

amazing experience. truly nothing like it. suda really outdid himself and ive never been pulled into such a story so fast before. its worth every cent and if i could i would pay $60 for it.

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Surreal Games.

this might be the closest a video game will ever get to “art” in the way that film is able to

play it

don’t look up a youtube video about it. don’t look up an article about it on google

play it

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

killer7 on Steam



Good game has it’s pros and cons



Nice gameplay

Easy control



Good/challenging missions


Mission 7’s impossible


Gets repetative after a while

No mods :(

Old game (2002)

Pathfinding AI is quite bad

Real player with 67.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Gore Games.

If everything goes right, that means EVERYTHING goes wrong.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

EMERGENCY 2 on Steam

SiN: Gold

SiN: Gold

Full disclosure: this is a game i was fortunate enough to play when i was 10 years old back in 1999, i thought it was the coolest thing at the time and i still feel relatively the same about it today, it holds a special place in my memories.

It’s 1998 the year of Half-Life, the folks at Ritual Entertainment know what’s coming and they want to get ahead of it. Enter “SiN”, a Quake 2 engine FPS with the spirit of Duke Nukem 3D ready to show the world what it’s made of. Unfortunately for players first impressions were not off to a great start, those who used mirror sites to download a demo on July 26th of 1998 were greeted with a CIH virus. Fast forward to the release in early November of 1998 only a week or two before Half-Life, bugs were plentiful and long load times were dreadful. To those dedicated enough to wait for patches or simply deal with the drawbacks, they came to enjoy a pretty solid romp through Freeport City.

Real player with 120.4 hrs in game

On Christmas day, a close friend of mine gifted me SiN, the often forgotten Half-Life killer. Launching in a buggy and unfinished state due to Activision (of course), the game was not nearly as popular as it could have been. Thanks to Nightdive Studios however, the version sold on Steam is mostly stable other than a few minor graphical glitches. SiN was Ritual Entertainment’s first major project, coming hot off of the very well-received Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon.

For a first attempt, this is actually pretty great for the most part. The gunplay is extremely satisfying and the weapons all feel great to use, with the exception of the laser weapons seen later in the game, which are pretty contextual in their use. Movement is pretty similar to Quake 2, but feels more slipperier, and the player seems to have a forward lurch to their jumps, even if standing still. This isn’t really a problem for the most part, other than the rare platforming segment but even those are pretty generous with the player. The enemy AI is a bit of a mixed bag. There are points where it’s actually pretty impressive for the time and seemingly reacts quickly to what the player does, and times where they get stuck on walls. I’m not entirely sure if this is just a bug or simply strange AI programming, so I will assume the latter. I found the boss fights in general to be pretty mediocre, with the final being the best. Most of them are just fine, working as intended but never being anything special, but the Eon and Peon fight is just utter BS and incredibly unfun. However, something Ritual did very well is the level design. It feels consistently very tight, giving the player a decent degree of freedom in how to approach mission objectives and feeling pretty fair for the most part. The mappers for this game cut their teeth on Quake and it really shows, as a lot of the same qualities that game’s levels had make their way into SiN. The lategame levels do suffer the same problem that most 90s FPS games suffer from however, being a severe drop in quality. While not nearly as bad as say, Doom 2 or Red Faction, I found myself enjoying it much less while playing through them. The levels are mostly really solid though and I can recommend the game on that basis alone.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

SiN: Gold on Steam

Wasteland Remastered

Wasteland Remastered

Originally released in 1988, Wasteland is a pioneering game that established the post-apocalypse genre for computer RPGs. Its success led to the creation of its spiritual successor, the Fallout series. Over the years, Wasteland became a cult classic. This remastered version brings the original Wasteland with updated graphics and audio, plus some quality of life improvements to the current generation of players.

