Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

i found out about this game through porn

Real player with 353.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crowdfunded Noir Games.

all my homies hate playin against big band

(actual review coming soon)

Real player with 80.1 hrs in game

Skullgirls 2nd Encore on Steam



Great fun to play with a small group of friends.

Love that it has both a competitive and co-op multiplayer modes.

Art direction is superb.

Really liking the level variety.

Real player with 33.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crowdfunded Fantasy Games.

Thought i doesn’t have a lot of content at the moment it is a great game to play with the family. Thought this game is labeled as multiplayer(Online). You must have more than one controller and a person who’s willing to play, because if not this game is completely pointless to have. This is the game’s only downfall, I hope that in the future they will add AI players that you can compete against. Also that the moment there is a limited amount of content, but I’m sure it will be expanded upon in the future. I can’t wait to see what’s in store. Btw, by 9 year old niece endorses this game. :) For that I recommend this game for people who have siblings, or friends are are willing to play. When you do have people to play with, this game is a blast!

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game


Guard Duty

Guard Duty

Did not enjoy the gameplay even for a moment. Pains me to say it, because the graphics and animation were superb. The story was forgettable (I spent the first hour looking for my pants), and the voice acting was just okay (though plentiful).

Besides the fact that I was never invested in the story or the characters, this point and click adventure used a bunch of gameplay conventions that drove me crazy. Sometimes, there will be a scene where the landscape extends past the monitor, which is only visible by first walking to the boarder. Then, there would be scenes where items were inaccessible until something else happened, but there were no indicators that there were a new object hotspot. And lastly, the interaction of objects was not consistent, even the same object might be inaccessible at one time then be able to be pushed a few moments later.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crowdfunded Fantasy Games.

The adventure game genre seems a little oversaturated with somber detective stories. As much as I enjoy those, I love nothing more than some good laughs, some vibrant colors - and I’m a sucker for cartoons! Guard Duty fills that void on all counts.

It harkens back to gems of lo-res point&click comedy such as Simon the Sorcerer or Discworld. It’s got that lively, colorful, cartoony art and animation that’s just joy to these tired eyes. It’s crisp & elegant, with a well-chosen palette. Story-wise it might also remind you of the classic Discworld - as you assume the role of a member of the town guard. There’s magic, orcs and monsters, too! And time travel! If you enjoyed Sir Terry’s imaginative worlds (both the fantastic and the earlier sci-fi) & his sharp wit, you’ll be right at home - like in the novels, the main goal is simple: “Save the princess. Save the world”, but what elevates it is the characters, the interactions, and the humor. There’s some genuinely endearing slapstick, a few nods to the genre classics (concentrated in one spot mostly), but my favorite was the multi-layered bits, saturated with meta relating to modern culture, and even gaming. On the flipside - the game gets significantly darker when the main antagonist surfaces. Tondbert only gets glimpses of this dark side - but then, in the last act, we are transported into a bleak neon-lit future. Think Blade Runner or Terminator. It still manages to throw in a few jokes, and there’s your token geeky hacker girl to lighten up the mood - but other than that, it’s pretty straightforward sci-fi/cyberpunk. This bit feels shorter - with not much world to explore - but it makes sense. For one, given the situation, the world of the future wouldn’t be very lively & interesting to just roam around. Two: there’s been enough build-up, time for some decissive action!

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Guard Duty on Steam

Daycare Manager

Daycare Manager

Do you have what it takes to manage a bunch of… children? Come and find out!

Handle challenging daily situations

Kids are fun, kids are silly, kids are random – take care of them and solve everyday challenges that you might not have even expected.

Use your time wisely to make sure the kids are playful, but smart

Kids want to play, but they also need to sleep, eat and learn. Be sure to make a clever schedule for each day to distribute the time between diverse activities to make them happy, well fed, rested and smart at the same time.

Enjoy exciting mini-games

Dance, cook and teach – all in fun mini-game form!

Promote yourself and attract new families

Spread the word and advertise about how great your skills are to reach new parents – more children mean more activities, more challenges and more profit!

Hire additional caretakers to help you out

Extend your staff by hiring caretakers and other help – it’s always easier to handle challenges with a team.

Be creative – expand your daycare and decorate it

Purchase new rooms, facilities, get more beds, add new toys, activities, improve the services your daycare provides and, last but not least – make it pretty.

Become the best caretaker in the country!

Keep working, and parents will line up to make sure their kids attend the only daycare worth attending – your daycare.

Daycare Manager on Steam