ODDADA is currently in developement. We are still adding and changing lots of stuff!


  • Put together your own musical construction kit from modules, little houses and unique sound colors

  • Create your own musical landscape while building up the village

Story Mode

  • Get to know the odd and magical world of ODDADA

  • Solve puzzles and experiment in little musical mini games

Read More: Best Cute Relaxing Games.

ODDADA on Steam

Teenage Blob

Teenage Blob

Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Mitch Larson, and I’m here to tell you about An awesome game called Teenage Blob.

This Game is brilliant. Let’s talk about it. The controls are fairly simple. you just use keyboard arrow keys and space bar etc. The controls are smooth. And the gameplay is really fun. There’s a lot of different minigames and there’s a lot of achievements for this game too.

Music gets a 10 out of 10 because the music in this game is absolutely stellar. Seriously, completely awesome music. Written and played by the SuperWeaks.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Short Games.

Finally, a game I can play as a blob.

Honestly, I never got to go to a concert. I know, lame, but I can’t help that my family couldn’t afford concert tickets back then anyway. The one concert I was actually able to attend actually got canceled at the last minute (totally not still salty). And now when we’re better off now, I live in a town where nothing happens and if I do want to attend something I’ll have to travel a long distance to just get there (my dreams of going to anime/gaming conventions are crushed). Well, if I was never able to go to a concert, I might as well go to one in a game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Teenage Blob on Steam

Giraffe and Annika

Giraffe and Annika

“Making happy memories with cat ears girl! ヽ(=´▽'=)ノ”

[1] Intro

Giraffe and Annika. This is a 3D rhythm puzzle adventure by atelier mimina. At the time of the first announcement, the publisher was UNTIES, but it appears that the publisher was later changed to PLAYISM. The background of this game is about Anika, the girl with cat ears. One day, she woke up and found herself on the mysterious starlight island(Spica). What adventure is waiting for her?

[2] Game Experience

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Female Protagonist Games.

It’s okay for a game about drowning. I died probably a thousand times playing through the story, and can remember almost every individual instance that didn’t involve drowning in shallow water because I couldn’t find an object or surface to climb onto. Most of the non-drowning deaths were memorable in how brutal they were as game concepts, like being immolated when straying too close to insta-kill volumes like fire or crushed to death by falling boulders. So…definitely not a kids game?

In fact, I really grapple with the question of who I would recommend this game to. Not to kids, it’s too difficult. Not to srs gamerz, it isn’t difficult enough. Not to rhythm gamers because there isn’t enough of that content. Not to adventure gamers because there are no requisite adventure features like quest logs, maps, or a compass. Not to achievement hunters because the achievements are actual (“beat the game within 4.5 hours”) burning (“cleared every hard rhythm game on S rank”) garbage (wait until Dec. 24 or 25 for a Christmas achievement!). There’s also no combat, which is a plus for me, but… not being able to fight back isn’t fun either?

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Giraffe and Annika on Steam

Muse Dash

Muse Dash

This is a temporary WARNING review as the game is currently unplayable for many users. The last update introduced many bugs which make the game literary unplayable for many players and unpleasant to play for others. It came out on Friday and there was no fix nor any sort of communication from the devs since. The least they could do is to rollback to a previous version and at least apologize, but there is nothing.

The biggest issue being that you can’t play ANY levels, you just get stuck on purple screen with music in the background while no inputs register, you must force close the game to get out.

Real player with 289.2 hrs in game

Great introduction to rhythm games, easy to start with but there’s a lot of challenge as well. Basically, just tap the keys to smash the enemies to the rhythm of the song.

At the base price, this game is a steal. If you like the basegame, get the DLC, you won’t be disappointed.

I definitely recommend unless the weeabooish graphics and music are totally not your thing. Personally I think the songs are mostly bangers and the girls are cute. And Rin is the best girl.

Real player with 173.6 hrs in game

Muse Dash on Steam

Lofi Ping Pong

Lofi Ping Pong

Lo-Fi Ping Pong is a rythmic game, where you listening Lo-Fi music and beat your oppenent at the end of the song.

What really good in Lo-Fi Ping Pong, is the controls. It’s easy. You need 3 keys, which can be WAD, the arrow keys or using controller direction keys. Because of these choices, playing together in splitscreen is also easy, because you could play in one keyboard too. Simple and sweet!

