

Montaro is the best game i have ever played

The concept of the game is very realistic. These struggles are what doges go through on a daily basis. This game raises important awareness for those poor doggos who have it hard.

I can’t remember exactly when I bought Montaro, but it was the best decision I ever made. I saw the adorable shiba as the mascot, and saw it was only $0.99 and decided to try it out. I got all of the achevements within about three days of hardcore gameplay and passion. I’ve now got this game for at least eight of my friends so that they could enjoy it too.

Real player with 523.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Casual Games.

This game is plagued with: utterly repetitive scenarios, unresponsive controls, no control at jump height, broken hitboxes, options with nothing but sound volume, etc, etc.

The whole game seems rushed, to drain a well known meme, as much as them can.

Don’t get me wrong, I really wanted to like my Montaro, but I just love him.

Even if we know all errors someone have, the true love will remain intact. We’re unable to understand love, there’s plenty of beauty inside it. You know, even if I spoke the language of angels, without love I would be nothing.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

Montaro on Steam



A good way to discount the rage of this whole pandemic.

The game is interesting and very cartoonish, which left it with a very nostalgic style from my childhood and my drawings.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Arcade Games.

A very nice minimalist game with a great retro music and sound effects, the art is like some 8-bits early games. Protect the cells against the virus, that is what we are right now fighting for !

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Pandemos on Steam



WHAT THE GOLF is a “golf” game for those of us who hate golf. Really.

You don’t need to know a single thing about golf to enjoy this. It might even make you a bit sad if you love the real sport, since the game makes an absolute mockery of golf in so, so many ways that its almost criminal.

When you start the game, it looks deceptively like the real thing. You quickly realize that this is no ordinary golf… Everything you knew about the sport is thrown out of the window fast, as you progress through the levels. You would think that golf here was about putting a ball in a hole. You would be wrong.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Comedy Games.

What the Golf!

So casual you need to wear casual clothes to play it.

Easier to read review Here

It is official. Golf is boring! so a secret underground testing lab has been set up to make golf more interesting. Moving around the testing facility, you test different holes ranging from the bizarre to the ridiculous, all in the name of making golf fun.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game


Primal Pursuit

Primal Pursuit

Primal Pursuit is an indie animal racer that supports up to 12 players and is a heap of fun with friends or in one of its offline modes such as the single player tournaments (against bots) or time trials (competing for leaderboard positions). It has an impressive art style with a nice selection of maps and unique animal’s to choose from. Each racer has their own set of abilities and playstyle, not to mention that the roster itself is made up of a pretty interesting, non-generic selection of species.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Followed Primal Pursuit through early development and managed to snag a tester key! (Have now Purchased)

I Played this game with my Niece and Nephew, both them and myself had an absolute blast playing this game!

The animal racing style and themes are an awesome spin on the the classic arcade racer, with each animal (A total of 8) having a set of 3 unique and interesting abilities of their own. These abilities each of the animals possess, alongside the diverse range of maps that contain tricky obstacles such as the big boulders thrown from giants and hefty spike traps, really helped make our races more interesting and broke that monotony you’d have in most other games in this genre. My niece was smitten with the ‘chubby walrus,’ and wouldn’t change from him all afternoon.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Primal Pursuit on Steam

Fox Simulator

Fox Simulator

I have not played varey long but I had A glitch ware I was invinsible

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game


Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Fox Simulator on Steam

Hiking Simulator 2017

Hiking Simulator 2017

If you played this game and liked it and there are hidden paths and you can actually DO something, let me know so I can go back and then rewrite the review. Otherwise…

Graphics are not quite as good as Turok from 1997 which I played recently and it runs worse than Turok on my machine which makes no sense as there are no animations other than a few animals (mostly stuck in walls) and no ambient sounds. The gray rocky walls in the first area reminded me of the graphics in the original Doom.

