

Hey there hoomin!

Tbh, the moment I started creating my character, the game had already got me. Not just because there are many (hair) styles you can choose from, but the developers really made an effort to make variety and diversity one of the integral components of this game. And as you can feel while playing, they were very successful in doing so.

The individual and lovable characters are the main reason for playing this charming game! They come to life through their different personal backgrounds, their relationships between one another and their different ways of speaking (which is evident thanks to the great voice acting). But most of all, these characters are damn funny! Playing this game really made me laugh out loud - a lot. That’s why Shindig is not necessarily a single player game. You can also play it together with your family or friends to enjoy the jokes all together. I did the latter and it was one of the most entertaining nights in months.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Story Rich Games.

Gonna have ourselves a Shindig!!!

Bought this charmingly illustrated and voiced old-school Point and Click adventure for my nine year old daughter, but found myself drawn in to the cartoon world of Shindig too, so spent the next few hours playing it with her and we both thoroughly enjoyed the game.

I know she liked this game as she has been singing the catchy tunes ever since!

A really nice concept (who doesn’t love having a party?) with friendly and memorable characters. Would recommend for young and old gamers alike who are looking for a relaxing evenings gaming.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Shindig on Steam

Teenage Blob

Teenage Blob

Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Mitch Larson, and I’m here to tell you about An awesome game called Teenage Blob.

This Game is brilliant. Let’s talk about it. The controls are fairly simple. you just use keyboard arrow keys and space bar etc. The controls are smooth. And the gameplay is really fun. There’s a lot of different minigames and there’s a lot of achievements for this game too.

Music gets a 10 out of 10 because the music in this game is absolutely stellar. Seriously, completely awesome music. Written and played by the SuperWeaks.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Music Games.

Finally, a game I can play as a blob.

Honestly, I never got to go to a concert. I know, lame, but I can’t help that my family couldn’t afford concert tickets back then anyway. The one concert I was actually able to attend actually got canceled at the last minute (totally not still salty). And now when we’re better off now, I live in a town where nothing happens and if I do want to attend something I’ll have to travel a long distance to just get there (my dreams of going to anime/gaming conventions are crushed). Well, if I was never able to go to a concert, I might as well go to one in a game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Teenage Blob on Steam

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love

It is what it is, but not what you actually are thinking about. A Gay Love Story About Gay Love is not shoving it in your face and sets out a story where two men are in love and stuck in a war, where they struggle to keep the love afloat until…

Game play is quite unique along the other games by Sigyaad, controls take a while to get used to but are quickly adaptable in the end, sucks that the dev couldn’t remove the [esc] error the game has. But this game is still heavy on story and not game play, so the simplicity of the fights are nice to have here, just as a quick change of pace before the deeper parts of the tale.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Top-Down Games.

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love is probably one of the better games out since Black Ops 1. My friend who practices hot gay steamy sex with men recommended and even went as far as to gift me the game, has shown me a new light in the future of story-driven video games. I couldn’t have been any more pleased with the outcome. I’ve played this game many of times and I don’t think that I would ever stop replaying.

The turn-based gameplay is could not be anymore enjoyable, and the battle(s) are simple yet pleasing to see. The BGM is another piece of the game that will bring tears to your eyes. The “Beach Theme” gives off a classic feeling of how tropical islands soundtrack should sound; giving off an almost bossa nova style feeling. While the “Battle Theme” is and intense mix of intricate melodies and a beat that will have you bopping in an instant. The illustrations and characters have color and life, unlike other games that TRY to be as great.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

A Gay Love Story About Gay Love on Steam

Dab on Darkness!

Dab on Darkness!

