The Swindle

The Swindle

Unfortunately, despite the absolutely wonderful art, music, style and overall concept, just as many people have reported, loose controls literally spoil an otherwise wonderful game.

As a gamer who loves stealth and loves difficult, but fair games, this one is nothing but frustrating.

It is not a matter of artificial difficulty, the levels, mechanics, enemies, and hazards are all generally fair and reasonable in and of themselves. I have no problem with, and even enjoy a game where you will fail a lot as you learn, knowing it is your fault you failed, or even knowing that the game is designed to make you fail if you don’t do things right…

Real player with 90.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime RPG Games.

This is honestly an amazing game with enough style and design choices to give you an experience you can’t quite get anywhere else, however it has a few very big caveats. Starting with the good, the scope is perfect, I didn’t feel like it dragged on or that I needed more out of it, and the pacing is very good. Finale acts as a good test of pretty much everything you’ve learned through your various successes and deaths. I’m more a fan of roguelikes than roguelites, but this game strikes such a cool balance between the two; I wasn’t sure how much of a gimmick the 100 day mechanic would be but it honestly does an amazing job at getting the best of both worlds. The upgrades are all significant enough for you to care about. I normally dislike tweened animation but this game’s style fits it very nicely, visually the game is quite charming. The soundtrack is also really good, I wouldn’t listen to it outside the game but it gets me way more invested while playing, especially the theme when you’re caught. Honestly, there’s not too many exceptionally notable things I could say, but most aspects of the game in general are very solid, it’s quite a fun, charming, and worthwhile experience. As a very loose comparison to give a sense of how the game is, imagine a cross between Mark of the Ninja’s stealth, and Spelunky’s game feel and world gen type.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

The Swindle on Steam



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In Steamhounds, you will take control of a team of steampunk mercenaries, doing the dirty work of the shady factions who vie for control of a once-great industrial city.Assemble a crew and build up their strength by deploying them on missions to infiltrate, steal, and eliminate their targets. Challenge your friends in competitive team-vs-team battles, or attempt to climb the online leaderboards in ranked matches.

  • A mash-up of traditional JRPG and tactical / grid-based combat

  • With an innovative Stance system, you don’t stand idle between turns - set up powerful combos and chain-reactions, and attempt to dismantle those of your opponent

  • Adopt a formation before you fight, and adapt to the changing tides of battle

  • Live, competitive online play. Fight for your faction, or for personal glory

  • Build up your mercenary crew, take on missions, and uncover dark truths about the city and its inhabitants

  • Stylish pixel art characters in a 3D world

Read More: Best Crime RPG Games.

Steamhounds on Steam

Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze

Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze

A VN mystery solving game with four routes in the main game and 3 in the bonus. I liked the artwork mainly for its simplicity and minimal nature. This is easily a game to play when you want to play a quick game but don’t want to invest too much time in it.

My playthrough is longer since I had to take breaks in between my office work. The story is very simple and looking for clues amidst the conversation becomes easier on your second play through. However, by the time I was on route 3, it did start to become a little too repetitive - thankfully, they have the option to skip the dialogues until the next choice. Be warned though, you may potentially miss out on any different dialogues.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Replay Value Games.

This is a wonderfull visual detective novel suitable for younger gamers. The mysteries involve simple things from finding out who stole a cookie to who stole the Golden Sneeze from the museum.

Light hearted and funny mysteries that can be played through in a single evening.

I had a lot of fun playing this with my nephew and watching him solve the mysteries. Made babysitting the kid really enjoyable.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze on Steam

Bohemian Killing

Bohemian Killing

During my playthrough I think this game is quite promising and is unfair in dumbing the product down based on some rough edges. I reminisce on Depths of Fear :: Knossos and how a really good indie game got really, really harsh criticism just for trying to be different and proposing something new. The game had quite a few updates, but still needs polish IMHO.

This is just one of those games like Facade from 2005 or like The Path that proposes something very different and questions traditional approach to gameplay and mechanics. It offers a different theme to crime and detective stories inversing things making the trial at court the ultimate battle, not just a sidekick.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game


This game is amazing. I loved all of it. I would recommend this game at it’s price or on sale definitely as a must-get if you enjoy these styles of games. Even 100%ed the achievements so I could see every ending and know all the details. There are some issues with this game though that I have. Though the bugs I did run into were mostly minor even though they could easily be game breaking. I will keep information about very specific instances minimal due to spoilers.


Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Bohemian Killing on Steam

Old Town Stories

Old Town Stories

This is a realy good game i extermly recommend playing this but there are somethings i would suggest to be changed in the campaine i think it would be better if you got to know the end boss guy more because you dont realy know him also the tractor beam it a little glitchy bacause when you use it somethins the gun doesent go into your hand

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Great game!

even tho its kinda short, it´s a lot of fun and the mechanics are awesome.

I honestly have only one small problem with it, and that’s that the “tractor beam” sometimes doesn’t work right on the first try.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Old Town Stories on Steam