

I found this game out of the blue, and thought I’d play it, little did I know I’d fall in love with it. I found most of the characters enjoyable, and the humbleness of each of them admirable, though some were more….selfish. I extremely recommend playing this cute, Korean-styled point-and-click adventure game. If I was to point out a downside, there was a lot of back and forth in the final quest, but regardless, it’s able to be beaten within 2 hours.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crowdfunded Beautiful Games.

Very relaxing point and click game over Korean mythology.

Dragons dancing to music was probably the best part in the game.

also what was that large white figure in the darkness you see after talking to the lost crane sibling and faceless animal?

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Hoyeonjigi on Steam



World End ECONOMiCA Ep.1

Genre: VN - Visal Novel/Reading Storytelling



Having played several other VNs where the player can choose the fate and ending of the story, this one is compleatly linear. No gameplay at all. If you were looking for action or plot twists, look away, you will be reading a lot.

Rating - 8/10

Other - 5/10


Grahpics are okish, capped normally at 1024 x 600 and fullscreened with little damage to the image of the storyplay. Anime style is a diffrence from S&W, more bold and less simple.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crowdfunded Sci-fi Games.

Summery: A short Kinetic Novel (~10 hours) with mediocre content, but poor execution.

Story: 5 / 10

The story is about a runaway kid which does stock-trading on the moon. The futuristic moon colony setting isn’t really that necessary and I found myself doubting the correctness of the technical explanations on several occasions. There is still two episodes remaining, but as of right now it would probably have been better without the sci-fi setting.

One thing I loved about Spice and Wolf is that it presented trading and economic subjects in way which made them interesting. This was not the case with World End Economica 01, I found most of the stock-trading to be pretty boring.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01 on Steam



World End Economica 2. Even though my recommendation wasn’t exactly glowing for the previous one, I would definitely recommend this one if you made it through the first. In my honest opinion, it was definitely better than the first.

The story this time around is four years on from the end of WEE episode 1 and is still economics based but the plots shift a bit. He is no longer making money for the sake of some ludicrous dream. In fact, he is no longer making much money at all. He and some Swiss (?) noble attempt to fight the corrupt giants of the financial world and a romantic sub-plot creeps in. He is stuck in a love polygon between several girls (yes this is a visual novel) but, this being WEE you do not get a choice in the matter. Fighting for justice is not simple and Haru (this translation team changed his name from Hal) must learn this while walking the razor’s edge and not lose sight of what really matters.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crowdfunded Sci-fi Games.

Took five hours to burn through the entire thing in one shot.

If your think 13 bucks is worth five hours of reading, then buy this. ‘Cause it’s amazing. The game is full of references to the first game though, so if you haven’t played or read that, you’re probably going to be pretty lost for the first hour or so, upon which the information is reiterated so many times that you can probably piece together even if you didn’t know that yes, there was a WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.1 even though this is episode.2. Really, if you’ve played one, then you might find the constant reminders irritating. I sure did after, what, the twentieth time?

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.02 on Steam



And finally, number three in the WEE series. The story here is another four years on from the previous episode (why four again? They seem to like the number four). This time, we are playing financial lecture with romantic subplot. Hal makes a big bet, wins big, things turn to crap and he chases after the girl he loves and we get a nice, happy, romantic ending. But, they really went full on this time with explaining how things work and even give definitions for some of the terms used. Why they didn’t do that from episode one, I will never know. On top of that, they even give diagrams to show how some things work. Diagrams that simplify or break down how some of these investments work. Diagrams. DIAGRAMS. To me, putting diagrams in was wholly unnecessary because reading this you need at least a basic understanding of how these things work and because this is number three in the series, and you have almost certainly read one and two, I feel like everyone reading this has that.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

World End Economica. An epic tale about greed, dreams, and moon stocks. Set four years after the second game this story concludes the series in one hell of beautiful finale.

