Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

When someone mention this game, SOMEONE will install it. That lucky person is none other than me. How about the game you ask; and the answer is simple. It’s really, really bad. This game is made on source engine, which is undoubtedly one of the best and maybe the best engine at 2000’s. Half-Life 2 made on this engine. And Portal. And Team Fortress 2. You get the idea, if you are going to make a game with a gun - this engine is the golden choice.

But somehow and somewhat, Troika games blew it. The one and only purpose of this engine, which is developing first-person shooter game, and they really blew it all over. Just pick a gun and shoot something. It’s notoriously bad. When you minimize the game, the alpha layers of textures will be gone and all you left with black squares. It doesn’t have widescreen support. It doesn’t support higher resolutions. This game aged so bad that it stinks like a rotten cheese.

Real player with 107.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Atmospheric Games.

Следующая игра в нашей сегодняшней передаче заставит вас испытать такой ужас, который никто из ваших одноклассников никогда еще не испытывал! Вампиры, оборотни, вурдалаки, бандиты и просто полицейские - вот небольшой список нечисти, с которой вам предстоит столкнуться клык к клыку, нос к носу, кровь за кровь!

По несчастному стечению абстоятельств, вы становитесь представителем одного из вампирских кланов. Какого? Решать только вам. Ваш выбор будет напрямую влиять на дальнейшую судьбу персонажа, его повадки и положение в обществе, как вампирском, так и человеческом. Не забывайте, где находитесь, и следите за манерами, дабы не нарушить священный маскарад! Кормитесь только тайком или в специально отведенных местах, иначе не сдобровать! Пытаясь выжить в этом жестоком обществе старайтесь не забывать, кто вы есть, осторожно выбирая себе союзников.

Real player with 94.1 hrs in game

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines on Steam

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs

In my opinion, this is one of the best VR games I have ever played. It takes the classic formula of throwing birds at pigs, scales it up into a 3D environment and nails everything it has to.

I have played practically all of the Angry Birds games from when they initially came out, nearly an entire decade ago, and so when I saw this, I immediately had to give it a go. I was sceptical, since the original games were 2D and adding an additional dimension would, naturally, cause problems. However, this is actually one of the best parts of the game. The level design accommodates the additional 3D element by allowing most levels to have the option of taking your shots at different, predetermined locations/angles. I find this feature really well done because it continues the element of puzzles in the mobile games where it is about finding the right wood plank to destroy and analysing the structures from different viewpoints, looking for the weak-points is both engaging and satisfying when you get it right.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Sandbox Games.

Angry Birds 3D

Baseline, This is Angry Birds but In full 3D with VR controls. If you are an avid player of Angry Birds on Mobile then this is a must play for you and a perfect translation of what you’d expect from a real life Angry Birds game.

You control the slingshot, Pull it back and fire to destroy the blocks and pigs, there are 4 sets of levels all with different themes just like the Mobile game as well as another Two sets of levels available after you finish the base game with a spooky night theme as well as two more coming in the future.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs on Steam

Thief™ II: The Metal Age

Thief™ II: The Metal Age

This is going to be a long one! As my name entitles, this is probably one of THE best stealth game ever made! I will go in depth why it is and why you should be playing it:

Let’s start off with a list. What makes a stealth game one of the greats? In my own personal opinion it is: Have engaging, functional, and consistent stealth mechanics. Provide the player with alternate routes and methods of completing an objective. have interesting, unique levels. Have said levels progressively provide harder challenges to overcome. little to no combat, and have an engaging story and setting that makes the player want to progress. Every stealth game I have ever played usually doesn’t have all of these things checked marked on the list. MGS has forced combat and has a questionably written story. The first two Splinter Cell games were far too linear and also forced combat at times. Not to mention the sub par stories. Conviction tries way too hard to un-check every thing on this list. Dishonored’s story is cliche and is WAY too easy any way you play it (Yes, even the non lethal no powers run is too easy). The list goes on. That’s why everyone’s favorite stealth games usually are Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, the Hitman series, Death to Spies, and other games that manage to check the checklist. What about Thief 2?

Real player with 238.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Stealth Games.


Thief II The Metal Age is easily one of the best games of all time and the pinnacle of not only stealth in video games, but level design and story telling. I may be in the minority in saying that I prefer both the original and Deadly Shadows more, but goddamn if this isn’t a worthy successor in every way, continuing the series and building upon the world that you helped shape by the end of the last game.

The Great:

++The sound design in this game is phenomenal. The propergation engine, the voice acting, the ambient effects… it’s totally unique (to this day!), and hugely innovative in its connection to gameplay, etc. Everything is just at the highest standard possible, which is to say, totally unmatched.

Real player with 237.4 hrs in game

Thief™ II: The Metal Age on Steam

Thief™ Gold

Thief™ Gold

I can’t believe I played this game 20 years ago and it’s still a blast. Well, it’s my number one game, just look at my avatar.


The way this game is meant to be played is with TFix + HDMod. I repeat !!!TFix!!! (not TGTool). I can safely say that now the game looks better than ever, even compared to its original release back in 98. The reason why is pretty simple - the hardware limitations at that time were quite significant. TFix patches the game with the unofficial New Dark Engine lifting the limitations imposed by the original Dark Engine. There are many improvements: support for higher resolution, the in-game objects have significantly more polygons, bugfixes, HD textures.

Real player with 71.2 hrs in game

It is amazing how as computing technology improves and new tools such as VR are introduced that consumers continue to pine for ‘better’ and ‘more immersive’ games, as though immersion is some ideal we may hope to one day achieve once the graphics are good enough and the gadgets we attach to our forehead become more effective. However, one need only look back to the late 90’s, when a developer known as Looking Glass studios was already forging the path for immersive simulators decades ahead of time.

Real player with 61.2 hrs in game

Thief™ Gold on Steam