

amazing experience. truly nothing like it. suda really outdid himself and ive never been pulled into such a story so fast before. its worth every cent and if i could i would pay $60 for it.

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Violent Games.

this might be the closest a video game will ever get to “art” in the way that film is able to

play it

don’t look up a youtube video about it. don’t look up an article about it on google

play it

Real player with 29.6 hrs in game

killer7 on Steam

Yume Nikki

Yume Nikki

Before you read any other review, read these two things:


  • This is a game that’s best played blind, or not at all, as it’s very experience sensitive. In fact, some of the reviews you read here are already telling you too much about the game. Read this one instead.* Probably the worst game tutorial ever. It doesn’t tell you anything a 6 year old couldn’t figure out by mashing keys until something happens, setting you up to die of boredom and frustration later on. Keep reading and I’ll explain.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Atmospheric Games.

It’s hard to explain why you should play Yume Nikki. On the surface it resembles the dreaded “walking simulator” of the present, yet at its core it’s nothing like them. Despite the fact that all you do in the game is slowly wander through alternately desolate and labyrinthine worlds, it’s ended up leaving one of the most lasting impressions on me that any game ever has.

Saying Yume Nikki is a bit of an acquired taste is something of an understatement. Working your way through the deepest recesses of the protagonist Madotsuki’s mind is an obtuse task, and you’re given no direction or encouragement of any form beyond a vague mission statement of collecting the game’s 24 “effects”. Not that you know what those are supposed to be.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Yume Nikki on Steam

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut

TLDR Review:

I recommed this game for it’s wonderful story and characters BUT ONLY buy this game when it’s on sale. This PC port is EXTREMELY buggy even with patches applied and depending on your PC your experience may vary from only experiencing minor crashes now and then to being completely unplayable right from the get go. The hassle to get the game to properly run is not worth the $30 price tag.


Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut is a 2013 HD upgrade of the “Most Critically Polarizing survival horror game ever made ” Deadly Premonition.

Real player with 898.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Investigation Games.

“Deadly Premonition” is an open-world murder mystery with horror elements. It features an interesting story with bizarre characters, action sequences that play like a slow third-person shooter, occasional easy puzzles. and a fairly large map to explore. Unfortunately the PC port is barely playable due to technical issues.

The game successfully creates a “US small-town” environment with many characters who have their own schedules, and have different things to say depending on the current state of affairs. The murder mystery is exceptionally well designed - lots of people are suspect in one way or another, but there is no obvious culprit. You always feel that there is more to the murders than you already know, and the story ends in a chain of revelations that definitely surprised me. The main plot is very linear, but the game also offers 50 side quests, and you are usually free to decide which tasks you tackle next. The side quests are, however, often completely nonsensical and feel tacked-on.

Real player with 72.3 hrs in game

Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut on Steam



First time playing in 2021 and it is still worth it!

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

its style is timeless

its gameplay IS NOT


Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Psychonauts on Steam

Katamari Damacy REROLL

Katamari Damacy REROLL

This is a public service announcement.

You may have noticed a highly voted negative review claiming that the game is unplayable without a controller due to a lack of key mappings.

This is not the case. The game does work with a keyboard - I have completed the entire game playing this way.

The problem is not with the key bindings but with how they are explained. I made the same mistake as the other poster when I first started playing but once you know how to use the keyboard it’s actually quite intuitive.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

I’ma split this into two reviews. One for people who played Katamari Damacy on PS2, the other for people who have never played it.

PS2 players: Hello. I too am old. This is in almost every respect the Katamari you remember. Except the visuals come in higher resolution (no pixels!) and everything loads quicker. There have been complaints that the game only runs in windowed mode until you’ve cleared the tutorial. Yup. True. After that you get access to the settings from Home Planet in the same way you accessed them on your PS2. This bothered me not at all. If you think it might bother you, you’ll want to take that into consideration. There have also been complaints that the game didn’t recognize controller input during the tutorial. No idea. Mine worked just fine with no configuration. Also, the story scenes involving the Hoshino family are presented in Japanese with subtitles, rather than the NSTC PS2 release’s divertingly weird English dub.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Katamari Damacy REROLL on Steam

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

Free for everyone at the time of review.

Hardware: Win 10x64, 3570k mildly OC, GTX 1070, 16 GB, SSD.

Super laggy on my system; took me a full 30 minutes to complete a game advertised as 5-10 minutes. I see the system specs state “Windows 7”; I’m guessing this is either a Win 10 issue (some games lag badly in 8 / 10 that run fine in 7) or possibly the 10xx series video card.

I recommend taking a very brief glance at the videos before playing to see how fast the game is supposed to move. If the game is going to lag for you, it will start at the opening credits, which take so long to change screens (tapping an arrow key helps) that it feels like the game is locked up. Don’t press ESC; that instantly closes the game.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

‘The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff’' - Ambrose Bierce

James Cox has adapted, as part of his ‘100 games in 5 years’ project, the timeless classic short story titled An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge written by Ambrose Bierce in 1890. It has seen many variations since its inception ranging from short story to full novel inspirations, radio screenplays including a Twilight Zone broadcast, TV drama/movies and even music videos including Bon Jovi’s song Dyin' ain’t much of a livin'.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge on Steam

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

Captivating Point and Click Adventure

I enjoyed playing through this game twice, I’d say that if you’re interested, you should pick it up.

It’s a story-based game inspired by the book of the same name by Harlan Ellison (who voices the character of AM in game).


☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☑ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe

Good, but this game was developed in the ’90s, so you can imagine that the graphics will reflect that era. The graphics are not bad at all. I’d say that they still hold up somewhat and the graphics don’t take away from the game.

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

Make no mistake about I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream….it is NOT a horror game, at least not in the typical sense. It’s not trying to make you jump in your seat and scream in shocked terror. It has no interest in what many would call “cheap thrills”. Instead, what this game wants to do is provoke your thought-process. It is a very cerebral game, with dark undertones that force you to think about the dark side of humanity, and whether or not there is redemption for our fatal flaws. It isn’t afraid to present you with disturbing topics such as suicide, rape, even genocide, and make you deal with them. Although there is a tint of light-heartedness, 99% percent of the game is drenched in an atmosphere of hopelessness as you scramble to make amends for the characters' pasts in an attempt to thwart the diabolical supercomputer, AM.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream on Steam

NiGHTS Into Dreams

NiGHTS Into Dreams

I will never shut up about NiGHTS, so if writing this review will allow me to talk about it, I’m going to!

First off, if you love any of SEGA’s classics and have heard a lot about NiGHTS but you’re not sure if you’ll like it, I would HIGHLY recommend you give it a go. This game is really cheap on Steam these days, which makes sense because game itself is 20+ years old so by today’s standards is ‘worth less’, I guess. However, if even eight dollars (or however much it may be in your country, for US it 8 dollars which is pretty inexpensive) seems like a lot to you to be paying for a game released in 1996 that you’re not even sure if good… IT GOES ON SALE SO OFTEN. I literally got my copy of the game for like, $2 I think? And trust me when I say it’s worth much more than just that. You’re getting a really fun, arcade experience that’s very light on PC usage for almost free. Definitely a wise choice, if you’re looking for something like that.

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

This is definitely a recommendation, but a bit of a cautious one at that.

NiGHTS Into Dreams is one of those classic titles from the 90’s that had a cult following well after its release. I remember the Wii sequel unveiling hyping people up-a small number of people, but a number of people nonetheless. Significant enough to note on this review, at least.

NiGHTS Into Dreams is also one of those 90’s games that was trying to figure out how to make 3D gameworlds work. Just two years prior to NiGHTS the team responsible for developing it (Sonic Team) released Sonic 3&K. Originally intended to be a 2D game, the team switched to 3D and was more or less at a loss as to how to effectively make an experience that was enjoyable and easy to grasp and handle. They even made a new controller for the Sega Saturn to effectively control the character in the game. It was really just a standard pad with an analogue stick-something the original saturn controller lacked-which goes to show you how new the entire concept of 3D was at the time.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

NiGHTS Into Dreams on Steam

Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition

Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition

Many of my friends may describe me as scholarly, educated, a menace to society. In all my years of education not one person, teacher, computer program, textbook, or any other form of education has compared to Frog Fractions. While I once thought I was talented in the act of mathematics, Frog Fractions proved me wrong. In a simple 4th of an hour, I have gained more knowledge than ye average scholar over a lifetime. Luckily this piece of knowledge is free to all, although it is clearly best with the ten dollar expansion, a hat for said frog. It is beyond the simple humans comprehension to describe the experience and knowledge in a four hundred page scholarly article. Please spend as much time as possible in this application, not only is it educational but a gift to humanity as a whole.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Before discovering this game, I was arrogant. What could some silly frog teach me about fractions? Of what use could this game be if my typing skills are already godlike?

How wrong I was.

Thanks to Frog Fractions, I have found a whole new level of understanding. It has unlocked the latent power of my amphibian brain. Name any fraction, and I can calculate it in my head. When I type, I type so fast my old keyboard couldn’t keep up so I had to have one custom-made. This review took me two seconds to type thanks to the skills this game has taught me.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition on Steam



At first glance, this game looks awful. It’s easy to dismiss it as just another zany product of the failed FMV phase of video games, especially with the game proudly and shamelessly wearing its exploitation label like a medal. “The goriest game of all time!” It says, sometimes coupled with screenshots that appear to show more gore-for-the-sake-of-gore. This is just the most obvious basis one can use to write Harvester off, but if you’re willing to venture beyond that, you’ll find many more.

It’s pretty meta, because Harvester throws the player off constantly. This in itself is one of the entire points of the game. The bizarre characters, the seemingly unclear satire on violence in video games, it’s all there for a reason, and it took me several playthroughs to get the full meaning. The first time through it’s just plain-old bizarre and enjoyable, though I recalled being intensely disappointed by the final act, especially the endings. Up to that point I had loved it in a purely “interactive B-movie” sense, but the game decided to throw even that away at its conclusion. Bundled with the atrocious combat system, it seemed like a wasted opportunity.

Real player with 65.5 hrs in game

Before I start this review please be aware that this game features cannibalism, suicide, senicide, pedophilia, child abuse, molestation & all sorts of other fucked up subjects so if your sensitive, squeamish or a curious minor please keep your eyes/fingers off this game. (I might SPOIL some parts of the game or more so don’t read if you hate spoilers)

The best way I can describe Harvester in my opinion is the perfect serial killer simulator because of the bizarre atmosphere of the town of Harvest, the unsettling NPCs of this small town like Mr. Pottsham (obsessed with meat) who is a molester & a pervert who likes watching Stephanie 24/7 (I don’t blame him Stephanie has nice cur…… errr let’s continue) or Steve’s “mother” who is an extreme BDSM enthusiast (That bitch has all sorts of other issues which I won’t mention) & don’t forget the stages of a serial killer which you can read here if you wish.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Harvester on Steam