Umineko When They Cry - Answer Arcs

Umineko When They Cry - Answer Arcs

The second, more uneven half of Umineko. There is some fantastic content in these four arcs, particularly with the introduction of a new character from the fifth arc. Continuing with the ongoing trend of deconstructing the detective fiction genre, the fifth and sixth arcs provide a stark contrast to the preceding ones that reveal further truths, mostly on the rules governing the game board and its pieces. The new character uses the limit of the rules to play with the game boards in novel ways not seen before, and makes for the series' best antagonist. You’ll hate her, but love every moment she’s on screen. Like the games in the Question Arcs, there is an exciting back and forth interplay between characters arguing the logic and reasoning behind what is shown. These two arcs are the highlight of the Answer Arcs, and perhaps of the entire series.

Real player with 115.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Visual Novel Games.

It takes two to create a universe and undoubtedly it must have taken more than two to create this universe of umineko. After a long journey of exploring theories and techniques of logical arguments and mysteries, it is no secret that the reader must have gained some skills in interpretation and analysis. Although, the creators describe this novel to be fictional and fantastical in nature the story is undoubtedly philosophical. Compared to the first installment of the visual novel, the answer arcs are far more focused on unnecessary details and fights and seems elongated like how a bollywood soap opera would cleverly add endless episodes of drama to just get more room for ads. In my personal opinion this whole story would have ended in in the answer arcs with just two long episodes and I will stand by that. When I was reading the question arcs I felt refreshed and amazed by each episode, but I expected more from answer arcs. The whole two visual novels revolve around this one single incident : the murders of Rokkenjima, when a whole visual novel with like 4 episodes were given based on twisting the same story it would be impossible to enjoy it fully in the 5th or 7th time. I was mainly bored in the 5th 6th episodes and what mostly interested me was the last two. On the terms of the mystery genre and explaining mysteries I have far not read any visual novel that would impress me. So that credit would go to Umineko alone. IT should also be noteworthy to mention that I like Higurashi novels better no matter how repetitive it was- it was different each time with the same setting much better than umineko.

Real player with 73.1 hrs in game

Umineko When They Cry - Answer Arcs on Steam

Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs

Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs

Ryukishi07, you sadistic bastard, I love you.

Before getting this one, I would recommend you to at least try to read the Higurashi When They Cry series. They’re amazing visual novels that have some connection to Umineko’s plot. Don’t worry, they’re not required, but they’re also great stories that, if you finish them, you’ll have a whole different view on some of Umineko’s important characters.

Umineko is a story about sin, punishment, guilt, trauma and especially love. Written by Ryukishi07, who had experience as a social worker, it’s a mystery in it’s core, but not entirely. The content ranges from bittersweet love stories to chuuni fantastic logic and reasoning battles, where arguments take form as weapons. How can you have so many different kinds of dilemmas in one story? Well, just look at the hour counts which people who read this series have on Steam. It’s easily an 100+ experience.

Real player with 112.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Mystery Games.

This is a review of the whole of Umineko, not just the Question Arcs. Just so you know.

Mystery stories are, at their core, just one big puzzle. An author writes a story, gives you hints, and typically tells you all you need to know before the story’s conclusion so that you have a fair chance at figuring it out if you’re perceptive enough. Good mystery authors make it possible to figure out the killer long before they are revealed in the story. But it has gotten to the point that many people either don’t try and figure it out, or if they do, their guesses are far more lukewarm, because they know the story will succinctly reveal everything at the end of the story and wrap everything up in a nice little bow. Umineko, on the other hand, does not do this. Umineko lays out clues for you and tells you to figure it out yourself, not directly revealing the answer to a majority of its individual mysteries, and, while giving you more hints to its biggest mysteries, never outright stating the answer. What makes the story even more difficult to solve is the constant questioning of whether what you’re seeing is true or false, and whether or not the murders are truly being done by magic, not helped by the constant seemingly impossible closed room murders. Can you figure out the truth? That’s up to your observational skills.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

Umineko When They Cry - Question Arcs on Steam



A good story that can make player’s sticked into it, and keep playing to the end.

Player would probably get complex emotions througout the whole story, from depress, anxious, anger, to relief.

The writer of the story put a lot of afford in descripting character’s psychological thought, which made the character nice.

The BGM of the game is AMAZING, suiting the story very well.

The Graphics of the game isn’t that appealing, but acceptable. Some of the background CGs do actually scared me with the combination of story and BGM all together.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Visual Novel Games.

I had just posted a review on this just a bit ago, but after some thought, I think this should only be recommended to people familiar with visual novels and have the patience to overlook the countless grammatical errors and subpar translation.

I did finish the game. In one session even. I engrossed myself in the story enough to overlook the errors. The plot had some good twists and the game kept me guessing til the end. However, there also tend to be some pretty big plot holes/unanswered questions

! like why it seemed like after the father was absorbed, it went straight to an elementary school instead of, for example, his previous place of work? And if it was because of the stench of negative emotion, why was everyone there so miserable?

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

SOULS on Steam

Disney’s Chicken Little

Disney’s Chicken Little

Unironically the most amazing game i have ever played in my many years of existence. Each level and environment is masterfully crafted as if created by a God. I could easily spend thousands of hours on this game due to its immense replay value. Only hardcore gamers will be able to complete and truly appreciate all of the intricate details that were included in this masterpiece. However i will say that this game has come with its drawbacks, my wife left me the other day because i was too dedicated to chicken little. Although initially i was rather upset, i soon realised that chicken little was all that mattered to me and was therefore more important than her. All in all id say that you must play this game as it is objectively the best creation by man. Just be prepared for the toll that it will take on a mortals life. 10/10

Real player with 76.7 hrs in game

This is the worst game I have ever played in my entire life, I played Memetyper from this godawful platform and this is the actual worst thing I have ever played in my life. The animations are so slow and laggy that it looks like slow motion its so awful. I literally got stuck on the 3rd level of the game because the animation was so slow that I didn’t have time to react to a locker falling to jump over and dodge it. How the actual fuck does a company like disney manage to mess this up so much. I get disney isnt that great as a company but how do you do this. I quit the game when I got to the level where you chase the fish on the star. I got to the river and the leaves wouldn’t come so i could finish the game. I COULDN’T BEAT FUCKING CHICKEN LITTLE ON STEAM. JESUS CHRIST DISNEY HOW DO YOU DO THIS. for the love of god please spend your money on something better, even Memetyper is better than this hellhole.

Real player with 51.1 hrs in game

Disney's Chicken Little on Steam