Having now topped in playtime over the previous title, Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice and Dabs, one may question how could the developer possibly improve upon their work which could already be considered humanity’s magnum opus. I wondered that myself prior to partaking, and so I had to begin my journey of a thousand hours. And truly, with this title we have added depth of plot, auditory masterpiece, and achievements for a sense of reward even beyond the already vast landscape that is Dab on Darkness. At every step we are offered more than anything before and honestly even though I expected perfection, what was accomplished here goes even further beyond. Perhaps one needed at least this amount of time to truly experience their previous work, but even now with this amount of playtime for this, what could be classified as beyond even a divine testament, is quite possibly not enough to explore the complex myriad of concepts and ideas being put forth here. This can’t be considered a work of mere humanity. It goes beyond our realm of existence entirely, dwarfing even whatever gods may exist. A gift to us mortals to be sure, however I fear that even expressing my utmost appreciation of this enigma would be a fundamentally egregious act of complete and utter disrespect as using humanity’s slipshod excuse of a form of communication could never hope to express even an infinitesimally small fraction of this glory. I am humbled to think what awaits us in the future from this developer.

Real player with 1305.0 hrs in game

First of all I would like to say that this review is entirely genuine, and isn’t one of those dumb “ironic” reviews that you see on games like this.

Okay, now that that’s out of the way…

This Visual Novel is great, and the people who made this are really good at this.

I don’t review very many things, so I don’t have the same way with words that some people have, but I just knew I had to review this.

Thank you guys for making this game.

I will be purchasing all games made by this developer as soon as they are released from here on out.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Dab on Darkness! on Steam

Loading Story

Loading Story

The short story that stopped abruptly, when it ended, I was still expecting something, laughing and crying. The content of the dialogue is easy to understand, the mini-games are simple and interesting, the characters are also very cute, and the gangsters who can fight and trade in a fair and just way are really unsatisfactory. When I looked at the name of the game, it made me smile again.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

A little nice simple game, nothing more to say. I think a continue with more lore would be aprreciated but not necessary.

I wanted to report a bug tho:

If you fast forward the dialogues the text clouds will disappear and you may remain stuck in a dialogue forever because of not seeing the option to close it.

Thats because i tried to speedrun it to see if it had more ending, but no. So don’t waste your time trying to find it-

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Loading Story on Steam

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

Words can’t describe how much of a masterpiece this “game” is, but I’ll give it shot.

I put game in quotes, because you can’t really call this a game, its more of a vivid memory of your distant self who is a frog detective. The instant I clicked on the “New Game” button I became Frog Detective.

Thanks to the innovative key bindings my keyboard and mouse could truly become an extension of my body, which only resulted in letting this experience become more real. Even though I only have 50 min in this “game” it felt like I went through an entire life of pure joy.

Real player with 83.0 hrs in game

Short game and with childish art style but somehow unique and charming!

Developed by Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowke, The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game is a short (~1h) by enjoyable adventure that puts you in the role of a lovely froggy detective, who is phoned by his supervisor to investigate a strange case. On an island ruled by Martin, a sloth who crowned himself king, unexplained noises can be heard from crevices. The sloth’s first reaction is to call in a group of ghost scientists, who spend the next two weeks trying to figure out what is going on. Trying, but certainly not succeeding. That is where the Frog Detective, come in.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game on Steam

Athena, the rabbit - Jigsaw Puzzle

Athena, the rabbit - Jigsaw Puzzle

Such a cute, short game with an adorable bunny at the center. Picked it up for a whole 50 cents, but would have paid the $1.99 if I had to. Relaxing fun for anyone. That 576 pieces achievement can be done with any puzzle. Looking back on it, I would have chosen one that had more distinctive color changes. It is rather hard with one that has a lot of sameness throughout. But you do get to chose.

Real player with 59.9 hrs in game

Very cute game and cute rabbit! I was so involved in the riveting story shown via Instagram photos.

Unfortunately not any time keeping mechanics that would be helpful for a speedrun of this game. There was also no way to turn off the photo of the puzzle in the background because it kind of makes me feel like I’m cheating. Still, I wish/hope for an update or a sequel to Athena’s life.

