Kiki & Ana - The Child

Kiki & Ana - The Child

i recommend that you play this with no spoilers its really good and took me quite a while to complete

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Story Rich Games.

Hi I have been playing this game for a month probably and I would like to say a suggestion, Well it’s the ending that is kind of hard to defeat so I hope that you can make Ana kind of slower when she follow’s you, Thanks for reading.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Kiki & Ana - The Child on Steam

Dear Mom: My Letter to You

Dear Mom: My Letter to You

​_Dear Mom: My Letter to You_ is a slice-of-life/dating sim visual novel that combines an emotional story with a calendar system in which players can gain stats to initiate and develop relationships with other characters. Your choices and stats heavily influence the outcome of the game. The story emphasizes the impact of family grief, building meaningful friendships, growing as a person, and reflecting on past mistakes.

Genre: Slice-Of-Life / Dating Sim / Romance (Yuri/GxG) / Visual Novel

Rating: 16+

Release Date: TBA

Platforms: Windows / Mac / Linux (Steam &

Content Warning: Dear Mom: My Letter to You may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be safe to view at work. This game is intended for a more mature audience (16+), as it contains sensitive topics like bullying, suicide, and blackmail.

  • Female Protagonist & 4+ romanceable characters, each with their own unique personalities and side chapters

  • Story-rich narrative that explores the meaning of friendship, family loss, and self-reflection

  • Point-and-Click adventure where you can explore various areas of interest, each with day/night variations

  • Partial Voice Acting

  • Stat system that heavily influences the story’s outcome and form bonds with other characters

  • Diary-style Interface to capture the feeling of recording your life’s stories

This is an emotional journey of loss, acceptance, and the bonds made along the way. The story stars high school student Ayame Kawasaki who blames herself for her mother’s suicide. Having closed off her connections with her friends for a whole year, Ayame is finally restarting her life, repeating her second year at Yamada Hoshi High School. Since her absence, students have been spreading rumors about her, claiming that she’s a selfish person hungry for attention. Ayame struggles to fit in as they start shunning her and calling her out when she does something wrong. When she thought there was no chance of making friends, a kind classmate steps in to turn her life around–

It’s up to Ayame to build and maintain her relationships, new and old, while coming to terms with the reality of her mother’s death.

  • Developer/Character Artist/UI Artist: Mangoku418

  • Lead Writer: Renkka

  • CG Artist: RyThae

  • BG Artists: kjkjmulo, KeiraWorks, Ari Angga

  • Isometric Map Designer: Arctic Fox

  • Smartphone Template: ds-sans

  • Music Composer: Red Robotix, Ankit22

  • Sounds from Zapsplat

Read More: Best Cute Story Rich Games.

Dear Mom: My Letter to You on Steam

Space Yandere

Space Yandere

Amazing Good Story And Overall Fun Game To Play If You Have An Hour To Sparw

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Story Rich Games.

Very nice short little game.

I can get used to being chased around and taunted!

Also really liked the badass easter egg, it was very manly!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Space Yandere on Steam

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Gorgeous prehistoric animal designs ! It’s good to see proper paleoart in a game that isn’t a walking simulator for once.

The dog was kind of annoying, but thankfully not for long ;^)

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

This review was made after completing the Beta.

Even at this stage Dino Hazard shows a lot of potential. The games setting and story are so far very interesting and while not 100% original, the more derivative elements are used in the best possible way rather then as a crutch. Do not be turned off by the games retro aesthetic, it’s very fun and runs smoothly. In fact it I rate it far more highly then maybe 99% of the Dinosaur games on steam.

