UBERMOSH:BLACK is the second game in the UBERMOSH series, which is a fast paced cyberpunk bullet-hell upon which you can slaughter waves of enemies through either shooting, slicing or deflecting for as long as you can. My review for this will be very similar to my review on the first game


-Gameplay is still smooth and fast, along with different classes which you can select and master to obtain the best score in each class. The new ability called Brainclap which was introduced in this game is a great addition

โ€“ Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cult Classic Fast-Paced Games.

I completed Ubermosh:Santicide the hard way and was totally in the mood for some more mosh. Next, I checked some older titles, and found Ubermosh:Black. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend it. First and foremost, I have technical issues with this installment. When the Brainclap fires off the game freezes for up to 30 seconds and may or may not crash afterwards - which makes it basically unplayable for me (See discussion: https://steamcommunity.com/app/444940/discussions/0/1640915206497670064/ ). Second, this is a 2016 game and it did not age so well. I hate the limited field of view, and the low resolution. But what I hate most about this game (apart from the technical glitches) is the fact that I get stuck in those stupid rocks within the playfield all the time. This cannot be a new thing and it I wonder why it has not been ironed out. puzzled

โ€“ Real player with 9.8 hrs in game