Hot Brass

Hot Brass

This game is just lovely.

This does have that SWAT 4 tactical style of gameplay, and it’s a lot of fun, even in solo. The game is very nicely polished and balanced.

While when I first saw the trailer, the icons instead of player sprites seemed a bit of an odd aesthetic choice, I quickly got used to them, and gotta admit that it was an appropriate choice for this kind of game. You get information about your unit and their weapons displayed very neatly and visibly and it puts more emphasis on the actual tactics. The minimalistic design of the game allowed the developers to polish the main gameplay loop to a point where it just… FEELS really good to play.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Real Time Tactics Games.

Most of the complaints about this game seem to revolve around the theme of “This isn’t how I think it should be so it must be bad”. For every complaint I have read, I also see a lack of understanding about a game mechanic or tactics in general. There were a few instances where I had no idea why certain things were happening only to find out there was something about the game that was not specifically addressed in the tutorial or any particular level, so I did not know to look for it. But once I realized what it was (specifically, the icon distinction between holding a weapon and pointing a weapon), I could adjust. I played through the entire game solo with only a handful of trouble spots, so the whole “difficulty is built around multiplayer” argument is completely invalid.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Hot Brass on Steam

PAYDAY™ The Heist

PAYDAY™ The Heist

I have Payday the Heist and Payday 2 and after almost 5500+ gameplay hours still loving the simplicity of Payday the Heist. If i have to compare part 2 with part 1 then Payday 2 is more a CARRYBAG SIMULATOR wich is litterly a cashcow with everymonth new DLC. Overkill is so ORIGINAL that they even copied the Wolf Pack DLC from Payday the Heist to Payday 2.

What i also dislike from Payday 2 is that you have to choose what armor and what gun you gonna use depending on your playstyle (Loud or Stealth). And giving point to Skilltrees to your character. In Payday the Heist beside a silenced handgun doesn’t it matter what armor you take or gun compared to danger meter. There is no Stealth or Loud meter in Payday the Heist. That is the main reason why i like the simplicity from part 1. Not much weapons, but good and challenging enough.

Real player with 6386.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Heist Games.

Started to play this game without too much expectations when the game was free for a day, since it has only a limited number of maps. I certainly didn’t expect that this game would be fun even after 1k or even 2k hours. Admittedly this game has lots of flaws, but in part that’s what makes it such a great game. The random elements in the game, spawns, enemy pathing and to a lesser extend the objectives, make the game unpredictable and failure is always around the corner. Unlike some Co-op PvE games out there, you actually have to play tactical and watch your HP (using “shoot and cover”) to complete the heists on the higher difficulties (and for beginners even on the lower ones). Failing to do so will get you punished (although you can get away with it to some extend when playing with a VERY good team) and in all likeliness gets your character killed.

Real player with 5340.9 hrs in game

PAYDAY™ The Heist on Steam

Rogue Heist

Rogue Heist

Hey! This is Mike you may have seen me streamed Rogue Heist on the Steam Page.

Well after streaming it for three days i figure’d i’d leave a review with my honest opinion of the game. This is a fair review. I well be explaining the Heist Mode which is the main advertised mode on Rogue Heist

Heist mode is a unique mode that hasn’t been introduced in the gaming genre yet, similar to Capture the flag but with a much more strategic stance on it, Having a sniper as your leader whom can use proper call out’s to alert your allies of incoming enemies this is a mode we’ve all been waiting for in the competitive scene something that just makes sense an executes correctly.

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Free to Play Games.

not even caping all these people hating they havent gave the game a chance yet like it is in early realise and you all leaving bad revewis about wait time isnt helping as bad revewis make it harder to find

anyway back to my review i love the game i think if you play in strech res is runs really well guns are balenced one thing i dont like is the snipers on the heist mode but other than that the devs have done a great job updating and fixing the game to try and bring the player base joy and the are all about the players if you would like to see there interaction just join the discord here if you wanna see and u understand all the people mad about ques and all games have this at the start without a good sponser this is there first game and they are trying guys please just give it your time and play

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Rogue Heist on Steam



Payday 2 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. If the idea of sneaking through a heist and cleaning the place out without anyone knowing you were there appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. If the idea of mercilessly slaughtering any guard or cop that stands between you and your payday, with anything from a comically large spoon to the unrelenting force of a minigun appeals to you, then you will likely enjoy this game. There are a great selection of heists, with often multiple methods to complete the various objectives. This game isn’t just a co-op game and can be just as fun playing solo. For how cheap this game is, I would definitely recommend trying it.

Real player with 990.1 hrs in game

New players may find the different “profiles” and “skill sets,” two different menus to mix-and-match, to be a tad confusing. Otherwise, it is simply a fun game that can get addictive. Game-play aspects can be simple enough to understand, aim and shoot cops while stealing money, while creating builds, and understanding the less-intuitive mechanics like “dodge,” help to also make the game complex. With the continued support by the developers, and funny vr heisters waving their arms everywhere, this game is worth getting.

Real player with 894.1 hrs in game

PAYDAY 2 on Steam

Killer in the cabin

Killer in the cabin

I truly thought it would just be another deceit game, but it’s more than that! We were calling it Among Us meets Rust, and it really is. The survival mechanic of the game, and the fact that individual players can die for not resting, or being too cold, or not eating…it adds a WHOLE NEW level to the game. Not only are you trying to figure out who the killer is, you’re trying to survive the elements. We intended to just try it out for a little while and ended up playing the whole night. I am VERY impressed, and even more excited to see where the game goes from here!

