

Amborettio is an interesting game with a unique story behind it. I was impressed with the details in the backstory and I enjoyed collecting materials to build the required tools for the game. For the price, I would recommend this game to everybody who is interested. The solo developer has completed impressive work with this game at a fair price. I look forward to seeing the future games that this developer publishes.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Tutorial Games.

Amborettio on Steam

Lakeview Valley

Lakeview Valley

The Elevator Pitch:

It’s like “8-bit Horror Groundhog Day: The Game.”

Only, it’s really more like “Groundhog Week”, and you’ve traded the meteorology for murder.

The Meat & Potatoes (& Amy’s Cookies):

I absolutely LOVED Lakeview Cabin Collection, so when I found out that the sole developer of LVC, Roope Tamminen, had just recently released his latest game, I couldn’t wait to give it a try.

It quickly and effortlessly surpassed my already-rather-lofty expectations…

-There is a staggering amount of content in this game.

Real player with 58.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Tactical RPG Games.

Lakeview Valley is a refreshing take on the genre of Small Town RPG games that I have thorougly been enjoying. After playing more than 45 hours of it I haven’t even brushed the surface of what this game offers and am still getting a handle on what I’m doing.

You play some guy who moved to a new town where nothing is as it seems and you can choose to be whatever you want. I think this game is amazing and I can’t believe I didn’t pick it up from day one.

Want to be a normal guy living a normal life and get to know people and be helpful in your community while remodeling your home? Do it!

Real player with 51.8 hrs in game

Lakeview Valley on Steam

Quiver Dick’s Terrible Tale For Terrible Parents To Read To Their Equally Terrible Children

Quiver Dick’s Terrible Tale For Terrible Parents To Read To Their Equally Terrible Children

When I first saw the preview for Quiver Dick’s (hehehehh well played steam…) Terrible Tale For Terrible Parents to Read To Their Equally Terrible Children, I knew I needed to play it. This game has dark humour, hilarity, a thirsty fairy, awesome music and is dripping in both in-your-face smut and innuendos.

This game is so well put together with incredible art throughout and has the capability of three different possible endings. There are easter eggs as well as nods to music, film and video games throughout with the game clearly being self aware.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

First off, if you read the title you already know what kind of game this going to be, and if you already know what kind of game this is going to be your expectations will be high…this game does not disappoint. Off the rip in the opening credits I was enjoying a Monty Python feel (which for me is always a belly laugh kinda experience). The names in the game, the dialogue, the situations encountered..everything about this game felt like it was directly tailored to my idea of humor. The game in and of itself is well made, crisp, and nostalgic in its craft. The laughs will come a plenty and it actually has replay value (which for me as a completionist is awesome). Highly recommend this game for streamers who want to have a good time with their chat and go on a comedy filled journey that will have a lot of “lol’s” “wtf’s” and “LMFAO’S”. Well done Crankagegames…well done.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Quiver Dick's Terrible Tale For Terrible Parents To Read To Their Equally Terrible Children on Steam

Jurassic Fantasy

Jurassic Fantasy

I really enjoyed this game!

At first I completely missed that you could put points into your stats by clicking on them so I moved around at the lowest speed, attack and defense which, needless to say, didn’t go well at all.

However, once I figured out how to increase stats it became 100x more enjoyable!

I eagerly await Jurassic Fantasy II!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

I’m really enjoying this game, but each time I play, the game ends up going to a black screen at some random point (typically ~10-20 minutes in) and it shows a picture of a sad computer. There’s no way to back out of that and return to the game. I wouldn’t mind so much if there was a way to save/not start over every time it happens. Any assistance would be appreciated!

4/22/21 Edit: I’m sorry, I really like the game, but I have to recommend against it at this point because it keeps crashing before I can finish it.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Jurassic Fantasy on Steam

Case 02: Paranormal Evil

Case 02: Paranormal Evil

Case:02: Paranormal Evil is a casual story driven game about a guy that wakes up in a hospital amidst a zombie outbreak spurred on by cultists in the area. The game features very well done pixel art as well as some anime art of the characters in the dialog cards. Just well executed for the game and gives a charming essence to the experience. The game has you do skill checks of Willpower, Firepower, and Dexterity and items that you can equip will increase the number of dice you can use against these checks against any paranormal evil beings you may come across.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game


You play as Marty, a boy woke up from a coma only to find himself in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Marty befriends a girl, Sally, who looked after him while he was comatose, but then she gets kidnapped by the Cult of Gla’aki. Despite being an ordinary guy, Marty has to fight his way through the undead hordes inorder to save Sally and escape the hospital.

