Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition

Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition

Many of my friends may describe me as scholarly, educated, a menace to society. In all my years of education not one person, teacher, computer program, textbook, or any other form of education has compared to Frog Fractions. While I once thought I was talented in the act of mathematics, Frog Fractions proved me wrong. In a simple 4th of an hour, I have gained more knowledge than ye average scholar over a lifetime. Luckily this piece of knowledge is free to all, although it is clearly best with the ten dollar expansion, a hat for said frog. It is beyond the simple humans comprehension to describe the experience and knowledge in a four hundred page scholarly article. Please spend as much time as possible in this application, not only is it educational but a gift to humanity as a whole.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Education Games.

Before discovering this game, I was arrogant. What could some silly frog teach me about fractions? Of what use could this game be if my typing skills are already godlike?

How wrong I was.

Thanks to Frog Fractions, I have found a whole new level of understanding. It has unlocked the latent power of my amphibian brain. Name any fraction, and I can calculate it in my head. When I type, I type so fast my old keyboard couldn’t keep up so I had to have one custom-made. This review took me two seconds to type thanks to the skills this game has taught me.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition on Steam