This is a retro style rpg, you have the ability to explore an open world plus interior areas (which in themselves are pretty big) collecting items and solving puzzles. The enemies in this game are vary varied, including not just dinosaurs but a whole host of prehistoric life from multiple eras as well as several types of robot. The combat is turn based, in the same vain as EarthBound. Your characters are not visible on screen and the enemy sprites are static. When you attack sometimes an animation such as hand swinging a knife will appear, as a nice touch the weapon in the characters hand will change depending on what has been equipped. Despite combat’s simple animation, things can still get very tense and you will have to learn your enemies weaknesses in order to make things easier. Some aspects of combat are rather simple, others are a bit more complex but it’s not that hard to figure out. My one and only complain is that enemy attack turns can go by very quickly, making it a bit confusing as to what happened, but to balance that out not once did I feel things were being unfair.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout on Steam



Don’t let the initial presentation fool you - this is an incredibly creative 2D platformer with unique visuals and an outstanding soundtrack. My first playthrough, I constantly found myself saying “the next level couldn’t get any weirder than this” only for the game to do just that.

The only caveat is that some levels are a bit obtuse and frustrating to figure out without a guide - but that’s something you can find easily enough.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

Ticket is the product that challenges your preconceived notions of what games are about. It is certain that the so-called seriously taken game reviewers would not be able to give acclaim to this game, as it does not follow the conventional rules of high quality game design. This tells about the sad state of gaming industry rather than about Ticket though. If you are the person who thinks that good games follow strict rulesets of certain design-economic and mathematically measured criteria and are usually some sports titles followed by a running year number or the latest installment of a well-established series, then Ticket might not be for you.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Ticket on Steam

Arise: A Simple Story

Arise: A Simple Story

Super Mario 3D World, if everything weren’t cats, they removed the Wii U gamepad, and wasn’t Super Mario 3D world

Random title cause I felt like it. I’m not sure on whether to give a ‘recommended’ or ‘not recommended’ for this game, cause it’s a 50/50 split between aspects of this game that I liked, and the ones that infuriated me.


  • The Level Designs are amazing. Most games with a persistent time-switching mechanic only have 2 versions of the same map that show the past and the future, and pressing a button transports you to one or the other, but this game lets you slowly see the polygons shift whilst giving you the feeling of manually seeking and rewinding time like it’s a tape recorder. While most puzzles require you to only go back and forth between 2 points in time and freeze it, some puzzles

    ! (like the rolling boulder or the falling log in level 3) have you constantaneously scrub time and walk at the same time.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Arise: A Simple Story

Arise is a simple yet clever puzzle-platformer that pushes the puzzle-platformer genre in the right direction. Arise is a soulful, relaxing game that revolves around a man’s journey of reliving his bittersweet memories with his partner.

It’s sweet, it’s simple and it’s truly emotionally driven. And combined with its beautiful world and enjoyable gameplay, we have an all-rounder on our hands.

*– [Real player with 12.5 hrs in game](*


![Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)]( "")

## Kind Words (lo fi chill beats to write to)

This is not a game. This is a community of kind strangers helping each other with kind words. Your only reward will be nice music and rooms to decorate. But that truly is enough. Kind words are not for those who seek rewards or validation. You don't meet or talk or make friends with anyone. Kind words isn't made for that. It is just meant to be kind words spoken without reward or consequence between strangers. And in doing just that Kind Words elevates itself. It truly becomes a place where you can seek kindness from strangers, when real life deals you a bad hand.

*– [Real player with 130.9 hrs in game](*

I bought this game a long time ago on a recommendation from a friend, but never picked it up. Then one day recently I was feeling really down and useless about myself. I didn't really want to play any of my usual favourites and I remembered I had this and thought I'd give it a go.

At first I thought it might be fun to vent into the aether (and I got some lovely responses), but soon I realised that replying to other people's messages and helping where I thought I could felt great. So many people were going through things I'd been though and could help with. It's a thoroughly charming game with so many enDEERing features, I'd recommend it to anyone whether you're feeling good or bad. It's the sort of game where playing for 15 minutes can make you feel better about the day.

