Disney G-Force

Disney G-Force

G-Force has changed the way I think about life, before purchasing this game I was a hard-core racist, I never found myself going outside to see grass, I had never felt the warm embrace of a woman, after purchasing this life-changing game, it made me think deeply. This game has revolutionized my thoughts, I am no longer a raging racist. I attribute this to the character Mooch. The character Mooch is an open-minded loveable character, Mooch’s character provokes so much emotion, during my 3rd speedrun attempt, I broke into tears, seeing such a small creature have a massive impact on the game like that, makes me so happy, it shows that the little man still has a shot at making it big. It shows that no matter who you are you can do anything you put your mind to. Mooch has inspired me in so many ways, sometimes at night, I will sit at my desk, staring at pictures of Mooch he gives me inspiration he gives me the willpower to do what I want to do. Mooch has been there for me when no one else was. When I first purchased this game, I hated the thought of touching the grass, I hated the thought of an outside world. This game has shown me that there is more to life than just games, there is a whole new life outside. Although since buying this game I have been diagnosed with Insomnia, Bi-Polar Depression 2, Schizophrenia, as well as a host of physical illnesses, like partial paralysis in my lower body. Aside from that, my mind has never felt better, I feel mentally aware and feel as if I am ready to take on the world. Sometimes at night, I think about how I can achieve greatness and how I can leave my mark on this world, and that is by playing this game that is by finishing this amazing game. As one of my good friends once said “The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.”, This game showed me that I don’t have to suppress my thoughts I don’t have to act like a normal person I can be who I am. This game has changed my life for the better, I still hope one day I will be able to feel the warm embrace of a woman.

Real player with 1028.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Emotional Games.



☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☑ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☑ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☐ Human

—{PC Requirements}—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

Real player with 93.4 hrs in game

Disney G-Force on Steam

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

tl;dr: Arcade Armored Core. Fast, furious mech action with a ton of customization, lots of hidden depth, and a focus on old school arcade-style high score chasing and replayability.

Yeah, yeah, President of the United States in a giant robot, blow up America for great justice. If you’re looking at this store page, you already know the bonkers pitch, and you probably know that the tone of the game really is as ridiculous as it sounds. But how does it play?

You control an ultra-agile mech running, jumping, boosting and flying around to complete objectives that are all fundamentally “blow up something or other.” Early levels may have you blow up all the enemy encampments in an area, but later levels can involve racing through a timed sequence to blow up a reactor, or playing hide and seek with a giant spider mech to blow up its power station (and then blow up the mech itself), or fighting against a group of enemy mechs in order to blow them up. Though all this might seem repetitive, the level designs and subtle differences in how you’re expected to blow things up really do give each level a distinct feel, and the sheer act of blowing things up never stops feeling great.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Sci-fi Games.

A bare-bones re-release and remaster of the game with a few issues (including a locked frame-rate due to its console origins) but aside from that, it should run on a toaster and is perhaps one of the craziest, most nonsensical and downright ridiculous mecha games around, done by From Software nonetheless. The story is pure unadulterated insanity or how Japan views or thinks the US works. Dialogue here is above the proverbial “so bad it’s good”: this is voiced, people SPOKE those lines. You just don’t get this level of madness anymore and I applaud them for it.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

Metal Wolf Chaos XD on Steam

Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters


My brother & I have been playing this game a lot over the years. We have this on PS2. We love this game and always wanted to see a PC release. But when we found that there was no multiplayer in the PC version, we were pretty disappointed. We always played multiplayer together even with other friends. I thought about an easy way of implementing co-op. At first, I wanted Bagzton or Isabella to be Player 2. But that didn’t make sense since

! Isabella gets kidnapped and Bagzton never fights. So I came up with something simple: Player 1 recruits a soldier and Player 2 controls that soldier. So, without further ado….

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Alternate History Games.

