Dark Dragonkin

Dark Dragonkin

Dark Dragonkin is a RPG adventure in which the player alternates control a party of characters, guiding each of them one at a time (though control may be swapped from character to character at any point) to the portal to exit the level. Every level is designed such that each party member must contribute unique skills to help the party through to the portal. All three characters must reach the exit portal to complete the level. Each party member has hit points which they can lose by getting hurt by enemies or obstacles in the dungeon. Should any party member run out of hit points, they die; game-play will then continue with any remaining members, if the member can not be resurrected, the level will have to be restarted and try again. However, the game offers unlimited continues.

Each party member offers a unique set of skills:

  • Rose: The tank of the party. By far the most durable. She has more health and takes less damage than the others. When using her shield she becomes nearly invincible. When charging forward she can stun enemies and move heavy objects.

  • Dante: He is melee DPS. He can dispatch most enemies when he can attack from behind. Stealth is his ally. He also specializes in jumping great distances to avoid obstacles and get in the right position for the kill.

  • Nova: He is a ranged caster. He can dispatch many foes with a fireball at range. He also can dispel magical wards as they descend into the depths of the dungeon.

  • Evelina: No party is complete without a healer. If a party member falls to the dangers of the dungeon, no worries, because Evelina can bring them back. She can also changes into a fairy to sneak through all the tiny cracks in the dungeon.


  • You control each character separately.

  • Each character has their own unique skills to get past obstacles.

  • Every Level is like an old school RPG puzzle.

  • Even the enemies are puzzles of how to avoid or destroy them.

  • You must figure out how to gather the party at the exit portal to advance.

  • Powerful bosses that are a challenging puzzle to defeat to gain passage through their realm.

Read More: Best CRPG Tactical RPG Games.

Dark Dragonkin on Steam

Back To Hell

Back To Hell

This plays just like one of those free flash games from ten or more years ago where they throw together some clip art images and monotonous music for ten minutes of “gameplay” with no real challenge. If it weren’t for the death scene, I would think this was a toddler game. The team made a couple of bug fixes last year but what this really needs is a ton more puzzles and content and a better selection of public domain music tracks–and a faster walking animation so you don’t have to bounce and spin everywhere.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Adventure Games.

I actually super enjoyed this game it was an absolute banger it took me forever how to figure out how to use the items because I’m dumb but had a ton of fun playing through it controls pretty well and cursive’s a bit hard to read for me I’m a bit out of practice it was an insanely short game but for 49 cents I feel like I got a good return on my money. my play through here: https://youtu.be/d9g57Q8p4fw

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Back To Hell on Steam

Escape from the Lockdown: The Demon Fortress (Steam Version) - Day 1

Escape from the Lockdown: The Demon Fortress (Steam Version) - Day 1


video part:king is read script,not eye contact a cam

heroes are acting are nice

puzzle part: are quite hard even hinted or answered i dont get it how to get that answer (may be im bad)

dragon part: no realistic no situation just name,doing,something

game detail : no music in puzzle part no theme , background suck

worth : not worth

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Strategy Games.

Note: I could not get the game to work at first. After contacting support I received the following advice which ended up working despite my skepticism:

Uninstall the game and delete the files

Restart the computer

Deactivate the antivirus

Install the game

I have played SCRAP games before in person (both 10ish person escape rooms and large 2k person events). I have not previously played any of their online/digital content. So far, I have only played the free portion of the game, which includes all of Day 1 and the beginning setup of Day 2. The setup of both days includes a video with some characters, 9 people with special items and the king. It seems from what I have seen so far you will need to defeat 4 monsters with the help of the 9 people. This will let you open a chest to help defeat the demon/escape from the demon fortress/something like that. There’s also some mysterious flashing light they ask you to investigate.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Escape from the Lockdown: The Demon Fortress (Steam Version) - Day 1 on Steam

The Pilgrim

The Pilgrim

A very cool, short, find the object puzzle game. Love the graphics and the mood music. The only complaint I have is that occasionally the camera angle makes it difficult to see what I need to see. Otherwise, this game is fun and somewhat challenging. I’d love to play a longer version of this. Works on Linux with Steam Play / Proton. Yay!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

It looks nice but there’s nothing really to it. Though the fixed camera positions made it more difficult than it needed to be, this was enjoyable as a student work demonstration. Playing it on Steam is like stopping off for ten minutes in a busy final year exhibition.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Pilgrim on Steam

Demon heart

Demon heart

Demon heart - бродилка, сделанная в рисованном стиле. Графика простенькая, но стильная, нопоминающая игры, сделанные на RPG Maker. Хорошая фоновая музыка добавляет атмосферы игре. Завязка сюжета довольно проста - победить демонов, которые обитают на пяти разных островах. В общем за первые 2 часа игры - мне нравится. Посмотрим, как будет дальше.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Demon heart on Steam