The Black Hole

The Black Hole

The Black Hole is a TPS with puzzle solving elements. You’ll play as a secret agent in the Black Hole Agency.

Defeat enemies with your gun and solve puzzles.

Collect mysterious items in the levels and survive a conspiracy.

Encounter various traps, enemies, and puzzles.

Let’s enter the world of secret agents!

Read More: Best Crime Linear Games.

The Black Hole on Steam



I wasn’t very hopeful for this game to be honest, but wow was I wrong! As long as you accept the simple premise of scooting around in circles picking up money and all the while evading (quite challenging) cops in cars and vans, then you will DEFINATELY need this game. It’s insanely addictive!

Real player with 83.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Crime Racing Games.

Due to the “Profile Features Limited” tag this game’s Achievement are not currently showing on profiles.

While this is a Copy/Paste game from a Unity Template it’s still worth grabbing if its on sale or you have a spare quid and want a relaxing game where you just try to evade the cops for as long as possible.

Rating: ːrarestoneːːrarestoneːːrarestoneːːstoneheartːːstoneheartː

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game