This is a faithful remaster, not a remake. It preserves all the quirks and even some of the bugs (like super loot bags) from the original. Whereas the original game made you reference a “paragraph books” with real and fake paragraphs, which is where the plot is, plus doubling as a primitive anti-piracy measure, the Remastered includes cut scenes and voice-overs by a narrator. All “paragraphs” are now voiced and the paragraph book has become your journal. Another improvement is the auto-recording of found passwords so you don’t have to write them down yourself.

Real player with 208.1 hrs in game

I did not play the original Wasteland back in 1988, so this was my first experience with the original. I was playing video games in the 1980s and do enjoy similar games (e.g. the SSI Gold Box games, the Bard’s Tale trilogy), so I am not put off by older games. However, as this game has been remastered, I do feel that it is fair to hold some aspects of the game to modern standards, in particular: the graphics, sound, UI and mechanics.

First off, the game does do a good job of updating the graphics and sound. If you are just looking for the original Wasteland with better graphics and sound, then they did a good job with it. The graphics look clean and crisp while still maintaining the vibrancy and style of the original graphics. If I do have one complaint about the graphics, it would be the reused graphics for the monsters. It was okay in 1988, but for a remastered game a bunny and a rat should not be using the same graphic. The game does not have such a huge number of enemies that unique graphics for each monster would have been prohibitive.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Wasteland Remastered on Steam

XIII - Classic

XIII - Classic

Recommended but with some caveats. It’s a fun game, and unique, and certainly cheap, and seems to be a good port (I didn’t encounter any issues aside from the two mentioned below) though there are better games out there for sure. If you’re curious about the comic book style, or if you, like me, have always wanted to play it since it came out but never got around to it, then it’s definitely worth the play. Otherwise, you won’t be missing much.

The main issue with the game on PC is the default low resolution and issue with no sound in cutscenes. So check the discussions for the necessary changes that need to be made to a couple of the config files before playing. The other issue is that if you want to play with controller, you’re going to want to use the Steam controller config to map it for K+M and you’ll probably want to manually adjust the look sensitivity, otherwise it’s near impossible to aim because it’s too sensitive or it takes forever to turn around because it’s not sensitive enough. It’s disappointing they took a game that was initially designed for controller use and made it K+M only so that it requires all that just to make it playable. Now on to the issues with the game itself.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

In 1984, the Belgian writer named Jean Van Hamme and artist William Vance released the first volume of a spy comic series called XIII. As more and more volumes came out, the popularity of XIII rose and it quickly became one of the best selling Belgian comic series with over 23 volumes released to this date.

In 2002, Ubisoft announced they secured a license for XIII and that they were working on a videogame adaptation. The game was eventually released in November 2003 for PC, PS2, OG Xbox and Gamecube, starring the voice talents of several major A level stars such as the singer Eve, David Duchovny and Adam West.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

XIII - Classic on Steam

Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption

Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption


1. Has a pretty solid story

2. great characters

3. has an amazing soundtrack

4. Doesn’t need to be modded in order to work like its counter part VTM Bloodlines


1. Graphics are dated

2. Only allows 6 blood disciplines on your cast bar and you can’t key-bind your disciplines

3. The multiplayer doesn’t work and can’t even link up with friends through steam or even a LAN game.

4. Doesn’t have a steam workshop to fix bugs, add improved Graphics, or restore cut content.

5. Highly exploitable with being able to cast the discipline (awaken) on enemies to infinitely farm experience/gold which in turn makes the game insanely easy to play-through.

Real player with 263.1 hrs in game

Short verdict: it will scratch your World of Darkness itch just as good as VtM: Bloodlines.

I played this game after completing Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines , which got me addicted to the World of Darkness mythos in the first place. And neither was I disappointed this time. In fact, I was surprised that this almost 20 years old game can perform so good and I can enjoy it so much.

Although the story is not as intricate as in some other RPGs and, in the single player mode, you can’t choose your clan, the story is quite interesting anyway. It’s a wonderful opportunity to participate in quests both in medieval Prague and Vienna, as well as in modern London and New York of the 1990’s. Redemption captures the World of Darkness spirit just as well as Bloodlines.