A Quick and Dirty Port of an Old Classic

System and Setup:

Windows 10 64bit

Intel Core i9 10900K


The game doesn’t have native controller support, so I made some controller configurations. For more on that, look here:



Originally released in the ancient, prehistoric year of 2003, Freedom Fighters tells a story of resistance in an alternate timeline where the USSR beat the United States to the atomic bomb and ended World War II by dropping it upon Berlin. This change of events leads to a much different Cold War, one where the Soviet Union becomes the ascendant global superpower and the United States quickly finds itself weak and alone, surviving only on borrowed time. Against this backdrop, the player takes on the role of New York plumber Chris Stone, whose day-to-day life is shattered by an armed Soviet invasion of the country. With his brother captured and his country occupied, Chris quickly finds that the only way to solve his problems is to engage in that great, time-honored American pastime: murdering Communists.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Freedom Fighters on Steam

Lost Planet® 2

Lost Planet® 2

Resident evil 2 remake edit: One of the bosses and enemies had reused sound effects from the monsters in lost planet 2. Not sure if that means anything concerning Lost Planet’s continued decay but at least they know this game/franchise is still here.

Despite the protest, a LP2 (lost planet 2) using the steam doo-hickey system rather than GFWL (Games For Windows Live) will most likely not happen, but dont let that discourage you from buying the game. You see comments talking about how GFWL prevents the game from launching or doesnt work period.

Real player with 119.4 hrs in game

Lost planet 2 is something of an old gem. It was my first online game ever and the adoration I have for it is deep. Perhaps this adoration even blinds me to its issues, my mind telling me that’s just how the game is. For now though I will attempt (read, attempt) to place that adoration aside to give this game a fair review. So…

To start out this game can be a pain to get running. It has Games For Windows Live, and for those of you who don’t know Games For Windows Live is an old, deprecated, cripplingly poor attempt to create an online infrastructure similar to something you might find on a console. It registers your game’s online keys, allows for the creation and retrieval of online profiles, loadouts, and achievements. It lets you play the damn game with friends and invite them. Without GFWL, this game virtually does not exist. But GFWL is a shambling corpse of what it was. NOW, that’s not to say you can’t get that corpse up and running. Check out the guides section and find one of the GFWL setup guides which led to a friend getting done in minutes what took me hours to stumble through. Also, keep in mind this game really doesn’t play well on some setups if not installed to the default install directory, usually on the C drive. And if you crash after missions, switch to the other directx version in the launcher.

Real player with 78.8 hrs in game

Lost Planet® 2 on Steam

Hitman: Blood Money

Hitman: Blood Money

Classic Hitman! There’s a reason people say this is the best Hitman game so far, and I totally agree.

I used to play this game in my early teens, and bought it again so I could have it on Steam (yeah, it is THAT good).

The missions are well thought-out, and take place on very unique locations. Each level is completely different from the other, and you never get the “I think I’ve done this before” feeling, because this game completely ditches the “Just go there and kill that guy” mechanic. The methods you choose to kill your target (or targets) really do feel unique, and the same thing will never work twice. You have to analyze your surroundings, the relationship between your targets and think about what will happen if you do X (this is one of the few games I ever played where the mission briefing REALLY is worth reading, because it gives you very important insight on the targets).

Real player with 74.6 hrs in game

To start off, this game is awesome, and surprisingly good considering its age. I’ve never played a Hitman game before this one, it was cheap and had higher reviews than the other older games in the series, and I would now definitely consider myself a fan of the series.

This game is a “social stealth” game, meaning that you hide in plain sight, utilizing disguises, subterfuge, and clever tricks of your environment to take down your targets, and walk away nonchalantly from either the chaos (if you like a more comedic high profile approach), everyone’s lack of awareness that any killing happened at all (if you want to be a ninja), or from everyone’s shock that a chandelier “accidentally” fell on the party host’s face RIGHT when his wife blew up from a faulty BBQ propane tank (the best, most difficult, and rewarding way to do things).