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

its good and all it needs more work but its a good game

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Killer in the cabin on Steam

Outside The Grid

Outside The Grid

high iq dari dari dari azerbaijani bass & smacking terminals with a rock/nightstick/wrench (the only three blunt objects to exist in this world) very fun

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Quite possibly the best game ever made, I was gifted this and have in turn gifted it to two others thereby passing on the knowledge and know-how of this must play game of the summer.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Outside The Grid on Steam

Wave Break

Wave Break

A fun and unique take on THPS style game.

  • Be warned that the game has a very steep learning curve, especially if you’ve never played a THPS game before. If you have, you should feel mostly at home, but the game does offer unique twists and differences in gameplay that you will need to get used to and master.

  • There is a lack of tutorial apart from the very basics, and there is a lot of vital information that the game doesn’t tell you apart from the occasional tip during the loading screens.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

TLDR: This game is a lot fun playing solo or splitscreen with friends, especially for fans of THPS looking for something new and different!

Let’s get one thing out of the way, this is not a 1-1 recreation of a THPS game, and it isn’t trying to be. The controls are familiar if you’ve played those games, but a bit looser (Byproduct of riding a boat rather than a skateboard) and there are some differences like initiating automatics (this game’s manuals) or reverts that while easy to get a hold of will require some conscious effort to not rely on muscle memory for at first if you’re a veteran of that series. However, outside of its clear influences, this game has a style all its own! The visuals are fun and colorful which are a nice contrast to the more muted color pallets of other games of this type. The characters are animated well and the written dialogue doesn’t take itself all that seriously adding some charm to it. If you are a fan of Synthwave music this soundtrack is heaven, pairing very well with the art direction making it very easy to get into a relaxed flow with the mix of chill and upbeat tracks. I’ve had fun with the campaign maps I’ve played so far and am looking forward to the rest. The single player will have you completing more traditional goals like high scores, collecting letters, landing specific tricks and even collecting secret tapes, but there are also a handful of “story missions” for each level that have you completing tasks that showcase some of the more unique gameplay features in this game like the slow motion shooting while you complete various Miami Vice influenced objectives based around running product and encountering undercover cops. From my brief experience with the park creator, I have high hopes for what the community adds to this game over time through Steam Workshop content as there appears to be a wide variety of options and I can see multiple people collaborating on a park in a session together being a lot of fun! Multiplayer has been a chaotic blast and having a deathmatch option adds some nice variety to the standard time attack and free skate modes. I would however like to see more game modes from both skating and shooter games added in the future for example graffiti, HORSE, capture the flag, king of the hill, etc. Overall I would say if you are on the fence about this game based on what you’ve seen so far, I can confidently say it is exactly what it advertises itself to be and the quality is there so please do yourself a favor and give it a shot!

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Wave Break on Steam

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator

I’m sorry, I really want to like this game, but if I gave it a thumbs-up, it would be for the concept and not the implementation and that’s not fair to people who are considering whether or not to purchase it.

To the dev(s): I like where you’re coming from and where you’re going with this. I hope you keep persevering and turn my opinion around. There’s an ENORMOUS amount of potential here. However, it’s plagued by issues (not just pre-release bugs) that make me question whether it has what it takes to pull off a successful release.

Real player with 270.4 hrs in game

I wanted to review FL sooner, but I also wanted to feel this game out first. I’m a simulation “expert” in that I’ve played almost every simulator game that has come out. There were some I purposely ignored for looking terrible, however. The emergency simulation genre has been struggling for a while. You have sh*tty developers and publishers pushing out games that make you want to burn the game itself so no one else ever has to experience it. Speaking of burn, I’ve been burned by these devs and publishers a lot - specifically Excalibur. They are notorious for backing garbage games. I used to be a moderator for Enforcer and had high hopes for it. Boyyyyyyyy was everyone, myself included, mislead.

Real player with 140.9 hrs in game

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator on Steam



So this game is tons of fun, I gotta say, it’s fantastic to play with a group of friends because, as always, Uno is great fun. The card packs and new rulesets are also fantastic and really change up the pace of the game and make it even more fun, beyond what normal Uno can provide.

That’s about all it’s got going for it though. The coding of the game itself and the networking are absolutely atrocious. For absolutely no reason, people will drop from games, be incapable of fully loading into games, crash on startup, etc. etc.. Many core features (like calling out Uno) are broken to a degree that makes a potential win into a complete loss. Needless to say, the entire game is pretty much broken somewhere somehow despite the fact that it’s literally just Uno. I have no idea how you screw up Uno this badly, but these developers apparently made that a reality. If it was just one or two of these bugs in isolation, I could put up with it, but the quality of this game makes me feel like unpaid interns created it and that it’s literally just a project for Ubisoft interns to work on that generates them some cash on the side. There’s no care at all for quality put into it, which I mean sure, it can’t be that popular of a game and isn’t a flagship, but it still flagrantly displays it’s made by Ubisoft and is grossly broken. Not that I expect anything else out of Ubisoft, but for god’s sake, it’s just a damn card game, how do you make it so that just to play an online card game it can take 20 minutes of restarting games just to get it to work, only to then have people just disconnect at the start or mid-game for no reason despite them having no connection issues at all on their end?

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4,

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

UNO on Steam