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption on Steam

Blood: Fresh Supply™

Blood: Fresh Supply™

Of the holy trinity of Build Engine games BLOOD is arguably the best one!

TL;DR: BLOOD is fast, intricatly designed, extremely fun to play, and also really hard. The Level Design is great and the maps flow into each other seamlessly. The Enemy Design is perfect, each enemy type is distinguishable and requires a different approach, which leads to an infinite amount of possible and engaging encounters. I recommend this game to anyone with an ounce of appreciation for FPS games.

BLOOD is my favourite FPS game of the 90s and one of my favourite video games in general. It may not be as influential as Doom or Quake, but it has a special place in my heart due to its charm.

Real player with 52.2 hrs in game

I genuinely enjoyed this 90s shooter more than i enjoyed Doom Eternal this year. ‘Nuff said.

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

Blood: Fresh Supply™ on Steam

Space Station 14

Space Station 14

Space Station 14 is inspired by the cult classic SS13 and tells the story of an ordinary shift on a space station gone wrong. Immerse yourself into your role, tinker with detailed systems, and survive the chaos in this round-based multiplayer role playing game.

Your custom character can spawn as one of dozens of crew and enemy jobs, ranging from engineer to captain, or even a traitor, each with its own unique gear. Your duties guide you through rich interactions with complex mechanics, whether you’re managing your inventory, setting up the reactor, or flushing yourself down the disposal tubes.

As disaster, incompetence, and sabotage strike the station, the tension rises - opening up emergent situations that force you to make hard choices. Will you patch up the medical bay after an asteroid punches a hole in it, or fight for control when the captain gets murdered by revolutionaries? Do you break out an unjustly imprisoned clown, or sit back at the bar and serve drinks without a care in the world?

The story of the station’s collapse is in the hands of its players, and each round is an intense, immersive experience that will leave you wanting more.

Beyond Space Station 14

Space Station 14 is open-source and extremely extensible. Community servers are the backbone of the game, and can change every aspect of it to provide wildly different experiences. Altered mechanics, different roleplay atmospheres, and completely unique settings are all one click away from the server browser.

As a community project, we’re always looking for more volunteers, and encourage you to help out!

Space Station 14 on Steam



Like most people, I passed on Doom 64 back in 1997 and assumed it was yet another port of the PC version.

Nope! This is a totally different game, and it’s now considered to be the canonical sequel to Doom 2 and the prequel to Doom 2016.

Doom 64 goes for a more unsettling style of horror, with creepy ambient music and a colorful gothic atmosphere. It does a good job of putting you on edge and creating a sense of dread.

The level designs are elaborate and labyrinthian, and very much in the spirit of the original Doom games. They’re a joy to explore, but some people will be put off by the game’s ample use of switches and trigger events, which are sometimes unclear and can slow down gameplay.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Never played the original on N64 and was worried it would feel like a cheap knockoff, but it feels like a real followup to Doom 2. Feels just like old-school DOOM with the graphics and sound polished up.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

DOOM 64 on Steam

Rage Wars

Rage Wars

Let me start by saying you would be hard pressed to find a game as good as rage wars out there on the market right now. The only thing that can even come close is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and even then it’s still a clear second place. This game has consumed my life and I know for a fact that it will consume yours if you give it a chance.


Cheap- The 1 dollar price tag is nothing. That’s the cost of a hamburger from mcdonalds. Needless to say you CAN afford this game.

Visuals- The visuals offered by this game are nothing short of stunning. From the city to the park, and even the school. They’re sure to immerse you in the world of rage comics.

Real player with 1232.0 hrs in game

Make game about old internet memes

Wait a few years

Trollface becomes popular again

Wait for Steam to introduce point shop

Add trollface emote to point shop

They need to buy your game to get the emote

They buy it for the trollface









Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Rage Wars on Steam