


Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Third Person Games.

[0.4] Controls & Training & Help

[0.2] Menu & Settings

[0.3] Sound & Music

[0.3] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.2] Game Story

[0.2] Game Content

[0.1] Completion time (level/game)?

[0.3] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Stars received: 2.3/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: a simple flow to the target game style

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Bird on Steam




Electraplanet is a survival/adventure game. Using third-person point of view, you can explore new planets after your’s has been exploited entirely. Fighting and exploring are the main key’s to start your own electricity factory or upgrade your production levels.


Produce, Protect your electricity and optimize your production, since electricity is the currency. With a exponential progression, the more you produce, the more you are efficient.

Multiplayer Option

An open world where you can create your strategy with your friends by simply starting a game or continuing your older one, and friends can join through Steam. Sharing creations, fight become really interesting with friends!

Read More: Best Cute Futuristic Games.

ElectraPlanet on Steam

Shelter 2

Shelter 2

This game’s not the best, Shelter 1 is better, but this game is still very good. There’s good and bad things about it. One thing I really like is that it’s only a single player game, there’s no online. I get that people like playing online, especially with friends, but I think single player games are the best kinds of games, because they don’t expose you to harassment from other players.

You play the role of a mother lynx, who is pregnant at the start of the game. In the intro of the game, you have to run through a snowy blizzard at night, away from predators like wolves, to find a den to give birth to your cubs. When you reach the den, you don’t see the mother actually give birth, it just goes into a cutscene, where the mother wakes up in the morning, and she now has 4 cubs with her. It’s really cool, you can actually name all of your cubs at that part, but not the mother. Each cub has their own look, too, each with their own texture patterns - one is orangish-brown, one is dark brown, another is medium brown, and the other is white. You venture out into the wilderness to hunt food for your cubs until they are able to venture out with you, then you go exploring and hunting with your cubs until they grow up, and leave to take care of themselves. When the cubs are at their biggest, as big as you (which is when they’re almost about to leave to take care of themselves), they can actually hunt for themselves (even dropping food at your feet, if you want it :D), so you won’t have to feed them as much.

Real player with 38.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Simulation Games.

This game has good graphics, yes. but do good graphics make a good game? No.

So that’s not why this is a great game.

Let me tell you a story:

Mother Lynx ran for her life; wolves were on her scent. She escaped, barely. She was then led by the stars to her new home, where she gave birth to four adorable babies: Fur, Kit, Kudvu, and Flippy. She caught three bunnies for them and they started follow her. Inna could not be more proud of her babies. She killed bunnies and fed her babies. She kept close to the tree, ready for whatever was coming. Then night came. The darkness came. Inna froze for a split second as she saw a large brown blob flow from the mountains and towards her and her children. She didn’t know what it was; but she knew it was not getting her babies. She grabbed one in her mouth, then turned and bolted, leaving the other three to run after her. She reached the tree quickly, and walked to the front of her den, dropping the baby in her mouth. The other three came over, yowling with annoyance. Inna remained quiet, watching the blob that was no longer moving. Sniffing, she realized no animals were nearby. She started telling the blob to go away. She then watched in satisfaction as it drained away. Seasons went past, and then that faetful day came. She killed two rabits and walked over to them with her children. They all stared at her. A sinking feeling rose in her chest as she read the exporessions of her babies. She sighed, but not in sorrow. She was ready for them to go. Nudging each of them with her nose, she said farewell and watched them run off. She walked back to her home, and fell asleep. She woke up and the stars guided her to a strange area. Something was there. Inna crouched, ready to fight. She crept closer, and then she saw who it was. Kudvu! Her sweet Kudvu! Inna walked over to her baby, overjoyed. The two walked off, Kudvu ready to protect his mother until she died.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Shelter 2 on Steam



I lost my mother when i was 12 years old. I didn’t believe when I first saw her on her bed with white liquid in her mouth. I felt something strong, like a hypocrit feeling, the same you feel in the nightmare. All my body was like into a nightmare. I tell her to wake up, her eyes were all open, not moving, her body was only moved by me trying to shake her saying again and again wake up. In an instant I remembered I had this feeling, it could be with my unknown father I lost when I was 5 years old. I call the strongest I can my big brother, I saw his eyes changing, we could see each others like in a mirror, impossible to understand what is happening. He reacted the same as me, calling her, trying to wake up her. Nothing. He called the firefighters and everyone of my family, in the meantime I tried to wake up my mother but nothing. I was blank but had hope while waiting the firefighters. When I saw them I was enlighted, finally I could finally see my mother moving by herself and talking. I heard many noises in her room, like trying multiple things on her, I had big hopes. They got out of her room, her faces couldn’t be capable to see throught us, they couldn’t say a word, we knew. I cried the most I can, my brother was destroyed, trying not to cry. My family came. Everyone was shocked, I never saw my grandpa like that. I could not believe what was happening, all of it really seemed like a nightmare. I knew my birthday will coming soon, I talked about it instead, like not knowing what was happening. I was petrified. Couldn’t define reality.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

This is basically not a videogame.

The artstyle is nice, and the environments are fun to look at. But none of your actions matter at all.

From the first or second level, it becomes obvious that each baby badger dies in each level, there is nothing you can do to avoid that. The game sets up an obstacle that can kill the badger (it uses the bird about 3 times), then you carefully go through each obstacle, trying to keep them safe, and finding food along the way (incredibly easy to find food).

