Meow Lab

Meow Lab

This is a really relaxing game. I been playing on and off. Tooka break when I couldn’t figure it out. Love it, highly recommend for anyone who need to de-stress and figure this puzzle out. The music is not bad, sometimes I listen to it but I think it could use a variety, but regardless over all, I love it :D Plus the kitty is what drawn me to the game, so thats a cute bonus factor xD

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Touch-Friendly Games.

Short, Adorable and Fun

I am a simple person and bought this game because I like puzzles and black cats. Due to it being so cheap, I expected nothing, but I am pleasantly surprised. This is a very cute puzzle game that starts off easy then gets gradually more and more difficult.



  • Fun but simple mechanics that get more complex as you progress. The later levels definitely offer a decent challenge but feel very satisfying to complete.* The Easter Eggs are really cute. I love the Death Stranding one. Too cute!

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Meow Lab on Steam

CATch the Stars

CATch the Stars

catch the stars is a charming cross between hook and sinkr , with some always unnecessary cat stuff throw in. you’re basically creating constellations by moving stars and removing lines, similarly to the games just mentioned.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Relaxing Games.

You like high End Graphics that brings your Graphic Card to the Edge?

You like fast Action?

You like a big orchestral Soundtrack?

You like sunny days?

You like Dogs?

Then this is not for you, sorry……

If you like nice and simple Graphics, chilling Puzzles, a wonderfull Piano Theme, wonderfull Moon Nights and if you like Cats, then this is the right Place for you.

Welcome to CATch the Stars.

CATch the Stars is a wonderfull relaxing Puzzler in 50 Levels.

Lead a little cat through the Night and show her the Zodiac Signs in the Nightskies.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

CATch the Stars on Steam

Escape of Mari: The Polar Ladybug

Escape of Mari: The Polar Ladybug

Who knew that a tiny ladybug could cause so much headache? Help Mari navigate and make your brain twist for a solution in this frozen puzzler that will warm up your hearts. It’s difficult but fair.

It’s a very underappreciated game that got lost with a high initial price. It was worth that price as it is actually very very good but nobody ever gave it a chance.. I’ve had it for quite some time but unfortunately couldn’t review it (before the price drop).

Given the price reduction BUY IT A-S-A-P as you are missing out. Very nice stages, good design, smooth gameplay and a real puzzler that will take a lot of your time to finish. It can frustrate at times but you will get the handle of it and feel accomplished in the end of the level.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Casual Games.

Escape of Mari: The Polar Ladybug on Steam

Mine Dungeon

Mine Dungeon

I put 8.4 hours into the 50 levels that this game gave, the game is kinda like minesweeper if you added extra random elements to make it more difficult. Id say it was worth it, but thats just because I love minesweeper, The explanation for the additional elements they put in are explained incredibly bad and in very broken english. And the ending was well… youll see, no like seriously, get this game and finish it so you can see. 3/5

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Let me start this review by saying when I saw this while browsing the Golden Week sale page, I bought it kind of as a joke, but also because I am a big fan of minesweeper. The idea of a 3D minesweeper game where you take control of a character paired with gimmicks in the form of various items and enemies interested me immediately, so I bought the game for the sale price of $0.69 US. Here I am, after nearly 6 hours of play writing this review. I found the variety of levels to be entertaining with at least a bit of thought put into their layouts. I found that generally the difficulty scaled well as you progressed, with a few levels near the end being seemingly cake walks compared to a couple that had me stuck on them for upwards of 20 minutes (especially the last level, wow). Sure, there may be flaws, such as the rough English translation, or the graphics being pretty lacking, but are those things necessary for a silly 3D minesweeper game? Of course not. Looking past those things, this was a worthwhile experience and I had a good time playing this game. I hope the developer is encouraged by this review (and others) to continue working on new games, as I really enjoyed this one. I would definitely recommend purchasing this game if you are a fan of minesweeper and would like something a bit different.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Mine Dungeon on Steam

CATch the Stars: Japan

CATch the Stars: Japan


_Beautiful graphics

_Nice music

_It is relaxing

_Not to difficult

Not so good:

_Music could have been better if there were more variation.

Over all very nice game, I enjoy very much and was fun too. I Thank the developer for have done a lovely work.

I absolutely recommend!


Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

I found this game from “CATch the Stars” and this was my review for that game which is very similar.

