Blue Horizon

Blue Horizon

Well what can i say it’s a good game but has many bugs and issues but they are getting sorted by the Developer

PLEASE NOTE…this game is playable to a point in the game as the patch 1.0.8 has not corrected all the issues with the save and load process you still can’t save upgrades bought from a shop keeper in the city also the quest you get from the pirate in the inn where you pay 50 gold pieces for the quest he marks it on your map but when you save and load back up it is no longer there on your map, also it does not save any provisions you have collected.

Real player with 34.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG FPS Games.

Update: I no longer recommend Blue Horison.

The updates have practically stopped. There were a few after the game went live, and I think there was one a couple months ago, but there have not been significant changes to the game. Even with bug fixes, there are fundamental problems with Blue Horizon and it seems the developer is done with the game, which is a shame.

As far as stability, the game is solid. Visually, the game is pleasing and immersive (and less clunky than it was initially), but the functions within the game work against the immersion by smearing it with a feeling of low-budget-indie-developer who has reached the limits of his talent. Look up as an example. I don’t mean to be cruel here, it’s just that the player has minimal impact on the in-game world which limits interaction and the developers are okay with that, as if the game is a prof of concept demo. I understand that the game is Story-Driven, but it detracts heavily from RPG elements. I prefer to see a labor of love with the developers churning out patches and updates, you know, actual development that says this is a project more than a product. In this case, the game feels like a product on rails intended for a quick and incidental sale. Maybe this game will be a stepping stone in Blue Horizon Studios' journey into the single-player pirate genre (a genre long neglected), hopefully with something ground breaking later.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Blue Horizon on Steam

Sea Dogs: Caribbean Tales

Sea Dogs: Caribbean Tales

I like the freedom to just do what ever you like in the game as far as pirating/trading/missions. And the open world aspect and the way you can capture ships to upgrade/sell or add to your own fleet.

Real player with 123.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Action Games.

a nice game, good game play. i really enjoyed it. I cannot confirm the bug reports. The game was stable at all times.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Sea Dogs: Caribbean Tales on Steam

Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships

Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships

This is the perfect pirates game. i spent years trying to play this game but my computers never allowed me. now i have had the chance to fully play this game i have to say it has given me hour of fun. do you want to be a merchant and become the wealthiest man in the Caribbean and trade your way to power, or become a privateer and attack your nations foes and bring riches and glory to your nation or do you want to be a feared pirate who will attack anything on sight for wealth and reputation and be the most fearsome man in the Caribbean sea. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!

Real player with 125.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Gore Games.

This game is not “good.” It has an extremely high learning curve, no tutorial, a clunky interface, poorly laid out and unintuitive quest objectives, sub-par writing, semi-frequent crashes, and is heavily dependent on the community “Combined Mod” to smooth out its rough edges.

That said, it is the best pure Pirate RPG available. But that probably says more about the gaping hole that exists in the market and less about this game itself. Aside from the brief but very welcome tangent that the Assassin’s Creed franchise took with Black Flag we have not seen a good single player pirate RPG in a long time; probably since Sid Meier’s Pirates. So if you need your pirate fix and are willing to take the time to learn this game, then you will be satisfied. But I can’t help but wonder why we haven’t seen a better Pirate game made.

Real player with 75.9 hrs in game

Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships on Steam

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG

Q: Why is being a pirate so addictive?

A: Because when ye lose yer hand, ye get hooked!

‘Tempest: Pirate Action’ takes us to a timescape where the tantalizing tall tales of tanalised tallship tars turn true! This is one of my favourite PC games to date, along with ‘The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt’ and ‘Naval Action’. That’s partly because I love square-rigger sailing ships and 1700s maritime history and lore. Of these three games, I consider Tempest the most imaginitive and atmospheric.

This open world game is much better than I expected, based on the YouTube reviews. Various aspects of the game have been much improved since those reviews were posted. The ship-capturing boarding action, for example, is now vastly better, with fully mobile, realistic fighting characters, one of which, you fully control, so you can take part in the melee, close and personal, from a 3rd-person perspecive. That’s something that neither ‘Naval Action’ nor ‘The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt’ can boast.

Real player with 204.5 hrs in game

Score : 55-60/100

Unfortunately it is ““NOT”” a full pirates game.