First off, if you’re here to check out whether or not this trilogy is worth getting, YES. ABSOLUTELY. This series is great with each installment being an improvement over the previous which were already good and great games, respectively, in their own right. Be warned though, there’s a lot of economics terminology that may fly over your head, but even if you don’t understand a lot of the terms the underlying story is always easy enough to follow that it shouldn’t be a real issue. In fact, it may even interest you. At the very least you’re bound to learn something about stocks and the economy.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.03 on Steam



This is a plaintext version of the full GameCynic review (with gallery)

Supported in part by a successful Indiegogo funding campaign earlier in 2016, Japanese developer Calme’s debut title is a short visual novel centered around the daily life of Leon, who struggles to keep his café open in a post-disaster era.

Visual novels — games which are essentially watching anime at your own pace, with little to no actual gameplay — are often a difficult genre to do well. Their simplicity means that storyline often makes or breaks a game, and a market saturated by home made, amateur titles can often overwhelm new developers. Luckily for KARAKARA, this isn’t a problem, thanks to strong personalities for the main characters.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

If I had to describe KARAKARA in one sentence, I’d say “It’s Fallout meets NEKOPARA, but not as competent as either one”. Now if that intrigues you, please read on.

KARAKARA is a fully kinetic visual novel. That means there’s no plot choices, no dating sim elements, not even a petting button or localized earthquakes. It functions like a standard visual novel, with static backgrounds and slightly animated character sprites. I really like the visual style, particularly with how colors are balanced. If I had to complain about anything, I’d say everything is just a bit too bright, but it’s not bad. As for audio, the music isn’t exactly remarkable, but it makes for a good background. There’s also sound effects that get the job done similarly, and the voice acting was at least good enough that I didn’t mute it.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game





Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

Lots of things are quite funny about this game.

First and foremost, searching through the few games published by this developer you’ll read about Legacy of Medieval (is this even English?) which has a precise release date: November 25th, 2021.

I’m writing as of the first half of 2018, so well.. at least we’ve got some precision here. Not the usual “within some months” or simply “in arrivo” (wondering how’s translated that in English, since I use the Steam client in Italian.. probably like “incoming, we don’t know when but eventually it will become purchasable”). No, we’ve got to wait for 4 years but surely it will be worth it.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

YAGZZ! on Steam

Voices from the Sea

Voices from the Sea

Voices from the Sea, where do I start……..

Well I guess I should preface this by saying I bought this VN instead of starting out with the free version, although I was happy with what I got I’d recommend getting the free version to see if you like it before investing money.

Now that’s out of the way; I came across this VN when it was up for kickstart and it sparked an interest in me, now that its up on steam I was able to read it and see what it’s creator had in store, and Im pleased to say I was not disappointed.

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

So the story goes …

I was bored one afternoon after school and didn’t feel like playing my usual games and felt quite sad/not in a good mood so I decided to just check out the steam store and look for some free games to try.

I came across this game and I didn’t think too much of it, people seemed to like it a lot and and the average play time was about an hour so I thought I might give it a try and see how good that hour would be.

At first it was a bit weird playing a novel game because I have never played one before but as I progressed through the story I felt very connected to the story and felt myself getting pulled in and wanting to know more.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Voices from the Sea on Steam

Kelvin and the Infamous Machine

Kelvin and the Infamous Machine

Cute point & click adventure game revolving on historical figures.

Created by Blyts, Kelvin and the Infamous Machine is a point-and-click adventure about the well intentioned but not-so-brilliant Kelvin, his workplace crush, a crazy scientist, and a hideous time machine that came to ruin everything. As the game starts, you have to stop Dr. Lupin from changing the history by preventing some of the greatest minds from creating their most known works. You will help Ludwig van Beethoven, Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci while having a lot of fun, too.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game



Kelvin and the Infamous Machine

Kelvin and the Infamous Machine is a comedic Point & Click adventure game which was released in 2016, developed and published by Blyts . The game takes place in the old times through time traveling. You as the main character is now the only hope to rescue all the old geniuses and aid them back on track as they full-fill their masterpiece. The puzzles are simple and does not required to over think which i think is satisfying for who looking for casual gameplay. The strong story-line features 4 playable chapters which you can unlock them as you progress through the first chapter.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Kelvin and the Infamous Machine on Steam