*– [Real player with 26.1 hrs in game](*


![Please Be Happy]( "")

## Please Be Happy

**_Please Be Happy_** is a comfy, slice-of-life visual novel set in a fictional version of Wellington, New Zealand.


Born as a fox in the forest of Korea, Miho carries with her the memory of a traveler who showed her kindness and spoke of home. Now more human than fox, Miho has spent a long, long time searching for her person. She arrives by airship to Wellington Skyport, one of the jewels of the floating island of New Zealand.

Despite her years spent observing humans, she still has a lot to learn about their culture and society. She's made a living so far as a thief, her heightened senses allowing her to easily take advantage of people. She's also seen a lot of the worst of what mankind has to offer.

It's only after meeting Juliet, the owner of a small library, and Aspen, an aspiring novelist, that Miho starts to understand what kindness is, and that there's more than just the bad stuff when it comes to people.



**Miho**'s earliest memories are of her time as a fox, and the kind human she met back then. Now more than just a fox, she's spent her life searching for that person. Her journey has brought her to a new life in Wellington, New Zealand.

She changes her name every time she goes to a new country. Her previous names include Gumi, Migu, and Mimi.


**Aspen** is a human girl in love with words and stories. A barista at the Bellhouse Café, she dreams of being a popular author someday. She tries to take a little inspiration from every person that she meets.

She has an hour long phone call with her mom every weekend.


As a vampire, **Juliet** is one of Wellington's oldest residents. She's made the treasures of her life open to all in the form of a library. Aside from books, she also provides wisdom, kindness, and shelter to those who need it.

She dislikes having to resort to echolocation to find her reading glasses.


*   Two heroine routes, with 2 happy endings each

*   A gorgeous original soundtrack by Sarah "Esselfortium" Mancuso

*   Character designs and CG's by Kobuta, with additional art by minute and adirosa

*   Accessibility options for vision and hearing impairment

*   Full voice acting


![Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs]( "")

## Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs

Now one may be wondering how I could be reviewing this after 1175 hours of playtime. I realize this is simply not enough to fully appreciate this masterpiece, but at the very least it is now my most played game on steam. This is the least one can do to truly have delved deep enough into this game, to experience all it has to offer, to savor every last drop of this ambrosia. To say it was soul-changing is an insult, and is woefully inadequate in describing the magnificence of what can no longer be described as a mere game. My act of even attempting to use such inaccurate and insufficient terms to convey this unparalleled brilliance is wholly unacceptable and utterly blasphemous. This is easily humanity's magnum opus.

*– [Real player with 1302.2 hrs in game](*

This game has undoubtedly changed my life for the better.

A few months ago I was struck by the loss of my grandma whom I loved very much. She used take me down to the park near where I lived and watch me play. We always used to get ice cream right after too, our favorite flavor was sweet strawberry. As someone who has dealt with loss in the past I would assume this would be something I could get over easily. I was proved wrong

My mental and physical health was slowly deteriorating as I was mourning the loss of my grandma, my family tried to help me but their efforts where deemed futile. I was lost, no where to run to, nowhere to speak out, so out of desperation, I looked to the one person I could trust. The one that would always be there for me. The one who believes in me…

*– [Real player with 69.1 hrs in game](*


![How I learned to Skate]( "")

## How I learned to Skate


_"This is a story about how I learned to skate. It was hard…"_

**How I learned to Skate** is a desperately difficult ice-skating challenge about a boy learning to skate for the first time, following an increasingly burdensome path, chasing after the girl he could never have.

#### Gameplay

**Control individual legs and body tilt to move the ice-skater with a mouse or a controller. It's simple.**

*   Raise a leg

*   Choose a direction

*   Release the leg

*   Tilt the body to turn


#### Additional info

**This game is all about learning and mastering a new unique mechanic.**

*   A challenge with checkpoints.

*   Inspired by a Warcraft 3 mod that I love, _Polar Escape 5_

*   Merged together with instantaneous mouse controls from _Getting Over It_

*   Takes roughly 12 hours to complete, depending on how fast you learn. Roughly 3 hours for the demo.

