Panic Room 2: Hide and Seek

Panic Room 2: Hide and Seek

As a sequel to the origonal Panic room it stacks up well. Most of the rooms have had overhauls and there are new items to find, though there is still some problem with ‘okay, what does that word mean in this context?’ Its also facinating to see it from a diffrent perspective if you haven’t run through all the plot in the Panic Room, because it’s taking place afterwards.

That being said, I don’t think you’d needto play Panic Room to enjoy Panic Room2. Things are mysterious, but explained enough you can enjoy the plot on it’s own merits.

Real player with 392.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Adventure Games.

I think I am writing this after everything was fixed - because I’m not running into any of the problems others have…

I am playing Panic Room 1 at the same time. There are a few little spoilers I have run into so far, since this game takes place 10-20 years into the future (can’t remember how long exactly), and I’m almost on season 2 of the Panic Room 1 game - but those spoilers I had already figured out early on in PR1 so I didn’t mind.

Things I really like about this game -

  • The rooms still closed off to me in Panic Room 1 are some of the first to open in Panic Room 2. Namely, the Film Theatre, the Winter Garden and the Study (so far), so I feel like I’m getting to play most of the mansion. And those that are open in both games look different enough - with different furnishings, time of day/night seen through window, etc, - that it feels a bit like playing two different rooms, so doesn’t feel too similar.

Real player with 310.6 hrs in game

Panic Room 2: Hide and Seek on Steam



After having played for quite some time, the game really grew on me! I’m having a great time traveling the wasteland and looting, hunting monsters, and building up my clan, as well as questing. Now for the pros and the cons:


The graphics are pretty nice. The wasteland vibe is pretty well embodied by the setting and types of equipment you can use.

There are quite a few types of weapons to choose from at this time, though I wish there were more.

There are vehicles. You get a motorcycle early game, so traveling doesn’t take forever.

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Third-Person Shooter Games.

First of all you’ll see I’ve put in several hours already, most of these negative reviews played for 10-30 minutes at most. Definitely needs some work, AI isn’t very smart, bit buggy and some FPS issues. But after playing for a few hours it’s kind of grown on me. The robust crafting system and funny moments in quests add good flavor. For a free game it’s got potential.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

THE SKIES on Steam

The Pilgrim

The Pilgrim

A very cool, short, find the object puzzle game. Love the graphics and the mood music. The only complaint I have is that occasionally the camera angle makes it difficult to see what I need to see. Otherwise, this game is fun and somewhat challenging. I’d love to play a longer version of this. Works on Linux with Steam Play / Proton. Yay!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best CRPG Adventure Games.

It looks nice but there’s nothing really to it. Though the fixed camera positions made it more difficult than it needed to be, this was enjoyable as a student work demonstration. Playing it on Steam is like stopping off for ten minutes in a busy final year exhibition.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Pilgrim on Steam

Floor 100

Floor 100

Floor 100 is a Free-to-play Topdown 2D Multiplayer Online RPG with many common MMO features and a competitive tower with 100 floors of epic bosses.

Do you have the skills and patience to top the leaderboards in this action-packed adventure?

Team up to optimize your chances and reap the rewards of being the strongest, richest, fastest and best looking champion.

Meet new friends, buy and decorate houses, grow crops or livestock, gather and craft, adventure through the many worlds and much more!

Floor 100 on Steam

Nuclear Drifter

Nuclear Drifter

I enjoy post-apocalyptic games and found Nuclear Drifter a fantastic “old school” game. The game play and controls are simple and easy to learn - point and click. The graphics and animation are pretty good especially for an old school designed game. The background music is rather relaxing. I usually turn off background music; but, left the game running, even when I was not playing, for my own background sound. The back story and general story line could use a bit of work, I was a bit surprised to have the game suddenly stopping with a cliffhanger message about future updates leaving two unfinished quests. Overall, I found Nuclear Drifter enjoyable, relaxing to play, and I am looking forward to the update so I can finish those quests.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

SAVE THE GAME BEFORE YOU ENGAGE IN A FIGHT WHERE YOU MIGHT LOSE. When you nail the art of remembering to save the game, the gameplay is fun and the music is cool

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Nuclear Drifter on Steam

Zakumba: Astraia

Zakumba: Astraia

In a volcanic city oppressed by a distant empire, an ailing child prodigy struggles to make her way in the world after her family is shattered by the loss of her mother. Astraia is a mechanical genius in a city of exploited mages and manufacturers. Her father, Kofi, is a brilliant man broken by the military/industrial machine for which he’s been forced to work. Together, they try to scrap together a life in the slums as the city’s tensions mount around them. Astraia wants liberation and the thrill of adventure. Kofi just wants his daughter to keep her head down and stay out of trouble. But Astraia’s resolve can’t be tempered, and she quickly finds herself mired in an all-too-adult world of political turmoil, organized crime, and frightening magical technology. An adventure awaits Astraia as she comes to terms with the hardness and truth of an encompassing real world.

