

How… should I describe this… Your child left you a bunch of Tamagotchis and asks you to take care of them. But you end up fighting for your life. How did my child collected so many possessed Tamagotchis?!

10/10 Would pet again

No not really. Please take these things away from me :*(.


Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Retro Games.

The experience of owning early 2000’s virtual pets,perfectly replicated in all its terror.

There are 5 little Horatama to take care of for your kid while they’re at a sleepover,each one has unique needs that you’ll have to meet,fail to do so and there’ll be a price to pay…one that gets steeper each time you screw up.

The game eases you into learning the mechanics over several levels,but you’ll need to remember them.,once you’ve got em down,the game is fairly easy…but HOO BOY that last level was rough.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Horatama on Steam

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

Gorgeous prehistoric animal designs ! It’s good to see proper paleoart in a game that isn’t a walking simulator for once.

The dog was kind of annoying, but thankfully not for long ;^)

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Story Rich Games.

This review was made after completing the Beta.

Even at this stage Dino Hazard shows a lot of potential. The games setting and story are so far very interesting and while not 100% original, the more derivative elements are used in the best possible way rather then as a crutch. Do not be turned off by the games retro aesthetic, it’s very fun and runs smoothly. In fact it I rate it far more highly then maybe 99% of the Dinosaur games on steam.

This is a retro style rpg, you have the ability to explore an open world plus interior areas (which in themselves are pretty big) collecting items and solving puzzles. The enemies in this game are vary varied, including not just dinosaurs but a whole host of prehistoric life from multiple eras as well as several types of robot. The combat is turn based, in the same vain as EarthBound. Your characters are not visible on screen and the enemy sprites are static. When you attack sometimes an animation such as hand swinging a knife will appear, as a nice touch the weapon in the characters hand will change depending on what has been equipped. Despite combat’s simple animation, things can still get very tense and you will have to learn your enemies weaknesses in order to make things easier. Some aspects of combat are rather simple, others are a bit more complex but it’s not that hard to figure out. My one and only complain is that enemy attack turns can go by very quickly, making it a bit confusing as to what happened, but to balance that out not once did I feel things were being unfair.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout on Steam

Divide By Sheep

Divide By Sheep

If you like puzzle games, specifically math puzzle games, then I really recommend this. This is a brightly colored game that doesn’t take itself seriously and has cute sound effects and animations paired along with it. There is a vibrant positivity to this game, despite drowning and killing your sheep!

You will constantly be counting your sheep (and soon wolves, and later pigs) in order to figure out exactly what needs to happen and in what order. The order in which you do things is also very important, so there is a lot of shuffling. While it may seem repetitive at first, the game pretty consistently throws in new animals, platforms, and mechanics to keep things interesting and you will often be trying out different combinations of animals and mechanics to figure out how they work together. I found it kept my interest with all these things.

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cute Puzzle Games.

First things first. I am not 100% sure, but it seems it is a mobile game’s port (made in Flash). Both versions released quite at the same time but it still feels like a mobile game. Why is that even important? Well, if you tend to play on mobile devices as well, perhaps this is important because the game is way cheaper on mobile platforms. So check your app store and maybe you’ll buy it from there if you like the game and reviews about Divide by Sheep give you any assurance : )

That being said. This game looks cute in any possible good way. Gameplay works, graphics and artwork are great, plus music and sounds are not annoying. This is a puzzle game and I thought why write another review about puzzle games. But I really liked it and spent quite a bit time there, so I might as well share my experience.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Divide By Sheep on Steam

Lily’s Day Off

Lily’s Day Off

This’s a really short game, less than 2 hours of content, but it still managed to be quite entertaining. One of the more impressive features was the music with 16 tracks that helped to really give each path its own unique feel. The story was quite enjoyable as well, always keeping me interested in seeing what the next ending would bring. The art was alright, a bit above average for your typical small indie VN. It fit the game fairly well and you can see most of it in the preview images above to decide if it’s for you or not. There was also an interesting animation demo included where Lily would move her head around to follow a target you could move with your cursor that was rather well done, though it’s just a shame they didn’t manage to find some interesting way to incorporate it into the game somehow, maybe with cut scenes for the endings.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

LilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLily 10-10 IGN best game of 2017!!!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Lily's Day Off on Steam

Love Me Forever

Love Me Forever

From Brendan’s view: The story is about how I as a brave heroic firefighter save a pretty girl inside a burning building. We start to date she suddenly becomes very clingy and druggs me. Next thing I know I wake up trapped inside her father’s basement with an electric bracelet attached to my ankle. What kind of of girl does something like that?!?

From Allison’s view: The story is about how my soulmate saves my life. We’re in love and want to get married and have babies together! We currently are living very happily at my father’s house. We’re going to have such an amazing life together!

Brendan this is you, you like to play the hero in every given situation

Allison is your girlfriend and soulmate (Alli forced us to write this..)

Jerry is your best friend, he only became a firefighter to get girls

Tori is the paramedic and only female in the firefighter crew

Maddox the driver engineer, drives the fire truck like a racecar driver

Vernon is the captain and your supervisor (he is also a moron)

A unique RPG with puzzle elements tied to the relationship of the main characters

A messed up Story that will question your relationship (if you are in one)

Original hand drawn Art created by a colorblind graphic designer that had an F in art

Curse Words like the s-word and f-word (not scumbag, not fudge,..)