Hilly Landscape map was kind of a non-event. Then Mountain Top and I look at the mountains in the distance and think “Now that’s what I’m talking about!”. Oh, wait… All you can do is LOOK at the mountain tops and the actual map is about as interesting as Hilly Landscape. The pine grove could have been nice except for the impenetrable branches and I wound up coming out pretty much where I started. And in one spot I rotated 360 and saw 3 of one and 2 of another identical boulders so not much variety in the landscape.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Honestly it isn’t as bad as some reviews made me think. In some ways it’s worse, in some ways better. This game is a strange mix of making skies and the glass in the open farm shed super pretty, then stretching the landscapes. Keep in mind I bought it on sale for 49 cents USD and it’s honestly worth about that from the stupid ways to die factor.

If you could put a boat out on the lake or, I dunno, approach the animals without them running, it would be worth more. What saves it is the music. What dooms is is that it looked way prettier on the lowest graphic setting and the music volume bar is useless.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Hiking Simulator 2017 on Steam

Montaro RE

Montaro RE

With over 550 hours of playing Montaro, I consider myself an epicurean of the doge jumping genre but unlike this review, the devs are actually listening and fixing things up. Woo Hoo.

1. The banana rolling time seems random sometimes even cumulative. (Original was completely predictable).

[Edit: cumulative bananas still appear to be cumulative.]

2. Pantsu can ONLY be gathered on the up jump. Can’t be gathered from a banana up jump but can be gathered if you up jump on a warning kate. (Original gathered up, down and on a banana jump with well timed click).

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

Not as good as the original. Yes, it’s a lot prettier and has more variety in location– but the incentive to collect pantsu is virtually nonexistent. There is no pantsu bar, and the motivation to keep going doesn’t really seem to have been implemented.

Where’s the difficulty? Where’s the heart?

What purpose does Montaro have if not to rush through Japanese streets and look cute while taking upskirt peeks?

There’s also no steam icons or cards to collect, which I find to be weird, since the original had them.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Montaro RE on Steam

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space

Games are often judged under 3 categories: Story, Visual Graphics, and Soundtrack.

Nyan Cat takes all the cake, the table and the entire buffet.

The story involves around the creature, nyan cat, in search for what has been lost by travelling through different dimensions and facing danger. On the journey, nyan cat gets access to different magical artifacts that help nyan cat on the journey while collecting lactose and fighting off against the evil.

The visual graphics are just fantastic. Most modern games today such as CoD, Halo, etc, all have the same problem: THere is too much going on the screen that it makes it hard on what to focus, to finish the objective, etc. And the biggest problem of modern games: motion blur. It just makes a beautiful game in this muddy madness, it’s like your character or what not is always drunk and it’s about to collapse. Now take a look at nyan cat. The graphics are minimalistic, and nyan cat just contrasts against the background, making it very easy to see, and not just nyan cat, also the items and enemy, they are contrasted against the background. The HUD is also very simple and straight to the point.

Real player with 223.4 hrs in game

Nyan Cat: Lost in Space is a casual game inspired by the Nyan Cat meme. In it, you play as the eponymous cat as he flies through space, collecting milk, cake, donuts and such. If I had to describe the gameplay, I’d say it’s an autoscrolling platformer; you can’t really make Nyan Cat go back, he always moves forward; your control is limited to jumps, though there’s two powerups that allow for a more directional control over the Y-axis. Your goal is simply to get as far as you can, and get as high a score as possible, while avoiding falling to the bottom of the screen, or hitting TNT, both of which end your game. There’s also a few hazards in the form of enemies like a dog, Tac Nayn (evil Nyan Cat) and UFOs.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space on Steam



What can I say? It’s really cute, funny, and even has a somewhat dark side.

I’d summarize it as a cute read. There aren’t much choices - it still makes sense to replay it (with the help of the skip button of course) to see the other endings.

The characters aren’t really unique and don’t go much in depth. But the whole game itself is very charming. The art is cute aswell as goofy ( - the face of the alpaca made me chuckle a few times) and the soundtrack is nice. And the intro is just awesome.