Personally I muted the music for this game (it’s not atrocious, but there is no volume slider, and I just felt listening to Dedo on Dedo by Simply on repeat for hours was more fitting)

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Athena, the rabbit - Jigsaw Puzzle on Steam

Kitten Adventures in City Park

Kitten Adventures in City Park

This little hand-drawn game is so sweet and cute that I don’t have the right words to write about it!!

It’s very simple as a game; you control a cute kitten through the city and you’ve got to retrieve lost things from your mistress.

The atmosphere is super cute, and the voice acting to me is awesome.

Every ambientation is hand-drawn and there are no animations in game, just transitions from one place to the other one.

It’s not your classic point and click game, you don’t have to do particular things or combine items - you don’t even have an inventory. It’s more of a super cute hand-drawn adventure :)

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game


I’ve seen enough games to be bored immediately by most of them, but if there’s one thing that’ll always catch my interest it’s the passion project. That passion has hooks, and those hooks are what makes Kitten Adventures so compelling. It’s the quintessential passion project, and that’s the lynchpin upon which the game―and your enjoyment―hinges.

I frontload the core of the review because I guarantee the one minute elevator pitch will turn most of you off: it’s a very simple, deliberately primitive childrens' game in renpy where you listen to a bunch of seven-year olds talk at you, then go click on a bunch of things so they can talk at you some more. A sort of babby’s first adventure game. Odds are unless you have strong opinions on the Pajama Sam or Putt-Putt series yours is turning against this game. Perfectly reasonable, but a terrible mistake.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Kitten Adventures in City Park on Steam

SokoMatch: Lizard Saga

SokoMatch: Lizard Saga

You have to clear 40 levels by playing away all colored blocks by pushing them together in a line or hook.

Moves can be undone. There is no penalty, no number of moves target.

The levels are not too easy, which is nice. I finished them a first time in 2 hours.

The music is not annoying, volume and effects can be adjusted as well as the resolution and screen mode.

Too bad the movement is a little bit sluggish. I prefer being able to play fast.

Apart from the fact I wished there were more levels, it’s the only minor issue I had.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Brilliant genre combination. Needs more levels though, Totally worth the $2.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

SokoMatch: Lizard Saga on Steam

Eversleep: Lunistice Gaiden

Eversleep: Lunistice Gaiden

Before you buy, a little warning - this game was made in a self-imposed challenge to create a commercially viable game in only 30 days.

…Which didn’t quite work out! Turns out: 30 days is actually a really short amount of time to create a game that’s not only commercially viable, but also fun!

The goal was still to make a fun game in the end, with polished gameplay, but - you know - still expect some jank and not a TON of playtime!

Eversleep? More like Nosleepforthedeveloper, am I right, hahaha (help).

But what is Eversleep?

Now that’s a good question! Eversleep: Lunistice Gaiden is a 3D Platformer created with simple but fun gameplay and a cute PS1/SEGA Saturn inspired artstyle in mind. Take the role of Hana the Tanuki and jump and fight through her dreams! What secrets await her on the moon - her final destination?

Eversleep features a retro look heavily inspired by early 90s 3D graphics with bouncy enemies and a fluffy heroine.


How Eversleep came to life

Good. So you’ve made it this far in the text. We did not lose you, thank you!

Eversleep: Lunistice Gaiden was developed within 30 days as a challenge for A Grumpy Fox. For transparency’s sake: he is also working for the publisher of the game, Deck13.

Together we had this idea to provide as much data about the game’s development and release as possible: to support upcoming game developers and give interested players an insight about the development and marketing process. That means we are releasing sales numbers, discount strategies and valuable development and marketing info via Twitter and Medium. If you would like to support this approach and experiment, feel free to buy the game. And if you dislike it, feel free to make use of the refund system Steam offers. Every data helps making the process more transparent.


  • It’s really affordable!

  • Experience 5 different dreams!


  • Test your skills in the included Speedrun Mode

  • …and enjoy the good vibes and retro A E S T H E T I C S

Eversleep: Lunistice Gaiden on Steam