While the story stands well on its own, it feels a lot different from the other games in the Physical Exorcism games thematically. For one thing, Marty and Sally are written as traditionally sympathetic protagonists, unlike Brucie, Jade, and Lucy, who are written as darker protagonists that most people wouldn’t cheer for. Also, while Loser Reborn tried to deconstruct the wish fulfillment of Isekai stories, I feel that Case 02 plays the wish fulfillment of the zombie apocalypse genre straight.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Case 02: Paranormal Evil on Steam



EDIT: Alright so I just replayed this game TWICE and have to say the majority of all my problems were completely fixed.

I found about 2 new bugs, neither of which were game breaking and I don’t doubt the Dev will fix it as he does really care about this game.

Give this game a shot, it’s well worth it and if I can beat it before the update and twice after so can you.

LOVE THIS GAME, Try it now! I’ll add a link to my new playthrough when I get it uploaded soon.

New Playthrough as promised:

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

I love this game although at moments it touched a rage nerve lol. But it is great! Good atmosphere but the one thing I will touch on is the fact when you die it sends you back to the start which is really frustrating for me and probably others. But all in all a great game:) Check my playthrough and I got the bad ending so must get the good ending now:) Well doen Dev..I look forward to your next game:)

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Krakatoa on Steam

The Moon Relax

The Moon Relax

The scenery is beautiful.

The music is pretty OK.

The gameplay is really where this game kind of comes apart.

Driving the rover isn’t fun as the camera angles are pretty much locked. Rocks, big and small, will get in your way while you are driving and bring your expedition to a grinding halt. Even when you aren’t being stopped by rocks, the driving is just boring. There is very little to see and do on the moon.

Crafting is a nightmare of half explained tutorials and different crafting benches. I think I made one oxygen tank.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The Moon Relax on Steam

Pathologic 2

Pathologic 2

I had a very hard time thinking of what I’d write for Pathologic 2. Despite the fact that there are so many reviews, this one got some attention, and I really appreciate that. I feel compelled to write something because it’s deep into my bones and it’s not showing any sign of leaving. It just feels like it deserves a review. Having gone through it now multiple times, I can honestly say it’s become one of my favorite games and that’s against a lifetime wasting time on them.

First and foremost, is this a horror game and if you don’t like horror games will this be too intense? The first answer is “kinda” and the second answer is “no”. It’s a horror game in that the tone and mood are quite dark and the general feeling of the game is eerie. There are certainly spooky things you’re going to experience here and there. Is there lots of gore, jumpscares or terribly intense horror movie moments? No, not really, and if you can get through the average episode of the original Twilight Zone then you’re brave enough for Pathologic 2. Tension is there, fear is often present, but it’s the kind of fear and tension that is trying to teach you something, not just give you nightmares. I recommend wearing headphones when you play to get the full experience of the atmosphere, or taking them off if you are feeling yourself getting too creeped out.

Real player with 241.5 hrs in game

I would rate this game 9/10, but it may not be a 9 for everyone. Let me over-explain.

Pathologic 2 is a bit of a mash up of a survival game and plague doctor simulator. The game is both a remake and a sequel of the original Pathologic that was released in 2005. You don’t need to play the original game as it references the original as having happened, but retells the story with big alterations and new plot points. The original game had three characters you could play with different views of the story, but this one only has the Haruspex at the moment. However, even just this one route will give you a full, complete game with an average of 30+ hours of gameplay. The developers are planning to eventually release the other two routes in the future, budget willing. This game was made with the idea that a game doesn’t always have to be fun, sometimes a game can stretch you out and make you question what it’s asking you to do. You will get stressed, you will get frustrated, and you will start to doubt whether you can even do everything the game is asking you to do, but that’s the point. It will take well known tropes and rules of gaming and break them in an attempt to break you. It tries to make you feel as if you’ve actually gone through the experience of trying to save a town from a disease and how crushing, frustrating, and heartbreaking it can be to try to do that. This in turn makes the joy from the moments when things go right that much sweeter.

Real player with 213.4 hrs in game

Pathologic 2 on Steam