If you’re looking for a real pirates game this one will disappointed you.

Good points:

  • Graphic is acceptable

-Ship easy upgrade

-Some of the special items were good designed

-Ship fighting is ok ( Only to those who just enjoy firing cannon balls )

-Auto picking up design

-Time speed up design

Weak points :

***One of the greatest weak point is : this game have “NO” save and worst of all …….there’re traps that didn’t looks like a trap that we will lost 1/4 or even 1/2 of our most experience crews without warning !!!!! 0 . Though we can still play the game without a save file.

Real player with 148.2 hrs in game

Tempest: Pirate Action RPG on Steam



I have been playing this game on an off for about 8 years, before the new server even came out and have probably wasted more than 3000 hours of my life across several accounts and multiple different characters. I find the game itself quite fun although it can be repetitive at times with its mundane combat system and buggy naval combat, however, what plagues this game the most is the absence of options for free to play players to get gear or equipment that could be considered at least mediocre: before the elite dungeons update, free to play players could make a decent amount of money by grinding sea levels and gathering magic crystals (a valuable in game resource). However, after the update even that option got removed as magic crystals became way more common and the only viable way to get better gear became spending real money in the game.Overall the game is pretty good and can be fun if played with friends for the first time, but is an absolute pay to win nightmare.

Real player with 354.2 hrs in game

First of all, sorry for my poor english, its not my first language.

I’ve played this game for a long time before it came to steam, im very happy it still alive! This simple MMORPG taught me how to play with a keyboard, since it was the one of the firsts game i’ve ever played on a PC. This game have amazing songs, and the graphics are cute (at least before you leave the first island), but they work very well with the atmosphere. As you progress, you have to sail to another islands, and you can control you battleship on the ocean, listening to the greatests songs in the game.

Real player with 295.4 hrs in game

Florensia on Steam

Boat Crew

Boat Crew

Boat Crew

Boat Crew is an action-packed singleplayer game that is all about leading your men to bring out the best in them in the field of battle. You’re given charge of a

PT boat, one of many, in the Pacific, and sent against the Imperial Japanese Navy in the forefront of the Pacific War.

Sometimes through bravery and sometimes through guile, you’ll take on ever stronger enemy forces and come out on top. Manage your people and your resources; beg, borrow, and steal, and equip yourself from a wide variety of tools available to bring your campaign to a victorious conclusion.

Prioritize your acquisitions, make connections, and customize your ship’s capabilities to your taste. Above all else, care for your crew; Experienced sailors are in short supply in the largest naval front in the history of mankind. Sometimes the best option is to live to fight another day.

Key Features

Crew Management: In Boat Crew, you are not the boat herself but her commander, with all the associated responsibilities and privileges. Most tasks will be delegated to your trusty crewmen, and it’s up to you to make sure they’re up to the task.

Jury-Rigged: With distances vast and ships spread thin, you’re afforded a substantial degree of autonomy. Anti-tank guns and light mortars are only some of the weapons you can add to your boat that would be considered unusual, and there is ample room for innovation. The only two rules are, make sure you are still floating, and get the job done!

Tested in Battle: Training teaches a man to keep his head down, but its experience that teaches him when he can start handing out the hurt. Crack troops are far more lethal than green recruits, and will be capable of abilities otherwise unavailable to less experienced crewmen.

Live and Teach: Beyond being good fighters, your veterans also have much to teach to their replacements. Experienced soldiers will set a baseline crew experience and will impart their lethality on any replacements given some time.

Fortunes of War: War has luck of its own, and industrialized total war is a different story entirely. Despite all caution and planning, some of your most trusted members will be lost at some point. It’s up to you and your skills as the commander to find appropriate replacements and train them in time for larger engagements.

Applied Science: Few things inspire innovation as much as war does, and sometimes you may find yourself pressed to be the first to employ a new technology in the field. Following the expansive tech tree will dramatically improve your crew’s combat prowess; just make sure to prioritize appropriately.

Grand Campaign: Fight numerous surface actions that range from night raids and coastal fire support to search and destroy. Your success in these battles will improve your clout and your crew’s experience, increasing the options available to you in future battles and providing more daring operations.

Trailer Music by Scott Buckley - ‘The Endurance’

Boat Crew on Steam