Zakumba: Astraia on Steam



I have been playing this game on an off for about 8 years, before the new server even came out and have probably wasted more than 3000 hours of my life across several accounts and multiple different characters. I find the game itself quite fun although it can be repetitive at times with its mundane combat system and buggy naval combat, however, what plagues this game the most is the absence of options for free to play players to get gear or equipment that could be considered at least mediocre: before the elite dungeons update, free to play players could make a decent amount of money by grinding sea levels and gathering magic crystals (a valuable in game resource). However, after the update even that option got removed as magic crystals became way more common and the only viable way to get better gear became spending real money in the game.Overall the game is pretty good and can be fun if played with friends for the first time, but is an absolute pay to win nightmare.

Real player with 354.2 hrs in game

First of all, sorry for my poor english, its not my first language.

I’ve played this game for a long time before it came to steam, im very happy it still alive! This simple MMORPG taught me how to play with a keyboard, since it was the one of the firsts game i’ve ever played on a PC. This game have amazing songs, and the graphics are cute (at least before you leave the first island), but they work very well with the atmosphere. As you progress, you have to sail to another islands, and you can control you battleship on the ocean, listening to the greatests songs in the game.

Real player with 295.4 hrs in game

Florensia on Steam



(Just a note, Steam has the dates messed up because I had a previous review that I deleted. This review was actually posted on March 23 and has no relation to the previous review from January.)

Ryzom is a frustrating game for me.

This game is very, very flawed even just with its game design. There are bugs all over that need to be fixed, new player experience is atrocious with almost none of the game’s mechanics explained properly, the game’s engine is archaic, and a lot of its design is of questionable merit. There’s even some serious problems with racism and ableism in this game, plus the most absurdly sexualized costumes I’ve ever seen for female medium armor. Yet, in spite of all that, it really can be a very, very enjoyable game once you slog through learning all the mechanics. I genuinely like the core gameplay, as you can clearly see from my play time, which is actually at least a couple hundred hours less than my actual play time. I’ve had a lot of fun with this game.

Real player with 484.7 hrs in game

Ryzom is 12 years old and it shows. The game is beyond stable. (I don’t know if Steam supports it, but the game works great on Mac and Linux in addition to Windows.) I haven’t had any crashes in over 250 hours of play. The character/mob models look clunky and the landscape polygons seem over large by 2016 standards, but the game is colorful and vibrant. My 6 year old computer handles the highest settings just fine with FPS to spare. The community is the most mature, helpful and pleasant I’ve ever seen (and I’ve played 30+ MMOs in the last 20 years).

Real player with 467.5 hrs in game

Ryzom on Steam

Mirage Online Classic

Mirage Online Classic

The game has one of highest toxic community I have ever seen, those people publicly admitted to using bugs to take advantage of the game instead of reporting them, the content is very short right now and there is a balance issue as well as it needs a lot of quality of life improvement.

The game in overall is based on action combat even thought there is a tab targetting that allows to use special class ability.

The leveling has absolutly no reward, only equipments matter, killing rats will give you more exp than doing dungeons.

Real player with 1542.9 hrs in game

The game is pretty fun, still lots of content being worked on at the moment that’s yet to come in the game and there isn’t much benefit in playing hours and hours per day to the point it starts feeling like a chore so you can take your time with the game and be patient, go at your own pace. The community and people in discord are friendly and helpful as well, don’t hesitate to ask for advice.

Some people have been writing reviews about Zeus saying he’s toxic, but after playing for over 300 hours and frequently with all of the other active players, this hasn’t been the case at all and he even changed my name for free with the exception I was new, which wasn’t an offered service. Both the devs are nice people and they have a discord you can join to talk with the community and make suggestions for the game which they are very open to.

Real player with 314.3 hrs in game

Mirage Online Classic on Steam

Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator

Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator

This game ain’t for everyone.

If you like mmos that shower you with loot, xp, fast progress and stuff like that - go away.

This game is HARD man!

It still needs some polish overall, but it’s passable (at least for me). If you visit official forum and check for posts about game flaws, you will find that some of them are fixed atm.

Altough kinda inactive forum-wise, devs haven’t abandoned game. Each holiday is covered with some event, and most recent update got the new dungeon to the game.

Game has probably best action combat you will find in gaming. While in Tera / Neverwinter and many other action combat based games, certain skills root you while casting them, here in Sphere 3 you cast and run at the same time. Very welcome change indeed. It’s almost as in Wildstar, well… it kinda IS like Wildstar just more “free” in terms of mobility.

Real player with 59.2 hrs in game


I have only played the game up to lvl 14 as Necromancer on Immertel.

[Will Revisit Review at lvl 20 and 40(if I last that long)]


Large Russian community, very few English speakers.


The game isn’t tab target, and the cursor seems to lock on super easy with some skills and not so much with others, like some skills veer to the right or left when casting at time. Lucky hits and misses at times. Does feel like a step up from tab target games but not full on immersive combat, because of the skill upgrade system you tend to stick to a handful of skills–at least outside of pvp. Grinding is alright, would love to see more gear dropping(any I mean). It seems like only upgrade scrolls, junk loot, and item recipes pop up.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator on Steam