Real player with 33.8 hrs in game

Hitman: Blood Money on Steam

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge

Let’s make this clear. This game is my life. And no, this isn’t satire so grow up a little bit and understand passion when you see it. I have logged over 730+ hours and I intend to log thousands more. Not only do I play this game daily, but I put over 30+ hours a week into it at the minimum. If you can do math like me that puts it at about 4.28571429 hours a day. (no I didn’t use a calculator, I can do math in my head.) Anyone who is just staring out on steam should get this game. It’s cheap and user friendly. Not to mention is is only O N E dollar! That is incredible! I have gifted this game probably 10 times and I’ll do it again. I’m also a moderator in the Bad Rats discord, which I am highly proud of. I worked tirelessly to get that position and I think I’m close to getting admin. Anyways, no matter the type of gamer you are, Bad Rats is for you. Just don’t think you’ll ever be as good as me. Please give this game a chance to change your life like it did to mine.

Real player with 1159.7 hrs in game

Bad Rats is a revolutionary first person shooter that sets a new standard for this era of gaming. This is game published by Electronic Arts and is developed by Dice on the new Frostbite 4 engine to provide a superior graphic fidelity compared to other marvellous titles including Crisis 3. The story of the game takes place in the year 2035 when North Korea officially ends the cease fire for the Korean War and launches a series of surprise attacks on the United States of America and South Korea. North Korea launches an overwhelming amount of long range ballistic missiles towards major metropolitan areas in the United States which devastates the population and cripples the infrastructure of the government to be able to function properly to contain control of the United States. North Korea launches a full scale aerial campaign on Seoul with a relentless wave of troops pouring across the DMZ of North Korea and South Korea. China and the rebuilt Soviet Union organized by Vladimir Putin has been supplying North Korea with highly advanced military technology and expertise has secretly been supporting North Korea for a war since 2006! You play as a squad in the Navy Seals for the United States called “Bad Rats” Your objective is to assassinate all cats in the region of Asia to cut off all food supplies from the North Koreans and collapse the regime of Kim Jong Un. Using the destructible environments from the Frostbite 4 engine you must use the environment for a tactical advantage to exterminate all cats from Asia. Fan favourite maps return including Seige of Shainghai where you must collapse a skyscraper to kill all cats in the building. Facial scanning technology from LA Noire returns to add an extra layer of realism with realistic facial animation movements to add more emotion to the already immersive world. This is a highly addicting shooter that takes place in locations across the world from nuclear wasteland America to the glorious lands of North Korea. You have a massive arsenal of over 500 weapons to use with thousands of gadgets and gun camouflages. Bad Rats is integrated with the Steam Workshop which has created thousands of community maps and gun skins to be submitted into the game for future free DLCs called “Operations”. Each operation adds an extra layer of immersion into the game with a huge variety of community maps and skins to be added to expand the already masterpiece of a game. Bad rats is a very skill based shooter and requires extensive training to truly shine in multiplier. Bad Rats is the only first person shooter on the market to add a innovative competitive mode with ranks to determine your skill level. In multiplayer there are 2 teams. Counter Cats and Cats. The counter cats must plant a bomb on one of the two locations on the map to kill the population of cats in the area. The cats must prevent the counter cats or the “bad rats” from planting the bomb by either killing all the Counter Cats or defusing the bomb to save the population of cats in the premise.Bad Rats is a highly addicting shooter that any seasonal gamer should try out but I assume you already have! Bad Rats global sales have exceeded 1 billion on the first day outselling the Call of Duty franchise. It is very rare to see game a game this flawless since the release of Half Life 2. If you like first person shooter games you already own bad rats, if you don’t you are missing out on one of the most brilliant game of this century.

Real player with 404.5 hrs in game

Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge on Steam

Bullet Girls Phantasia

Bullet Girls Phantasia

The achievements are grindy, but the overall gameplay is enjoyable. At first, I was not all to in to the story till about chapter 4, it took a while for the pace of the story to take my interest.

The game is a 3rd person shooter with some controlled sexual elements. The sexual elements consists mainly stripping and teasing. The teasing portion of the game is set in another portion of the game called Intensive Drilling. There is solo, double, and reverse Intensive Drilling’s. Solo is with one of the ladies, double is with two ladies, and reverse is when a lady teases you instead.