Another thing which surprising good, is the story. Now, if you play the game, you won’t notice too much… except at the end, but the game has some more meaning symbols in the game, messages can tell also a lot about what is happening. It was quite a twist for me at the end, left me with a void for sure, even though it’s not an indepth something, it was still quite an impact.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Since I do enjoy listening to lo-fi, this title caught my attention, so I decided to purchase during the Steam Sale just to see what it was all about.

Well then, you take control of this girl and you play against other players wearing animal masks, something that immediately made me think about Hotline Miami (just checked the developer, and even though it has nothing to do with Dennaton, I’m pretty sure that they’ve got some influence out of it). i’m not really sure if there’s a story or not, but overall, the girl is dealing with some problems and playing ping-pong, while listening to some sick beats seems to be helping her somehow.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Lofi Ping Pong on Steam

A Musical Story

A Musical Story

A Musical Story is a rhythm game set against a 70s backdrop. Explore the memories of Gabriel, a young man trying to come to terms with his situation through the connections to his musical memory. Each correctly played melody opens a new chapter into Gabriel’s past, bringing him closer to the truth.

Key Features

  • Rekindle Gabriel’s memories with rhythmic button presses in time with the music

  • Storytelling without words – discover Gabriel’s journey through music and visuals alone

  • Gabriel’s story comes to life through a beautifully crafted art style

  • A unique original soundtrack featuring 26 songs

  • Play every song perfectly to unlock a hidden chapter

A Musical Story is the debut game from independent French developer, Glee-Cheese Studio. They are: Charles Bardin (Game Design + Music), Maxime Constantinian (Programmer), Valentin Ducloux (Music + Integration), Alexandre Rey (Artistic Direction).

A Musical Story on Steam



I love it.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game


Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Melody/心跳旋律 on Steam

Beat Souls

Beat Souls

This game is super fun. Some of the early negative reviews got it wrong. TRY THE DEMO!

I do agree that Beat Souls isn’t a rhythm game. There are no judgement mechanics and the player’s input is separate from the music. The obstacles and collectibles of the stage match the music, the player’s input does not. This should be obvious from a quick glance at the gameplay trailer. Beat Souls is described as an “intense rhythm action game”, and that is a perfect description.

Most games that attempt to blend action game and music game fall short of my expectations (i.e. Thumper). Beat Souls is the first I’ve played that actually gets it right. The gameplay is solid and the rhythm elements aren’t extraneous. The game does a good job of easing players into the game by introducing new mechanics separately, and the gameplay doesn’t immediately fall apart once the difficulty increases.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Beat Souls is definitely a very fun rhythm game with much to offer and will definitely help you get better as long as you practice both Normal and Hard Stages several times over, you’ll eventually be able to master what the game has to offer, but even when you think you’ve mastered it all, the Infinite Hell Mode will keep you coming back for more and really push your skills to the test!

Overall, I’d definitely recommend this game for the cute and colorful graphics, characters, the catchy music, and the variety in stages that are offered to the player!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Beat Souls on Steam

Bolt Riley, A Reggae Adventure

Bolt Riley, A Reggae Adventure

It would be in my best interest to give a glowing review since I want to see this game completed but I need to be honest about the progress made so far. I do realise this game is considered Early Access and I know the budget for this game is pretty small, and you should keep that in mind too (if you end up reading the in-depth review linked below), but ultimately, is it something I would recommend to my friends or the gaming public in its current state? Considering the artwork still needs some touching up, bugs were encountered way too frequently, the UI needs fixing and the first chapter is way too short, probably not. I’m hoping that Adventure Mob will eventually prove me wrong though, as I really want this game to succeed.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Bolt Riley is a well-intentioned but uniformly misguided proof of concept.

Presumably the developers naively underestimated the effort required to achieve the level of quality best suited to their vision. Instead, they opted to release an embarrassingly short and painfully butchered appetizer.

One should be easily inclined to forgive unrefined details in Early Access but no update in over a year severely burdens the game’s credibility.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Bolt Riley, A Reggae Adventure on Steam



Day 16:

My food supply is running low and I am beginning to wonder if it’s time to finally remove the VR headset that has become practically glued to my face from intensive use. But alas, how can I remove this wonderful device when it is providing me with such a graceful sight? I have watched the same dance over 10,000 times, however, I cannot bring myself to pull my lingering gaze away from it. It has ingrained itself into the deepest depths of my mind.

! When will this madness end…

Real player with 1604.9 hrs in game
















Real player with 83.2 hrs in game