But, oh how convienent, the last obstacle is always a sudden increase in distance. That next bush you have to hide in is suddenly much further away than all the previous ones, and the bird’s new flying pattern happens to be much smaller and closer than before. And of course after losing one baby, the game turns off the threat for the rest of the level. So I quickly didn’t care about the babies, if my gfoal is to dsave them and I actually CANNOT do that, then why should I care about trying. The art and sound is really nice, and its such a waste because I really would’ve cared about the babies if this wasn’t secretly one long cutscene.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Shelter on Steam



I really like this game for the most part. It really needs lots of fixing. This game pretty much has everything i look for in a game. However this is super buggy. Building thing is frustrating because some thing just don’t build after placement and you supplies just vanish leading you to have to gather more thing. the golem is useless besides using to swim. trying to upgrade it is pretty much impossible at least for my game. over all i do like this game but i won’t be touching it till it has a few more updates. Controller support needs some serious work and there is no map. so you will get lost a lot.

Real player with 112.5 hrs in game



Aesthetic survival game

Some Suprises

Good Music

Good Story

Good Animations

Good Character Customization



Easiest survival game I have ever play. Everything was told and guide. You don’t need to craft or cook because you can horde glow bug as resource, you can outrun your enemy, the night isn’t dark enough, most of the quest are “go and fetch”. The only problem is the bug, but once it’s gonna fix, the game became stale.


If you like being part of the development and give feedback, buy it.

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

ToGather:Island on Steam



Adapt is a survival evolution game designed to simulate the constantly changing environments life must navigate to thrive. To succeed, your species will need to find food using a multitude of dietary strategies, seek out habitable environments, and react to changing seasons, and global climate. Your competitors will evolve alongside you, vying for food and territory to ensure their own survival.

- Live Features -

  • Species’ customization through modification of genetics and physical traits to determine your evolutionary strategy.

  • Numerous adaptations allow for diverse play-styles and physical characteristics.

  • Plant life exhibits seasonal behaviors and growth, producing seeds and fruit, losing leaves, and acting as home for edible insects.

  • Complex species AI behaviors including hunting for food, seeking mates, tracking, and hiding from predators.

  • Attempt to survive virtually anywhere, from the tops of mountains, to the bottom of the seas.

  • Species specialization through special abilities such as varied dietary and locomotive strategies, shells, poison, and climbing.

  • Hunt or be hunted: Predators will stalk, chase, and track potential prey for an ambush, and even cooperate for an easy meal.

  • Visual, audio, and scent queues, to keep tabs on potential friends, threats, and food.

  • Dynamic day/night, and seasonal cycles create a living, and constantly changing world.

  • Multiple reproductive strategies provide diverse species relationships and unique experiences.

Adapt on Steam

Fast Wings

Fast Wings

This is a hard one. It’s not bad, but it was intended for the phone. The gameplay loop is based on playing for a minute or two at a time which is perfect for the phone and bad for a PC.

On the other hand this isn’t the typical phone port trash. There is a decent game in here, but it is still a game for phones. I would recommend it for the phone, but I can’t find it on the Android app store. I looked for the developer and I don’t even know if I found them, there are at least 2 different companies that could have made this game and neither list it on their website.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Fast Wings on Steam

Lilith Odyssey

Lilith Odyssey

I’ve been having a harder time enjoying new games… something interesting will come out and it will pique my interest, only to realize it’s not what I had imagined. Although I have been getting more and more of these Hentai games, but am I at fault for thinking the gameplay would be on par with the graphics and art work? Not in this game, it might not have cat girls or dominating succubi, but this game has a lot more. How much more? A whole galaxy. And by the way, these questions are rhetorical for the sake of this writing prompt of a review, if I ask a question I’m probably asking that to myself while writing and don’t expect anyone to message me with the answer to the question I provided.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Lilith Odyssey is a bold undertaking for a small indie dev team but the concept is well executed although not without some expected bugs (that from what I can tell the dev team is actively working through).

The game play is a mix between the Oregon Trail (get to your destination), flight sim, open world exploration/adventure, with a Fallout/GTA esque radio station thrown in for kicks. Ultimately this is a risk and resource management game where you gather resources to (safely) get from your starting home world to Lilith.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Lilith Odyssey on Steam



Orczz is a tower/lane defense game and a blatant ripoff of Plants Vs Zombies. Gameplay is mostly identical.

One of the simple rules of thumb when it comes to ripping off games is that you have to be better than the game you’re ripping off, and exceed that game is most respects. Orczz is inferior in all respects. The resolution is fixed and there’s not even widescreen support, the game runs in 4:3 pillarbox, despite being released in 2016. The $4.50 price tag is a joke. I do not recommend this game.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game


Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Orczz on Steam



This game is beautiful, sweet and absolutely adorable! But there were too many drawbacks keeping me from actually enjoying it.

This game might be more aptly titled “Lost in the Woods Simulator 2016”. The dizzying watercolors of the environment mixed with similar-themed areas make it very difficult to find your way. There is a ‘sense’ mode where you can sniff to try and find your mother, and sometimes her paw prints will appear in a trail, showing you the way. My issue with this was that 1) these hints didn’t appear often enough for me and 2) when they did appear, it was extremely difficult to tell which way they were leading. I spent way too much time just walking around in circles, trying to find my way.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

I had loved the first and second games, and I also decided to get this game. From the trailers, I decided it was a game where you played as a lynx cub, stayed with your family, escaped danger, and grow up and leave your mother. Then you would survive on your own, find a mate, and leave them to raise your family. Then you would have to play Shelter 2. I was so wrong. Below is the story, which I recommend not reading for the game is best going in blind.

! In Paws you play as a lynx cub, with you lynx family. Any new player would immediatly get attached with their family, for you play around with your siblings and follow your mother. After sleeping on the second day, you wake up near dawn to see your mother walking away from the den. You follow your mother up a hill and see a star. After looking at the star for a while, it floats into the sky. Then you and your mother go to sleep.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Paws on Steam