Bag that you need to stash your inventory inside

Glow-in-the-Dark Stickers can only be collected during darkness (turn the light off)

Zodiac Coins exchange them for future predicts from Alli’s grandma (she is a psychic)

Video Tapes will show you intense scenes from your relationship with Allison

Sweet Minigames can be found in the game, also arcade machines

What kind of a game is this?

Love Me Forever is a puzzle and exploration RPG with an inventory system. Find tools, objects, consumables, keys and use them to unlock doors, overcome obstacles and solve puzzles. The game focuses on story and puzzling, it’s combat-free.

What is a cool feature of the game?

The game has 15 video tapes you have to find, each tape will reward you with a funny flashback scene from your relationship with Allison. In every flashback you will find a hint, that will help you to solve a puzzle in the game (so pay close attention!).

Where does the game take place?

The main part of the game takes place in the mansion of Alli’s family. The firefighter part is the prologue of the game, the game begins in the dormitory (Brendan’s room) in the fire department.

Game footage not final.

Love Me Forever on Steam

Fatal Paws

Fatal Paws

Is your cat a murderhobo?


If you want to be spoiled, go ahead and watch my video. Fatal Paws puts you into the role of a jaded teacher who picks up a stray cat from another planet. Dive into Pokemon style cat-vs-human fights in-between an overly dramatic plot that makes about as much sense as a bad horror movie. As a tribute to Fickle Sickle’s cat, it’s touching. As a game to buy, I can’t recommend it. But if you decide to, there is a cat video waiting for you at the end.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

OMG this game is so fun and so cute. If you are a cat lover you will enjoy this game.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Fatal Paws on Steam

Horatio Goes Snowboarding

Horatio Goes Snowboarding

A lovely homage to classic skiing games, full of charm and character. Horatio is a brilliant chap and I hope we see more of him.

Classic mode sees you running across a road to get a copter to the slopes, then snowboard down the mountain, avoiding trees and other obstacles (the Yeti is marvellous and will have you swearing at the screen)

Whatever you do, make sure you unlock the Endless mode (you just need a lifetime total of a million points, doesn’t take too long) as this concentrates on the boarding and features an absolute corker of a tune that really kicks in around the 50 gate mark. It’s worth playing for that alone.

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Great snowboarding game , it has two modes and leadearboards. It has perfect run/chain and many ways to get bonus points similar to another great game: Xotic .

The developer added discomode: night and day cycle in the endless mode with crazy nights lights and music tempo accelerator when you get to the checkpoints and it slows down when you miss the flags. They added some extra stuff to make the game more fun and added more options for bonus points like the bot skiers.

As a suggestion : add an endless mode clasic with no discomode for players who don’t want the bling , i find the effects a little distracting when going for the highscores. A dude in the forums was asking for an endless zen mode with lower difficulty maybe add the same levels but with lower speed , it’s a great mode for players who say the game is to hard and for hardcore players to learn the levels :)

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Horatio Goes Snowboarding on Steam

Rodent Warriors

Rodent Warriors

If you check my reviews you will find out the most of them are negative.

But it will not happen here :)

I really enjoy this game even in early access state. Game is easy to understand, you can feel a progress and enjoy finishing more and more difficult dungeons.

If you are looking for simple roguelike game where you will not cry after dead - i can recommend Rodent Warriors.

Cya in dungeons rats ;D

Real player with 234.8 hrs in game

Early on I found the game to be rather frustrating, and at times I still do, but in general this game is fun and has a hell of a lot of potential. Also I have round that the dev is willing to chat with you one on one to talk about the game, make suggestions, etc and that resonates a lot with me. The tips the dev has given me has been giving later runs for me a lot easier to unerstand and is starting to make the game more enjoyable. Thumbs up so far & I can’t wait to see where these games goes from here. Good luck! :)

Real player with 160.8 hrs in game

Rodent Warriors on Steam

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall

Welcome To… Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall

This visual novel is the last in the Welcome To… Chichester 2 trilogy, and the penultimate episode. Playing the previous episode would be beneficial.

The Story

For a short while after the events of No Regrets For The Future, life returned to normality for the protagonist and Grendel Jinx. However, with William making an unwanted return from the Happy Glowstick Funtime Re-education Camp, everything starts becoming more complicated for Grendel as she has to contend with final school exams, her parents divorcing, and an unwanted new stepsister.

The protagonist is naturally dragged into these affairs as he/she has to contend with an assassination attempt by Grendel’s father, being abducted by Grendel’s mother, an increasingly hostile (to The Council Of The Unseen) secretary and a debauched boss, culminating in the protagonist being forced to destroy The Council Of The Unseen, by using their own weapons against them.

Spanning five years from the end of No Regrets to the start of The Spy Of America And The Long Vacation, this episode concludes the main prequel arc - with a bang

Features :

  • 11 bad endings and one true ending

  • Multiple routes

  • 100,000+ word story, with an estimated play time of 6 - 8 hours. Complete the game, and subsequent playthroughs will extend the story by around 2 to 3 hours, with extra detail for certain events.

  • Option to display current route (and choice)

  • Visual impairment modes as well (font change, font size and so on)

Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall on Steam

Healing Spree

Healing Spree


Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Very good game so far, we already enjoy it with my gf. Control is pretty ok, we have some small issues with targeting the items but ok nothing serious. We already finished first chapter, all good, great game so far, a little hard too. But pretty good. will do a review when we finished all the chapters :-D nice game ;-)

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Healing Spree on Steam