! Os personagens são muito charmosos e a trilha é maravilhosa. Se você ama puzzles, cultura brasileira e pixel art, esse jogo é pra você (e pra sua família toda)!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Língua on Steam

ShiroKuro’s Adventure

ShiroKuro’s Adventure

Full 100% play through here: https://youtu.be/yYWNYHEWwwo

This is a pretty short cute game there’s not much to it, but it’s pretty entertaining. I wish there was more to the level up system besides health and attack power like abilities and what not. The game gets pretty challenging when you get closer to the end and have to do your best not to step on the wrong tiles. I really feel like the dodge mechanic pausing after the dash is complete really took a lot away from the game that could have made it more fluid and fun if it allowed you to move immediately after the animation completed. The Final Boss at the least should have his own sound effects/music he looked pretty silly finger waggling to the happy go lucky music you’ve listened to the whole game. Overall though I think it was worth the $3.00 it definitely takes some getting used to and the mechanic of controlling them both is challenging/fun to learn.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

ShiroKuro's Adventure on Steam

Analog Party Sim

Analog Party Sim

(I bought the game 40% off, for the price of 0,95 euro)

I’m between recommending or not recommending this game atm.

TL;DR You should try this out if you are on the look out for a small cheap clicker arcade-y game, that’s simple to get into, not too challenging and offer around an hour of entertainment.

I really like the core of it all - visuals are great, gameplay is simple but could definitely work and the idea is actually good. Music gets a bit repetitive, even tho you have to change it all the time.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Great little indie game that is simple yet addictive. Music is well produced and reminds of the mini game found in Wario Ware. 10/10 for a great starter project!

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Analog Party Sim on Steam