Real player with 343.1 hrs in game

Nothing is going to come of this, because nowadays when it comes to game developers and game publishers no matter what because anime inspired games more likely than others seem to be nothing but cut, copy, paste, slap together, and forget for the rest of the games existence ill start with things that really need changed to improve the overall games experience, some of these are opinionated but I’m sure a good majority others would agree with.


  • Improve “Buddy’s” AI to be more than just a toaster and possibly move around a little while firing so that they aren’t always sitting ducks needing to be saved (I don’t care if it’s technically not required and the game isn’t particularly difficult to even need one, but if there’s going to be AI partners at least have them actually try to be of assistance).

Real player with 51.7 hrs in game

Bullet Girls Phantasia on Steam



Gun is the great western game from the PS2-era, namely, 2005 year. Oh, sure, it is dated! But last time I checked, Rockstar still keeping its Red Dead Redemption to consoles, so there is still none a better open-world cowboy game on the PC.

One thing Gun did good, the shootouts, were bested by the Juarez game series. But if you want an open world where you not only shooting deadbeats, but also shepherd cows, hunting buffalos, and, yeah, running mail quests, while riding your mustang… you still got only the Gun option.

Real player with 62.1 hrs in game

Positive points:

+) Good weapon variety

+) Map is big enough for you to explore, but small enough to remember the fastest routes later on

+) I don’t know about you, but I love slaughtering a room full of enemies in bullettime

+) Gets across the Western feeling

+) Is actually available for PC

+) Main as well as side missions don’t get repetetive and have a certain uniqueness to them

+) Just the right difficulty on Insane. You can take and do just as much damage as your opponents

Negative points:

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

GUN™ on Steam

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Taking a step forward deep into the chaotic endless black desert of insanity.

Max Payne 2 eventhough it stands on common ground it really has many differences from its predecessor.

Something that made the hard core fans of the first game not like it too much at first.

However for me Max Payne 2 really stands out of the library and into my golden list of masterpieces and on the throne with the rest of my most fav titles ever.

The game has obvious graphical advancements engine-wise, physics-wise, texture-wise and gameplay-wise.

Real player with 44.4 hrs in game


I had several Problems with this game on Windows 10, but after some research, it runs fine on Windows 10.

1. Run in Compatibility mode (Windows XP)

2. Rename the install Folder to smth without spaces like: “MaxPayne2”

3. Then in your steamapps folder find appmanifest_12150 and edit the install dir line to match your renamed folder (you might have to close Steam to do this or restart Steam)

4. Disable Steam Overlay for this game

5. Make sure everything stays the same after Steam restart - sometimes Steam changes stuff back

Real player with 35.4 hrs in game

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne on Steam

Outcast - Second Contact

Outcast - Second Contact

Outcast has been and always will be my favorite game of all time and this remake is a dream come true for fans of the original. Sadly, to get the full experience from it you must have played the original back in the day because the nostalgia plays a huge role here, there’s no working around it. If you play this as a new player you will definitely still have a great time as long as you keep in mind this is a 22 years old game with good graphics and modernized combat mechanics but same very outdated everything else, like map design, quest design, cutscenes and especially animations. It’s hard to call it a remake, it’s more of a glorified remaster but I’ll call it a remake since that’s what the devs call it and to be honest they deserve it, it’s easy to see how much effort and love they put into it. Also you’ll have to bear with the new and extremely clunky combat/movement system which I’ll talk about later.

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

A true and beautiful remake that absolutely keeps with the spirit and gameplay of the original while still managing to add a few changes or additions to the gameplay. These appeals to modern gamers while at the same time are not a detriment for old fans in any way. Graphically, this game looks three times more beautiful than the original with it’s sharp and clear renditions of the terrain and characters as well as the background art, and I personally think it (the original) is still a beautiful game in its own right.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Outcast - Second Contact on Steam