I loved this! I had it running at work on my laptop and played during breaks. I would say it took me maybe an hour total to beat. It’s fairly simple and once you understand it, each level is a fun little challenge to beat. The images, music, sounds, etc. work really well together and it’s a great way to spend an hour or two if you like puzzles.

Between the two, I think this version is a bit more imaginative. Both are enjoyable, though.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

CATch the Stars: Japan on Steam



This is a highly addicting and fun puzzle game. I love the colors and the different concepts continuously introduced. However, I blew through the first half of the game in twenty minutes. But it does get more challenging toward the end, for a playtime of 90 minutes. I’d love a sequel consisting of “impossible” style levels. Highly recommend to puzzle game lovers.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Colorzzle is very beautiful and relaxing game with unique color matching mechanism. I would appreciate more levels since the whole game can be finished in an hour. And maybe a bit more difficulty and logic based levels. But overally it offers good value for money and the hour I spent was great. Buy it and support great indie games and developers. Absolute mush have for puzzle game enthusiasts.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Colorzzle on Steam

Shopping Clutter 2: Christmas Square

Shopping Clutter 2: Christmas Square

This game was fun for several hours, but then it became increasingly infuriating and, eventually, impossibly difficult.

It should be noted that people who are colorblind, people who cannot see minute differences in color shade or contrast, people who do not have excellent eyesight, and people who do not have instantaneous pattern matching ability will not be able to play this game.

This game has 20 “episodes” (sections), with each episode having 7 matching “puzzles” (hidden object style) and one non-matching “puzzle”. All matching puzzles use the same set of objects and are time-limited; the differences in the puzzles are the rule set by which you must find matches, the starting location of the objects, and the time limit. The non-matching puzzles vary by episode, but are either sliding puzzles or tile-matching memory puzzles, and do not have a time limit.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Its a casual, point-and-click, timed puzzle game with Christmas theme. Has 20 episodes with 7 point-and-click hidden object (time restricted) puzzles and one sliding-tile puzzle (with no time limit) per episode.

Gets a bit annoying in few levels as You need to have razor sharp eyesight along with pattern matching skills. But if You feel a level is too difficult to finish, You can skip the level (not sure how many level skip is allowed per episode). Hints are also available, but You need to recharge it.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Shopping Clutter 2: Christmas Square on Steam

A Snake’s Tale

A Snake’s Tale

Casual puzzle game, for the most part too easy but fun, harder level would help because for me this game is just a time killer.

Can’t run in full screen mode and awful music are mos def a minus.

Recommend if you are new to puzzle game genre or just want an easy puzzle game with 2 or 3 tricky levels.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

I bought A Snake’s Tale out of multiple yearnings at once:

-Despair for a game where I can finally play as a snake- a diagetically-portrayed one, mind you, not just a sequence of squares chasing dots;

-A good puzzle game;

-A growing liking for smaller-project titles due to my chronic inability to afford any of the AAA games or the hardware to run them;

-An eagerness to support a fellow Austinite, and aspiring game creator.

In each of these, I say A Snake’s Tale delivers.


Turns out this game is a great brain-builder. We learn the rules as we go, and the simple ruleset is used to great versatility.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

A Snake's Tale on Steam

Long Tail

Long Tail

edit: full screen mode and reduced screen shake.

long tail is a minimalist draw a single line puzzler with a twist. normally these take place on a grid, gotta find a way to cover all the tiles, maybe even connect dots of different colors, etc. in this case though, you’re collecting coins scattered around all sorts of layouts by dashing around, no grid to stick to. sounds like a cakewalk, you say? well…

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

I like it, it feels like the real challenge is to get a “coin” (didn’t know coins could be square) on every line but the game doesn’t force you to complete it like that, which is good because getting a coin on each line can be insanely hard even at the early levels. Good visuals for a small little game like this, really like that you emit light which shows you where you can shoot.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Long Tail on Steam

Chateau Garden

Chateau Garden

I love the concept of this game, I really wish it had worked! I got it to work twice, but usually it just goes into “input not supported” and I can’t even ctrl, alt, del it. I hope this gets fixed or improved upon one day. I would love to play this game for real.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

This is a fun matching game with a cute story. The best part is that for most of the levels there is no pressure for speed. Along the way you earn coins to decorate a garden. The decorating is a fun reward for earning the coins while completing levels. There are a total of 80 levels and some interesting boosts along the way. This is a delightful way to spend some time.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Chateau Garden on Steam