Yume Nikki

Yume Nikki

Before you read any other review, read these two things:


  • This is a game that’s best played blind, or not at all, as it’s very experience sensitive. In fact, some of the reviews you read here are already telling you too much about the game. Read this one instead.* Probably the worst game tutorial ever. It doesn’t tell you anything a 6 year old couldn’t figure out by mashing keys until something happens, setting you up to die of boredom and frustration later on. Keep reading and I’ll explain.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Surreal Games.

It’s hard to explain why you should play Yume Nikki. On the surface it resembles the dreaded “walking simulator” of the present, yet at its core it’s nothing like them. Despite the fact that all you do in the game is slowly wander through alternately desolate and labyrinthine worlds, it’s ended up leaving one of the most lasting impressions on me that any game ever has.

Saying Yume Nikki is a bit of an acquired taste is something of an understatement. Working your way through the deepest recesses of the protagonist Madotsuki’s mind is an obtuse task, and you’re given no direction or encouragement of any form beyond a vague mission statement of collecting the game’s 24 “effects”. Not that you know what those are supposed to be.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Yume Nikki on Steam



This game will be one of my favorite JRPG of all time. I have known that Japanese gamers has voted this game for the best game of Heisei era (1989-2019). I played it and now I know why. I recommended for both JRPG lovers and those who want to start playing JRPGs.

Real player with 61.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Time Travel Games.

Honestly, it aged gracefully, from both a gameplay and a story perspective! 10/10.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game


Immortal Defense

Immortal Defense

Some of you have probably been waiting for this game to pop up. I considered about where to put it for a little while before eventually deciding to have it be at the very end. That’s because, in my opinion, Immortal Defense is the best tower defense on Steam at the moment.

The peaceful planet Dukis finds itself under attack by the evil Bavakh empire, a war-faring race of red, devilish aliens. Their armadas are vast, and with no notable army of their own Dukis is no match. However, they have one trick up their sleeve: Subject K, who has volunteered to be a Path Defender, a process that involves separating his soul from his body and sending it up into space. It’s unclear whether K represents one of his names, or whether he’s the eleventh person they’ve tried this with. Once up there, K gains the ability to see the Bavakh’s ships as they move through Pathspace (basically hyperspace), and the power to attack and destroy them before they reach their destination.

Real player with 89.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Sci-fi Games.

Whether you’re new or old to tower defense games, Immortal Defense is a good buy. With tons of unique mechanics but still holding together what makes a good tower defense a good tower defense, and on top of that all a great story considering it’s a game where you’re shooting geometrical shapes flying on a line… Immortal Defense is amazing for what it is.

In Immortal Defense, you play as a Pathspace Defender whose goal is to defend your home planet by literally becoming a god and shooting invisible hellbeams from another plane of existence at people who are invading you. You do this by what else- placing towers! While the story and gameplay get more complicated than that (and bring all sorts of delightful twists and turns), that is the basic premise to the game.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

Immortal Defense on Steam

Little Big Adventure 2

Little Big Adventure 2

Little Big Adventure 2 is definitely among my favourite games. I’d say it’s not for everyone, but if you like scripted adventure games, LBA 2 will be a game for you. What’s unique about this game is its style and atmosphere. The game was released in 1997, so the graphics are not the best by today’s standards. But that also means that the developers couldn’t simply make a “good looking” game and sell it like hot cakes because it has a strong brand name and a fancy trailer. The game really is good, it makes you want to discover more and more of its story. At some point in the game the story becomes predictable, but it’s still very good. I’ve played the game in all three language versions (German, English, French), and the dialogues in the German version are definitely the worst, but the German voice actors are the best. If you know French, play the game in French, it will be much easier to understand the NPCs' hints.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

One of my favorite games to date. I played this back when it came in a CD and it suggested you to instell DirectX 3.a (!)

With a great comic approach, but with well done puzzles and a (although crazy) interesting story, this game has a bit of everything: Action, Puzzles, Comedy, Exploration and it has its somewhat open world parts!

tl;dr if you enjoy old style adventure games with lots of things to do and discover, you won’t regret this. It never gets old.

This game had a combination of 3d envirorment (normally outdoor) with 2d envirorment (indoor isometric) and it is really really old, so don’t expect great graphics.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Little Big Adventure 2 on Steam