And of course, it’s perfect for big alpaca-fans like me.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

The art was cute and the audio for the voice was funny for a little while. It grew as repetitive as the writing unfortunately and sadly couldn’t hold my interest throughout the plot. It felt as if there was a lot of focus on things that didn’t matter to the overall story even after playing through all of the routes which bogged it down. This in turn makes the visual novel feel as though it is stuffed with mediocrity in order to make it last longer. I even took a small break from the game to brush aside the opinions of it being droll and found myself bored shortly after starting it again a week later. This time I pushed through in order to work on the achievements and get the full story. I’ve slept since then and honestly can’t retain much of what transpired during the story for a proper review so that’s how little impact it had.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

PacaPlus on Steam

Bird by Example

Bird by Example

What is Bird by Example?

Bird by Example is — and I say this with great passion — an RPG sandbox where all the occupying NPCs are grotesque birds who mimic your behavior with deep learning algorithms. Nothing is scripted! Everything is emergent! Be the bird you want to see in the world!

Steam has asked me to be more explicit with the game’s features:

  • world

  • objects

  • jump

  • crawl

  • punch

  • squawk

  • bite

  • physics objects

  • other*

  • stories??**

It’s an artificial intelligence sandbox acted out by birds with concerning musculature! Help them see, help them love, help them eat a big fat bug! Right now at this very second, the metaphysical bounds of this game hold a throng of hungry birds who wish nothing more than to be like you! Like Mama!

_*: Imprint psuedo-neurologically upon independent bird agents, using recurrent neural networks, gradient descent, and a custom-built system of semiotic metadata evocation (to afford transferrable behavior between distinct objects and agents which share characteristics along an n-dimensional space).

**: Isn’t life a story? Aren’t we all little stories, flying on this crazy rock?_

You said this was a game? Who’s Mama? I’m Mama? Who are you again?

Please pay attention. These birds are equipped with artificial neural networks that optimize themselves against your own actions! Using trendy deep learning algorithms found in a black box at the bottom of the sea, and something called ‘gradient descent’, they will try to become mathematically perfect distillations of you! It’s very computationally expensive and very math!

But what do you actually do?

Explore, follow self-imposed rules, and cultivate your flock! Tutor a bird to act just like you! By simply doing things, they will learn from you by witnessing your play! Bite an orange and you may start to see other birds doing similarly! Squawk at a another bird and watch your flock erupt into squawkage!

Oh! That’s interesting. So they have brains!?

Woah, strong word! Let’s avoid that word!

Have you ever played a game, and thought: “This is fun, but I live in such fear that I cannot enjoy it…”

Yes, I do live a life of fear! And thank you for blowing off my silly and ethically challenging question!

Yes, you do live in fear! You’re like any brain-wielding creature! But in Bird by Example there will be nothing to be afraid of! In bird world there is nothing to be afraid of! Nothing to be afraid of! Turn that brain off!

Okay. And the game is fun? It’s a game?

You must teach the rest of the birds basic life skills! If not, they will all starve to death!

Wait, you coded these birds to feel hungry but didn’t teach them how to eat?

That feature was out of scope! Please!!! Hungry!!!

Hold on… What’s a bird?

A bird is a fictional creature which came to me in a dream on a particularly cold night in February. I woke up in a sweat the next morning and quickly tried to recreate the apparition from memory. The results? Remarkable.

Earliest known footage of a “Bird” from that morning.

They were perfect. All they needed was a name.

The word ‘Bird’ is a mix of the word ‘word’ and the letter ‘b’ This is because I needed a word — or “wird” — to describe the birds. Sadly, a word using ‘a’ was already taken. It’s like gamertags!

I experimented for many weeks with flight, but no matter how much I stretched out their arms they would not.

Whatever. Doesn’t matter.

Bird by Example on Steam